poison-ninja-star · 2 days
Tis a late post, I am aware, but I hath been working tirelessly to put together mine wares and I can say with absolute certainty that my June sale shall begin proper on the morrow! Thou can findeth me in Porto Miranda market in the morning hours no later than 9 am on weekends, whilst on weekdays I shall be much later due to my duties as a Star boss so...on average, mayhaps around 1 to 3 pm?
I shall have accessories, clothing, and flags for thee to purchase, with more still in preparation if thou doth not find something that sparks thyne interest! Thou can even request something more customized if thou pleases!
I hope to be seeing thee on the morrow!
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poison-ninja-star · 9 days
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Good morrow, friends! I thought thou would be interested in some of the designs I hath been preparing for my upcoming June sale!
This one I am rather proud of, if I may be so bold! All I must do now is decide how I will use it!
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poison-ninja-star · 12 days
Hm, if thou is certain...I shall not breathe a word of it to anyone without thyne vivid approval!
Though if it is any small assurance, I do not thinketh "Pen-Pen" sounds at all cringe. If anyone were to giveth you grief for it, the scoundrel shall have to answer to me!
When I first came out to my old man, he asked if that meant I was transpender.
…It’s been a few years, but I’m still pissed off by how bad that pun is… it doesn’t even mean anything!!!
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poison-ninja-star · 14 days
💚- Is there any Pokémon you feel specially connected to when it comes to your sexuality/identity??
Hm...I feel rather drawn to Muk, if I am honest.
A pokemon that can take any shape it desires, change its brilliant colors on a whim if it so desires, having such freedom to decide how to present oneself regardless of the perceptions others may have...
Thou understands mine vision, yes?
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poison-ninja-star · 14 days
Cringe? They soundeth rather endearing to me! Pennvee is rather fitting if one considers thyne love for veevees, Lady Penny! Tis also rather clever wordplay, haha!
He sounds like a rather pleasant fellow, if I may be so bold!
When I first came out to my old man, he asked if that meant I was transpender.
…It’s been a few years, but I’m still pissed off by how bad that pun is… it doesn’t even mean anything!!!
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poison-ninja-star · 14 days
What an amusing use of wordplay! I think I rather enjoy these puns! Thou never told me thyne father had such a sense of good humor!
When I first came out to my old man, he asked if that meant I was transpender.
…It’s been a few years, but I’m still pissed off by how bad that pun is… it doesn’t even mean anything!!!
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poison-ninja-star · 14 days
Hm...now that I think of it...I should definitely ask all of thee this rather vital question! Do thou have any pride colors or flags thy wish to see on accessories or outfits? I already have some ideas, of course, but I hath found some identities are unfortunately under-represented and haveth very few options to express themselves!
If thou thinketh of anything, please do inform me! Many thanks in advance, friends!
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poison-ninja-star · 14 days
💙 - Any plans for pride??
Of course! I always maketh plans for pride!
This year, now that I have the ability to sell my wares at the lovely Porto Marinada market, I shall be offering new accessories an attire thou can purchase for pride events! Tis the first time I have done a pride sale, so I hope it goes over well and I hath something for everyone who takes interest!
Tis early into the month so there hath been very few event announcements as of yet, but once more are confirmed I shall hopefully attend a few!
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poison-ninja-star · 14 days
💛- Who is/was your number one supporter in your journey of self-discovery??
Thou may findeth this an odd response, but I owe quite a great deal to my dearest Juliet.
She hath been by my side since the very beginning, longer than most all of my other companions, and I felt secure confiding in her even if she was unable to respond in a way I could clearly understand. She showed her support in action, not spoken word, and it carried me through many times of despair and confusion.
Though of course, now I haveth my dear companions of Team Star as well! It helps greatly to have friends thou can be one's truest self around!
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poison-ninja-star · 14 days
❤️- What is your sexuality/identity??
Ah, tis a...more complicated answer than thou might think.
I hath never been too sure, but I believe I may be...pan? I think? Tis what I hath settled on as of now...
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poison-ninja-star · 14 days
❤️- What is your sexuality/identity??
🧡- How did you find out that you were LGBTQ+??
💛- Who is/was your number one supporter in your journey of self-discovery??
💚- Is there any Pokémon you feel specially connected to when it comes to your sexuality/identity??
💙- Any plans for pride??
💜- What are some stereotypes of your sexuality/identity that you could fit into??
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poison-ninja-star · 23 days
Of course, I would giveth them far easier lessons than the level I am at! I do not wish to discourage them or allow them to come to harm!
I hath just...never been asked to do such a thing before. Yes, Director Clavell requested we use our bases to aid fellow academy students in the art of pokemon battles, but this is a far different beast! I am unsure if I would be...good at it, I suppose.
Well, I hath found mineself in a rather...strange predicament. Youssef, a trusted companion of mine, hath informed me that other younger academy students around his age have...taken a keen interest in me? Apparently, word has spread of my training in Tagtree Thicket, and they wish to "get in on it"?
Would...that even be possible? Would the academy permit me to take apprentices under my wing? Should I even consider this to begin with? If any of them should come to harm I would feel most dreadful...but I would feel just as horrid if I disappointed them so!
Augh, why must this be so difficult to decide?
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poison-ninja-star · 24 days
Well, I hath found mineself in a rather...strange predicament. Youssef, a trusted companion of mine, hath informed me that other younger academy students around his age have...taken a keen interest in me? Apparently, word has spread of my training in Tagtree Thicket, and they wish to "get in on it"?
Would...that even be possible? Would the academy permit me to take apprentices under my wing? Should I even consider this to begin with? If any of them should come to harm I would feel most dreadful...but I would feel just as horrid if I disappointed them so!
Augh, why must this be so difficult to decide?
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poison-ninja-star · 29 days
Purple Mountains Majesty: How does someone earn your respect?
I respect those who value honor, those who do what is right and do not stand idly by at the sight of injustice!
I hath seen far too many turn a blinded eye at the sight of suffering, if they themselves are not the cause. If thou can breaketh this sinister cycle and stand for what is right, then thou shall gain my whole hearted respect!
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poison-ninja-star · 29 days
Petal Pink: Describe your fashion sense as well as what you’re wearing right now.
I suppose one may consider my sense of fashion rather colorful and elaborate. I simply cannot stand the sudden trend of new attires and uniforms being so...so...lifeless! It seems like such a miserable state to live void color, with hardly a single pattern in sight...but tis a ramble for another day.
As for my current attire? Thou can see it for thyneself on mine trainer card! I still wear my Team Star uniform, much like the other bosses, whilst allowing academy students to train in the Navi base! I suppose it hath become akin to a work uniform, haha!
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poison-ninja-star · 29 days
Rose Dust: Describe your aesthetic in five words or less.
Hm...I suppose one may call it: "Colorful, extravagant, without sacrificing functionality,"
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poison-ninja-star · 1 month
Tis no need to apologize! Offering aid to my friends is never a bothersome endeavor!
Do not hesitate to ask for further assistance if need be! I shall do my best to offer it, Lady Kimia!
Man, does it have to be so weird for a high schooler to have a crush?? Why do so many people have to tease me about it??? I hate it...
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