poisonedship-blog · 11 years
I posted the link to that McKono fic on my blog. I tagged you too:)
Thank you very very much!
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poisonedship-blog · 11 years
C'mon guys! I know someone here has seen Iron Man 3?
Am I right? I'm desperate for spoilers! I cannot wait another week :(
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poisonedship-blog · 11 years
Has anyone seen Iron Man 3 yet?
I know its out in New Zealand now so has anyone seen it that could give me spoilers? Please and thank you!
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poisonedship-blog · 11 years
Well i just needed to get this out somewhere. I saw the cbs press release for the finale of h50 and i'm finally glad that kono is getting a storyline. (fina-fucking-ly) and I have to say if Steve/danny don't pay attention to her at all like they did when she was undercover (not even a small 'hows kono doing chin?'' I will be really annoyed. This season has really been very off putting to me. I feel like we are seeing less and less of Chin and Kono and too much of Cath. (cont in next ask)
(cont) I understand that since Cath is now a regular (pretty pointless tbh i liked her more when she was there only in an ep or two) we have to give her more time, but that doesnt need to sacrifice time of Chin and Kono. This is already the case in S2 with Lori. For being regulars for 3 seasons, we jhardly know enough of Chin and Kono. We know as much about them as we do with Cath (and shes been here for a season only) Also I think Plenkov favours Michelle borth over Grace (via twitter)
                                    I agree with you wholeheartedly! Everything you said is what I was and have been thinking. I'm glad Kono is getting a storyline in the finale AND that Catherine won't be in the finale because I saw on her twitter that she filmed her finale scenes of the season on Friday (3.23). So AMEN and HALLELUJAH to that huh? :D
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poisonedship-blog · 11 years
Rewatching 'Kahu' and I realised
... that there was not enough Chin and barely any Kono for an ep that had someone from their family in it. For once, we get a storyline about them in this 'Steve and Catherine and Danny show' and its over in 2 minutes. Kono's not even involved! What a waste. Not to mention how a certain Navy Lieutenant managed to lose control of a 13 year old kid twice. And the ending was the most pathetic and cheesiest ending ever. Sometimes I don't believe the writers remember what their own characters are like. Steve, and even s1 Catherine, would never do something like that. 
On the plus side, Kamekona was as hilarious as always, as was Max and the storyline with the kid was brilliant. Not s1 or s2 Xmas ep brilliant, but it was good enough.
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poisonedship-blog · 11 years
Could you be more respectful towards Catherine? Other people actually like her character completely.
That's great! They are entitled to like her and express how they do so. On the flip side, those who don't have the same privileges.
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poisonedship-blog · 11 years
Rewatching Wahine'inolia and I've realised that
...this episode is pretty awesome when you forward through all the Catherine scenes!
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poisonedship-blog · 11 years
I see the hate coming your way but you're getting a 'follow' from me :-)
Thanks! I just express my opinion the same way as the people who'll hate will. Whatever :D
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poisonedship-blog · 11 years
Are you kidding? I'm sorry, was the two seconds Catherine was in the most recent episode too much focus on her? She's is a regular on the show and she's not even in all the episodes, let alone the focus. If you think it's the Steve/Catherine show, then damn, I wished i watched the show like you do because I don't see nearly enough of them.
I'm sorry, was the recent promo filled with ONLY Steve and Catherine not enough for you? Its like they've forgotten that there are 4 other main characters on the show, 3 of whom have been there since the first ep. We're getting more background and info on Catherine than we have had on Chin and Kono. We have more on Max than we have on them two. 
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poisonedship-blog · 11 years
Remember when this show was about the Five-0 team and not the 'Steve and Catherine' show...?
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poisonedship-blog · 11 years
I'm taking what you said in consideration and I would like to add my own opinion on this episode. The reason why Steve forgiving Catherine was so unbelievable and wrong was that right at the beginning at that episode, he told Doris that he had trust issues. These issues mainly stem from her. Then he finds out that not only is she keeping secrets from him, which I believe he could handle because he suspects her of hiding things from him, but that Catherine is too. She broke his trust when he finds it very hard to trust anyone in the first place. Now, for him to forgive her there and then seemed too rushed and forced, and honestly, pathetic and hypocritical. That's not saying anything about the characters but the writers. If they had given it a few episodes, shown them apart and maybe talked about it, then it could have been a bit more believable.
That's just my two cents.
I’ve watched this episode four times now. I still don’t see why people think it’s bad that Steve seems forgiving of Catherine at the end. If you think about it, relationships are complex. And I doubt that he’s going to throw away his love for her just because she lied and covered something up from...
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poisonedship-blog · 12 years
Yeah not looking forward to the pre-Pilot ep now either. May have to be yet another ep I skip, or at least FF a lot of. The show's just lost its magic. But gotta say, I love you being vocal about Cath and how her presence has changed the show, cause sometimes it feels like fans aren't allowed to use her as a reason cause its "wrong" and we're "hating on her". Any chance you'll write McKono fix or has the show killed your muse? :(
Thanks Anon! I don't like how people feel/think we're not allowed to express our opinion about a show and its characters. I'm not saying anything about the actors themselves. Not everyone can like everything. I'm trying to get back into writing McKono but I feel like that muse has run away to Hawaii itself without me.
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poisonedship-blog · 12 years
Oh fuck me. REALLY not looking forward to this episode anymore. What a great way of DESTROYING a potentially great episode - shove Catherine right into the middle of it. And NK again? Where are the rest of the team? Didn't Steve learn last time that taking them along might just save his ass instead of his 'girlfriend'...
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When McGarrett (Alex O’™Loughlin) and Catherine (Michelle Borth) cross into North Korea to retrieve the remains of his fallen friend, he recounts his last deadly mission there, on HAWAII FIVE-0, Monday, April 15th (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (x)
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poisonedship-blog · 12 years
I would rather have McDanno become canon next season than have Catherine there again. And I'm not a McDanno shipper in any way whatsoever.
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poisonedship-blog · 12 years
Are we done with the Catherine and Catherine/Steve episodes? I'm so over her/them. I've been over it since before the season began. She was bearable before but I never want to see her again now. And OMFG, Steve has trust issues and then takes back the girl who lied to his face about his mom? So realistic...
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poisonedship-blog · 12 years
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Peter Lenkov just retweeted me!! Hell yeah! 
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poisonedship-blog · 12 years
Me too!
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