poisonerthing · 28 days
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it's pretty interesting mikoto and fuuta both have the same skull appear in their second trial MVs!
i know in fuuta's case it's supposed to symbolise rumerie's involvement with killcheroy's death, so i'm wondering what it means for mikoto (if it means anything at all)
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poisonerthing · 1 month
Parallels between Fuuta and Muu's stories (ft. Rei)
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Even though Es is saying the above to Muu, isn't it interesting how this seems to pertain to both of them?
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Quick key because I say these words a lot in this post: Bring It On -> BIO It's Not My Fault -> INMF Fuuta and Muu have a fundamentally similar story about bullying, participating in it, and experiencing it as a result of that instigation. These stories are told in a way that parallel each other, and where one has blanks, the other does not.
In trial 1, they are both unwilling to confront their role within their crime as a defense mechanism against a fear of punishment. This changes for Fuuta and not Muu because of his verdict forcing him to face it. Essentially, their ideas can be summarized:
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Muu's story is told in such a way that she completely omits that she *had* bullied anyone to begin with, while Fuuta's makes it obvious from the get go. Even in INMF, it's unclear what she actually did.
Despite the straightforwardness of BIO, Fuuta's flaw is him not taking full responsibility and shifting blame for Killcheroy's death, while Muu shows us her killing Rei clear as day
Fuuta seems to know what he's doing, but justifies it with groupthink and halfhearted ideas of justice. In a way, Muu shares this idea: "if it's against a bad person, it can be justified".
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This belief only works as long as they're not in the position of the "other": they have to uphold that they are good, and the enemy is bad. Their current fates are a cautionary tale on what happens if the very same idea is applied to them.
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Muu insinuates that to call something bullying, it has to be physical in nature, something she didn't do. (Although that stands to question Rei's state at the end of INMF...)
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Muu may not have *personally* soaked Rei and Fuuta may not have *personally* harassed his victim beyond the doxx, but they are still instigators that participated in and enabled this behavior for others
Both seem to downplay or otherwise not understand the severity of their actions because of the lack of direct/physical involvement
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They both place themselves as leaders within their friend group (probably more true for Muu)
The way their bullying is depicted is quite detached from reality for the most part (Fuuta's RPG crusade, Muu as a bee creature)
Their denial in their respective areas show up in different ways in BIO and INMF -- Killcheroy appears as her online avatar rather than a human, Muu's group appears as inhuman bug creatures made of porcelain
BIO and INMF have the two take on aggressor roles in their music videos, but there are still glimpses of uncertainty in their otherwise pretty striking messages
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In terms of how they carry themselves, their roles reverse after the first trial.
Fuuta starts out in trial 1 with an aggressive attitude to deflect blame -> unforgiven verdict. He is punished, and subsequently portrayed as pitiful and weak, seeking to be saved. In early timeline conversations he was often rude and obnoxious, but in the 2024 ones he clumsily shows concern for the other prisoners and seems quite docile after "[finding] something to rely on".
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Muu starts out pitiful and punished -> innocent verdict. Muu is freed from punishment, and she shifts to a smug attitude. Her later timeline conversations with the other prisoners are quite jarring because of how out of touch she seems from them.
If we see an uglier side of Fuuta in t3 and it leads to an unforgiven verdict, it'll be full circle. I could see the debate on whether he *really* feels bad or is just acting on self preservation playing into it (which I've seen a great post about if you're interested in that) The same could go for Muu's story becoming sympathetic again because we've already seen something that could lead to such a high unforgiven ratio, but who knows.
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Some more shared impressions between t1 Muu and t2 Fuuta:
Approval seeking
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Suicidal thoughts
(Even though the After Pain lyric is vague, the rest of the MV is pretty bleak to back it up)
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Now, on Fuuta's parallels with Rei.
While we don't know a lot about her outside of the portrayal Muu gives her, there are still things we can gather.
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Both are outsiders. In Rei's case, she seemed to have not been in Muu's friend group to begin with, while Fuuta was eventually cast out of his.
We don't actually know if she's a friendly person or not, but it seems that she is straightforward and not the kind of person to keep up appearances.
In Muu's portrayal of Rei, she seems to be looking down on her group, casting judgement on a basis that seems to appear moral (given her look of disgust juxtaposed with Muu's group bullying a girl). Their fate is a direct "consequence" of their judgements, with Rei being killed and Fuuta having killed another.
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They are both drawn with sharp eyes and thick, triangle-shaped eyebrows, the latter trait being not shared by anyone else in the cast.
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All in all, I'm really looking forward to seeing what the last piece of their stories will be in trial 3. For Fuuta I'd really like to know about Rumerie's place here, and for Muu what exactly happened between her, her friends, and Rei.
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poisonerthing · 2 months
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poisonerthing · 2 months
Actually, I'm curious Do you guys have any criticisms when it comes to Milgram? Specifically from a writing/storytelling/character perspective, but it can also be about anything.
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poisonerthing · 2 months
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havent seen this pointed out before. but this, too, is rumerie
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poisonerthing · 2 months
Lets talk about this awesome commissioned art of Fuuta because I haven’t seen it discussed yet!
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One thing I love is how the swords are stuck into the ground in a way that plays into the trope of weapon tombstones on a battlefield. The trope is basically when a comrade dies on the battlefield and are buried with their weapon acting as a tombstone. In this Fuuta piece, the swords also resemble crosses in a way!
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Going even further, it also plays into the trope of a “field of blades.” The symbolic idea that is created from this kind of trope/image is an unending war/struggle and it also acts as a graveyard.
Of course, these tropes fit wonderfully with Fuuta and his knight symbolism, but it also further plays into Fuuta’s themes of comparing participation in the kind of hostile communities Fuuta was in on twitter to a battlefield.
Another important detail is the fact that the swords are Fuuta’s prisoner colour: Scarlet. Now, bear with me here, scarlet is particularly significant due to its common association with Christianity because it is the colour of Christ’s blood. (Thank you to muu_kusunoki on twt for bringing this up!) I’ll only get into it briefly because I am definitely not qualified to talk about this, but Fuuta’s got a TON of religious symbolism, mostly Christian. His t2 VD is named “Baptism by fire,” and fire itself is associated with punishment and judging sin in the Bible. Scarlet, Christ’s blood, is known to offer forgiveness, and therefore purifies sin. The fact that Fuuta’s sword is this colour is an interesting detail!
Another thing is that Fuuta seems to be referencing Lady Justice here, a metaphorical personification of the morality of the Justice system, as she also wields a sword and a scale. However a crucial identifying feature about Lady Justice is her blindfold, which represents impartiality and the idea of “Justice is blind.” But Fuuta isn’t wearing one here.
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Additionally, typically, the scale Lady Justice wields is meant to be balanced which represents considering all sides to the story. But in this Fuuta piece, it’s unbalanced. At the end of the day, upholding morality was never Fuuta’s main objective. But it’s also important to note that Fuuta isn’t the one holding the scale either.
I’m ending things a little unceremoniously here but I’m not sure how to talk about the thing below Fuuta’s feet. I assume it represents the “sinners” fuuta has punished in a way but I’m not sure how exactly? Is it a training dummy? Or rag doll? With bandages? Representing how he didn’t see them as humans at first? I would love to hear more thoughts if anyone has any!
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poisonerthing · 2 months
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probably not intentional but the other fuuta's coat is so fuckijg black that he looks completely blackened out. funny
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poisonerthing · 2 months
i dont think its touchi tbh... I first thought that as well but then i checked the samples and he uses ボク instead of 私. I also think its either second novel jacka or this dude
what if the guy at the end was either the novel jackalopes (jacka, since he's male, mid twenties) (no way it could be jackie since she's female) or this dude in the novel,, i need to reread the manga rq with jp to see if that dude uses watashi
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or maybe it could be torch(touchi)?? since his voice is more flat and calm,,
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poisonerthing · 2 months
well this is what i want to believe as well, they clearly do have some va's for background characters (mostly can be heard in fuuta's and kazui's) so they could probably get a va for the "mystery character" as well without mentioning it in the credits (just like the others)
Was thinking maybe the reason this wrap up is so late is because they were getting a new va for this mystery character? It’s hard to tell wether it’s jackalopes voice or not but it’s interesting to think about
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poisonerthing · 4 months
i got so bored studying have this
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alt ver below the cut
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poisonerthing · 4 months
ouhh i havent posted here in a while............
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poisonerthing · 6 months
i actually wonder why they split up the prisoners by their genders in the 4th anniv art and not 01-04-05-08-09/02-03-06-07-10 as usual
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poisonerthing · 6 months
actually i had an idea on the 03&04 grouping thing. which is envy
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(they both have green eyes btw..ifyou even care)
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poisonerthing · 6 months
Interrogation Questions Translated by @/Milgram_en on twitter!
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T2Q2: Have you heard of the ‘Justice Alliance’?
A: What. I don’t know what that is but it’s probably useless if they need to band together to achieve justice
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poisonerthing · 6 months
imagine if es was a robot… that would go crazy
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anwyay if i ever actually had th motivation to make an ocgram id really wanna turn es into a robot. i think it would be cool as fuck. (also my first time drawing a robot LOL)
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poisonerthing · 6 months
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poisonerthing · 6 months
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i think these specific shots are really interesting
fuuta in rumerie's color (probably representing rumerie) marked with 悪 (evil/bad) in fuuta's color
発見 (found) marked on fuuta with the-guy-who-called-out-fuuta's account color . ...
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