pokedex-holder-pink · 2 years
[PREVIEW] Undercover in Love Chapter 13
I'm alive, you guys. And I love you.
Whi-Two sits across Colonel Rikhard, a confused look on her face as she slowly looks up from the document in front of her.
“I… Don’t understand.”
The blonde colonel smiles good-naturedly, peering at the slightly dumbfounded girl through his round, thin-rimmed glasses.
“Well, I'm not sure what more is there to explain that’s not covered by the document, dear, but I will be more than happy to try.” 
He then leans forward and taps his pen on the document, the butt of his pen hitting on the bold letters that seemed to jump out of the pages and dance around the table, not letting Whi-Two comprehend.
“This is the document that makes your acceptance as an inspector of the UPD, Aspertia Division, official!” Colonel Rikhard cheers. He tries to gauge if there was any form of understanding to be surmised from the girl’s eyes. But as they were before, her eyes were still dumbfounded.
Horror-stricken, even. The colonel chooses to ignore it in hope that he may have just imagined it.
“Of course, the logistical concerns like your uniform and your new office are still in the works, and they usually take a while, especially for sudden promotions such as this, but... The paperwork is already here!”
His kind smile grows into a beam. 
“Congratulations, Officer Rosa Bilden, for being the youngest officer to be granted inspector rank in the entire history of the Aspertia Division.”
Rikhard looks at Whi-Two expectantly, even reaching out his hand slightly to see if she has shaken her shock away, But Whi-Two does not move, and performs a short back-and-forth of her gaze from the document to the already-celebrating colonel, and then back.
Then she lets out a nervous giggle.
“S-Sir, this is an honor, but... It's all happening so fast.” Her smile fades too quickly. 
“I just got back here.”
Rikhard returns to his initial demeanor, but his good-natured smile remains intact as he lowers himself back to his chair.
“Well, yes, I do admit, there was something... atypical with the speed of the processing, but I guess that's only expected when a proposal has the endorsement of a well-respected name in the UPD.”
The girl’s eyes immediately darted forward at the realization. Rikhard does not notice.
“You know, I spoke with Inspector Lack-Two over the phone--charming young man, that he is--and he gave such wonderful reviews of your performance back at Main that it was almost impossible for the higher-ups to deny our claims to have you jump all the way to level-3 inspector. Isn’t that great?” Colonel Rikhard then sighs.
“It's just too bad things are the way they are right now. Otherwise…” The old man whistles as he looks up wistfully. 
“To be a high-ranking officer in Main... Officer Harold Biden would have been so proud of his little girl.”
Whi-Two feels her heart break a little at the mention of her father’s name. In all the chaos brought about by the past few months, she hadn’t found herself a spare minute to think about him up until now.
With all that she’s caused, what would he have made of her? Would he really have been proud?
The young officer notices that her colonel was still watching her expectantly.
She smiles ruefully at him before looking down again.
“That's incredibly nice of you, Sir, but... I'm afraid I can't share in that pride.”
Rikhard’s smile completely fades as understanding dawns on him.
Perhaps he did have to acknowledge the massive elephant in the room.
“Look, my dear. I don't know exactly what went on back in Main, and I am not the one to pry for information I am clearly in no position to know. But I am a good enough detective to know that there is more to it than what knowledge is readily available for us, and something tells me there's a lot you can say to confirm or deny that.”
He reaches forward and lands a reassuring hand on the girl’s shoulder. 
“But, frankly, my dear, none of that matters here. What matters for me, along with the colleagues you have grown with here, is that you came home a hero.”
Whi-Two feels a lump in her throat, making a small whimper escape her defenses. 
The word made her feel sick.
Rikhard immediately stands up and goes to her, panicking at the sight of tears.
“Oh, but you really are, dear!” he claims, landing both his hands on her chair’s backrest. 
“You made such remarkable progress in the short time you were there! I couldn't be prouder. You really are our reliable rookie.”
Whi-Two takes a long, deep breath to stop herself from further losing herself. Then, with a sad smile through her already fallen tears, she looks up at him.
“With all due respect, Colonel, I am no hero. Let alone reliable. I don't deserve any of these phrases, nor do I deserve to be in a position where I lead others into a path I myself am not sure I can still see from where I stand.”
Rikhard’s smile completely fades.
“I took this job years ago because I believed in what the UPD could do for its country. My father believed in what UPD can do for its country. I wanted to be part of that effort that pulls us all from this miserable state we are in, but somehow, I made it worse.”
She feels a choke escape her, and once again, she fights it away with a sigh.
A technique she’s begun to master due to unfortunate need.
“You know, Colonel, I never got to tell you: On my way here in the subway, I chanced upon two young troopers in their uniform sitting quietly in a corner, and I could sense the tension their uniforms cause the other civilians.” 
She coughs a bit, lowering her gaze from her now worried colonel, and focuses it at the empty chair across the table from her. 
“The UPD should be a symbol of safety. Of assurance. Telling the world that as long as we're here, nothing bad can ever happen to anyone. After all, we made a vow to serve and protect--words we recite to ourselves every Monday morning. Heck, words I recite to myself every morning.” 
Tears begin to flow down her cheeks as she struggles to keep the small smile in her trembling lips.
"But today, what I saw in those civilians was fear. Dissent. Doubt. Rage. And I can't for the life of me stand here and be praised knowing full well I was a huge cause of everything that has happened that brought us to where we are.”
“Rosa, my dear…”
Rikhard attempts to reach out to her, but is stopped when Whi-Two immediately rises from her seat.
The sound of her chair screeching as it was pushed back filled the silent office for a brief moment, and was immediately replaced by the soft noises Whi-Two produces as she fishes through her purse.
To the old man’s chagrin, the young officer pulls out her badge.
“As a matter of fact, sir, I am not here to accept a new position in Aspertia. I'm actually here to return this.”
She gently puts the badge down on the table, her whole body still faced forward, her eyes refusing to meet the colonel’s pained look.
Whi-Two just focused her gaze forward. To the empty seat across the table from her.
She stared at it so intently that it was almost as if she was trying to draw in a figure.
A familiar figure.
Whi-Two could already picture his dark brown eyes looking at her in the piercing way that they did, everything else about him stiff and frozen save for his quite unruly set of brown hair, gently swaying along with him as he breathed.
She could only smile at the thought.
“It has been an honor and a pleasure working with the UPD, Sir,” she mouths gently, feeling a new set of warm tears rolling down her cheeks. 
“Thank you for everything.”
Rikhard takes a deep breath as she follows her gaze for a bit. Then he looks down in defeat.
“...I understand, dear,” he whispers, walking back to his place at his desk. He sits on the empty seat Whi-Two was focusing on, effectively waking her from her slight trance.
She feels her knees slightly buckle, making her fall softly back to her seat.
“It is a shame though. Really, it is. You don't just come across such fine police officers with your passion and skills. You will be dearly missed, Rosa.”
Then his face becomes serious.
“If you don't mind me asking…”
Whi-Two looks up at him.
“What will you be doing now?”
The question throws her a bit off. For the past few weeks or so, she had been doing a good job of dodging the question, and up until now, she was lucky enough to not have anyone--from her colleagues, her very few friends who actually know what’s going on, to even her own family--ask her about the thing she so dreads to think about.
What will she do from now?
Living your entire life following a carefully crafted plan does not really prepare you for questions like this, she realizes. 
She looks up again, and finds Colonel Rikhard still watching her expectantly, and with apparent worry.
Afraid to cause even more distress to her superiors, she churns out the first thing her head was able to give her.
“... I'd actually want to go home now, Sir.”
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pokedex-holder-pink · 4 years
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pokedex-holder-pink · 4 years
it's 2022. donald trump has died in disgrace days after being impeached and jailed. my chemical romance's new album is coming out the same day as the new spiderverse movie. the lizzo and janelle monaé collab song is blowing up the radio. lil nas x has a verse in it. you and your partner have time and energy for dates after work after jeff bezos' assets have been seized and distributed to the public in the wake of his arrest for keeping employees in unsafe working conditions.
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pokedex-holder-pink · 4 years
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pokedex-holder-pink · 4 years
ok universe, i’m ready to feel good things. make me feel good things.
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pokedex-holder-pink · 4 years
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Floating practice
still working on control
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pokedex-holder-pink · 4 years
if you would be so kind as to reblog this if you feel insecure about your writing skills.
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pokedex-holder-pink · 4 years
Miraculous Ladybug + Spe AU with Lack and Fai as Cat Noir and Ladybug, but Lack is also Y's long-lost half-brother because of Miraculous drama. Shenanigans ensue.
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pokedex-holder-pink · 4 years
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so I found a cute prompt for OTP, and they are the first thing that come on my mind xD
It’s kinda hard to draw Green since its been quite a long time didnt draw him. always like that when not drawing him much or often, because need to get used drawing him (and dat spikey hair)
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pokedex-holder-pink · 4 years
Sapphire: You don't think I can fight because I'm a girl!
Emerald: No, I don't think you can fight wearing a dress. For what it's worth, I don't think Ruby can fight wearing a dress.
Ruby: Perhaps not, but I would look absolutely RADIANT.
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pokedex-holder-pink · 4 years
Green(M): I just want to hear those three magic words
Blue: I love you.
Green: That's sweet, but try again.
Blue: Fine. I will behave.
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pokedex-holder-pink · 4 years
Green (M): I need to get something off my chest
Blue: Is it your shirt? Please say yes
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pokedex-holder-pink · 4 years
Red: So I was told you were into bad boys
Blue: Am I?
Red: Well, if you are, look no further, because I'm bad at everything
Red: *Winks with both eyes*
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pokedex-holder-pink · 4 years
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pokedex-holder-pink · 4 years
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One of the assistants (Ashi-san) drew the Brycen-Man movie poster in the epilogue, and Yamamoto apparently explicitly ordered for it to based off of Miraculous Ladybug. Meanwhile, Bunhead posing with the trains is a reference to King Kong.
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pokedex-holder-pink · 4 years
Okay, but I really need to know
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Is this or is this not Lack-Two disguised as Colress??? If it is, can anyone point to me which part in the last chapter/s(?) it was hinted to?
It’s not even my idea tbh. Someone (hi @squirtleism​! Though I hope this is the same squirtleism in FF ;A;) mentioned it to me in a review, and ever since then, I am obsessed to know more QAQ But the thing is, I can’t seem to find much in my quick reading TuT Anyone can help a little bish out?
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pokedex-holder-pink · 4 years
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You are. Epilogue 03
Just keeping that story going!
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