pokemon-go-imagines · 7 years
What are the leaders like in bed (nsfw ovi) thx!
Answered here.
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pokemon-go-imagines · 7 years
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Ok, first NSFW question. I actually had some fun typing this one out. As said before, this one’s under a read more.
Sees sex as a reward after something great; defended one of her team's Gyms, reached a new personal best at a regular gym, or winning an important Pokémon battle.
Candela strongly prefers sex in the privacy of her own home, but will have sex in more public places if the mood/occasion is just right.
With Candela, there's some quick foreplay. Candela loves some light making out as she strips her S/O. Depending on much in the mood she's in determines how fast Candela will tear off her S/O's clothes. A casual mood and Candela will be careful will taking off her S/O's clothes. If she wants it now, Candela will literally tear her S/O's clothes to shreds.
In the beginning of the relationship Candela is always on top. However, as the relationship continues, Candela will give her S/O the chance to get on top. To do so, they'll have to work for it.
One of Candela's kinks is tying her S/O to the bed. She loves seeing her S/O squirm as she pleasures them. If their S/O earns their position of being on top Candela will let them tie her up instead. While tied up Candela's second kink comes into play, hot wax. The loudest moans Candela will let out is when her S/O pours the wax on that spot between her chest and abs.
Aftercare is a must with Candela. Despite being a top, Candela loves being the small spoon. While spooning, Candela will guide her S/O on how to massage her breasts as they lie together. They don't have to, but Candela will love it if her S/O kisses the nape of her neck as they massage her. After being on top, Candela's S/O will get to be the small spoon if they want. Candela doesn't mind pressing her chest against her S/O's back as she massages them however they want.
At first sees sex as nothing more than a way to relieve stress.
Blanche will only have sex in the privacy of their own house or their S/O's. The only place outside Blanche will have sex would be a really nice Hotel.
With Blanche, there is no foreplay. Blanche will just grab their S/O's hand and pull them to their room.
Blanche is really vanilla when it comes to positions. They just want the physical release sex and the benefits that some with it. As the relationship progresses they'll be more open to exploring what their S/O is into.
Blanche doesn't have any kinks of their own. However if the relationship lasts and grows, Blanche will partake in every kink, but only once. From these experiences they'll figure out what kinks they have and do some research on how to get the most out of them. With this newfound knowledge, Blanche and their S/O will have a lot more fun in the bedroom.
Just like with foreplay, aftercare is nonexistent with Blanche, at first. At first the whole situation is "wham, bam, thank you ma'am." However just like discovering different positions, Blanche will start to take care of their S/O after sex. Blanche prefers being the small spoon. As they lie together, Blanche will kiss their S/O's hands as they thank them for sticking around this long.
Is totally DTF whenever his S/O wants and for whatever reason.
As long as it's somewhere secluded, Spark can always get in the mood. Spark doesn't want to get caught in the act, but the thrill of adds to his enthusiasm.
Spark loves the foreplay before sex. With him it's heavy make out sessions with tongue, ass grabbing, and carrying his S/O to wherever they're about to do it.
Spark is a big fan of doggy style. While he's ok with being on top or bottom, his S/O will learn that it's better with Spark on top. There's this thing he can do with his hips that can send a jolt down his S/O's spine and shudder with pleasure.
Despite what you might think, Spark doesn't have a kink relating to electricity. Instead Spark loves role play. He's open to whatever his S/O can come up with, but he has his own favorite roles. One of Spark's favorite roles is the wounded trainer who needs extensive help recovering. Spark is really chill with his or his S/O's Pokémon watching them as they do it. However, if his S/O doesn't like it, he'll put them away in their poké balls.
Spark is the king of aftercare with his S/O. Spark loves being the big spoon, but instead of laying side by side, Spark will have his S/O lie on top of him. For the next half hour or so, Spark will shower his S/O will kisses to their shoulders, neck, and cheeks if he can reach. When he starts to wind down, Spark will start to braid his S/O's in various ways. If his S/O keeps them, Spark will count them after making a new one. As he counts each braid, Spark will even recall what he did and ask what his S/O thought of that time. Depending on the time of day, after aftercare Spark will cook something up for his S/O to eat.
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pokemon-go-imagines · 8 years
Please can I have some imagines for spark coming to see s/o acting in a show? Hope everything is ok
Answered here.
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pokemon-go-imagines · 8 years
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Thanks for the concern, but it's all good. Anyway on to the prompt.
Finding out you're a stage actor was a surprise to him.
           "You really ARE good at acting."
Of course he'll joke/ask about your liking of him is an act.
           It's not.
Every time you go to rehearsal he'll tag along to see you.
Spark applauds every time you finish practicing a scene.
At first it's endearing, but he'll will stop if you tell him he's causing too much trouble.
Aside from being your biggest fan Spark will also be your best unofficial stagehand.
           He'll get you water if you're thirsty.
           Grab your favorite lunch before your break.
The day of the show's premier is one of the few times Spark will wear a suit.
He'll wear a yellow scarf so you can see him as you perform.
           It was Blanche's idea.
If you look closer, over half the audience is wearing yellow.
Spark convinced as many Team Instinct members to come so that your show would be sold out on its first day.
Despite his behavior during your rehearsals, Spark will be totally quiet when he should.
           He'll have restless legs, but he'll be quiet.
When you come onto stage Spark will be absolutely mesmerized by your appearance.
           Your character could be in rags and he'd still think you look beautiful.
You can't look at the audience when you leave the stage, but if you can steal a glance you'll see him with the biggest of grins and two thumbs WAY up.
When the show is over Spark will finally let out his built up energy and applaud the loudest.
Then everyone from Team Instinct will toss a rose to you like he told them.
           That was Candela's idea.
Afterwards he'll find you backstage and give you a bouquet he was saving.
           That was his idea.
That night he'll shower you with compliments on how well you performed.
When they come in, Spark will be there when the reviews are read.
If someone gives you a bad review you can expect that person's house to be egged by the end of the day.
           Are you surprised, it is Spark.
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pokemon-go-imagines · 8 years
Is this blog still active? Do you mind if I ask some stuff if it is?
Go ahead, I’ve just been caught up with life. Moving to a new home and having to start a new semester will do that.
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pokemon-go-imagines · 8 years
how would the team leaders react to an S/O who, as a result of depression, loses interest in things they liked, and still want to like, but just can't. (sorry this is really self indulgent)
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pokemon-go-imagines · 8 years
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You don't have to apologize. That's what these imagine blogs are for. If there S/O suffered from depression... Candela -She wouldn’t notice at first. With how active she is, and how much she wants you to keep up, she writes off your mood as exhaustion. -When you don't have fun during one of your date nights does she finally think something is wrong. Whatever you two are doing is put on hold for now so Candela can take you home. -Candela will ask what's wrong and what she could do to help. Even if her S/O just wants to sit in silence Candela will let you lean on her. No matter what she does to help, Candela will mutter under breath that she wishes she could do more. -"I've never had this problem before, so I don't know what to do. But I do know that I will always be here if you ever want to talk about it." Blanche -They are the last to notice when something is wrong. It's not thier fault. Blanche had a hard time dealing with feelings of affection, so to pick up on signs of the opposite is just as hard. -Despite this Blanche does have some experience with depression. Before Candela and Spark, Blanche didn't have many friends, so even what they considered fun wasn't great without someone else. -With this Blanche will give you the help no one gave them. This'll be one of the few times Blanche will be physical in public; holding your hand, hugging you, and being the more enthusiastic one in the relationship. -"I don't know exactly what you're going through, but I know what it feels like. Everything feels like being in a fog and there's no way out. But I want you know that I will never let you feel like you're alone." Spark -Is the first to notice when you're down. After that first dejected sigh Spark is all over you with a full body hug and questions of what's wrong. -You're not the first depressed person Spark has had to cheer up. Some members of Team Instinct get this way after a long streak of losing Gyms. Since its his S/O, Spark is even more determined to help you. Spark does his best to cheer you up, even a little. You can't help but give a slight grin, because well, it's Spark. -He'll take that as a victory and move on to making you at least comfortable. Want your favorite food, he'll order a delivery. Missed your favorite show, Spark will find it online. Just say something feels sore and he'll start to massage it. -"I know it doesn't seem like it, but I've been through times like these. All emotions fade away, even joy, but especially sadness. When you do find a new reason to smile, I hope that I'm there to see it." Uploaded on Mobile
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pokemon-go-imagines · 8 years
How would the team leaders react to having a partner who was more into the fine arts as opposed to their more "practical" jobs?
Answered here.
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pokemon-go-imagines · 8 years
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If their S/O was into the arts...
She understands that everyone has their passions.
Candela loves that their S/O has a sketchbook filled with pictures of pokemon, especially when she sees a sketch of her with her pokemon.
If asked nicely Candela will even pose for a painting or two. If asked REALLY nicely she'll pose more au natural...
The big downside to having an S/O like this is that art doesn't always have an immediate reward, if any.
If their S/O ever starts to feel like a failure Candela will be there to cheer them up.
To support her S/O when they complete a painting, Candela will hang it in one of her Gyms. 
Of the three leaders, Blanche is the least understanding of how the arts could have such a big impact as it does.
The fastest way to start a one-sided argument with Blanche is to compare anything about them to a work of art.
It's not that Blanche hates the arts, it's just that to them the only thing Blanche knows is that the arts follow and instill emotion, intuition, and abstract thought. These are things they doesn't have much knowledge about.
As their S/O if you present Blanche with a more logical and concrete way of looking at art it'll lesson how hard they argue against it.
Despite the difference in opinions, the arguing, and the frustration, Blanche still loves their S/O.
Blanche understands art makes their S/O happy much like studying pokemon makes them happy. It's that reason that keeps Blanche trying to understand their S/O's passion on the subject.
By far the most supportive of the three leaders, Spark loves art as much as he loves pokemon.
What Spark loves the most about his S/O's passion is that it seems so easy, so natural.
Like Candela, Spark loves to pose for his S/O's works and he's much more willing to pose nude. As long as he can also pose with one of his pokemon.
Also like Candela, Spark loves finding a place to hang a new piece of art in his gym, his place, or just about anywhere so that people can see what his S/O made.
If his S/O shows him a piece they've been working on expect to see a piece he's been working on, but also expect to see a lot of "abstract" pieces.
One of the few times Spark will ever sit still is when he wants to watch his S/O work.
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pokemon-go-imagines · 8 years
Hi how would the team leaders react with an S/O who does so much at one time that they start exhausting themselves?
Answer posted here.
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pokemon-go-imagines · 8 years
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Alright second question, I'm guessing you mean the S/O is working on multiple projects at one time. How the leaders would react to an overworked S/O...
At first Candela thinks it amazing that you can multitask so well.
Then she starts to notice the little things.
The tiredness, skipped meals, dark circles under your eyes; each new sign makes her worry more.
To her, the last straw is when you suddenly doze off and almost fall flat on your face. Thank Arceus she was there to catch you.
At this point there is no reason or argument you can make that'll keep Candela from putting you to bed.
Until she says so, you are staying in bed until you're better.
Afterwards she'll tell you to take a break every so often when you're working, even if it's not that big of a workload.
Like Candela, Blanche respects a hard worker going the extra mile and doing so much.
Even if you show signs of exhaustion Blanche is mostly oblivious to it all. To them all of it is normal and Blanche will even give you some tips on how to cope.
The reality of the situation doesn't hit Blanche until they walk in on you laying unconscious on the floor.
Until you wake up, a guilt-ridden Blanche is by your bedside.
When you do wake up you have to convince Blanche that it wasn't their fault.
Blanche accepts that you are not like them and that you have limits that shouldn't be pushed too hard.
From then on Blanche has scheduled breaks in your routine, and theirs.
He openly questions why you would do so much.
However, Spark remembers of all the times Blanche did this kind of thing. So he'll be around whenever he can to help around.
Even with Spark's help it's not enough to keep you from wearing yourself out.
The first time you doze off Spark will take you away from your work, drag you if he has to.
First he'll make you take a nap, when you wake up he has the rest of the day planned with fun activities.
Looking at clouds, playing games, running though a field. All these activities have you as far away from technology as possible. Spark even admits he took your phone as you slept.
"You took your foot off the gas pedal and nothing bad happened, right?" That line and Spark's usual dumb grin is enough join him in these activities whenever he asks.
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pokemon-go-imagines · 8 years
Most Imagine/Writing Blogs Run Almost Solely Off Requests.
So I was talking to @envision-imagines and it was made clear to me that actually a lot of us imagine blogs at the moment are struggling when it comes to requests being sent in and being sent in regularly and we weren’t sure if it was because you guys are uncomfortable sending them in, don’t think we need them, etc. So I decided that maybe a little post about the importance of requests should be written not just for me but for imagine/writing blogs that run off requests. Mostly this is about the blogs who are really, really struggling at the moment or the times when this blog struggles. 
Requests are really goddamn important and I mean that, blogs like mine need enough requests to keep running, if we don’t get them the blogs have a very big risk of basically stopping and ending in what they’re doing, of collapsing like the Stock Market in 1929. And here’s the gist: If I post 7 things a day that’s 49 things a week coming out of my queue, I need 49 requests at least to be sent in a week to make up for that but there’s also the fact that not all requests are viable requests so really we need more than that. If I don’t get enough then either I a) have to find the time to make up 49 ideas and then create them or b) I just can’t really run the blog as efficiently as possible.
Now it’s not been too bad a problem for this blog lately, we’re getting enough requests to make do, but @envision-imagines for example might have to only post 1 thing a day soon and might even have to close down the blog.
That’s why requests are so goddamn important to imagine blogs, we don’t have time to always thing up ideas and we rely on you guys telling us what you want to see so that we can get straight onto creating and keeping the blogs going. And ultimately making you guys happy with what we do create. 
Requests = the blog continuing to thrive, create, and be a place you guys can actively come to every day and be happy at. It also means a stress free blogger whose not struggling.
No Requests = a stressed blogger and also the chance that the blog might end up collapsing and closing down like an out of date theme park. Which none of us bloggers want, we want you guys to be able to enjoy our blogs for years to come. 
So if you ever see an imagine blog post about needing more requests please please send in even one to them because they will honestly need them and they will honestly be very relieved at every request that gets sent in. 
Thank you! <3 xxx
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pokemon-go-imagines · 8 years
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Alright first question!
If their SO was really short...
Candela knows what it's like to experience shortcomings, pardon the pun. If anyone teases you for your height she'll tell them off. The only one teasing you'll get for being short is from her.
She knows weight gain, of any kind, shows up more on short people. So you'll find yourself in the gym more often.
If you two ever go to a show Candela will do her best to get front row tickets. If not you can expect her to carry you on her shoulders so you can see the stage.
Speaking of which. When you want to kiss her, Candela will pick you up so you don't have to struggle with standing on your tip toes.
Even after all this Candela knows you may still have a bad day because you're short. Her last resort to make you smile is to stand you up and remind you of the best perk of being short. Because of your height, your head will line up with her chest. When you realize this she'll bring you in for the most comfortable hug ever.
Whenever you're feeling down about being short, Blanche has a presentation to cheer you up. It'll be your choice between 'Historical Figures Who are Short' or 'Genetics: Something You Couldn't Control.'
There are plenty of programs out there for short people who want to be taller. If you ever bring something like that to Blanche, they'll do extensive research. They'll tell you if it has any merit or if it's just a scam.
If you start to help Blanche around their lab, they'll never ask you to get something from the top shelf. But if you really want to help more Blanche will buy you a step stool.
If you haven't noticed, Blanche is the only leader to wear heels. If you want they can find a pair for you when you two go out.
When kissing, even rarely, Blanche will meet you halfway. You'll be standing as tall as you can while they crouch down to meet you.
From now on your pet name is 'Fun-Size.'
Like Candela, Spark likes to hold you up, but for different reasons. Like taking selfies, proving how 'strong' he is, and sometimes just to hold you close.
Because of how 'strong' he is, Spark will usually be giving you piggyback rides wherever you two go.
When you two are on an escalator, Spark will be one step behind or ahead so that the both of you are meeting at eye level. When this happens Spark will shower you with small kisses until you get to the next floor.
Because you're so short you'll be missing all the low hanging branches and signs that he'll always run into. Sometimes walking anywhere with Spark may take longer than usual because of this.
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pokemon-go-imagines · 8 years
Welcome to this Blog
Welcome to Pokemon Go Imagines. This blog is dedicated to the headcannons, imagines, and scenarios of the leaders of Pokemon Go. These will include Reader x Leaders. There was a blog like this before, but has since been deactivated. So I have taken upon myself to take up the mantle. Like the other blog this one has some rules.
Posts will include all leaders, and Professor Willow at request.
No requesting just one leader except for fanfic prompts.
Only prompts with Professor Willow can exclude the leaders.
Will do NSFW prompts, but with restrictions.
Nothing too graphic.
NSFW prompts will be tagged as such and will be under cuts.
Will do angst prompts, but also with restrictions.
Again nothing too graphic.
Also no human death.
Angst prompts will be properly tagged to the best of my ability and under cuts.
I will try to update this blog as close to a regular basis as I can. If this blog becomes less active it will not be deactivated. I will keep this blog around even as an archive.
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