pokemonpunqueen · 11 months
“You can’t make everyone happy”
You fool. I can’t make ANYONE happy.
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pokemonpunqueen · 1 year
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Oh wow. I forgot about this. Huh. 6 years.
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pokemonpunqueen · 2 years
Fallout 4 - Nick Valentine -  sentence starters
1. “I told them that I was rigged to explode, and started going ‘beep… beep… beep’.”  
2. “Those people treated me like a human being. I’ve been trying to return the favor ever since.”
3. “A ______’s life isn’t an easy one, but it rarely lacks for excitement.”
4. “You see a lot of people at their worst when you’re in my line of work. Hard to not let it get to you sometimes.”
5. “Another beautiful day in the most dangerous place in the world.”
6. “The only tune I want to hear right now is ______ recanting a life of villainy.”
7. “I never would have gotten this far without you.”
8. “I’m not going anywhere until I get what I came for.”
9. “All I know is that, without you, ______ would still be at large.”
10. “I just thought this would fix things. But it’s not that easy.”
11. “It was about justice, about doing what was right. And that act of goodness, that’s ours. All the good we’ve done. That’s ours and ours alone.”
12. “With you at my side, doing the kind of good we’ve done? I’m about as great as one _____ can be.”
13. “Well, to not put too fine a point on it, you’re the best damn partner I’ve ever had. So I’d say I’m doing pretty good.”
14. “I got you as a friend. There’s nothing more one old _____ could ask for.”
15. “Thanks to you, _______ is pushing up daisies and ______ is safer for it. What you’ve done, I’ll never be able to thank you enough.”
16. “I used to wonder how people lasted as long as they have out here. Now I know, it’s thanks to people like you.”
17. “_____ can take a real toll on you if you let it. I’ve seen this place make monsters out of men.”
18. “Don’t pay ‘em any mind… not that they would know what to do with one anyway.”
19. “Just ignore ‘em. Not worth anyone with manners possibly getting hurt.”
20. “Only madmen could justify trying to wipe out an entire people just because they were made, not born.”
21. “All the resources they’ve got, the _______ could do a lot of good. Shame they want to wipe out my kind instead.”
22. “_____ was just here. You saw him/her/them, right?”
23. “It’s not easy to do the right thing for something that seems so evil. But everybody deserves their fair shot.”
24. “I won’t tolerate anyone mistreating the only other ______ in town I can stand.” 
25. “Always wondered what you’d look like as a robot. Not too shabby.”
26. “It took me a long time to realize that home is where you make it. With some time and effort, this place could be home for you too.”
27. “I remember waking up one day in a garbage heap, a body in tatters and a head full of memories belonging to a ______ who’d been dead for _____ years. Suffice to say, it was a confusing couple of weeks.”
28. “I think his/her/their name was ______. The first person to actually speak to me after I got the boot from the ______. My first human contact in this world.”
29. “I wouldn’t normally bother you with this sort of thing, but… well, I know I can trust you at this point.”
30. “They’re just this inescapable reminder. That I’m not the person I think I am. That I’m not a person at all.”
31. “All I want is a life where I have something I can call my own.”
32. “_____’s not an easy place to travel alone. Nice to have someone watching my back.”
33. “You know, some folks are just out for themselves. Others want to help those in need. Jury’s still out which camp you’re in.”  
34. “There are some crimes even you can’t get away with, _____.”
35. “No. No more jokes. You looked me in the eye and told me you were going to shape up. But that was just another load of bull.”
36. “You know, you have a funny way of showing your fondness for others.”
37. “All right, fine. But seriously, drop the buffoon act. Because this is your last shot. There won’t be another.”
38. “I’ve met a lot of scum in my line of work. People I wouldn’t throw to the _____. But you, you’re a real piece of work.”
39. “If I were your ______, I’d remember.”
40. “I always thought I was just more of their discarded trash. Never thought of the possibility that someone wanted me out. Helped me escape.”
41. “Get away from me! What the hell are you?”
42. “_____ really did help me escape the ______? I wasn’t just tossed out with the garbage?”
43. “Should I give _____ a chance? Try to accept him/her/them as my _____? He/she/they might be the only other ______ that exists.”
44. “I guess no one gets to choose their family, but when your family is built in a lab, things gets… weird.”
45. “So… ____ is dead. After all that talk about trying to accept him/her/them as family, we end up getting him/her/them killed anyway.”
46. “You know, why don’t you shut the hell up for once? I swear you care more about sounding smart sometimes than you do about who has to listen to it.”
47. “You sure you want to waltz through ______ HQ with a _____ at your side?”
48. “No! Dammit, _______, don’t listen! Hang in there!”
49. “That was one sorry negotiation up there.”
50. “With any luck, something will be making a meal out of ______ before sunrise.”
51. “It took a lot of guts to do what you did. I know it couldn’t have been easy.”
52. “This is a brave new world you’ve ushered in. But I suppose it’ll do.”
53. “There really is no way to ride a seesaw with dignity.”
54. “I’d offer a game, but you probably can’t calibrate your arm sensitivity, can you?”
55. “Don’t be afraid to dream big, _____. This isn’t all you have to be.”
56. “You know, since the first time we met, I always got the sense that you would change this place. I just never expected it would be like this.”
57. “Thanks for getting me out. How did you know where to find me anyway? Not many people knew where I went.”  
58. “Yeah, I’ve heard it all before. ‘You’re a freak’, ‘You’ve got something to hide’. Blah, blah, blah.”
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pokemonpunqueen · 2 years
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My name is mister handy, tidier of things. Look upon this room I said I’d cleaned, and despair.
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pokemonpunqueen · 2 years
Fallout 4 Characters Being Asked If They Would Love Sole As A Worm
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pokemonpunqueen · 2 years
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Preston isn't here because he got word of another settlement that needs your help.
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pokemonpunqueen · 2 years
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(You'll probably have to click and zoom to read; sorry about my tiny handwriting 😔)
Piccolo can handle a max of two emotions per 24 hour period; any higher and he malfunctions
This initially started out as a test drive for my new tablet and then I blinked and it was 8 pages long. Suffice it to say, my iPad is dead to me lmao
Somewhat based on this:
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pokemonpunqueen · 2 years
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a selection of artist memes hand-picked and curated by me based on my own experiences
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pokemonpunqueen · 2 years
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pokemonpunqueen · 2 years
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I totally forgot to post this here.
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pokemonpunqueen · 2 years
Dragon Ball Question:
Frieza refers to Saiyans as monkeys. The obvious reason is that Saiyans have monkey tails, and the giant Oozaru look like baboons, which are monkeys. I get that.
But how does Frieza know what a monkey is, if it is an animal that only lives on Earth and assuming Frieza has never been to Earth before encountering the Saiyans?
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pokemonpunqueen · 2 years
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pokemonpunqueen · 2 years
Dragon ball comic style
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pokemonpunqueen · 2 years
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*hands you 32423 piccolo redraws*
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pokemonpunqueen · 2 years
yeah but wirt and greg taking some of the unknown home w/ them because u can’t escape a place like that untouched 
plants curling around their fingers when they touch them, the vines growing up their arms if they aren’t paying attention
animals distrusting them because they always smell slightly of death (more devastating to greg than wirt)
their hearts beating just a little slower than they should be/them being able to hold their breath for way longer than they should (greg wins all breath-holding contests in kindergarten and wirt likes it cuz he doesn’t get that heart-pumping anxiety thing as often)
on the same vein, not having to blink as often. wirt trying to make the conscious effort to blink normally bc he knows it’s creepy. greg using it to become the champion starer of the playground
their skin being several degrees cooler than is healthy no matter what season it is
hearing faint voices + seeing shapes in their peripheral vision cuz the veil is thin for them now and ghosts r more apparent
wirt + greg being radical slightly supernatural beings after escaping the unknown
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pokemonpunqueen · 2 years
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But where have we come, and where shall we end?
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pokemonpunqueen · 2 years
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