poketalianetwork · 10 years
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Day 6: Any nation +dealing with an unruly Pokemon
Out of all of his Pokemon, his Jumpluff gives him the most trouble.  It enjoys floating away and sometimes over cliffs and lakes with an important item and threatening to drop it.  
Blagun would store it, but he was asked not to after the Jumpluff dropped a very important flashdrive off a waterfall.  Blagun also doesn’t like keeping his Pokemon in their pokeballs.
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poketalianetwork · 10 years
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Day 5: Any nation + getting their first shiny
Elizabeta gets her first shiny.   An energetic Archen who is more than happy to see it’s new mommy.
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poketalianetwork · 10 years
New Trainers!
Everyone! We have two more network members! Please welcome Nyo!Spain ,Taiwan, and Vietnam! To the person who wants to be North Korea, you have to submit the url to the image you want if we're to use it, then you can be an official member. Also, to spooky-ladonia, the characters that you want are all already taken, I'm afraid. But you can still apply for others! Check the "taken characters" page to see who is still available.
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poketalianetwork · 10 years
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Day 4: Any nation + getting ready for their first gym battle
Late because I fell asleep.
The best way to prepare for any gym battle is to stock up on potions.
Since this is Toris’s first gym battle, he can only buy potions.  But he feels he’s ready.
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poketalianetwork · 10 years
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Day 3: Any nation + Meeting a legendary
Ludwig finds himself and his newly hatched Cyndaquil in the middle of an unexpected storm.  Their boat capsizes and Ludwig finds them both on the back of the cause of the storm, and savior.  Lugia.  
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poketalianetwork · 10 years
Day three: Any nation meeting a Legendary
"Arcanine, hurry up." North called down to her partner. It didn’t take long for the loyal canine to, in response, leap to his human companion. North smiled. "Note to self, rock climbing is only easy with two legs." She reached down to pet the...
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poketalianetwork · 10 years
Poketalia 7 day challenge: day 3
I was busy yesterday oops
Day 3: Any nation + Meeting a legendary
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poketalianetwork · 10 years
Day 3: Any nation + meeting a legendary
sometimes beautiful things walk into your life and other times you accidentally trip over a log and find a goddamn legendary pokemon
Amelia F Jones was by far the proudest owner of a Sylveon, ever, declared by herself at three in the morning,...
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poketalianetwork · 10 years
is there a tag we should use for the prompts?
Just tag them as "poketalia" and I'll see them! I reblog them to this blog too. No special tags needed.
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poketalianetwork · 10 years
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Day 2: A battle between your favorite pairing
Ludwig and Alfred face off!
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poketalianetwork · 10 years
Day Two: A battle between your Favorite Pairing
“Alright, we all good on the rules?” North called out to the two nations, Japan and America. “One on one match. No substitutions and all that crap.” ”Great job explaining that Commie!” America yelled to the North Korean, who merely...
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poketalianetwork · 10 years
day two: a battle between your favorite pairing
my darling, sometimes love comes in the way of a battle and rough words rather a sweet voice and soft touches and sometimes love gets interrupted by crying little girls
Rosie Kirkland was well known among her home region of Unova, as an...
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poketalianetwork · 10 years
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For day 1 of the Poketalia challenge. Day 1: your favorite character meeting their first pokemon. Lisa (Joan of arc’s reincarnation) is a traveling photographer. She meets her first pokemon companion, Fennekin, on an outing. (Hope eveyone likes it, its pretty late n I wanna get some sleep so I’ll clean it up in the morning)
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poketalianetwork · 10 years
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Day 1: Your favorite character meeting their first Pokemon
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poketalianetwork · 10 years
I have a question. I only just saw this challenge for Poketalia and was wondering if it has to be just Nations? Could I do one for Lisa (Joan of Arc) from Ep 15? I wasn't sure.
As long as it's an aph character, it's okay!
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poketalianetwork · 10 years
Day One: Character meets their first Pokemon. (I know it’s actually favorite, but i’m using my oc so hush. |D)
It all began for the younger twin of the Korean Peninsula in 1280. Together with her brother she’d represented the Kingdom Goryeo, which, currently, was a ‘vassal state’ to Mongolia....
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poketalianetwork · 10 years
day 1: your favorite character meeting their first pokemon
speak not with words, but with actions, for they are much louder than any word to grace your lips
Lovino never really took a shining to any specific type of pokemon, unlike his brothers and grandfather. He couldn’t quite choose,...
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