poldarkweeks · 5 years
Less than one week until sign-ups close, and we desperately need more participants!
If we don’t get more people signing up, we won’t be able to run this year :( :( :(
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poldarkweeks · 5 years
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Don’t forget to sign up for this year’s Poldark Secret Santa! Sign ups close on the 15th November, and we need more of you to come and join in the fun!
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poldarkweeks · 5 years
Welcome back to the fifth (and probably final) year of the Poldark Secret Santa!
When is it? Signups are open now and will close on 15th November. You will then have a few weeks to ‘stalk’ your giftee, choose and assemble a Secret Santa package for them, and post it off. You should aim to get it to them by Christmas.
What does it involve? A physical parcel to be sent to your more-or-less-randomly assigned recipient. The value of the parcel should be no less than £15 and no more than £25. You should feel free to stalk your recipient’s blog, ask them questions (on anon, of course!) and generally try to find out what sort of thing they might like to receive. Hint: they like Poldark.
Why are you doing this? Spreading holiday cheer and fannish friendship.
Do I have to give out my address? Yes, but only to me. I will keep all the names and addresses in one place, I will pass the address on only to the person who will be your Secret Santa, and I will delete your details after the Secret Santa is over.
What if I run out of time, or something means I can’t send a parcel? Let me know as soon as possible. If anybody can act as a last-minute substitute Santa for unavoidable circumstances, please let me know so that nobody will be without a parcel.
Do I have to be able to post a parcel internationally? No. If anybody specifically can’t send a Santa parcel to another country (for example, to the USA from the UK), please say so in your sign-up. That way I can make sure to match you up with somebody from your own country if necessary.
How do I sign up? Send an ask! To make my life simpler, please include the following in your ask: username, address (including the name you want your parcel to be addressed to), country, and whether you can ship internationally or not. If you can act as a last-minute substitute Santa, please include that information as well.
What happens then? I will send each of you a message back to confirm that I’ve received your sign-up. I’ll remind people periodically that sign-ups are still open. Then on 15th November I will close sign-ups and assign partners. I’ll send another message to let you know who you need to stalk. Then it’s up to you!
What if I have another question? Feel free to send me an ask at any point.
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poldarkweeks · 5 years
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Caroline + loving people a whole lot
for @fuckyeahdwightcaroline‘s Caroline Day
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poldarkweeks · 5 years
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And in mine, bliss is most assuredly Caroline.
Caroline and Dwight in Every Series → Three
@fuckyeahdwightcaroline carolight appreciation week: day five → series three
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poldarkweeks · 5 years
(details can be found here)
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poldarkweeks · 5 years
I haven't seen any episode of series 5 yet, but I'm very curious, what are your opinions about season 5 so far? This includes the general writing, characters, fave/least fave storylines, technical aspects, etc.
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poldarkweeks · 6 years
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George/Elizabeth Week >> Day 7: Free Choice
Elizabeth accepts George’s proposal.
@letterfromtrenwith. Here you go. :)
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poldarkweeks · 6 years
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George/Elizabeth Week >> Day 7: Free Choice
The wedding night
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poldarkweeks · 6 years
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Day 7 - Free choice  @letterfromtrenwith Hogwarts AU
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poldarkweeks · 6 years
So since I have an endless pile of G/E AU WIPs at the moment, I’ve decided to post an extract of one of them for the George x Elizabeth Appreciation Week. This is from the Agatha Christie AU I’m working on, which will hopefully be coherent enough to start posting properly…sometime in the near future.
@letterfromtrenwith. Here you go. :)
The clock in Trenwith’s parlour was chiming one o'clock by the time George finally headed upstairs to bed. He let out a sharp, frustrated sigh, running a hand through his neat hair so that so several pale strands came loose from his coif and tell across his forehead. It had not, he reflected morosely, been quite the evening he had expected, let alone hoped for. At first it had seemed to be going quite well–Elizabeth had been cheerful upon meeting Miss Carne, and though Whitworth’s early appearance had been a nuisance for all involved (not to mention something of a trial for poor Morwenna), George didn’t think that it had been too much of a damper on the proceedings. But then Ross had arrived late, unexpected and being his usual abominably rude self, Elizabeth had taken suddenly ill, leaving him to attend to the guests when all he had wanted to do was stay by her side and make sure that she was alright, and the then the damnable Whitworth had been the bloated and entirely unwelcome cherry atop the whole unpleasant cake. Just thinking about what he had said to him– Why, the very nerve of the man! It made him seethe with rage just to recall the conversation, but at least he had made sure the repulsive man would not speak such slanderous accusations again. Not to him, not to anyone. Not ever.
Czytaj dalej
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poldarkweeks · 6 years
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George x Elizabeth
Poldark AU: Doctor Who
George/Elizabeth Week >> Day 6: AUs
@letterfromtrenwith. Here you go. :)​
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poldarkweeks · 6 years
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George/Elizabeth Week - AU day
G/E + 17th Century/English Civil War
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poldarkweeks · 6 years
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George x Elizabeth Week:
Day 5: Heida and/or Jack Appreciation
Heida & Jack on set/behind the scenes of Poldark
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poldarkweeks · 6 years
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George/Elizabeth Week >> Day 5: Jack and/or Heida appreciation
@letterfromtrenwith. Here you go. :)
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poldarkweeks · 6 years
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George x Elizabeth Week:
Day 4 - George&Elizabeth & their children
That absolutely adorable scene with Valentine
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poldarkweeks · 6 years
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George/Elizabeth Week - Jack and/or Heida Appreciation
Jack & Heida <3
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