poledancingwithyas Ā· 4 years
From when this quarantined started versus to where it is now, I am at a completely different mind state. When things first started, I felt depressed, unmotivated, sad, upset, and any other negative emotion I could think of. Being stuck at home was not something I was good at and it was even something that made me miserable.
NOW, I can say I love being home! In fact, most days I donā€™t even want to leave the house (Iā€™m sure social distancing is a factor in that as well). I learned how important it is to take care of your space and make it comfortable for yourself because it WILL make a difference in how you feel when sitting in that room. The second my new room was finished, I never wanted to leave; and that was never the case before.
I also learned that it is okay to do nothing. Before this, I would beat myself up for not being productive and it took me a while to learn other wise. I would be so hard on myself if I didnā€™t do something productive in a day and I learned to be less hard on myself. Once I started being less hard on myself, the motivation to get things done came back, but it wasnā€™t the end of the world if I didnā€™t do it right then and there.
Overall I loved this project and even though I wonā€™t be posting it, Iā€™m still going to take pictures of the things Iā€™m grateful for.
Lastly, Iā€™m incredibly thankful for the fact that I was still able to present to everyone :)
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poledancingwithyas Ā· 4 years
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Been forcing myself to sit outside first thing in the morning. For the first time ever I can say Iā€™m grateful to live in the suburbs šŸ˜­
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poledancingwithyas Ā· 4 years
Weekly things I was grateful for that I forgot to update:
- got a new phone and this camera is inspiring me to take more photos - grateful for technology
- ordered a new electronic drum pad and Iā€™m very excited to start tackling music again - grateful for music
- April 30th was my moms birthday - that being said, grateful for life always
- May 1st was my roommates birthday - grateful be living with friends and family during this quarentine (For reference, I live with my brother, our mutual friend Alex (aka our ā€œlandlordā€), and my boyfriend Matt
As the weeks have been going on, I feel myself becoming slower paced and moving slower (not as on physically slower, but mentally). This isnā€™t a bad thing! Iā€™ve just been trying to take one day at a time and not stress about whatā€™s to come. Easier said then done but in this case, I would say time heals all wounds
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poledancingwithyas Ā· 4 years
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Forgot to post much this week but Iā€™m grateful for my roommates dog Munch. All the joy of a dog without the actual responsibility is a win in my book
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poledancingwithyas Ā· 4 years
Weekly recap
This week for some reason felt more difficult than any other week. Iā€™m frustrated, tired, and overall sick of being inside. I miss talking to people and I miss being able to go somewhere without a mask. I know this is gonna be the new normal for a while at least but for some reason things werenā€™t sitting right with me this week.
Iā€™ve been trying to focus on my business and what to do going forward but I feel like right when I was figuring everything out, I had to start from scratch all over again. I know this wave of frustration will blow over soon enough and hopefully this week will be better.
Iā€™ve been trying to take this time to figure out who I am and what I wanna do without external factors and influence. I set my drum up for the first time in a long time and Iā€™m starting to remember my love for playing. One part of me wants to get back into playing and solely focus on that but another part of me wants to continue working on YaGurlā€™s and itā€™s future. I feel like since this quarentine started, my brain and my heart have been ripped into pieces and I canā€™t move forward and or make a decision on what to do.
~ This week WILL be better ~ manifest so its real!
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poledancingwithyas Ā· 4 years
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From this Friday, grateful I was still able to celebrate despite everything going on. My dad and my aunt did a 5 minute drive by to see me (we had facemask and gloves on) and although it wasnā€™t ideal, it was still nice to be able to see them. Grateful to have people who care about me and grateful for life! Also my dad bought me a plant for my birthday and I LOVE IT. Strange but successful birthday
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poledancingwithyas Ā· 4 years
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poledancingwithyas Ā· 4 years
Also, I made the bed have a gift option to myself because my birthday is this week and Iā€™m gonna be stuck in the house. I figured hey, treat yo self
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poledancingwithyas Ā· 4 years
Completely reorganized my room.
I realized that a big part of why I never wanted to be home was out of frustration of my living situation. Iā€™m grateful for what I have I just donā€™t have a lot of space and my roommates are lowkey kind of gross lmaooo.
That being said, since I finally had the time; I reorganized my closet, put stuff away, and completely redid my setup and it truly feels so much better now. I havenā€™t had the time to commit to such a big job since I moved just because I got caught up with life. Even something as little as having a desk in my room (which I just set up) makes a world of a difference.
In the past when it comes to living situations, I tend to neglect certain things because I tell myself ā€œitā€™s only temporary.ā€ But Iā€™m realizing now that having a mindset like that in a living situation isnā€™t the best. Going forward, Iā€™m going to work on not excusing certain things just because itā€™s temporary. (Iā€™m the queen of dropping everything and running away from temporary situations. I was ready to runaway to Belize before the quarentine got too crazy lmaooo).
Also my bed broke back in September (the bed frame that was given to me when I moved in was on the verge of braking and one day just collapsed) and I FINALLY was able to afford a bed since Iā€™m not spending as much money on gas and ez pass. My mattress has been on the floor for months and I never thought that I would be so excited about a bed?!?!
Although itā€™s not fun in the moment, this new self awareness Iā€™m learning about myself during quarentine will definitely help for better future habits. Holding yourself accountable is important.
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poledancingwithyas Ā· 4 years
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Grateful for these buffalo chicken cheese balls šŸ§€
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poledancingwithyas Ā· 4 years
This is accidentally becoming a food blog oops, but Iā€™ve been using my time to get more into cooking in order to take care of myself and eat healthy! Also cooking is giving me something to do since Iā€™m stuck at home.
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poledancingwithyas Ā· 4 years
Made some salmon and played animal crossing. Feeling good today šŸ’„
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poledancingwithyas Ā· 4 years
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Grateful for these nachos šŸ§€
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poledancingwithyas Ā· 4 years
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Grateful that I still have my job
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poledancingwithyas Ā· 4 years
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Grateful to have Matt stuck with me during quarentine or else I really would have lost my mind ~~~~ also grateful for all the food weā€™ve been making
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poledancingwithyas Ā· 4 years
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Grateful for these fried Oreos we made
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poledancingwithyas Ā· 4 years
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Grateful for dunkin
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