politicalmurder · 3 years
Political Murder says goodbye
Political Murder says goodbye
Think of it as the Marie Kondo approach to political blogging. When it no longer sparks joy, it’s time to hang it up. I started this blog nearly eight years ago, mainly as a platform to gain publicity about a book I wrote. It gained a life of its own, turning into a job writing on another political blog for several years. I wrote about overall politics, presidential elections, the environment,…
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politicalmurder · 3 years
Climate change IS affecting you, along with 85% of the Earth
Climate change IS affecting you, along with 85% of the Earth
How Buckingham Palace in London looks today, and how it might look with sea levels rising from global warming. A new analysis of 100,000 studies of weather events shows that the vast majority of the world’s population already have experienced the negative effects of global warming on their own local environments. It’s only going to get worse, even with promised cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.…
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politicalmurder · 3 years
The GOP has become the SLP: the Sore Losers Party
The GOP has become the SLP: the Sore Losers Party
It started with the Big Lie — that there was so much rampant “voter fraud” in the 2020 presidential election that President Joe BIden didn’t really win, even though he did win by nearly 8 million votes. Republican after Republican repeated Donald Trump’s baseless claims about a “rigged” election. Many, including several sitting in the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives, keep repeating…
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politicalmurder · 3 years
Afghanistan War lasted 20 years and cost $2 trillion. Enough is enough.
Afghanistan War lasted 20 years and cost $2 trillion. Enough is enough.
After the initial desperate chaos, calm returned to the Kabul Airport when U.S. military took charge to start to fly out U.S. citizens and Afghanis who helped allied forces. The media have been in a feeding frenzy in the criticism of the Biden administration’s decision to pull U.S. troops out of Iraq. “Laser focused on blaming Biden for a military defeat two decades in the making, while wildly…
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politicalmurder · 3 years
What's behind the GOP reversal on COVID-19 vaccines? Money
What’s behind the GOP reversal on COVID-19 vaccines? Money
You might have noticed a seemingly sudden turnaround by many Republican lawmakers, right-wing media personalities, and others with an oversize influence on conservative voters. They now claim that getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is a great idea after all. The United States has not escaped the worldwide surge in cases, hospitalizations, and deaths caused by the novel coronavirus, especially…
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politicalmurder · 3 years
Kick the single-use plastic habit during Plastic Free July
Kick the single-use plastic habit during Plastic Free July
There are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic in the world’s oceans, much of which ends up on beaches or are swallowed by fish and other sea creatures. How much of that ends up in our stomachs? Straws, plastic bottles, coffee cups, plastic bags, food take-out containers and other plastic waste products are filling our oceans to the tune of 8 million tons a year. It’s not just oceans. Single-use…
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politicalmurder · 3 years
Georgia GOP rams through new voter suppression law
Georgia GOP rams through new voter suppression law
Let ’em vote? No, arrest them. (Juxtaposed images first shared by Stacey Abrams) Guess not much has changed about trying to stop Black people from voting, especially in Georgia. A draconian voter suppression law was jammed through the Georgia Legislature on a party line vote in just a few hours and signed that evening by Gov. Brian Kemp. The white-men-only signing took place behind closed…
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politicalmurder · 3 years
GOP doubles down on voter suppression
GOP doubles down on voter suppression
The Republican playbook: Discourage Black voting by making people wait for hours, as these voters were forced to do in 2018. When lots of people vote, Democrats win. Just ask President Joe Biden, with his nearly 8 million vote margin over Donald Trump. So naturally, Republicans are doing all they can to stop voters they fear will vote for Team Blue from taking part in the electoral…
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politicalmurder · 3 years
Trump has ruined our inauguration celebration
Trump has ruined our inauguration celebration
At least 10,000 members of the National Guard will be stationed to protect Joe Biden’s inauguration. That’s more than the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq combined. It used to be that the people of the United States looked at presidential inaugurations with a sense of pride. But like just about everything else he touches, Donald Trump has broken that, too. Even if your candidate…
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politicalmurder · 3 years
Trump finally got his 'American carnage'
Trump finally got his ‘American carnage’
Traitors to the United States thought it would be fun to scale the walls while storming the U.S. Capitol. Capitol police barely stopped them. In his inaugural address in January 2017, Donald Trump promised to end “American carnage.” As his (thankfully single) term in office is about to end, he finally figured out a way to get his deranged followers to deliver that carnage. As the world watched…
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politicalmurder · 4 years
Stay in Mar-a-Lago, Trump. No one wants you back.
Stay in Mar-a-Lago, Trump. No one wants you back.
Trump will cause less damage on the golf course than he would in the White House. Donald Trump is spending Christmas the way he has spent much of his presidency: tweeting, golfing, being lazy, and ignoring the hard work of being president while trying to destroy the efforts of leaders actually carving out policy. Over his four years (thankfully coming to an end soon) as president, Trump has…
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politicalmurder · 4 years
Biden Cabinet picks show the adults are back in charge
Biden Cabinet picks show the adults are back in charge
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Well, that’s refreshing. The men and women President-Elect Joe Biden has chosen for his Cabinet and Cabinet-level posts so far not only look like America, as he promised, but also are capable to doing their jobs in a way to reassert America’s standing in the world and to reassure U.S. allies that they will no longer be abandoned.
As a Washington Post editorialput it: “Here’s a change: A…
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politicalmurder · 4 years
You lost, Trump. Get over it and step aside.
You lost, Trump. Get over it and step aside.
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With the news that PRESIDENT-ELECT Joe Biden has taken the lead in votes in Georgia and Pennsylvania, it’s now clear that the Donald Trump era in America will soon be coming to an end. Adding those two states’ counts to Biden’s total puts Biden over the 270 Electoral College votes he needs to win the presidency.
You’d like to say, “It’s all over but the shouting.” But in Trump’s case, shouting…
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politicalmurder · 4 years
There's a whole lotta voting going on
There’s a whole lotta voting going on
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An Illinois voter inserts his absentee ballot envelope into a locked ballot drop-off box. Boxes are emptied every night to keep absentee ballots secure. On this particular day of early voting, the container was completely filled by noon.
Have you voted yet? If you have, you’re like nearly 46 million other Americans. And there’s still more than a week until Election Day.
All signs are that the…
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politicalmurder · 4 years
America is ready to change the channel on Trump
America is ready to change the channel on Trump
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The Donald Trump show has jumped the shark.
After four years of watching Trump in his natural habitat of bad TV, U.S. voters are ready to tell him that his show is canceled.
Yes, it’s still possible that Trump might win the election on Nov. 3, which is now less than three weeks away. Possible, but highly unlikely. 538’s aggregate polling averagehas former Vice President Joe Biden leading…
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politicalmurder · 4 years
How does the $750 tax man spend $70,000 on that hair?
How does the $750 tax man spend $70,000 on that hair?
Donald Trump spent $70,000 on THAT?
The bombshell story from The New York Times on Donald Trump’s taxes is filled with appalling revelations about tax avoidance, likely tax fraud, dodgy deductions, failed businesses, vast write-offs, infusions of questionable foreign funds, and much, much more. But the item that most struck me was the report of how much he spent on his hair.
Many disclosures in…
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politicalmurder · 4 years
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Kamala Harris is wearing Chuck Taylors and I’m all for it By making a definite fashion statement about comfortable footwear, Kamala Harris has taken a bold step forward for women everywhere.
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