politicalshiticals · 3 years
tumblr is a website where you can see posts like “gender roles are a social construct and they’re not real” and “the stock market is just astrology for men” followed by “he is my boy girlfriend” reblogged by the same person in a span of two minutes. like how do you not see the irony of it all 
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politicalshiticals · 3 years
hey can u please take a moment to stop scrolling and watch this
even if u cant do anything personally this info needs to be known so please boost this
link to the tiktok
link to their bio
link to the website they mention
link to their instagram
and here’s some article links to what’s talked about in the video x x x x x
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politicalshiticals · 3 years
NYC mayoral candidates asked what "should be banned" in the city and bench appearo came in this with BOILING take
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politicalshiticals · 3 years
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Once upon a time…
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politicalshiticals · 3 years
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politicalshiticals · 3 years
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politicalshiticals · 3 years
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politicalshiticals · 3 years
honest to god can't stop thinking about this song about jeff bezos by philip labes (link takes you to his spotify). it's such a good example of politically driven folk music.
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politicalshiticals · 3 years
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politicalshiticals · 3 years
interesting how kindergarten kids naturally respect and adore blue collar workers to the point where toy garbage trucks, construction vehicles and the like are a common sight in childrens bedrooms, but only a couple years older they've already had that very thoroughly taught out of them. replaced by a worldview of arrogance towards the lowly, unaccomplished and uneducated who serve as living cautionary tales of what happens if youre too lazy or too stupid to study hard. some very unbiased educating at play to foster the next year of adults who see nothing wrong with the people performing the most vital tasks in a society being the ones who scrape by on starvation wages and backbreaking work hours
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politicalshiticals · 3 years
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politicalshiticals · 3 years
i think i would rather encounter multiple women who take astrology too seriously over even one guy who genuinely believes in sigma/alpha/beta male bullshit
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politicalshiticals · 3 years
i can't believe i have to fucking say it because i'm an educator so like how is it possible nobody else has said this.
unless a person is actively making materials/etc for children, they do not need to worry about your kid.
your child gets respect as a human. that's it. nobody's private life/artistic endeavors/unrelated interests must be controlled for the sake of your kid.
educators and athletes and artists do not have to live in chastity because your kid might see us on our days off. we do not owe it to your kid to only write poems about bunnies and only sing songs about tying your shoes. i do not care how much a person has given to children, if they are acting as an adult in adult spheres, they are allowed to. they are adults. it is your job as a caregiver to raise your kid and keep them out of adult spheres, not our job to keep ourselves out of those spheres just in case.
guess what! adult role models are going to bars and hooking up and dancing and being adults! this is so they have the mental energy to do all the child-centric things.
"it makes me feel weird to picture them like that!" i don't know how to tell you this but actors aren't actually their roles. the customer-service personality your waitress has is probably not her actual personality. the way teachers interact with students is not the way that they interact with their private lives, and it shouldn't be.
"this tells kids this kind of behavior is okay!" actually it's showing kids a normal and natural progression of a person's life, boundaries, and bodily autonomy. it's showing kids that adults are dynamic human beings. kids already know this. they know there's places they're not allowed and things they don't understand yet. it's just that you have icky feelings because you were raised in a society with black-and-white morality.
celebrities don't owe your children perfection, modesty, sobriety. and you know something? it's way healthier when they don't. "this is a person, who gets up every morning and does their job - but also has adult interests, which you'll learn about later" is way healthier as a role model than "you should be perfect like the curated image of this person and if you're not perfect you should be deeply ashamed."
anyway. idk why "think of the children!!!!" is making a comeback as a popular stance. but to be clear? it's a way of saying "this makes me feel uncomfortable, but i don't know why, and i don't feel like untangling it, so i'll blame you for it and hope you feel guilty about my children."
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politicalshiticals · 3 years
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politicalshiticals · 3 years
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politicalshiticals · 3 years
I simply cannot feel sorry for multi-millionaire Scarlett Johansson only earning $20 million instead of $30 million or what the fuck ever because Disney recognised that large parts of the world still can't safely go to the cinema on account of the deadly pandemic and released Black Widow on Disney+ at the same time as in theatres. But then I also support anyone suing Disney for any reason, so you see my dilemma
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politicalshiticals · 3 years
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