chronicallytheodora · 7 years
@zebratheodora: Everyone’s Irish on St. Patrick’s Day.... Except for the Scots. We’re still Scots. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 #AlbaGuBrath
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chronicallytheodora · 7 years
Georgina smiled. “I’ll see you later.” She said. She gave Theodora another friendly smile and waved at her dog before walking off.
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“Bye.” Theodora forced a small smile back at her friend as she watched her walk off. And as much as she didn’t want to, she was gonna keep her word to Georgina. She’d text her after the exam or sooner if she started to feel worse.
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chronicallytheodora · 7 years
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chronicallytheodora · 7 years
“I mean, he’s in films - I wouldn’t call him an actor.” Actually, Harri quite liked the films she had seen that Mark was in but her stubborn nature did not allow her to admit that to anyone. “Well they’re taking him to celebrate and there’s nothing to particularly celebrate when it comes to my life right now so I guess that’s their justification? They said I’m better off staying and studying - it’s whatever.” Shrugging, Harri nodded a little. “There’ll be something going down - it’s LA after all. What are you doing with your break?”
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Brushing aside what Harriet had said about her brother, Theodora focused instead on what the girl said about herself. “I’m sure that’s not true. There has t’ be plenty t’ celebrate ‘bout yer life right now. There’s somethin’ t’ celebrate ‘bout everyone’s life, even if it’s just the fact yer alive an’ well.” She grew quiet for a moment, a small frown upon her face. She didn’t particularly like what she was hearing; but she wasn’t going to comment further. “Oh, uh, I’ll be up at the penthouse in Vancouver wit’ me papa an’ Jasper.” It wasn’t Scotland; but it was technically home too.
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chronicallytheodora · 7 years
“If anything changes, please let me know?” Georgina asked. “I don’t mean to sound over-bearing but it’s just how I am with friends. Ask Cami and Marnie.”
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“I will. Promise.” And Theodora meant it. She knew Georgina cared; and while she still hated when people got protective of her, she understood it came from a mixture of logical concern and friendly caring. She appreciated the latter.
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chronicallytheodora · 7 years
“Okay, and text me if you need anything at all.” Vanessa said. “I’ll probably be in the music hall for a while.” She said with a slight smile. 
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“Will do.” Theodora nodded in acknowledgement before turning her full attention to Angus. “Tiugainn, Angy.” With that said, she started to slowly lead the Scottie out of the room and back to the dorm.
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chronicallytheodora · 7 years
Fuck the snow. It’s supposed to snow here overnight; and predictions say could be between 8-12in. That would probably mean my doctors appointment getting cancelled for the THIRD DAMN TIME! This snow can just fuck the hell off so I can go get my treatment done and stop feeling like utter shit… I think Elsa hates me and wants me to suffer.
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chronicallytheodora · 7 years
Letting out a scoff, Marnie took a purposeful sip, “He’s not here. Besides, it’s coffee; not coke,” She pursed her lips, offering her cup. “It’s good, but coffee breath makes me gag.” At the thought, Marnie shuddered.
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“Um, coke as in the fizzy drink or coke as in the hard drug?” Theodora had to confirm which one Marnie was referring to, as she couldn’t tell solely on context clues. Eying the cup of coffee as her project partner offered it to her, she merely shook her head and held up her hand. “I”ll, uh, take yer word for it; an’ I think I’ll just stick wit’ me tea.”
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chronicallytheodora · 7 years
Vanessa was about to argue when she saw her friend wobble but sighed. “Fine.” She said. “But please send me a text when you get back to our dorm?”
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“Will do.” Theodora knew her roommate was just being concerned about her; and the girl had good reason to be. Vanessa knew about her health issues; and she knew that I’m tired was usually code for more. In a way, it was nice that she was being protective. It showed she cared; but it was still annoying, especially after having grown up in a more than overprotective household. “I promise t’ text ye before I settle down for a nap.”
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chronicallytheodora · 7 years
Georgina nodded. “Okay.” She said. “How about this? I’ll go to the library or somewhere for my free period and then after class, you text me and I’ll come meet up with you?” She asked. “We can meet at your dorm.”
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Figuring no wasn’t going to be an option, Theodora nodded, shrugging slightly as she did so. “Alright. That sounds like a plan.” Now all she had to do was actually make it through third period to take her exam. With how awful she felt, she wasn’t entirely sure that was going to happen; or if it did, she felt like meeting Georgina at the campus infirmary would be a better option.
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chronicallytheodora · 7 years
“Oh that’s right... Yer brother’s an actor.” Theodora remembered the other mentioning how her brother was an actor. She didn’t follow the Oscars or most films in general; but she knew what Harriet was talking about was a big deal. “Congratulations t’ him for winnin’; but that’s not right that yer bein’ excluded from goin’ t’ Hawaii.” It really wasn’t fair; though Theodora didn’t know the full extent as to why the other brunette wouldn’t be going on the trip over break. “I’m, uh, I’m sure ye’ll find somethin’ better t’ do.“
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“My Brother’s film won some Oscar last night which means the entire family is off to Hawaii over Spring Break in celebration… Entire meaning excluding me.” Harri rolled her eyes; this was so typical of her parents, everything was about her Brother and she just got left by the wayside. “So what’s going down here over break period?” 
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chronicallytheodora · 7 years
Theodora knew how awful she’d feel if anything happened to Angus; so when some girl came up to her and asked her if she saw the dog, she felt more than compelled to lend a hand. “Nae.” She shook her head, sincerely sorry she couldn’t be of more use right off the bat. “But, uh, I could try an’ help ye look for him if ye’d like?” She sent a quick glance down her Scottish terrier. “I’m sure Angy could, uh, follow a scent... He quite likes other dogs, actually.”
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“Did you happen to see where that dog went? I was walking her for my teacher who she only stopped by for a second , and asked me too,  and she just was so strong slipped outta my hands” Blair said sighing not sure what to do if she lost the dog
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chronicallytheodora · 7 years
“If all of that stuff’s not allowed, what like… do you eat, for lunch and stuff?” Mila asked carefully, genuinely asking because she couldn’t think of much that would be left after that. Then, a shocked noise emitted from her lips, “You don’t know who Reese Witherspoon is? You’ve never seen Legally Blonde?” She almost-shouted, horrified. “She’s a super famous, iconic actress. We’ve got to watch it. That, and Cruel Intentions.”
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“I know it sounds restrictive; but I promise ye I can eat quite a lot. Fruits, veggies, meats an’ fish... Me papa allows me t’ eat potatoes; though they’re technically not Paleo.” Theodora didn’t really stray from her diet, except for where potatoes were concerned. They were such a staple in the Scottish diet that her father wasn’t going to ban her from eating them. “An’ if I wasnae allergic, I could have tree nuts t’.” She added on, pausing for a moment to check on the status of her nosebleed. It was letting up; so that was a good sign. “Um... Nae. I’ve not ever even heard o’ Legally Blonde. I take it that’s a film?”
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chronicallytheodora · 7 years
Marnie gave her a look that said ‘I’m not stupid’, and said, “You ain’t telling the truth. You should sleep, or something.” Her jaw dropping, she couldn’t believe Theodora didn’t drink coffee. “That’s criminal, coffee’s the shit. I can’t survive without it, but I guess tea is a UK thing.” There were a lot of British students at PCA, and in Los Angeles in general, so Marnie knew this.
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Ignoring the first part of Marnie’s response, Theodora focused on the comment regarding coffee instead. “Me papa doesnae allow it. He does drink it, though; an’ I quite like the way it smells. It’s quite aromatic.”
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chronicallytheodora · 7 years
Georgina smiled and looked at her friend. “Look, I know this is the last thing you want, I’m protective of my friends.”
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“An’ I appreciate it... I just don’ like it.” Theodora admitted. She already had to deal with her father and with Jasper being beyond overprotective. She didn’t really want to deal with protective friends too. Maybe at some point, she’d consider telling Georgina the truth about just how overprotective her father truly was and why she disliked it so much.
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chronicallytheodora · 7 years
Vanessa nodded as her roommate spoke and smiled. “Let me get you back to our room and then I’ll go out and get the lemon and limes.” She said.
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“I’m perfectly capable o’ gittin’ back t’ the room meself.” Theodora was stubborn; and even though she felt like crap, she wasn’t about to admit she needed any help or give up her independence. Moving to stand, she wobbled slightly on her feet, hoping Vanessa didn’t notice her unease. “So ye can just meet me after classes... I’ll be fine until then.”
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chronicallytheodora · 7 years
Georgina studied her friend for a moment and then nodded. “Okay.” She said. “But, I’m still gonna wait outside your class.” She said. “I’ll catch up on my reading or something.”
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“Ye really don’ have t’ even do that; but I suppose I cannae stop ye.” Theodora let out a defeated sigh, knowing there’d be no use arguing with her friend.
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