politicians-son-blog · 12 years
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politicians-son-blog · 12 years
Finally have a room assignment.
I think it's time I meet this Tramp guy.
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politicians-son-blog · 12 years
Hippies? Wow....I didn't think that was still going on. [laughs slightly] Um..No offense, I mean. I'm kind of a little challenged in the topics of what's happening all around besides politics.
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It's gettin' sorta dreary around 'ere, isn't it.
[ She met his eyes for a moment, and then nodded quietly. ] Nah, that’s understandable. School’s…important. At least t’me. My parents? Not so much. [ She shrugged slightly, before glancing back towards him. ] Nice t’meet you. 
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[ She frowned faintly and then shrugged. ] M’parents are hippies. But I like it.
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politicians-son-blog · 12 years
[He looked towards her, a little surprised by how shocked she kind of looked] Yeah I'm still kind of new here. Weirdly enough I've actually been focusing on schoolwork instead of being really social. I'm Philip...
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Did you say Rain? That is...an interesting name choice. 
It's gettin' sorta dreary around 'ere, isn't it.
[ She glanced towards him for a moment, her eyes wide. ] Don’t think I’ve ever seen y’before. ‘m Rain.
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politicians-son-blog · 12 years
Quote by Phillip
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"I like crazy people who don't give a fuck."
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politicians-son-blog · 12 years
A bit, yeah.
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It's gettin' sorta dreary around 'ere, isn't it.
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politicians-son-blog · 12 years
Well.... crap! My deadline has approached. How about...Alane? Alina? Adeline? Amara? Annalie? Honestly I just googled unique a names. -laughs-
Hey Philly.
[smirks] you have till Friday, mister.
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politicians-son-blog · 12 years
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Um, okay. A dare? Really? So is that a popular thing around here? -laughs-
I lied, I thought of a third. PHILLIP!
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politicians-son-blog · 12 years
Ah, you.... *wags finger towards her* Did I have a time limit?
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Hey Philly.
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Did yah’ ever figure out my name?
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politicians-son-blog · 12 years
Right, Meg. I do remember you. Especially the talk of how troublesome you are. How are you?
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I lied, I thought of a third. PHILLIP!
I’m not sure if you remember me, but my name’s Meg and you and I met in DC. I believe that we talked politics and trouble that I could get you into.
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politicians-son-blog · 12 years
Here it was, the new start to Phillip's independent life. He was finally away from prying eyes and expectations held by his parents. Everything he did from this point on was now his own personal choosing. So....what would he do? 
Once he settled in to a potentially temporary room, everything seemed lonely. Probably because he didn't have a roommate assignment yet and he really had no idea what to do around here or where anyone was. Phillip knew one thing though, he didn't care for the idea of being alone. Honestly, he wanted some sort of an adventure. It seemed childish really, but the thought of exploring really excited the brown headed guy. It was kind of late but he didn't care.
Shuffling his feet, Phillip made his way across the grounds. It was cool and all, but nothing very exciting. Unfortunately a majority of the dorm lights appeared to be off which bummed him out. "Don't tell me everyone is an early bird around here.." He mumbled under his breath. Minutes went by until it turned to an hour. Phillip found himself near an odd side of the school. It had a partially boarded up window. "Well what happened here?" Phillip chuckled to himself. 
Immediate assumption was that it was an old part of the school or an incident had occurred there. He went to the door but it seemed to be sealed. With a quick action, Phillip shouldered a loose board he spotted and made a big enough opening to crawl into. Once he was inside a spooky appeal rushed over him. Everything was dark and frankly, dusty. Using his phone as a source of light, he ventured further down the hallway, coming across some stairways and oddly placed nooks. At one point he slammed into a small mess of clutter in the corner. However, the sound was magnified to an unnecessary high level... (Couldn't be the sound of Aurora falling...nooo)
Nothing too excited seemed to be happening. So, Phillip took a moment to lean against a cold brick wall near a staircase leading downward to check his phone. He then heard a loud 'Help'; like Damsel in Distress sounding. "Hello?" He spoke out to the air and headed down the stairs. After walking a little further on he noticed the atmosphere was now dungeon like. He caught the glimpse of blonde hair and stopped, holding his phone ahead of him to see Aurora....behind bars.
"So what are you in here for? I, myself, murdered an entire pack of useless objects just back there." He pointed behind him making light of this weird predicament.
Exploring The Dark || Phillip/Aurora
“Only a dare… Only a silly dare…” She said softly to herself as she wandered around the old part of the school. Everyone knew the school was ancient but she highly doubted anyone else would go exploring in here. She currently held a flashlight, as it was dark, and her cellphone rested in the pocket of her hoodie. She shivered a bit, running her hand along the old stone walls. She’d taken a side door off the hall long ago and had no clue where she was now. “You can turn back any time, any time at all..” She said softly, biting her lip hard. The light from her flashlight bounced off the walls in an odd way, dousing her in a tinted green glow which made everything scarier. She kept walking though, her feet dragging across the old wooden floor.
Until there wasn’t a floor anymore. As she took a step, her feet and subsequently her weight, found a spot in the wood that has rotted through, years of water damage the culprit. She fell suddenly, screaming out in fear. It felt as though she’d fallen for a long time, as if time had slowed on her sudden and unexpected descent. She hit the hard floor beneath her, this time made of stone, and her breath rushed out of her. She took stock of herself as she sat up, trying to catch her breath. Nothing seemed broken… Except her phone. With a groan she picked up the shattered pieces of her iPhone. “What now?” She wondered aloud, walking carefully across the room. Her flashlight was flickering, and no matter how many times she hit it, it’s light was fading. “Shit shit shit..” She muttered, but walked on none the less. She wanted to get out of there, and soon.
She found however, that was going to be impossible. At least not without help. She ran straight into iron bars. Confused, she ran her hands over the bars and walked as far as she could, feeling out her prison. From what she could feel, she’d found what the anon had wanted her to look for. “HELP!!!” She yelled at the top of her lungs, desperate for anyone to hear her.
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politicians-son-blog · 12 years
Good Grief!
I have returned with a great laptop so I have returned!
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politicians-son-blog · 12 years
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─ Generally, what I think is cool, everybody else hates.
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politicians-son-blog · 12 years
So what's the first thing you're going to do Miss President?
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Oh you guys...
-giggles- Oh well, I won’t tell anyone. It’s our secret. 
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politicians-son-blog · 12 years
-raises eyebrow- Not going to elaborate? Alright... -laughs- I've been known to get a little distracted with things. 
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President of Disney Prep ?
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politicians-son-blog · 12 years
-nods- Huh, that's pretty awesome. Girls that aren't afraid to be in charge of things is a great thing. Around here there's a lot that let the men take charge. It's the modern world now, some people just don't get it. So... any hints? Maybe what it starts with at least? Or how many letters? 
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Anybody know when we head back to the school?
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I’m what we call a one-of-a-kind-type girl. So brace yourself for a whole new ball game with me sweetie. I tend to take charge, say what I want when I want, and do what I want. [smirks] Positive you won’t get it, but if you do I’ll give you a kiss, deal? That is true, I’v met a few names that were.. out there, but Phillip is cute. [pinches his cheek] 
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politicians-son-blog · 12 years
Democracy is something I would favor. 
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Drinking mostly, sometimes I had some free nights I could slip into the public. Usually I would get buzzed for any event.
Anybody know when we head back to the school?
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