Everything is politics; Politics, in general, isn’t on a good note with publicity, the majority are still supporting it, but they are consuming it in a very negative way. Throughout this idea of politics, one finds it very hard to see the unseen behind it all, the disgust that is an ongoing consumption, both from the politicians and the public figures.  Since that everything is moving in a fast paste no one has the time to think clearly and everyone is rebelling against each other.
This project consists of multiple videos accompanied by sound; these videos were taken with the use of a microscope. The idea behind the microscope is to show the unseen, what we humans can’t see with our naked eye. I am giving out the message about the disgust circulating around politics. The microscope will be used over varies objects, materials and food but since they will be seen throughout the microscope the public won't beware what it is but the opposite The idea of implementing sound with the video is to work coherent and support each other throughout their meaning. The idea behind this project is how personally I’ve been looking at politics these past few years/months, how I am seeing everything crumbling together each and every time new conflicts come up; whether their fighting about nuclear weapons, woman’s rights or war. They are just blinded throughout their power and not aware of the people surrounding them and how they are being affected, so by this, it is creating a pendulum effect.
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Here one can see the result of how people were reacting to te virtual realty experience. Sound had been removed due to background noise.
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Here one can see how the Virtual Reality headset had been presented on a white plinth inside a white room. Thos gives more emphasis and importance on the work itself rather than its surroundings.
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Final Video - Project 
Everything is politics; Politics, in general, isn’t on a good note with publicity, the majority are still supporting it, but they are consuming it in a very negative way. Throughout this idea of politics, one finds it very hard to see the unseen behind it all, the disgust that is an ongoing consumption, both from the politicians and the public figures. Since that everything is moving in a fast paste no one has the time to think clearly and everyone is rebelling against each other.
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Throughout this video i wanted to portray the element of speach. Ho the public in political era is difficult for us to speak for our own and even if we do we wont even get heard but get ignored.
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In this video, I used elements such as nuts to represent the mentality of people, how throughout the years of consuming politics they had come to a point that they break down. They don’t have a particular party they just wander around in the middle like a compass. The text within the video is a local Maltese icon Emmy Bezzina where he is vulgar offending people on their political agenda and how everybody is literally getting into everyone',s business.
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Looking deeper into the disgust of things. Combining it with other elements such as sound. Making one feel that uncanny feel.
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Looking more on the female right's. The sound inserted into the video is a speech that Trump was giving about woman in general, treating them as they were a piece of meat. By this, I combined the idea of how he is portraying the woman and making it within the video element. By using pieces of meat and moved them under the microscope.
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This video is done on the idea of how politics were involving nuclear weapons between them. On the other hand, they didn't even care what will happen if they eventually used the weapons, as long as they get what they want they don't even think about the people behind them.
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