pommegranatte · 4 years
i finally read the actual full passage where JKR has her cop self insert threaten a young trans woman w prison rape and its like … wow i forgot how bad of a writer she was. like, this girl’s ‘chest heaved’ like 3 times in 2 pages and like in the space of 3 pages Joanne mentions her long red nails like 6 times
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pommegranatte · 4 years
Mr J, what is your favorite color?
Of course marshmallow colour
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pommegranatte · 4 years
Without Alan Turing, a gay man, you wouldn’t be able to call me a faggot behind the safety of anonymous sunglasses on Tumblr. Think about that.
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pommegranatte · 4 years
list of pride options if you dont want to be exposed to the dangers of the naked human body
option 1:
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pommegranatte · 4 years
“Bringing animals into the world only to kill them is not part of the ‘cycle of nature’. We artificially inseminate animals, kill them years before their life span is up, then justify it as ‘natural’, comparing ourselves to ‘other animals who kill to survive’. Last time I looked, lions weren’t breeding gazelles.”
— Colleen Patrick-Goudreau
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pommegranatte · 4 years
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pommegranatte · 4 years
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pommegranatte · 4 years
Not to keep beating a dead hippogriff, but considering that it's this generation's definitive work of speculative fiction, there's remarkably little philosophical meat on the bones of the Harry Potter franchise. It has no themes beyond the boring Cultural Christian "good vs. evil" narrative, its worldbuilding is haphazard at best, and its central revelation about human nature is that everyone is either primarily brave, smart, evil, or miscellaneous. It's a fun read with enough mysteries to keep you interested, but it's a true shame that it's become a universal cultural referent when there's really just not much there.
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pommegranatte · 4 years
The cool thing tho is that kids are learning about flowers in a fun way! Hell, even adults like me are learning about flowers and bugs!
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pommegranatte · 4 years
Going outside with autism/adhd like *feels all the bushes* *stops to look at a bug* *reads all the signs out loud* *stops to look at a bug* *stops to look at a bug* *feels all the bushes* *stomps on a leaf* *reads all the sign ou
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pommegranatte · 4 years
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pommegranatte · 4 years
When you learn you have a ND disorder or mental illness (whether you self diagnosed or were told about it by a therapist) you'll see a lot more signs/traits in yourself than you did before because you know why you exhibit those traits now
This doesn't mean you're faking it
This doesn't mean it's "getting worse"
This DOES mean that you're still going through the process of understanding yourself and your diagnosis better
This DOES mean that you need to be more patient with yourself and focus on self care and positivity
I promise things will feel normal again soon <3
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pommegranatte · 4 years
Your shitty mother isn't a narcissist. Your toxic ex isnt a psycho. You were not a victim of "bpd abuse". Your abuser was not sociopathic and did not have antisocial personality disorder/was not antisocial. People with harmful and illogical opinions such as government leaders aren't delusional.
Start finding vocabulary that isn't ableist here are some examples of more accurate and less harmful descriptions.
"My mother is conceited and self centered, which impacts me negatively still and led to abuse"
"My ex is violent and seems out of control a lot, and they've traumatized me through their abusive behavior"
"My abuser [describe their actions without mentioning their bpd bc its not what fucking makes some one abusive . that would be like saying "my abuser had depression....I am a victim of depressed abuse and distrust those with depression now because they're abusive" ]
"My abuser didn't have any sympathy or compassion for others and objectified me."
"My abuser lashed out at others and was always very cold and distant to me."
"They're willfully ignorant and hiding behind their privilege."
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pommegranatte · 4 years
anyone else relate to internalized ableism causing you to put off taking meds because people "worry you take too many" and insist you "try natural remedies first"?
and because you put them off, you suffer for hours just because you can?
it's hard for me to remember but you don't have to force yourself to be in pain just because you're expected to, or just because you can
you deserve to be relieved from pain
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pommegranatte · 4 years
I think this version of consent politics that's developing on social media, where strangers need to ask for the public's consent not to perform any kind of sexual act towards the public or in front of it, but to be allowed to dress provocatively or skimpily at all, is starting to sound less like actual consent politics and more like the anarcho-capitalist concept of the Non-Agression Principle.
The only caveat is that this principle is deployed with extreme inconsistency because none of it's advocates would be caught telling cis women to "stop dressing like sluts" in a normal non-pride context, if anything because it makes them sound like misogynists or fundies, but will absolutely say this if the style of slutty dress reminds them of some fetish that internet radfems told them is bad or, in many cases, if the skimpy outfit in question in worn by a gay man or a trans woman.
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pommegranatte · 4 years
Ableism isn’t a new age oppression/issue. Pretending it is some new thing millennials made up is literally preposterous. There is a long history of the abuse, torture, hospitalization, and institutionalization of disabled/neurodivergent people. Pretending lobotomies, electroshock therapy, eugenics, and murder weren’t practices used against disabled people is ableism itself.
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pommegranatte · 4 years
I'm gonna stop posting about this because discoursing about this on the one year where no street pride is happening is absurd but I think the "no kink at pride" people trying to reignite this shit might want to reconsider their definitions and their understanding of what constitutes a "public sexual act" if they think that wearing a leather harness or a dog mask is a sexually explicit act. projecting your disgust to the point you treat non-explicit acts as sexually explicit solely because they make you conjure mental images of people having Icky Sex is not actually rational behavior and is in fact one of the key ways in which homophobes rationalize their disgust for gay pda.
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