ponyships · 5 years
okie dokie then what about one-sided ships like one characters interested in another but that another character isn't interested in them are those allowed?
Absolutely!!! One sided ships are definitely allowed!
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ponyships · 5 years
Okie dokie then are OC X Canon ships allowed?
Hm...I’m going to say no. That would be more of a commission, since it wouldn’t be for everyone!
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ponyships · 5 years
Opening “Headcanon” request
Do you need more written content of your ship? Do you want something a bit faster than art? Send in a request for headcanons! A mod will reply with some of their favourite headcanons of that ship! Rarepairs accepted, of course!
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ponyships · 5 years
When you say you are a pro-shipping blog, do you mean you are pro-incestuous and pedophilic ships?
We are pro fictional ships
I try not to let discourse on this blog (though we’ve gotten a few asks, so I might as well address it). I won’t be mentioning this again, loves ❤️
Pro-ship means—to boil it down to its base elements—that we are against ship hate. Fiction is fiction, and no one should be sent hate, death threats, or bait depending on what fiction they like.
We understand that some ships make others uncomfortable. Due to that, we will tag ships accordingly! However, we won’t refuse a request simply because we personally don’t ship it.
There is a lot of discourse on what is right and what is wrong in fiction. Our stance on it is to not gatekeep or block people out of the community just because they agree or disagree on the general consensus of that topic. We don’t like or indulge in every ship under the sun, but we support other people’s rights to indulge if they aren’t hurting themselves or others.
We will happily tag whatever people need tags for. We will not shame them for what they dislike or are uncomfortable with, just as we will not shame in the opposite direction.
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ponyships · 5 years
fluttershy x rainbow dash???
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Of course!
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ponyships · 5 years
Could I please request Rarity and Applejack? ^_^
Of course!!! Here you go!
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ponyships · 5 years
Hi there can I see fluttershy and rainbow dash?
Lil Fluttershy wasn’t expecting the surprise smooch! 
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ponyships · 5 years
Would love some Applejack and Twilight Sparkle cute, please!
Of course, love!!
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This beautiful piece done by the lovely guest artist @pookie-is-art !!!
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ponyships · 5 years
Could you draw poly cmc at pride with apple bloom being pan, scootaloo being a nonbinary lesbian, and sweetie belle being a bisexual trans girl?
Absolutely!! They’re ready to go rock the town!!
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(One with the queer flag and one with the basic rainbow flag!)
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ponyships · 5 years
Small note
This blog is pro-shipping, so we won’t be posting asks calling people out or calling certain ships by rude names. Everyone has their interests, likes, and dislikes.
I created this blog so that it could be a place for openness, friendliness, and acceptance.
I understand that not everyone may like the same ships, but we’ll keep from shaming each other, okay? ❤️🧡💛💚
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ponyships · 5 years
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A new mod enters the game! Heyo! I’m mod Noodle! I’m here to help draw some requests! 
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ponyships · 5 years
This is odd, but Apple bloom and Terramar. Idk after he was introduced I just started shipping Terramar and Apple Bloom for some unknown reason? And I'm pretty sure they're around the same age too? But not too sure-- i'm-- not the best when it comes to figuring out the different creatures gender differences when they're different creatures even! Though they were both mentioned to be kids (perhaps young teens?)
Oh my gosh, this sounds like such a cute ship! Here you go, love! Happy shipping!
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ponyships · 5 years
My half of the collab with the wonderful, talented, sweet af polyquestria!!
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Guest Artist Time! The lovely @ponyships brings us this caddash
[image description: two ponies feature against a blank background. One, Cadence, is lying down. The other, Rainbow Dash, is standing up. Cadence has a soft smile on her face, her eyes closed. She is saying “My eyes are closed…What is the surprise?”. Rainbow Dash is looking down bashfully, a slight blush on her face. Underneath her right fore hoof is an engagement ring box. Below the piece is an ask from an anonymous user. It reads “Cadence x Rainbow Dash :3.”]
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ponyships · 5 years
With every request I get, I shed a tear as I imagine each ship. Y’all...I ship everything. All of this. Even ones I’ve never heard of makes my heart so happy
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ponyships · 5 years
Awesome to see another blog like this ^^ For a ship request, how about Fluttershy x Nurse Redheart? The animal caretaker and the pony caretaker, most caring of ships!
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This art done by the one and only @polyquestria as part of a collaboration!
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ponyships · 5 years
pharynx x blueblood ?? pwq
Blueblood is secretly smitten with that handsome changeling…Or at least, he thinks it’s a secret. Everyone, even the changeling in question, knows of this crush.
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ponyships · 5 years
Can I request an Appledash pic?
Sure! But in the future (I forgot to reinforce this rule until I was done the drawing–) please use full character names!
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Farmer and athlete…beautiful
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