poorbbyyy · 2 years
reblog to send your mutuals a hug. maybe just the thought is enough to cheer them up 🥺
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poorbbyyy · 2 years
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poorbbyyy · 2 years
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@roztargnienia edit
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poorbbyyy · 2 years
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165 notes · View notes
poorbbyyy · 2 years
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all of my devotion turns violent
Ada Limón, Jen Mazza, Japanese Breakfast, Denis Sarazhin, Anaïs Nin, Louise Bourgeois, Pablo Neruda, Joseph-Désiré Court, Crimson Peak (2015)
buy me a ☕
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poorbbyyy · 2 years
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Jimmy Page performs on stage at Madison Square Garden for the Atlantic Records 40th Anniversary Concert in New York City, New York, May 14, 1988.
(Photos by Paul Natkin/Getty Images)
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poorbbyyy · 2 years
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📸 Herb Greene, 1969
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poorbbyyy · 2 years
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poorbbyyy · 2 years
Jimmy being frustrated because he can’t start a sentence without “Well”
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poorbbyyy · 2 years
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Jimmy Page and Roy Harper during a night out in London (September 1, 2016)
Does anyone recognise this place?
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poorbbyyy · 2 years
Chapter 2: Catholic Girls and Blow
~FYI this chapter will have mature themes such as drug usage and of course heavy smut. It is quite the long chapter. I've been working on it and wanting everything to be detailed. Also leave your thoughts in the comments. Anyways enjoy 🦋~
The man's fingers still wrapped around her wrist. Misty just wanted to get back to her friends now, this was starting to become worrying. What if Darla was worried about her? Whatever he wanted it was no good. He still stared down at the young girl intensely, what did he want? A moment of silence went between them as they stood.
She quickly looked around to see Darla now sitting in Robert Plants lap giggling while he spoke into her ear. Her face tickled pink.
" How did such a sweet little minx like you end up here? Tell me darling what's your name?" He spoke with his thick accent.
Finally he spoke, quite the soft voice he had. But there was an undertone she couldn't quite understand behind it.His eyes dark and piercing through her in a way she'd never felt before. How they burned right through her. It made her want to hide, her skin crawled. She gulped nervously before looking back at him. There was something about him so dark that had her wanting to squirm away. But he held her in his grasp keeping her there.
" My names M-Misty. What is your name sir?" She spoke timidly.
The corners of his mouth turned upwards as he moved in a little closer. She could tell from the look on his face he enjoyed  the nervousness. It was as if she was his prey and he the predator. She prayed that he couldn't hear  her raging heart beat. Her heart was pounding heavily against her ribcage like drums. It felt very much cat and mouse like.His  arm now snaked  around her waist bringing her in closer to his lean frame. His large hand on the dip of her back as he closed the space between them.
"The name is Jimmy, Jimmy Page to you." He whispered in her ear.
He left his lips lingering for a few seconds besides her earr.Ever so lightly pressed against her cartilage. His breathy whisper sent shivers down her spine. Something about it made the shorter girl very nervous. A man had never been this close to her  before, never had she been in such a position with anyone. So this was the Jimmy Page, the one written about in the papers. The wild man who dabbled with groupies and with the evil arts. God he was actually quite attractive up close she thought. The smell of his cologne was intoxicating, it smelt fresh and clean with a hint of bergamot.
" Misty such a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl. Why have I never seen you before love?" He asked.
Her face ignited a shade of rouge, beautiful? How did he know I was new here? How long had he been watching me?
"Thank you Sir, this is my first time coming out here. My friend had drug me along. Um I normally don't do stuff like this." She rebutted.
It was so noticeable how new she was here, she looked so tense and something about her just screamed it wasn't her scene hell she looked like a lost puppy here. Just staring around with her wide set for eyes. Most of the faces that came were the same people, everyone knew each other. Someone like Misty stuck out like a sore thumb.
"Why don't you take a drink then sweetie and relax?You look quite tense." He said.
The margarita glass still in her hand somehow. She looked at it, she'd yet to take a sip of the adult drink.
Everyone else around her were gulping drinks down one by one and she taken back by it. She began to feel slightly insecure about her actions. Was it that noticeable?
" I've never drank before. Does it taste bad?" She pondered.
He chuckled at her, oh she was just as innocent as she looked. He thought it was slightly cute the way she questioned that. It would've came off as a dumb question to anyone but it wasn't considering her age. He didn't know how old she was yet but he could tell she was young. He shamelessly like the girls he picked out. They were young, he loved baby groupies just as the next rockstar did.He loved how they acted over him, how they gushed. They yearned for him like he was a drug and they were an addict. It quite boosted his ego, he loved it. But she, she acted quite a bit different. Like he was some normal human.
"Trust me darling once you get a taste you'll forget about the feeling." He beckoned.
He brought the glass up to her mouth.
"Take a sip baby." He whispered.
The way he called her baby made her feel quite mushy inside. Her lips on the edge of the glass as she bent her neck back to take the warm sweet drink. The liquor burning her throat.He watched in amazement as she drank from the cup in his hand. She was quite the beautiful thing, oh and the things he thought of doing to her already.
I guess it's not that bad, it was a little sweet.
Misty had barely eaten that day, so she didn't know quite yet the consequences of that. But how would she?
She brought her head back to face him after sipping from the crystal glass. She wiped the corner of her mouth making sure to keep it from dripping out. She didn't care for the after taste at all. Her eyes met back with his beautiful green ones.
He smiled at her in approval, he couldn't get the thought of how good she looked taking a drink from his hand. Oh he could already see she would be quite the play thing to control. He wanted to feast on her innocence or whatever little she had left. He didn't know much about her but he would eventually.
"For not drinking before I would've thought you wouldn't have taken it like that." He said.
"Yeah, I guess it wasn't that bad. It tasted kind of sweet but bitter. I think the sugar on the rim leveled it out." She said.
His hands went down to her hips and he started to move against her. His hands moving her body against him. Everything suddenly felt so warm to her, her skin began to tingle. There was a warm sensation in her chest. She was also quite surprised by what was going on. How he just grabbed her and was moving her body against his to the music. But something in her as surprising as it was felt the sudden urge to move with him. She liked it and she began to feel at ease.
Is this what alcohol does? Misty felt his hands lower down to her butt and give it a little squeeze. It caught her out of her trance she was in while dancing. The dress she wore amplified all of her features specifically her breasts. They were of a larger size around a D cup. His eyes hungrily watched as she danced with him. Her skin looked so devouring.
"Tell me Misty how old are you?" He asked.
His hands still placed on her ass as she moved to the beat with him.
"I'm seventeen Sir. I just turned seventeen last November How old are you?" She responded.
His ears perked up like a child who heard an ice cream truck in their neighborhood. God she was young and he was going to have his fun. It was no secret again how he loved younger girls. Something about innocence made him draw near. Any sort of purity he wanted to taint it with his wickedness. He wanted to slew away whatever there was and take it for himself. The thought of corrupting someone appeased his devilish self.
" I'm twenty-seven darling." He said.
Her eyes bugged out a little bit this man was way older than her by like ten years. God this was so scandalous she thought. He had to have known how young she looked even though her body said otherwise. The men gawked at her desiring her when she walked in. She felt the eyes of men who had no business even thinking about her staring. It made her nervous. She stayed in silence after his answer.
She was still enjoying herself with him. The boys her age never even bothered with her. She convinced herself that she was lucky such a man like him paid her an ounce of attention. They always went after Darla. But Darla never paid them mind considering her love for older men.
It was nice to feel wanted but by someone who was rockstar. She was a bit star struck in all honesty, this was the Jimmy Page in-front of her. Feeling up her body in such a way that made her senses tingle.
"Tell me about yourself love." He spoke.
She was trying to scramble  her thoughts together, what would she tell him? How boring her life was? She wanted to suddenly keep his attention on her. She was worried she might lose his focus. But little did she know that was untrue.
"There's nothing much about me to be honest. I enjoy painting and art. I go to church and I like reading.I enjoy the nature and being by the water." She said sheepishly.
"Ah a church girl. So tell me church girl have you got it in you to sin tonight?" He asked devilishly.
The way he spoke that line set something deep within her. She felt her loins heat up at his words. She also felt something firm pressed against her lower stomach.
Her face flushed more than the alcohol had already made it. Again she'd never had this sort of reaction with anyone. God she was going to hell she thought. Everything she was doing was so outside of the normal for her. But for some reason possibly the liquor had to do with it.
She giggled at him and leaned forward with her hand on his chest.
" I don't know what you mean by that sir but maybe." She snickered.
"That's what I like to hear darling. Now follow me to the table." He spoke before leading her over to the group.l
Misty was met with the group. 
"Misty I was wondering where you were at!" Darla slurred and waved excitedly.
Darla was sitting on Robert Plants lap, his arms were slinked around her waist. She's never seen Darla so giddy before. She observed the rest of the table to see 2 other men there.  Four younger girls around the two of the men. They were wearing quite the revealing outfits.The menwere handsome but not like Robert or Jimmy to say the least to her. She knew who they were from the news papers. They were the biggest band in America right before her.
"Eh Pagey who's the beauty you've got?" The man with the thick mustache said.
All eyes at the table were on her. She moved a little closer to Jimmy wanting to hide a little. He noticed and held her closet.
" This Bonzo is Misty, she's the one I had Peter call over remember?" He spoke.
Bonzo nodded before taking a gulp of his beverage.
Jimmy sat down and pulled Misty onto his lap quickly. She lost a bit of air in the process. She was a bit in shock sitting in his lap.
" Are you having fun yet? I see you're with Jimmy quite the man isn't he?" Darla whispered while raising her eyebrows.
" He is quite handsome, I can't believe I'm here right now I'm his lap Darla. I don't know how you talked me into this one." She jokes.
Darla just snickered into her hand before taking a puff off of Roberts cigarette. Jimmy's hand rested on her leg where the end of her dress was. His hand touching her soft thighs, finger tips tracing the skin. His other holding a cup of whatever dark liquor it was. His fingers feeling the sweet skin below. She was soft to the touch. Misty felt a new feeling emerge between her thighs. She felt hot, a feeling she'd never felt.
For the first time in her life she felt aroused. She wanted him to keep doing it and possibly press harder. What was wrong with her? Where did these feelings all of a sudden come from? She didn't know but she liked it. His fingers continuously kneading into the flesh.
" Another drink for you." He spoke as he placed another glass in front of her.
She grabbed it fast enjoying the feeling she felt. For once she felt alive and maybe due to the drinks. This was her second one. She placed the glass between her lips and let the warm liquor flow down her throat.
Darla looked at Misty in awe, never seeing her like this before. Her friend looked so beautiful and everyone knew it. She was so happy to be here with Misty, there was no other she would've liked to share this moment with. For the first time she saw Misty not on edge, just living in the moment. It was so sweet and exhilarating to see. She was happy they'd sneaked out. At first she was concerned about how Misty would've reacted. She was worried she may have had to leave early.
Darla was having quite the time finally meeting Robert Plant and being in his lap. He was quite the charming and beautiful man, with his shirt unbuttoned and showing his chest. He was even more beautiful in person than on the television or vinyls she collected. She played with his curls a little bit enjoying the golden sunshine that they were. He was so captivating to be in the presence of.
She was hoping possibly that she would go with him after. To  what they called the Riot House it was a grand hotel on Sunset. But for now she was just gonna relish in what was happening right now. Darla was being to feel high after hitting her joint a few more times. Drinking and smoking was always so fun for her. The mixture made her feel on top but not comparable to what coke did. She'd dabbled if it was ever offered but that was it just socially.
Misty now was feeling herself as she sat on the man's lap. God she felt warmth all around her and she began to move on his lap. Not gyrating fully but moving her hips to the music, she felt free in the moment. Letting the poisonous drink take over her. Jimmy enjoyed what she was doing on him, and it excited him. Hence his crotch began to harden underneath her butt. She was a thicker girl compared to the usual skinnier baby groupies. He liked it, more to work with he thought.
She was quite voluptuous for being at the age she was. God he couldn't wait to get her, he was going to do that indeed. He knew from the moment he saw her walk in with that little mini orange dress that he wanted her beneath him. Whimpers leaving her mouth as he pleased and teased her. He thought about it deeply, the feel of her body.
He wanted that, he wanted the little dress that hid her body from the world off. He wanted to be the one to take it off. He saw the way others looked at her, he wasn't quite the fan of it. Jealousy sparked within. Jimmy didn't like sharing his girls at all.
She was quite different maybe it was because of her innocence and her lack of throwing herself at him. Different than your average groupie. She wasn't even one. He wanted her all to himself and that he would have. Early he was with other girls making out that was until he laid eyes upon the fresh girl who walked in. He'd been with those girls in the orgies at the hotel. One time Peter had rolled him on the trolley with whipped cream all over his naked body.
Pushed into a room with eager and possessed like girls. Ready to feast on him like a holiday dinner.It was a night to remember. But he needed something new and he would make sure she was that.
He was slightly turned on by the fact that she was a church girl. There was always rumors about church girls being wild in the sheets or just being pure as ever. She was so alluring something about her just excited him. He could feel the heat radiating from her skin. He teased her skin with fingers softly. Tracing the creamy flesh. How he wanted to skin his teeth into her thighs.
"You've got such a nice body little girl. Tell me have you ever been touched?" He whispered into her neck again.
Oh this man was quite sinful she thought. His lips pressed on the skin behind her ear and his tongue pressed against the skin. God the fire between her legs begun to ignite. Her back pressed against his chest.
"No." She whispered lowly.
Just as he thought and this made him even more hungry.He could do whatever he wanted with her now. He wanted to feel her around him clenching tightly, he loved how her body reacted. He started to trail down the side of her neck until his lips met with the dip where her shoulders were. Leaving little warm wet spots where his lips once were.
Misty was turned on she could feel the warmth pooling in her black panties. She raveled in this feeling he gave her. It was embellishing. It felt good it made her feel on top of the world.Every kiss he placed on her skin amplified the feeling within like a wildfire. She didn't care about anything else right now.
He suddenly stopped making her frown a little bit.
" Be patient little girl." He said.
Be patient for what? What was she to wait for? She wanted it to continue she liked the feeling he gave her.
"Eh Peter hand me the case." Jimmy spoke.
Peter nodded before grabbing a small metal case out of his blazer. Misty couldn't tell what it was but it must've been important. She was quite curious of what it was. Jimmy placed it on the table before them, opening it to reveal a little dime baggy with white powdery substance it seemed.
"What is that?" She asked.
"It's Nose Candy. Wanna try it? " He joked.
Nose candy? What in gods name was nose candy?
It didn't look like candy to her, she'd never heard of it. She was so curious about it in all honesty.
"How do you try it? What does it taste like?" She asked.
He laughed at her words, oh god she was innocent. It was coke simply it was either ingested by rubbing the gums or snorted.
"Oh darling let me show you." He spoke.
She watched him disperse it on the table and separating it with a card he had. He separated it into two lines evenly. He had one for her and one for him. He pulled out a rolled up bill from the case and leaned down. Just like that the substance was sniffed up through the rolled up bill. He leaned back and rubbed his nose, his eyebrows scrunched together. His eyes shot open, pupils widely displayed. He was ready for the night.
"Does it hurt? How do you feel?" She asked.
"It doesn't hurt at all baby, you'll feel a little rush and a bit of energy." He reassured her.
He handed her the dollar bill and she took it. She remembered how he did it and went ahead. An instant shot of adrenaline filled her system. A slight stuffy sensation filled her sinuses. She felt a burst of energy and alertness overcame her. Everything felt so different now, everything was more sensitive. But she now felt so awake all of a sudden.
"I feel so alive Jimmy." She giggled.
"Good, do you wanna get out of here darling?" He asked as he kissed her shoulder.
He wanted her all to himself as soon as possible. God he hoped she would say yes. Misty forgot about everything else. She didn't care like she normally would, she was higher than a kite. A feeling she'd never felt before, she was truly breaking all things she abided by. It felt fun she felt happy for once. She was carefree. All the worries and everything she thought before she entered the doors of the Rainbow now vanished.
"Please sir."She said while looking back at him.
Every time she called him sir it turned him on a little more. Her big blue eyes peering at him pleading. Her plunk pink lips coated with gloss looked delectable. He could only imagine how they would feel possibly. He wanted every part of her, he wanted to ruin her.  He wanted to taste the sweetness she carried between her thighs. He wanted to taste her lips, those sweet strawberry lips.
"You guys ready to go?" He asked the group.
Everyone started to rise gathering their things and the girls including Darla. She clung to Robert as he got up. She couldn't believe she was going back with him, hell she really couldn't believe Misty's behavior. She was proud of her though for breaking out of her shyness and prude box. She was a bit worried about Misty considering the things she's heard about the men. A mud shark incident happened with Bonzo and the manager.
She also heard rumors of Jimmy doing crazy things to the other groupies. She heard of so many wild stories of the men. The least from Robert and Jonesy, she had no worry with them. She just knew Jimmy was something else. Everyone started heading towards the exit. Pictures were taken of the group as they left, Peter led them outside to the limo. Making sure people were out the way.
The man was quite tough, he had a sharp tongue spewing curses at the people getting too close. He was quite the mafia like man. His anger was unmatched if tested. You never wanted to be on his bad side at all.
There was a black limousine before them at the curb, the door was quickly opened and the group got in.
Misty had never seen or been in such luxury she was taken aback by her surroundings. It was quite crowded with the girls and guys in here. Misty sat on Jimmy's lap, his firmness pressed against her bottom that was exposed due to the dresses length. Thicker thighs brought the dress up a bit in the back.
She'd never seen a dick before let alone felt one but by all means she could feel he was a rather supplemented man. It made her nervous feeling his dick so close to her crotch. His arm wrapped around her waist pulling her down on him as the limousine started to roll away. She left out a long breath when they drove over a bump. She was so hot and bothered at this moment.
The car was loud and hot full of people. The air smug and thick with cigarette smoke. But she didn't mind her parents were smokers despite being religious. She didn't care for cigarettes though, thank god the window was down.
She felt him pulse himself against her adding pressure to the feeling buried deep down within. She whined at the sensation making him lean in to her ear.
"You feel that little girl? It's because of you." He whispered lowly.
Only she could hear his words and he could hear her paused breaths. His words made her hornier. His touch sent spots of fire to where he felt. He found satisfaction knowing the effects he had on her. He could feel her chest tense up after that. The coke had her feeling euphoric and Jimmy's presence only added on. He had the upper hand from the jump due to his status and the age difference. Jimmy liked that power leverage he had. He was quite the mysterious man, he was also charming. He had a quick wit and cheekiness about him. He was quite dominant though at least in one area besides the music world he dominated in.
He didn't mind that she said nothing back, her body language was the response.  He couldn't wait to get out, it was so packed in the car. There wasn't any leg room at all between anyone. That's the only thing he hated about having all the people in the car, but they were finally at the destination.
The chauffeur opened the door quickly and everyone piled out of the car. Peter tipped the man a twenty dollar bill and led the group to the doors. The
Foyer of the hotel was grand and looked quite luxurious. Misty could only imagine how much it cost. The group giggled as they walked towards the hotel elevator. The man at the desk greeted them a good evening and a welcome back.
Jimmy's hand still rested on the Misty's back leading her. The guys were all on their own floors, it was common that the band rented out a few floors. Things got wild at the hotel, they've been know to throw crazy parties and whatnot there. Driving through the halls with motorcycles was just the bare minimum of crazy.
She was so happy to be here with him. It's crazy what's happened in the few hours that they've met.
At last it was now just them in the elevator. He took it upon himself to push her against the wall, cornering her. He leaned down his face close to hers. His hand cradling the side of her face. Her eyes darted to his lips, she couldn't help to admit that she wanted them. They looked soft and were a pretty shade of pink.  Before he could lean forward to kiss her the elevator doors opened. He pulled away with her hand in his.
She felt her breath still in her chest. She was so close to kissing him, it was the biggest tease and annoyance she felt so far today. Man screw that elevator she thought.
They hopped off the elevator and he led her down the hall. He was so eager to get her to the room, he wanted her badly like now. He quickly pulled the metal key out of his pocket and placed it into the key hole and turned the knob letting them in. The room smelled of lavender and fresh linen the way he requested. Bottles placed on the table and the bed made neatly. Misty walked in and pounced on the bed before rolling over on her back.
"Comfy?" He chuckled before coming to the edge of the bed.
He placed himself between both her legs as he stood at the edge of the bed. She bit her bottom lip and nodded. She looked so heavenly before him. He could feel the liquor start to wear off a bit. He grabbed a bottle that was placed on the bed and opened the Jack Daniels. Taking a large swig before handing it over her. He watched her take it back to the head like the good girl she was.
"Sheesh that is so strong, how do you drink it?" She squeezed out as her face scrunched together.
She stuck her tongue out in disgust, it burnt the hell out of her throat. This was much stronger and heavier going down her throat than the margarita.
"You get used to it sweetie once you drink it often." He chuckled.
He leaned down and hovered over her on the bed. His face a mere few inches from her and his sterling silver pendant hanging down touched her chest now.
"What do you want my girl?" He spoke deeply.
"I-I want you to kiss me." She said.
He smirked before leaning down to press his lips against hers. Butterflies erupted in the young girls body. This was her first kiss, his lips soft like baby's skin. His breathe and taste was so sweet with a hint of alcohol. Hers tasted of sweet strawberries to him. Her gloss spreading between them both. She didn't know what she was doing but remembered how the couples on tv would kiss passionately. She used to sneak glances at her parents television when they thought she was asleep.
She moved in deeper letting him lead the way. The feeling was like hot and like a live-voltage wire. Igniting a need in her. Their lips moving in sync tasting one another. Nothing but the sound of their heavy breathes and passionate kisses filled the room. His hand running up her rib cage up to her breast cupping it. Her gave it a gently squeeze eliciting a moan through her lips. His touch was something she never knew she needed.
It made her feel alive. It made her feel like molten lava. She knew in that moment all odds flew out the door that this wouldn't be all. Maybe she wanted that, or maybe it was just the drugs and alcohol speaking. He wanted to see her plump breasts outside of her dress. He quickly pulled away and looked at her.
"May I?" He asked.
She shook her head allowing him to. He ripped her dress from the center exposing her ample chest. She gasped not believing what he did. This wasn't even her dress. I hope Darla doesn't care too much about it. The orange fabric ripping perfectly showing him what he longed for. He took in her appearance, her hips wide set. The underwear perfectly enhancing them. Her nipples pointed towards him due to the exposure.
He leaned down and carefully placed her nipple in his mouth. It sent a shock from her body and a soft moan as his lips pressed down around her.
"Oh my god." She gasped.
He placed his thumb and pointer finger around the other nipple moving it in a circular motion. Jimmy was not only a guitar god but amazing in the bed. Most of the girls said he was like Adonis in bed. An amazing lover who would fuck your brains out for hours. Leaving you lifeless and stumbling out the room the next morning.He liked quite the kinky and more rougher side of sex. Every girl who entered his room knew what they were getting into with him. He did take good care of the women though.
His ears satisfied at her  noises she made as he devoured her breasts. She laid there arch backing as pleasure reined through her like a hurricane. Her underwear soaking with arousal at this point. She pushed her chest up wanting him closer as if he already wasn't enough.
He pulled away making her whine impatiently. Why would he pull away.
"You know how beautiful you look. I could just devour you." He spoke.
His hand ran up her thigh and cupped her crotch gently massaging it. He could feel how wet she was through the panties. God he needed it. He loved the affect he had on her, his ego increasing more. She mewed in response to the movement of his hands. Her hips moving to his hand grinding her crotch into his hand. So desperate she was to feel the pressure.
Misty had touched herself before in secret once and the feeling was amazing. But nothing like this, not when someone else did it.  She started to wonder what his mouth would feel like. Devouring her whole, how he would look with his mouth attached to her. Her eyes rolled back at the thought.
"Jimmy." She whimpered.
She wanted all of him at this point even though she was nervous. She was still a virgin, simply untouched until now. The young girl laid there with only her underwear on grinding her crotch into his hand. She wanted it badly. If he could, he would take a picture of this moment. He would freeze it forever. The way she beckoned for him to give her more. It was so glorious of a sight to behold.
The sexual tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife. She was mesmerized by his lustful touch.
"What is it little girl? Tell me." He whispered while watching from above.
She was so embarrassed to admit it that she was a virgin. But she wanted to tell him, she'd never done this before and in the moment was so nervous.
"I'm a virgin still." She admitted.
"Don't worry baby I'll take good care of you and be gentle. Just tell me the words." He said.
Would it hurt? She already was basically naked and she was eager for him. She decided she was gonna do this. She wanted him to be her first. Her big eyes meeting his dark ones in awe at the man above her. She was really in bed with the Jimmy Page. This beautiful man choose her tonight, she felt lucky.
"I want to do this with you." She said.
God that was all he wanted to hear from those sweet lips of hers. He leaned down to kiss her one more time giving her comfort. He always wanted to make sure the girls were comfortable. He begun to undress before her as she watched eagerly. His pale skin illuminating from the lamp in the room.
He was lean and petite. She watched in awe as he stripped down  until only his red briefs were left. His imprint quite visible and she gulped at the site. He brought her smaller hands up to his red and white lined briefs. Placing her hand on his dick squeezing her hand around it.
"This is what you do to me Misty." He said in a lustful tone.
She could not believe the shit that was happening. It felt so thick in her hand, this was so hot for both of them. The feel of her hand on him had his eyes roll back. She had such soft little hands, and he wanted them wrapped around his shaft. He looked like a god before her the way his lip was tucked between his teeth as he looked down at her. He wanted to make her scream, to fill all of her. Pre-cum starting to leave a wet spot on the briefs.
She knew things about sex well heard about things and sneaked into sex magazines at the store. She ready about foreplay curiously, there were blowjobs and handjobs. Talked about how much a man's pleasure was everything.
(A/N : I've been to a vintage store where they had sex magazines from the 1970s and how important the man's pleasure was. Don't hate me I believe sex should have a mutual ending effect for both partners. I'm just sticking to the times the best I can.)
She wanted to give him something back considering the way he feasted on her breasts earlier. She was nervous to try it hence she'd never done it before. But she was willing to try. She remember the tips left in the magazine about teeth, pulling her lips over them. Using her hands to run up the shaft when her mouth was on the tip. She got up a little bit now her legs bent beneath.
"I want to try something." She pressed.
He knew what it was and nodded, he pulled down his briefs simultaneously. His thick cock bounced up sticking straight in her face. Good god! He was big, she wouldn't have thought that a skinny man like him carried something like that. But what did she know about dicks anyways? He was circumcised which was common in the 1940s for hygienic procedure. It was quite pale with a pink tip but nonetheless was fitting for a god like him. It was beautiful.
She leaned forward and gave it a kiss making him slightly twitch. He felt so impatient he just wanted to fuck her mouth but he would have to wait. It was her first time. She wrapped her lips around the tip and sunk her mouth further down his shaft. The pre-cum had an odd taste but it wasn't bad. Just something she'd never tasted before.
"Look me in my eyes when you do it little girl." He ordered.
Hissing noises left his mouth and she slowly took him further in her warm wet mouth. Her crotch now tingling and soaked at this point. Something about this turned her insides out, it was so hot. She looked up at him, he was so enthralling before her. They were now both locked in eye contact, his hand now placed on her jaw. As she continued to move in a slow motion along him.  A moan coming from her vibrating him.Her lips wrapped tightly around the shaft leaving shine from her saliva every time she pulled back.
He loved the feel of her warm mouth and loved the look, her plump lips felt amazing. He felt a slight teeth sensation about once but corrected her. He just watched in awe with his jaw slacked as she moved a little further down. He was so impatient and wanted to now fuck her face for a little bit.
"Let me fuck your face baby. Just stay still with your mouth like that." He said.
Both of his hands now gripping up her long fuzzy hair and begun to apply pressure. His hips began to jerk forward shoving himself further in her mouth. He could feel the tip touch the back of her throat gagging her. His movements started slow at first and begun to now speed up.
Groans and mutters of how good she looked with his mouth on his cock left his mouth. Her eyes begun to water as he continued to attack her throat. She couldn't breathe that well but it was worth it. Thick saliva falling from the sides of her lips onto her leg. With every heavy thrust in her mouth his body tensed up. His eyes were barely still on her, this was such a sight to behold.
Enjoyment and pleasure throbbed through them both, him more so than her. But she still enjoyed herself, pleasuring him and seeing him in such a state was like the most satisfying thing. She felt happy knowing he was appreciating her advances towards him. Her mascara staining her cheeks from the tears falling from her eyes now. Her colored lipgloss staining his shaft and it was glorious. He wanted to cum in her mouth so badly, he definitely had it in him to get his stamina back up after to fuck her.
But he wasn't just yet, he decided he was going to pull out after fucking her and cum in her pretty little mouth. Due to being so busy he hadn't even had the time to get off lately in the last few days. He definitely could tell he was carrying a heavy load. He wanted to coat her throat with it. God if he could last long, virgins were so different when fucking. He knew not getting off for the last few days nor being able to touch himself would cause him to maybe not last as long like usual.
"Baby your mouth feels so divine and I could keep going but I want to see that sweet pussy of yours. I want to feel it."He groaned while pulling her off by her hair.
She gasped for air and coughed vigorously. Saliva falling from her mouth.She was finally doing it.He ordered her to take her underwear off and she did. He got on the bed pushing her back. Spreading her legs eagerly hunger for what lied between them. She was slightly hairy due to the era and how normal it was.
( shaving wasn't a thing until the 80s)
He didn't mind it at all, the rest of her body was smooth. It was so beautifully crafted as if her parents were artists and she was the masterpiece.He wanted to prepare her for his cock, he wanted the experience to be a little less painful for her. He also wanted to pleasure her immensely, he could see the dripping arousal from her entrance. It coated the hair on her lips. He leaned down and kissed her thighs giving little bites to them making her body jump a little. Everything he did brought an increasing spin to her loins.
Purple splotches being left where his mouth once was. He but it down on the flesh. Oh he was teasing her, he wanted her to want him more. They craved each other equally in the moment.
She let out a light gasp as she felt a finger being inserted in her. It was even more of a shock when a second one was added.  He watched her from below taking in her appearance. The way he had her in his palm now craving for him was everything .
Her pussy was aching for him, wanting him. The way his fingers curled up on the spongy texture making her hips buck was intense. His fingers worked like art inside her, hitting sensitive spots she never knew were there. His thumb finding her clit drawing it in circles slowly. She could feel a sensation of  burning pleasure building up in her as he continued.
Moans like music continued to fall from her mouth and he stroked her with his fingers like a paintbrush. He knew what he was doing and before too long he knew she was ready for him.
"Tell me how bad you want Daddy in you." He asked.
He sat up placing himself between her in missionary,  his fingers coated in her sweet arousal. He began to stroke himself using it like a lubricant. Misty found more need for him at his words. She grabbed her breasts giving them a squeeze before whining about how much she wanted him in her. He liked to watch her beg for him, he spread her outer lips. Slapping his fat tip on her clit exciting her. She hated how he teased her.
He aligned himself with her entrance before pushing into her slowly. Both of them left with open mouths, not believing what they felt. Thank god for the coke because it alleviated the pain but she still felt a burning sensation. Her breathe held still, she couldn't breathe. So much was going on in the moment, parts of her never touched were being parted. He could barely hold his composure at the feel of her walls holding onto his thick girth.
She felt like heaven, her wet soft walls hardening him even more. She was so tight and wet for him. Her little hands moving to his chest digging her nails in at the pain.
"Oh my god." She spoke breathless.
His pubic bone meeting hers as he finally filled her completely. The tip hitting her cervix gently before he held still. Letting her adjust to him before he could go any further. If he didn't know better he would've already been slamming into her vigorously like a maniac on the loose. He leaned down to place a wet kiss on her lips. Both breathing heavily in the intense moment they shared.
He liked the feel of her scratching him. Jimmy was quite the connoisseur for inflicting pain but he didn't mind her nails going into his skin this time. Once he felt she was ready he begun to pull his hips back leaving her breathless, his lips still on hers. His pace was slow and deep wanting to absorb all of her. He spoke soothingly in her ear telling her to relax her body. Her breathing started to return to normal and the pain soon started to become pleasure. His hand moving down her body to her clit, rubbing it slowly to match his speed.
Moans leaving her mouth encouraging him to up the pace. He watched as he thrust into her, he could see her creaming all on his shaft. Her sweet treat coated him like paint. He moaned loudly as he felt her clench around him.
"Do you like that baby? Do you like the feel of my cock inside your pretty cunt?" He asked while looking at her.
She could barely open her eyes due the the pleasuring sensation erupting within. The feeling blooming within her like a flower in the spring.
"Y-yes." She whispered.
"Yes what?" He teased as his hips pulled in a swinging motion.
"Yes daddy." She moaned.
She pressed her lips harder against him as her hands went through his raven colored curls. Tugging on them in need.Sweat falling down their skin like rainfall as they moved in sync effortlessly. She wanted this to last forever, the moment to her felt like one in a million.
Her calling him Daddy only made him thrust harder into her. He could feel that he was soon ready to erupt, with every stroke he could feel the sense of orgasm drawing closer. Her moans became louder filling the room gloriously. He was hitting a soft spot in her making her toes curl each time he beckoned forth into her. Her back arching towards the ceiling. He grabbed her hips and started pulling down into his hips.
His thrusts became harder as their bodies clashed against one.
"God I'm almost there baby." He moaned.
His head thrown back and his eyebrows scrunched together, he could barely open his eyes. Sweat dripping down his body as he continued. Her breasts bouncing violently with each thrust god she was starting to drown in pleasure. She could feel herself start to pulse and clench.
The two passionately moving against one another. Both were crying out in pleasure. Her body starting to shake beneath him, he could feel her walls start to clench. It signaled him to lean back and vigorously sway her clit side to side.
"Oh oh my god don't stop please." She begged.
She grabbed his one arm that was still holding onto her hip and dug her nails in. He watched her lose it effortlessly. His hand moving in fast fashion along her swollen clit.
"Cum for me baby." He whispered.
Just like that her body started to spasm and a rainfall of pleasure filled her whole. A loud moan echoed from her swollen lips. She released all the intense feeling she felt from her loins onto him. She painted his cock perfectly. That was what he liked to see. Maybe he even loved it due to the fact the he was the reason for her undoing. He quickly pulled out of her and straddled over her breasts. She laid there breathless.
"Stick your tongue out." He ordered.
She opened her mouth for him, her pink tongue hanging over her lips. She was so flushed from the orgasm and felt drained. His hand stroking himself as his face twisted in pleasure. She could see his stomach pushing out slightly and his movements become stiff.
"I'm coming holy fuck." He let out in a shaky voice.
The orgasm came quick and she was prepared to catch whatever he had to offer. He pressed the budding tip on her soft tongue. The pearly white fluid oozing off into her mouth quick. She could feel the milky somewhat bitter fluid stream into her mouth. Moans continuously leaving his mouth as they stayed there panting loudly. He milked himself slowly until all was done. She swallowed it all quickly.
His sweaty body collapsed besides her. The smell of sex filled the air like an incense. Both lay there out of breath and exposed on the bed.
"Wow." she let out.
He chuckled at her before turning to her and rubbing her face.
"You did so well little girl." He said and placed a kiss on her lips again.
She giggled at that, she was trying to process the glorious moment they shared together. She felt butterflies from the kiss they shared. Her heart starting to settle. She moved to lay with him under the sheets. Her head laid on his chest listening to his heart beat.
"What're we going to do about my dress since you ripped it off?" She asked.
"I'll give you something to wear in the morning. Are you already in a rush to leave?" He asked.
He kind of didn't want her to leave. For the first time he wanted someone to stay and hold. He didn't quite care for that question.
"No I was just asking. I mean I don't have any clothes with me." She spoke.
He was satisfied with her answer, he was happy to hear she was staying.
" I'll take you in the morning after breakfast." He said while rubbing her face.
Breakfast? Taking me where? Even though he did just fuck her he had some interest in her. She was quite the pretty lady. Something about her aura was interesting. Normally he just kicked the girls out after the morning. But her he didn't want to do that too. Not this time.
"You wanna go and take a shower darling?" He asked.
They both needed a shower clearly, both dirty from the sex they had. The coke had them sweating immensely. She nodded and joined him he gave her ass a smack after sneaking up behind. She was so cute the way she ran.
"Watch it." She giggled while facing him.
Her laugh was quite cute, she was beautiful in general. Her body and everything else. He couldn't lie he wanted more of her honestly. The rest of the night ended off smooth and she fell asleep peacefully in his arms after their pillow talk. Both were quite exhausted after their wild night shared. He played with her hair until she lulled away in his arms. She looked peaceful as she slept. For the first night Jimmy felt at rest with someone. Before he knew it he was whisked off into dreamland.
This was truly a night to remember for the  both of them. Little did either know that this was the start of something that would either end sour or sweet. Hopefully sweet but with a life like his.... You never knew.
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poorbbyyy · 2 years
About Jimmy supposedly "retiring"...
Listen I do get the frustration that comes with Jimmy promising to release stuff for literal decades and then never doing anything about it, but a lot of Zep fans are just ungrateful. I see y'all whining about it on every single social media platform, how you didn't get the band reunion you wanted, the live material he promised or any sort of solo stuff that he had in mind a while ago. Some of y'all are MAD, even going as far as insulting him and calling him "lazy" or even discrediting his talent solely based on the fact that lately he hasn't done as much as other musicians of his era. But why? Why do you care so much? The man once said he didn't even think he'd get to his seventies, and I totally get why. Heck, I'm happy about just getting little updates here and there, knowing he's healthy and still stimulated to go out and enjoy the things he loves. Would I be excited about getting new Zep material / a new tour or some solo stuff from these past few years? Of course I would. But I don't feel the need to be so angry at him for just enjoying his old age in peace - this is a man who gave everything and anything to his band and fanbase, often at the cost of not really having a normal family life and literally living for music and his creative output, project after project, year after year. Don't you think he might have earned to do as he pleases now, 60 years into his career? As far as I'm concerned, he can lazily lay on his sofa for the rest of his life, inside his beloved old mansion, watching The Simpsons or some English reality show and drinking his beloved tea. Many musicians from his time are long gone. I'm over the moon just to have him still here.
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poorbbyyy · 2 years
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Bass God
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poorbbyyy · 2 years
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ELVIRA: MISTRESS OF THE DARK (1988) - dir. James Signorelli
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poorbbyyy · 2 years
This is is from my book called Swing Low a Jimmy Page fan fiction. All rights belong to me
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The Description: " How did such a sweet little minx like you end up here? Tell me darling what's your name?" He spoke with his thick accent.
His eyes dark and piercing through me in a way I'd never felt before. How they burned right through me.I gulped nervously before speaking to this mysterious man. There was something about him so dark that had me wanting to squirm away. But I was frozen still a few inches away before him.
" My names M-Misty. What is your name sir?" I spoke timidly.
The corners of his mouth turned upwards as he moved in a little closer. I could tell from the look on his face he enjoyed my nervousness. It was as if I was his prey and he the predator. His arm now snaked around my waist bringing me in closer to his lean frame. I could feel his hand on the dip of my back as he closed the space between us.
"The name is Jimmy, Jimmy Page to you."
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Chapter 1: Breaking The Rules
" Darla no! I don't want to get into trouble. You know my parents would never let me see the light of day if they found out. I mean what if your parents find out and tell mine!" A seven teen year old Misty shouted.
Misty looked at her best friend Darla with concern. Misty couldn't even stomach the thought of doing something so crazy. Let alone sneaking out to go to some place known as The Rainbow. A place where seventeen year olds had no concern to be, especially in the evening hours. Misty never stepped out of line when it came to following the rules. She never disobeyed or even dare acted up. She was so fearful due to her faith. Along with the punishments she might receive. The thought being sent to hell or purgatory for even the slightest thing sent her over.
Darla rolled her big brown eyes and shook her head. Darla was your average rebellious seventeen year old who lived with her grandparents. At this time of hour which was 9pm. They were already in bed and possibly knocked out to the sound of the nightly game show playing on their small television. They always had the same nightly routine which ended with the television watching them.
" Misty I am willing to bet they're off the pill and asleep. Stop being such a baby. This is a once in a lifetime chance and you wanna stay in!" Darla whined back.
" Aren't you tired of living so straight edge? So along the rules? Why live if you're always missing out on an adventure. Do you even know who's rumored to be there tonight Misty?" She said while shaking Misty by the shoulders.
Misty was quite the square, she never misbehaved. She never stepped outside her comfort zone or outside the lines of her mere simple life. Misty always abided by religious sayings and by whatever rule she was given. Her family quite trusted her given she was so well mannered and submissive upon request. They would lose complete trust and never let her sleep over again if they found out. Her parents trusted her enough to leave her be at Darla's for the summer  due to business travels. They'd only been gone for a day now .
Misty never entered into the typical female rebellious phase. Darla on the other hand was the opposite, she was such a wild spirit and so free. She was a wild child and a native to the California area. She didn't come from a conservative and straight edge home like Misty. Hell she grew up in such a liberal and free state. The raging and swinging sixties? She saw the revolution, she saw the riots and the drugs.
The environment around her blossomed something within. Unlike Misty Darla had kissed boys, even girls she kissed. She was free and explored a bit, she'd recently dived into the well known scene of the baby groupies. She was all still new but craved the feeling of being wanted by older men. The first man she slept with was the one and only Mick Jagger. It happened last year when she was sixteen.He took her virginity in the back of the limo on the way to the hotel.
She couldn't remember much considering how intoxicated she was. But that was a pivotal moment that changed it all.Knowing that she had what others wanted drove her ego. Her pride filled knowing she could possibly have someone wanting her for the night. Maybe longer if she was lucky.
Darla had quite the daddy issues but that was another thing both her and Misty shared. They both had similar struggles growing up. Yes they might've been cut from two different cloths but nonetheless they bonded well. They were like ying and Yang. Darla was a Gemini and Misty a Scorpio. They were quite the pairing.
Misty silently stood there still in Darlas hands. Darla was right wasn't she? But there was a strong instilled discipline that echoed in the back of her mind. The anxiety of what if? What would god think of me and what would my placement be with my parents? But she quickly shooed the thought away, hell Darla was right.
Misty was tempted after coming to that conclusion. All her life she behaved.... All her life she did as she was told and nonetheless. She never rebelled, now to think of it as what was she doing? She was a teenager, teenagers make mistakes and live. She never once had fun outside of hanging out with Darla. But no adventures besides sneaking out and sitting on the roof . That was the farthest she'd gone. She wanted to hear more though before she decided.
She shook Darla's hands off her shoulders before fixing the hem of her velvet black skirt.
"Who's going to be there?" She asked.
Instantly Darla smiled, she knew she had peaked her best friend's curiosity. A few more minutes of persuasion and she would sink the line. It was just that easy, especially with her big doe eyes. She was so persuasive  Even her best friend couldn't say no. Darla excitedly giggled and jumped in place.
"FREAKING LED ZEPPELIN! Like the Led Zeppelin! Also the Stones are going to be there as well as other upcoming bands. It's been the talk of the town lately. They've decided to come visit, I guess they've heard of the commotion and are on break from tour. It's quite the place." She gushed.
God she couldn't wait to see Mick again.
" Please just come just once, I'll never beg of you for anything else. Plus Elise and the other girls are gonna be there. They're waiting for me! This is a once in a lifetime moment Misty." She pleaded while pouting.
Misty sighed and that was it.
"Ah alright Darla, but just one night and that's it. Promise me we'll be safe?" She spoke.
Darla couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her ears rung with joy at that, she was dumbfounded. She grabbed Misty's hands and they both jumped excitedly. The two girls jumped in joy over their newfound plan. Tonight was the first night Misty would jump out of her comfort zone. Neither girl could believe this was happening for the same reason. This was Misty Ash the goodie two shoes catholic girl.
In all of their friendship since elementary school, she's never done something so profoundly different. The craziest thing she'd done was sneak into her basement to listen to vinyls of secular music. That's what her parents would call it.
" Alright first things first is I need you out of those boring clothes. We need to dress a little "scandalous" as they would say." Darla sarcastically giggled.
Misty looked down at her clothes, she was wearing an ankle length black skirt and a flow-like white button up blouse. She was very reserved or that's just what her whole wardrobe was like. She looked back at Darla confused. She didn't know if she felt offended or whatnot, she liked her outfit. It was the normal and was appropriate, not once did she show skin outside of what was to be shown.
She was raised so very conservative and to treat her body like a temple. Yes she wanted to dress like the new age girls did, but she wasn't allowed. She never argued about it.
"What's wrong with my outfit?" She questioned.
Darla laughed loudly at her, her head thrown back as she covered her mouth. Misty blushed with embarrassment at the seventeen year olds laughter.
" No one will talk to you unless they're either checking out a book or asking if you're Amish girlie. Let's get you out of this drab clothing. You need something that shows you off not covers you. I know this seems so different but trust me. I know how to dress to impress no offense. " Darla giggled as she ran to her closet.
Darla was thick but Misty could still possibly fit in her clothes. Darla had seen Misty before, she was a well endowed girl. She slightly envied her figure. Her breasts were bigger than Darlas flatter chest. Her thighs were thicker but her stomach was flatter.
Darla went through her closet trying to find the one dress she knew would suit Darla best. She pulled out an orange dress that would perfect show what Misty had.
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( Misty's outfit and imagine some white go go boots)
She excitedly turned around pinching the soft velvety material between her fingers. She smiled as she looked up from the dress at Misty. Misty's eyes widened, dear lord this was so revealing.
"This is what you're wearing tonight along with the pair of white boots I own. You'll look amazing and it'll be so dashing on your figure. Everybody will want you in this." She said as she threw the dress at Misty.
Everybody will want me? Misty caught it and pulled it up looking at it. Her eyes still wide but she was ready, ready to drop the goodie look. Try something new, she was already going through her plan. She can't chicken out now, Darla would tease her until death did them in. She begged for forgiveness from Mother Mary before unzipping the side of her skirt.
"That's my girl!" Darla shouted before going back to grab her outfit.
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Darla's outfit^ ( paired with platform chunky brown leather boots)
Misty pulled the dress on, it slid up perfectly fitting like a glove in the right way. Darla came up from behind her scaring Misty slightly. Her arms went before and around Misty's neck as she placed the heart shaped locket on her chest. She moved Misty's thick brown hair to the side so she could clasp the necklace together. The laying of the necklace on her smooth skin sent shivers up her spin. It was quite cold.
" Look at yourself in the mirror. See how divine you look? It's like the heavens crafted you perfectly." Darla spoke behind her while fixing her hair.
Misty brushed her legs trying to pull at the fabric. But it wouldn't move, she couldn't hide her body for once. She looked so surprised in the mirror, her body looked so grown. She looked grown and she was shocked. She saw herself in a way she never had before. She started to feel her ego jump as Darla hyped her up while hitting her joint. Misty could only look at herself in awe while posing in the mirror. Turning from left to right as she checked herself out.
This was new and she felt different  to how she would've before. She actually liked it, she felt hot. It was a new feeling, she felt so heavenly  as Darla would say. She'd never seen her body look so good before. Her breasts pressed tightly by the dress amplifying her cleavage. The dress perfectly clinging to her wide set hips. Before she couldn't have imagined herself this way. Out of her typically modest and conservative wear.
She was quite again developed for her age. She was quite the early bloomer and her parents were quick to cover her. Her parents knew how perverse people would be towards her.
"You're right Darla and thank you. I feel so out of my element maybe but I feel how would you say?" She questioned.
She couldn't find the word to describe it. Darla would beat her to the chase being so quick witted.
"You look hot, desirable. Hell if you weren't my best friend and I would probably want to kiss you. You're going to fit in perfectly. But before you leave hit this joint why don't you? I know how anxious you are and will be tonight." She spoke.
Misty shook her head, she hadn't smoked before and she would cope without it. She would try not to let her worry and anxiety sway her. She wanted to have fun for once without the vibe being killed by her conscious. She didn't really care for the smell of it either. Hell it smelt so skunk like. Darla shrugged and took one last hit before putting it out on the window sill before putting it in her purse.
"Welp that settles it Misty are you ready to go?" She giggled with her heavier eyes.
Misty took a deep breathe and nodded anxiously.
"I'm ready Darla let's go to Rainbow."Misty spoke.
Darla took Misty's hand and helped her out the window. Luckily Darla lived in a ranch house so the ground was easily accessible. Plus she'd snuck out countless times already, she helped Misty out. 
"One foot out than scoot over, I've got you."She said while taking Misty's hand.
Misty's boots hit the ground with a thud. The warm summer evening air brushed her skin like fragrance. It felt so beautiful out, the city of West Hollywood light up the sky. It was so beautiful, people were walking around.  There were couples and all sorts of people giggling, conversations filled the atmospheres along with the honking of cars. The air was dry and of pure quality, it was refreshing. She took her first few steps following Darla towards the sidewalk.
Darla put two of her fingers in her mouth and blew out a loud whistle catching the attention of people around.
"Taxi Man over here!" She yelled.
The yellow taxi sped over to us quickly, man this must've been a decent job Misty thought. She'd never seen Darla so eager to get somewhere. The whistle still ringing through her ears like a race car on the track.
The driver lurched over to roll the window down. The window squeaked a little bit as the man shown his face.
" Where to ladies?" He spoke with a thick Italian accent.
"My friend and I are heading to 9015 Sunset Boulevard. You know the Rainbow!" She hollered.
He unlocked the car quickly and both of the girls entered in quickly. The ride was quite short about 15 minutes. Misty just watched out the window as she heard Darla and the man converse. She watched all the buzz before her in Hollywood. She daydreamed wondering where the night would lead her. She'd heard of Led Zeppelin before but was never allowed to listen due to her parents thinking it was racket and demonic. But she knew they were such a big and loved band. Oh how the girls in the  neighborhood and school would gush about them.
She saw them also in the newspaper it was rather bad news about hotel shenanigans. She was honestly excited for the pizza, she'd been to the rainbow once with Darla's family. The pizza and sherry temples were to die for, how her stomach growled thinking about it.
"Alright ladies that'll be a ten dollar fee."The cab driver spoke.
The car stopped suddenly snapping Misty out of her thoughts. Wow we're finally here she thought. God it was lit up and looked packed, I mean it was a Friday night. What else could she expect. This was the hot and upcoming crazed spot. The infamous groupies came and bands would come to see them as well. It was a great spot to eat at and supposedly a great bar.
But she knew nothing of alcohol outside of the effects. She never tried it obviously it was forbidden.After hanging the ten dollar bill over Darla eagerly shoved her way out grabbing Misty's hand. Dragging her out the car and quickly towards the entrance.
Misty's heart started to race. She felt some sort of impending feeling in her gut. She didn't know why but she knew that something was gonna happen. Her intuition just gave off that feeling. Her parents always told her to trust her gut. But she decided that maybe she was overthinking and threw the thought away. She would come to know that she should've trusted it later.
They pushed through the doors, it was bustling in there. Full of people and loud music blaring. There was conversations spewing throughout the air like a wildfire in the dry lands. She'd never seen this many people crowded outside of a church gathering. She saw things she hadn't seen before already, things considered impure. Women scantily clad in revealing clothing, sit on the laps of the men.
Thick smoke of cigarettes filled the atmosphere like a thick fog. The smell was intense but she would adapt pretty quick.
"Over there Misty! Holy fuck do you see them!! It's Robert Plant and the rest of them." Darla pointed out towards the back end of the place.
Misty followed to where she pointed. There at a crowded table sat a few guys with young girls sat in the both. Cigarettes and shot glasses in the hands of them all. It was quite the sight for Misty, she'd never seen something like this in her life. Over there she noticed Elise and the girls sitting at the table with the Stones, Darla rushed over still holding Misty's hands.
Misty was drug her feet just moving against her will.
" Darla you've made it! And holy fuck Misty is that you? Church girl Misty?!" The blonde headed Elise yelled in surprise.
Misty felt embarrassed as the guys peered at her chuckling. But also looking at her body with their greedy gazes.
" Yeah I'm here Elise, I don't know how Darla did it but I'm here." She laughed nervously while fidgeting with her bangles on her wrist.
Misty felt embarrassed indeed and the red again rushed straight to her cheeks. Thank god the room was dimly lit so they couldn't see. Misty felt exposed to this new environment, she was trying to catch her breathe. It was quite the sight to take in, this was definitely not her type of scene. It was different it was completely crazed. So much was going on. She needed to get away for a bit and possibly get something to drink to clear her dry throat.
She was also annoyed by how awkward she stood there staring like a deer in the headlights. She felt so lost in her environment and a little overwhelmed to say the least. Darla was already sat on the guy with shaggy hairs lap, he was a little rough looking definitely not her type. They weren't as good looking as the Led Zeppelin men. Well the ones she saw, she only saw what looked to be John Bonham and Robert Plant.
She looked for the nearest counter to find a drink and started to walk over. She was going to get through this night and have the fun she never did. She wasn't going to chicken out like the girls muttered earlier as if she couldn't hear. She would prove them wrong.
She soon enough got through to the counter after the multiple "excuse me" she spoke. It was quite crowded and she was still polite.
"Well I've yet to see you around here before?" The bartender spoke.
The man was so used to this hence speaking loud enough for her to hear. She chuckled nervously and nodded.
" Yeah I'm quite new first time coming here. I came with the girl over there." She said and pointed towards Darla.
He nodded and smiled.
"Ah Miss Darla quite the customer she is here. She's always around this way when the bands come in town." He said.
Misty just wanted a drink not conversation, for Pete's sake her throat was dryer than a desert. But before she could speak up a man came beside her and did.
" She'll get a margarita and I'll get a rum with coke." A British voice spoke besides her.
" I'll get that Mr.Grant." The bartender spoke.
Misty turned towards the man, he towered over her by merely a foot or more. Misty was only five foot three. She was quite the shorty. She couldn't understand and what was a margarita? It had to be something good from the way it sounded. Then she remembered it was an adult drink. But she remembered what the girls muttered about her being a chicken. She wanted to prove them wrong.
"Peter Grant Manager of the great band known as Led Zeppelin. I was told to have to come over one of the men were interested in dancing with you. Come forth love." He spoke while escorting her over.
He handed her the margarita he ordered for her. She didn't really know what to do or say, this was all so new. What did Led Zeppelin want with me? Why did they want me to dance with them? Who was this mysterious person?
The answers would come to her soon. Before she knew it she was met with a fellow she'd never seen before. He was a tall pale man with quite the fashion taste, his hair crowded his face like a cloak. He looked down on her easily. She felt so small compared to him.
Before she could turn around and make a run for it  he grabbed her wrist making her freeze.
She whimpered at the strength of his grip.
Who was this man? And why is he doing this?
A/N: I hope you guys liked this. I haven't written in years and I was writing this late into the night. I just want to let you know I like to write long chapters. I want to pour my heart into this. It's so fun and I enjoy letting my imagination run. Just wanted to let you know the next chapter is quite long. Also heavily detailed smut. It might be an almost 10k word count. Also want to let you know I do not condone what the guys did with ACTUAL CHILDREN!
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THE LOST BOYS (1987) dir. Joel Schumacher
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