poorlilanxiousbaby · 4 years
Anyone on my dash who knows what A-levels are... i got my 'results' today. It's been like 14 hours and I still don't know if I'm angry, disappointed, feel like I've wasted 2 years of my life or all of the above. probably all of the above
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poorlilanxiousbaby · 4 years
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This is me rn
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poorlilanxiousbaby · 4 years
video game: *autosaves at a weird/out of place/oddly random time* me: uh oh
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poorlilanxiousbaby · 4 years
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hey please share and donate to help this man get out of this evil fuckin situation
the gofundme has a lil shy of 4000$ to go!!!
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poorlilanxiousbaby · 4 years
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Follow @mengwe on Instagram
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poorlilanxiousbaby · 4 years
Send 3 assumptions and I'll tell you how many are right
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poorlilanxiousbaby · 4 years
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logan found out he has emotions and he’s kinda mad about it.png
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poorlilanxiousbaby · 4 years
LAMP soulmate au were what you draw on your skin appears on your soulmates skin and they just end up with a chaotic group chat on their skin. A special thanks to @notveryglittery @hawthornshadow and @skylagamingv2 for helping me come up with this. Here’s some shenanigans this au could lead to.
Roman draws on his arms when he gets bored, Patton writes motivational messages and quotes, logan puts reminders on his hands, Virgil does running commentary of everything else on his skin.
In this au a soulmate bond can be strengthened and weakened over time. So it starts with just the skin being connected but gradually other stuff happens.
Makeup is touch and go at first but soon any makeup is sent over the bond to the others. Which can cause problems.
Whenever Roman is in a play the others have to walk around in full stage makeup.
Virgil would wear the emo eye shadow and Roman practically begged him to stop.
Roman, sniffling: A Prince has got to slay.
Virgil, cackling: Vengeance.
Then comes nails.
Pink starts to appear on Virgil’s nails and he screams because his edginess is disappearing before his eyes, after discussion they find out that it’s Patton who has the nail polish, and he changes his nails to darker base tones but with overlaying pastel shapes and colors, trying to find a balance they all like.
He does them all in dark purples once and everybody loves them.
Finally Roman dyes his hair. He doesn’t know it’ll affect the others, only some of the strongest bonds extend to hair, but then a few hours after he dyes it the others wake up with suddenly purple hair. Logan disapproves, Patton is excited,Virgil pretends to hate it but later in purple pen, rather than the black he usually sticks to, gives his “I actually dig the purple” line
“It took you all day to say that?”
“Listen, it’s really hard to find a good purple pen!”
Roman then rights “is that so?” In various shades of purple because he has so many freaking markers and is that extra.
Roman draws a massive rainbow of purples for Virgil.
For the next day almost every patch of skin is covered in purple.
Virgil regrets saying anything.
There have also been many heated debates that end in everyone covered head to toe in writing.
One time everyone arguing and Logan gets frustrated because no-one’s listening to him so he starts writing backwards on his face, the others feel something and check mirrors and he’s just writing mirror-style across their foreheads and then down their faces in caps.
He’s angrily writing reflected on his face, that takes effort.
The others are very impressed.
Everyone stops writing in amazement and after a while Logan trails off with a normal “thank you”
One of them makes a smartass comment and Patton writes “Cheeky” on their cheeks.
He also writes “KNUCKLE” across the knuckles of one hand, and on the back of the hand writes “down, and you can achieve anything!”
There are a lot of body part puns.
One of them gets drunk and writes BUTT across their butts in Sharpie. The others are in public and can feel something but can’t discreetly check.
When Patton finally sees the BUTT, he’s just like, “Well, you tried”
One day one of them just draws a mustache on their face.
They learn and create different codes for the others to puzzle through and work out when they’re bored.
Roman tries to come up with a code Logan can’t break.
Keyword: tries
Logan and Virgil use one that he can’t figure out and he finds it infuriating.
Patton does word art a lot.
There’s an unspoken rule to never write over one of Patton’s drawings.
Patton discovers and shares the “9x-7i > 3(3x-7u), solve for i” problem, and of course Logan solves it first but he gets flustered by it and doesn’t respond
(Patton has found the one love language he can’t refute: Maths)
Logan makes a pun at some point IRL and his family is shocked and he’s just like”they’re corrupting me!!!”
Roman draws the logos of each of them over their hearts. Virgil says his heart is on the other side afterwards just to mess with Roman.
Patton talks about his brother Damian a lot and the others ask what he looks like. Patton attempts to draw him but it turns out like a 6 year olds family portrait.
Logan takes an anatomy class and puts references on his body. Patton makes a bunch of puns with the terms, Virgil makes some very dark jokes, roman helps draw stuff out.
Roman makes a countdown to his birthday.
Every year
Logan guesses what it is the first time he does it and Roman is super disappointed at first but the others still appreciate it. A few years later one of them start it before him.
When Roman and Virgil meet in person it takes Virgil less than a minute to realize who he is and it goes down  kinda like this.
Virgil: Its you!
Roman: What?
Virgil: No one else talks in such a dramatic and extra way! Seriously I thought you were just writing like that for fun but you talk like it too!!! You really are that extra oh my god!
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poorlilanxiousbaby · 4 years
Hi, i am terrible at conversations please help me
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poorlilanxiousbaby · 4 years
Golly gee I hope when yall preach about normalizing body hair on women it includes trans women and women of color
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poorlilanxiousbaby · 4 years
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poorlilanxiousbaby · 4 years
ok youtube just said “fuck you if youre deaf or hard of hearing or just want to watch a video in a different language”
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and you know what the fucking bullshit is  they’re replacing it with a ~6 months free of a subscription to a third party captions provider~ which of course you’d have to pay for after those 6 months are up and you KNOW random youtuber #9039 isn’t going to bother to keep paying for that either because they won’t have the money or they just won’t care. and youtube’s going to act like that’s a perfectly fine alternative that won’t result in the majority of the site suddenly going from “more or less accessible” to “Fuck You If You’re Disabled” 
“citing low usage” are you fucking kidding me nearly every worthwhile video i watch uses community captions. sometimes they’re kind of janky cuz they were made by some 14 year old who thought it’d be funny to put their own irrelevant jokes and commentary in there but that wasn’t a reason to ditch the feature entirely when its so useful and important
i’m not even hard of hearing and i rely on them to watch videos in other languages…this is literally how people have been making english subs for japanese songs and the like for years and it was great because you didn’t have to reupload the videos yourself and take away views from the original creators. many creators don’t allow reprints of their work whatsoever so if they go through with this (which unfortunately they seem pretty deadset on because lololol moneyyyyyy) it’s entirely likely that there just won’t be a way to watch that content with captions
there’s a petition to keep community captions…i don’t know if it’ll really do anything since they’re already going ~oh but we have Paid Alternatives!~ but don’t just let this pass by this should be a huge deal but i’ve barely seen anyone talking about it (not that i expect people to talk about things of any particular importance on tumblr but it’s not even getting attention on twitter beyond that one thread and like 2 other posts)
so like. sign this and shit don’t let youtube just actively get rid of accessibility features without anyone caring (though i’d say probably use twitter if you want to actually get their attention i don’t think they’d look here) http://chng.it/LN9HRNmnkg
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poorlilanxiousbaby · 4 years
Thanks for the tag! Ive already done this somewhere on my blog and did pretty well but that was on my laptop and now im on my phone where i cant even type with my eyes open 😂
... If i tell you this was better than i expected. I mean, i got the whole word baby
i’m starting a game
Type your username with your eyes closed and tag 4 people
I’ll go first:
@warcrossheadcanons @tracywarcross @txal-sharky @that-one-goddy-trot
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poorlilanxiousbaby · 4 years
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poorlilanxiousbaby · 4 years
I can’t this image out of my head but baby Remus with his Morningstar the size it is now so he’s always dragging it behind him everywhere it goes
(Janus was quite tired of scratched up floors and so glad when Remus got strong and tall enough to hold it up)
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poorlilanxiousbaby · 4 years
i’m going to make a list of half second logan moments that i haven’t seen mentioned
in the christmas video when logan missed his line asking about the five name reveal line and roman pointed it out, logan looks down at his script like “well would you look at that i did miss my line” i’m sorry but it was too cute
in the lying video when logan tells thomas dwi and roman responds “driving while intoxicated”, logan has to take a moment to check his notes it was rlly precious
i’ve said before but i love it so much in the my true identity video when roman appears and greets everyone, logan lil cheery “hi” was the cutest thing fight me
in the am i original video when he gets shushed by thomas and roman he looks so personally offended and it makes me giggle everytime
also in the am i original video, he imitates roman’s pose and i don’t see this addressed enough
there’s plenty more to add once i find them but these are the first to come to mind i love my logical son
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poorlilanxiousbaby · 4 years
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Marks and Rec: Misc #2080
(Logan would totally make a list, though.) (Dialogue from Hamilton.)
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