populizr-blog · 5 years
Social Media Marketing: The Indispensable Step Toward Brand Awareness
This is an excerpt from Social Media Marketing: The Indispensable Step Toward Brand Awareness
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Social media marketing is heating up, and more and more businesses are starting to consider it. It has become the key towards improving brand awareness and connecting people in a new, modern way.
And even if we know that there are over 2.32 billion Facebook monthly active users, many businesses still don’t take this opportunity to increase their brand awareness and reach more customers because their businesses are ‘too specific’.
But, let me tell you a story that will explain why this phrase ‘too specific’ doesn’t apply to social media.
There’s No ‘Too Specific Industry’ On Social Media
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A few years back, we had an interesting client. A web development and marketing agency that was building a website for a funeral planning business. Their client wanted a website that would enable people to plan their own funeral.
This would include all the details from the type of the coffin to the place of burial, with everything in between (flowers, decorations, etc). The final cost of each order was a hefty 5-figure deal. The agency also did social media marketing for them. They did social media marketing… for funeral services! Funerals…
If people look for funeral services on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or LinkedIn, chances are that every other business can profit from social media marketing.
Don’t believe me? Just hop on to Facebook and search for, let’s say, “septic tank cleaning services.” Yep, it’s a thriving industry. Anyway, back to our story.
So, if you think that social media marketing won’t work for your company because it’s ‘specific’, you’re wrong!
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populizr-blog · 5 years
Social Media Trends For 2018 vs 2019
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Social media trends are changing with the speed of the light. For that reason, you need to know every detail and take some action about it.
What 2018 bring to us:
•        2018 was the year when Mark Zuckerberg posted a status explaining changes in the Facebook algorithm.
•        Twitter erased overall 6% of users or 70 million fake accounts because they want the number of users to be accurate.
•        Another event of the previous year was the GDPR regulation so, starting from May 25th, the regulation becomes legitimate.
With all these updates, social media marketers needed to adapt their social campaigns and employees required to develop a legitimate GDPR policy.
What we can expect in 2019.
A lot of things that are expecting to see in 2019 are the same social media marketing trends in 2018 because they are going to continue this year as well.
Let’s see what trends we can expect this year:
•        Storytelling on social media
•        Using social media tools
•        Artificial intelligence
This is not a definitive list, as we all know things in social media side change with the speed of light. This is the most important social media trends, and we have interesting material to think about this year.
It is mission impossible if you want to sum up everything from one year. You can end up feeling overwhelmed because too many things are going in a little time.
So, try to revise your social media marketing strategies and put these trends into it.
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populizr-blog · 5 years
How Brand Awareness Can Help Your Business
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Businesses take a substantial piece of social media cake and give an opportunity to increase your brand awareness. But do they use it in the right way? You need to have perfect social media marketing tactics so, let’s see what will help you.
The Right Way To Be a Step Before Your Competitors
Employees. When you have an army behind you that are loyal and skillful, it doesn’t matter how big your company is. They know company history, vision, mission, product, and services, so the social media strategy Is on the halfway.
These tips will help you to create a social media strategy with the help of your employees:
•        Choose your social media networks rightly.
•        Be present on social media all the times.
•        Put quality over quantity.
•        Put hashtags.
This process can be time-consuming and complicated at the time to do this. Your employees know your brand, and they can present it or defend it the best.
Every business on social media has brand awareness whether they control it or not. The number of social media users is continuously on the rise, and that is why it is crucial to have a perfect strategy. Employees are a highly effective way to control your brand awareness, but as a time-consuming process, we created a helping hand for them.
Check Populizr for enterprise and help your team to increase your brand awareness easy and effectively.
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populizr-blog · 6 years
Increase Your Company’s Performance Using A Social Media Management Tool
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Every marketer knows that using a social media management tool is a must for the company’s performance. So, let’s see why is all that fuss about.
Analyze the Fuss About Social Media Management Tools
All that fuss about social media management tools is created by marketers and social media teams that use tools and have an opinion about it. All of them agree that using social media management tools you can increase the performance rate of every company.
 How Populizr Can Help to Increase Your Company’s Performance
Populizr is a social media management tool that can reduce the time to create a campaign for 4 minutes per one.
How does Populizr do this? By having the right features.
 1.        Managing Multiple Accounts From A Single Dashboard
Populizr’s user-friendly dashboard provides you a detailed overview of all your social media networks. This way you can track them from one place, schedule when you want, tracking demographically, and serve more clients with the same team.
 2.    Reusing Successful Social Campaigns
Also using Populizr you can reuse successful social campaigns as it is, or you can optimize with different keywords to attract a new audience.
 3.    Creating up to 25 Unique Variations from a Single Blog Post
Posting the same post several times is boring. Populizr can make 25 unique variations from one single blog post with different Title, Meta description, and Image.
4.    Sentiment and Emotions Analyzes
The feeling makes all decisions. Sentiment and emotion analyzer can help you to change the content until you trigger the desired reactions from the customers.
Using a social media management tool has huge benefits for every business. Besides the fact that if you want to increase your social media presence, you must use a tool that can minimize the time, effort and manual work.
If you are interested in more details check our website.
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populizr-blog · 6 years
Things That You Need To Know If You Want Effective Social Media Marketing Team
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Putting so much energy to increase the number of Clicks, Likes and Shares is not enough for creating an effective social media marketing strategy. You need to focus on things that will bring you some real money.
So, here is an article that will help you to improve your marketing strategy and build an effective social media marketing team.
What Holds Back Your Team?
Not investing in social media tools is the main problem in your strategy. Your workflow is going slow and manually managing social media networks is not an easy task.
For that reason, see these 3 tips that will help you become an effective social media team:
1.    Focus On Social Traffic
Many marketers rely only on Clicks, Likes, and Shares. If you automate the posting process, it will be much easier for your marketing team to increase social media traffic.
2.    Plan Your Content Marketing Strategy
The advance planning will help your team to stay active on social media all the time, and also give them more time to do more than just managing social networks.
3.    Sentiment And Emotions Analysis
Buyers make decisions based on emotions. So, you need to write content that will trigger the desired reactions from them.
How Can Populizr Help?
Populizr is a tool that can do all these above and build an effective social media marketing team. So, let’s see the main features of Populizr:
1.    Creating a campaign in under 4 minutes
2.    Helps you target your audience
3.    Gives sentiment and emotions analyses of your content
4.    Measures the results
5.    Re-uses your successful campaigns
These 3 things will help you get closer to an effective social media marketing team, and we can sum up that you just need social media tool like Populizr that can do all these with minimized manual work.
So, get Populizr today and see the benefits.
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populizr-blog · 6 years
Use Emotions For Creating An Effective Emotional Marketing Strategy
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Using emotions in marketing is very popular these days. If you want to connect with your audience, your content needs to be emotionally engaging. So, if you want to create a powerful marketing message you need to use emotions in your blog posts.
How Can Emotional Marketing Strategy Help You?
If you want to have a successful business, you need to follow the right steps in the online marketing world. The meaning of the emotional marketing strategy is not doing a set of predefined steps; it is about covering a few equally important aspects like:
•   Emotional intelligence
•   Emotional connection
•   Building trust
According to our researches, we find out that when individuals have a positive emotional connection with a specific brand, they:
•   Have more trust in the company
•   Purchase from the company
•   Easy forgive a company’s mistake
Since our customers are human beings, promoting feelings is more important than the product itself.
Use Sentiment And Emotions Analyzer
If you nudge the emotional state of your audience, you are a step closer to engage them. For this purpose, you can use social media automation tool and trigger the right emotions before your content is published.
Populizr is social media automation tool that has Sentiment and Emotions Analyzer. This tool allows you, in a few clicks, to find out the emotions that your content triggers. With this unique future, you can design an effective marketing message that will ensure the right response from your content before your audience can see it.
But Populizr has other great features like:
•   Creating 25 unique variations
•    Reusing best performing campaigns
•   Making social analytics
•   Scraping features etc.
As we have said above, emotions are very important if you want to craft an effective marketing message. By using Populizr all of this will be easier. So, don’t waste your time, click here and learn more about Populizr.
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populizr-blog · 6 years
Which tool to choose Loomly or Populizr?
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Using social media tool for your campaigns is effective and time-consuming.
There are so many tools on the market, and people are confused about which one to choose. That is why we did research and choose to present Loomly and Populizr. So, let’s see the difference between them.
Loomly is a social media calendar that can help you to manage your content and your social marketing team efficiently.  This tool provides you to create and schedule your content on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and LinkedIn. Loomly has features that will help you easily manage your social post and 5 different pricing plans:
1.      Solo
2.      Pro
3.      Small team
4.      Medium Team
5.      Large team
Beside Loomly, Populizr offers much more when it comes to effective social media management and marketing.
•        It can create unique variations in one campaign. With Populizr you can create 25 unique variations on one blog post from a single dashboard. So, you will never post duplicate content on social media networks.
•        Reuse on old campaigns. You can revive and reuse the best performing social media campaigns. With several clicks, you can share old campaigns to ad attract a new audience.
•        Sentiment and emotion analysis. Populizr is the only tool on the market that can make this kind of analyzes. That will help you to make sure that your campaign will trigger the desired reactions before sharing.
•        Demographics. Populizr makes demographics analyzes that not just tell you how many clicks you have, but also from which country and city they come from.
 To Sum Up
If you are looking for a tool that will make easier your post management Loomly is the perfect tool for you. But if you need a tool that can contribute to an effective social media marketing and easily manage your social post that Populizr is the right choice.
Hope that this post will help you to make the best choice for you and now it is up to you to decide.
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populizr-blog · 6 years
The To-Do List For Effective Social Media Marketing
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The to-do list for effective social media marketing is continually increasing. That is the reason why most marketers pay so much attention on this part. What should you know to make your social media marketing more effective? Let’s see.
1.    Choose Fully Automated Tool
Having a tool that isn’t fully automated isn’t useful. You need to create your campaigns manually because the tool that you use isn’t automated to do it all alone. So, choose an automated tool that will replace you for sure.
2.    Providing Emotion And Sentiment Analysis
When you create content, you need to pay attention to what emotions you will evoke to your audience. None of the existing tools on the market makes sentiment and emotion analysis, except one. So, stay tuned till the end.
3.    Avoid Duplicate Content
Posting the same content several times can result in pushing your followers away. Choose a tool that can create different and unique content and your traffic will always be increasing.
4.    User-Friendly Tool
Creating campaigns, meta description, images, hashtags and choosing the day and time to post is time-consuming.
If you choose to use a social media tool than pick some that will help you in the hole process. Look what we offer.
With Populizr To Effective Social Media Marketing
Populizr is SEO automation tool that offers all that is mention in this short To-Do list. That means that it can end-up the process with minimalistic manual work and provide sentiment and emotion analysis. Also, create 25 different and unique variations of one blog post so, your audience will always read different content.
To Sum It Up
Many social media tools on the market fail to deliver for effective social media marketing. And Populizr is not one of those tools.
Using Populizr, you can manage your clients campaigns from a single dashboard with minimal effort, in just 4 minutes. Awesome, right?
So, what are you waiting for?
Deliver value to your clients. Try Populizr now.
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populizr-blog · 6 years
Key Activities To Effective Social Media Marketing Team
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The effective social media marketing team is the cornerstone of your company. That is the reason why every business owner primary goal should be to invest in people that can provide better service. You as a business owner you need to find a helpful way for your team. So, look at these three key activities:
1.    Produce Quality and Unique Content
Posting quality and unique content is the first rule when you are writing. Reading posts that you have seen before is boring and annoying. As a result of that, the audience doesn’t respond or eventually responds with unfollowing the page.
To solve this problem, we made social media platform named Populizr. It can make 25 unique variations on one blog post with different Title/Description/Image and all that in as little as 4 minutes. Awesome, right?
2.    Sentiment and Emotions Analysis
When you write a blog post, you need to pay attention to what reactions you will desire. Are they positive, negative, happy, anger, etc. To save your time and effort, Populizr can help you and make Sentiment and Emotion Analyzes. That will help you to see how your audience can react to your post before even the post is published.
3.    Track the Efficiency of All Campaigns
Having a single dashboard where you will be tracking the efficiency of all social campaigns is making this process easier. You can see which campaign is going correctly and which is only making noise so, you can take some action
Let’s Wrap Up
Having a tool that will help your team to make more campaigns for several minutes will surely easy the way to make effective social media marketing.  Populizr for agencies is the perfect social media tool that has all that I mentioned before. So, if you want to get more details for this tool click here and find out
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populizr-blog · 6 years
Creating Effortless Effective Social Media Marketing Campaigns With Populizr
As we all know, getting engagement and driving social traffic on your site depends on how effective your social media marketing campaign is.
If you choose to do it alone, you probably expect to lose time and energy as a result of creating every single campaign, posting on social platforms, and choosing a specific time for all this.
If you were wondering if there is some tool that can do this besides you, you are in the right place. Let’s see how can social media tool like Populizr help you.
·         Creates Unique Variations - Posting the same post several times is annoying for your audience. Populizr can make 25 unique variations so every time your audience reads your posts, it will be different but still with the same message.
·         Sentiment and Emotion Analyzer – Populizr is the only social media tool in the market that can make Sentiment and Emotion Analyzes of the content. That means that you will be able to see what kind of emotions your content will trigger to your audience. Like happiness, excitement, anger, fear, etc.
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·         Scheduling Options - Social media networks have a specific time to post when there is a significant number of active audiences. Populizr offers you automatic scheduling on a particular time of the day with just a few clicks. Awesome, right? You can end up with this part of the work because you have a fantastic replacement which never forgets.
·         Measuring The Effectiveness – Measuring the effectiveness will bring your company many benefits. When you know what worked in the past and what didn’t, is an excellent chance to change things and be closer to your aim.
Using Populizr, you can see your campaigns progress from a single dashboard, and that will not save just time but also effort.
One Final Thought
Having a tool that will help you make effortless and effective social media marketing campaign will really ease your work.
Thanks to Populizr, you can analyze sentiment and emotion on your content, create unique variations and schedule them ahead of time.
Populizr will help you create effective social media campaigns in no time, from a single dashboard. 
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populizr-blog · 6 years
Master Your Social Media Marketing Step-By-Step (For Small Businesses & Startups)
If you are new on the market or you have a small business, then you probably know that there is a lot to perform with limited resources. Social media marketing will surely help you to market your product and services on the market. But, you’ll need a plan. 
Let’s see what are the steps every small business should cover to easily master social media marketing.
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Build A Strategy - First, you need to define your audience (age, gander, profession, etc.) and address what the key concerns and problems for each group are. After that, you need to present to your audience some important messages and analyze which social media channels they prefer.
Now you can go on the next step.
Get More People To Your Site - Mastering your social media marketing will surely help you achieve positive results. So, try to give useful and quality information and don’t use your blog posts just for sales. You should interact with your audience.
Stay Organized - Like with everything in life, staying organized on social media is of key importance. So, you can start with a daily/weekly to-do list and try to stick to it.
But, if you’re still doubtful in managing social media marketing by yourself, Populizr is an automated social media tool that can do that for you.
Explore Paid Advertising Solutions - Even is small businesses and beginners are faced with a low budget, excluding paid advertising for your social media marketing is wrong. You can start with a small budget and still see positive results.
Measure Your Success - The most important step is tracking performance data (engagement, sharing, growth). Knowing which social media network is driving the most traffic to your site is a big plus because you can adjust if something is not working correctly.
Hope that these instructions will help you in building a robust social media strategy and increase your engagement and hopefully sales. But, if you’re not sure you can do all of this by yourself, try a social media automation tool like Populizr. You’ll have everything needed on one dashboard. All you’ll have to do is to click on your mouse.
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populizr-blog · 6 years
Social Media Image Dimensions Ideal In 2018
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Visuals are the first thing people see when they go to a profile page. Social media image dimensions change throughout the years. It can be quite challenging to determine which image dimension is popular in the ongoing year, so that’s why we’ve created this blog post. 
Header photos on Twitter are 1500 x 500. When picking a photo, make sure to choose a wider one in order to avoid stretching. Header photos can be repositioned as much as you like. Note that image dimensions on mobile can be a bit bigger and show more on the top or the bottom. 
By reading our overviews, we hope that we will clear things out and help you find out which image dimensions are the most popular in 2018. In order to make your audience read your content, you must first learn the required image dimensions and thus drive more engagement. 
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populizr-blog · 6 years
Post At The Peak Hours On Social Media Networks And Increase Your Conversions
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Many of you are probably worried about when you should post on social media to get more traffic right now. Don’t you? Here some information we’ve gained through research that we hope will help you with choosing the best hours to post on social media networks.
•   Facebook
o   Strongest posting days - Wednesday through Sunday
o   Recommended day to post- Thursday at 1 p.m.
o   Last optimal posting times - early morning and late nights
•   LinkedIn
o   Strongest posting days - from Tuesday to Thursday from 12 a.m. and 5 p.m.
o   Recommended day to post - Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
o   Last optimal posting times - Saturday and Sunday
•   Twitter
o   Strongest posting days - Monday through Thursday
o   Recommended day to post - Thursday
o   Last optimal posting times - early mornings and late nights
•   Pinterest
o   Strongest posting days - Friday through Sunday
o   Recommended day to post - 2 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Sunday
o   Last optimal posting times - Sunday through Friday, from 4 a.m. to 7 p.m.
•   Google +
o   Strongest posting days - Monday through Friday
o   Recommended day to post - 9 a.m. on Wednesday
o   Last optimal posting times - Mornings, early evenings, late nights
•   Instagram
o   Strongest posting days - Monday through Friday
o   Recommended day to post - any day at 2 a.m., 8 a.m. and 5 a.m.
o   Last optimal posting times - each day at 3 p.m.
Every social media network has different recommended time for posting and last optimal posting times. Hope that this blog will help you to increase your engagement, your reach, and even sales.
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populizr-blog · 6 years
How To Organize The Scheduling On Your Facebook Posts?
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If you think that you will increase the engagement rates with constant posting on Facebook, you might have the wrong idea about social media. Posting on Facebook is about relevant content that will provoke users’ reactions. Not about posts that will drive users away. 
If your team doesn’t want to drive users away, they need to use a social media calendar or social scheduling tool so they can be aware of all the posts at all time. 
Why Your Social Media Team Should Schedule Posts On Facebook In Advance?
Manually posting new content on a daily basis is a time-consuming job for your marketing team. It could be challenging for them to complete these tasks if they don’t have some automated system or use some tools that could help them. 
For example, if you do a client job in a different time zone, it may be difficult for your team to do this. Or if they are doing another job at the moment, but it’s scheduling time – they need to stop doing what they’re doing and post for Facebook. 
Can you spot the difficulties? 
Well, a social scheduling tool can be of use for your marketing team. They can create an entire plan in advance, according to your company’s needs and stick with it. They can schedule posts week or month in advance and review them when it’s posting time.
No matter the reasons, the main point why is beneficial for your team to use scheduling tools is to save time. They can use that time to do more productive work. Populizr is this kind of tool, that can help you schedule posts in advance and engage better with your entire audience.
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populizr-blog · 6 years
Meaning And Difference Between Social Reach And Social Impressions
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Reach and Impressions - Every time you open some blog about social media, you come across the terms Reach and Impressions. Yet, you still don’t know their meaning and the difference between these two terms. We’re here to help. Let’s first take a look at their meaning and then we’ll dig deeper into the differences.
Social Reach is the number of people who see your content, or the number of your virtual audience. If you have let’s say 1000 followers, then your maximum Social Reach can be 1000. 
Social Impressions are the number of views of your post, and it doesn’t matter if one person clicked or not. If someone sees the same post three times, that is three Impressions. These metrics are important for because that way you can see how many times your blog has been displayed in people’s News Feeds.
Difference Between Reach and Impressions. The number of impressions could be bigger than the number of Social Reach. As I said before, Reach is measuring the number of people that saw one post and it counts like one reach. But Impressions are different, and they measure the number of times that your post was present to your followers. So, if one person saw your post 3 times the number of impressions will be increased by 3.  
To have a successful social media campaigns, you need a bigger Reach and Impression, but that‘s not the end goal. It’s about the sale, subscription or something else that makes conversion and has business value.
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populizr-blog · 6 years
Increase Your Brand Awareness Using These 5 Key Tips
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Social media marketing is a highly competitive niche. There is too much stuff going on daily, and your team needs to do excellent work every time to get through that noise. 
If you like to stay on top on social media, read on these 5 key tips and find out how to easily get there. 
1. Go Beyond Social Media Marketing Strategies Yes, social media has become your go-to place for promoting your brand. But social media is only a part of the entire marketing strategy. 
If your team wants to achieve success, there are other ways to do it like:
Using SEO – It’s almost impossible to be ranked on page #1 on Google if your website is not optimized in the right way. Being active on social media networks is not enough for gaining more visibility. That’s why optimizing your content can be another way for your marketing team to reach its goal. 
Run Paid Ads – If you are new on social media, perhaps running paid ads is a good way to increase your brand awareness. 
If you rely only on social media networks, you can increase brand awareness but that’s not enough. That’s why using different ways to reach your audience can be the right solution for creating different strategies for different platforms.
By using these 5 tips, you can increase your overall social media presence and make your brand name more searchable and memorable on social media. Also, if you want to increase your brand awareness on social media networks more effectively, you can use social media automation tools like Populizr. 
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populizr-blog · 6 years
Which Social Media Agency Is Right For Your Business?
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If you are looking for tips that can help you decide which Social Media Agency is right for you, you are in the right place. Here are some useful information how can you do that.
The main purpose of the social media agency is to keep your business alive on the market. So yes, it’s a big deal to choose the right agency that will bring you success.
At first, you need to have precise goals, and then you may look for an agency that can help you. The best way to do it is by searching on the internet. Seeing reviews and social media activities will make your decision easier.
Key things to know when choosing the potential agency:
•    In which field does the agency belong? Is it Social Media, Content or Digital marketing?
•   Does the agency have knowledge and experience in your area?
•    How the agency measure the success and what kind of report they will give to you? For example: engagement on social posts, how many people have reached your campaign, how many of them are organic, number of leads, website traffic, etc.
•    The agency needs to know on which social media networks you need to be focused. If they ask you to tell them, they are not what are you looking for.
•    You need to be unique. Hire an agency that is using a different strategy for each client. Agencies that are using social media tool are more efficient in their work. Populizr is awesome for this.  
•    The agency needs to be precise in explaining why you need social media marketing.
Following this, you will surely choose the best option for your company. Maybe you won’t find the perfect one that is strong in all these categories, but decide what you need the most and start from there.
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