constance-beckman · 7 months
Quick question to other fanfic writers, do we all think our work is cringe at some point then go back to read it and think it’s better then we remember?
…or am I just being delusional right now? 😭
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constance-beckman · 1 year
I was just reading fanfic and there was a pic of Kidd (One Piece) and I was like
“oh yeah he doesn’t have eye brows.”
….and I shit you not immediately after I said that, I followed up with “he burnt them off when one of his projects exploded”
It’s now canon, I have deemed it as such.
*insert evil cackling*
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constance-beckman · 1 year
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constance-beckman · 1 year
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constance-beckman · 1 year
What it looks like: I've abandoned my fic
What's actually happening: It consumes my thoughts every single day. The urge to write gets stronger but my putty brain just. won't. let. it. happen.
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constance-beckman · 2 years
Pairings: Mihawk x Fem!Reader
Summary: Mihawk's longtime lover died
Warnings: Angst, implied death (no specifics), character death, alcoholism (ambiguous), ooc Mihawk
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Stepping onto the weathered dock felt different this time, compared to many times before for the golden eyed swordsman.
This time there would be no warmth welcoming him back to the castle, no fire burning in the dining hall, no sweet humming in the kitchen along with the savoury smell of her cooking. There was no warmth in his life since she left, it's been almost a year since she left and the swordsman hasn't stepped foot in his castle since.
There was no use calling it his home anymore if she wasn't wrapped in his arms in the library, snuggled up on a couch, in front of the fireplace enjoying their favourite wine, each other's company and a good book.
He has attempted many times before to walk through the large doors, but every time before he turned back around with a heavy heart, promising that one day he would return and walk through the doors.
The first time he tried 10 months ago he didn't even get within a kilometre of the island's waters, just staring at the menacing castle in the distance that was no longer his home. Every few weeks he would come again and again, everytime getting just a bit closer. He would get to the end of the beach then turn back to his boat, walk through the forest...turn around, walk through city ruins...turn around...walk to the gothic metal gate of the castle...turn around...and finally walk up to the front doors but he would still turn around, until one day he held the door of the castle open just a crack but still turned around, leaving the heavy door to shut by itself.
Every attempt he made in the past 10 months rushing through his mind a mile a second, it all mushed together into a blur until finally he noticed he was finally in the castle once he heard the doors close shut behind him. Tears gathered in his eyes when he smelled your perfume still hanging heavily in the air, oh god how he missed it so he thought to himself as he gathered up as much courage as he could and walked through the large foyer towards the kitchen.
Once he stepped in his mind was engulfed with memories of himself and his lover, cooking together and trying a new recipe, some better than others, he even cracked the smallest of smiles when he remembered the time where they got a little too distracted with each other and let the food burn, both claiming it was the others fault it happened, in the end they made do with what they could salvage and spent the rest of the night in eachothers arms in the library exchanging sweet words and light kisses between each other until they fell asleep, with sickly sweet smiles on their faces.
Breaking out of his trance, his honey golden eyes as she once described them, glassing over as his tears finally fell leaving tear stains to dry on his face shortly but they would only disappear as more and more kept coming, desperately did he need a drink, but not to savour it like he used to with her, but to make him forget his pain and even the love and happiness because all it did now was bring misery that would leave his heart aching to be with it's other half again. Struggling with tear blurred vision he pulled open the cork from a wine bottle, but the second the bottle reached his lips and the red liquid flowed he knew his once favourite was now soiled, tasting bitter and sour like everything that revolved around her, everything he once loved and enjoyed was taken along with her as nothing was the same without her.
In the rest of his living days he was no longer the world's greatest swordsman, he was no warlord, no pirate, and he became a nobody, he disappeared off the face of the earth where everyone thought he had died but, he lived, he lived for her but he could not truly live without her as she was the one who put the stars and the moon up in the night sky to lead him straight in the darkness of the night.
One night in his old age before sleep took over he knew he would not wake the next morning he remembered the words people would tell him "they're in a better place." He always hated that sentiment when she belonged there with him, but she would finally be his arms once more where they belonged.
The End
This made me tear up when I proof read
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constance-beckman · 2 years
Red Hair Pirates as Incorrect Quotes Pt. 3
[Shanks, Yasopp, and Lucky Roo sitting on a bench]
Benn Beckman: Why do you all look so sad?
Yasopp: Sit down with us so we can tell you.
[Beckman sits down]
Yasopp: The bench is freshly painted.
Benn Beckman:. . .
Shanks: Why are you always so paranoid?
Yasopp: I threw a boomerang many years ago and it never came back. Now I live in constant fear.
Shanks: If I cut off my leg
Shanks: And swing it at you
Shanks: Would I be hitting you or kicking you?
Benn Beckman: You’d be mentally scarring me more than anything my
Benn Beckman: So how are they doc?
Yasopp: Hold up, when did you learn French? Monsieur L’ baguette?
Shanks: (in French accent) Oh, as a bébé.
Yasopp: Oh, oui!
Yasopp: Oui, oui, oui!
Doc: …yeah as you can see, not good.
Shanks: Do you want a quickie?
Benn Beckman: Ex-excuse me?
Shanks: A quickie, one of those cake things?
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constance-beckman · 3 years
I don’t like being called out ✋😭
I swear I’ll post soon
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constance-beckman · 3 years
Red Hair Pirates as Incorrect Quotes Pt.2
Benn Beckman: Everyone, synchronize your watches.
Yasopp: I don't know how to do that.
Lucky Roo: I don't wear a watch.
Shanks: Time is construct.
Benn Beckman: Can I be frank with yous guys?
Luck Roo: Sure but I don't see how changing your name is gonna help.
Yasopp: Can I still be Yasopp?
Shanks: Shh, let Frank speak.
Yasopp: How petty can you get?
Lucky Roo: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
Shanks: *Pointing* May I sit there?
Benn Beckman: That's my lap.
Shanks: That doesn't answer my question.
Benn Beckman: Where are you going?
Yasopp: To get ice cream or commit a felony, I'll decide on the way there.
Lucky Roo: Whaddya call a fish with no eye?
Benn Beckman: *Not looking up* Myxine Circifrons
Lucky Roo:
Lucky Roo: Fsh
Lucky Roo: Whatcha got there...?
Yasopp: *Petting an Ostrich* A smoothie.
Shanks: That's greatly offensive to my people.
Benn Beckman: College dropouts?
So I've decided to make it a series. Message if you have any incorrect quote that you want me to write.
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constance-beckman · 3 years
Red Hair Pirates as Incorrect Quotes
Benn Beckman: What doesn't kill me better start running, because now I'm fucking pissed.
Shanks: I have one foot in the grave but in a kind of fun flirty way, the way one might slip on a fishnet stocking.
Benn Beckman: You could've died man! Shanks: I wasn't hurt that badly. The doctor said all my bleeding was internal, that's where the blood's supposed to be!
Yasopp: I don't think the therapist is supposed to say 'wow' that many times during their first session with a client, but here we are.
Lucky Roo: I scare people a lot because I walk very softly and they don't hear me enter rooms. So when they turn around, I'm just kind of there and their fear fuels me.
Benn Beckman: Yasopp put the gunpowder down.
Yasopp: *Pouts* *Turns around* AAHHHHHH! *Bang*
Benn Beckman: Great you killed him.
Yasopp: *Passed out on floor*
Shanks: I'm a nice person, but I'm about to start throwing rocks at people.
Shanks: You can take away my rights, but can you take away my lefts?
Yasopp: *Whispering* He does know they can't take away what he doesn't have, right?
Benn Beckman: *Whispering* He's still in denial about losing his arm...
Shanks: Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions.
It's been a while but it's finals week next week, then winter break so I'm hoping to do some writing then. This might be part 1 of a series, haven't decided yet.
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constance-beckman · 3 years
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Luffy: 🔪 🔪 🔪 Shanks:  😱 😱 😱
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constance-beckman · 3 years
Ben Beckman x Fem!Reader Soulmate Au
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Benn Beckman x Fem!Reader
Reader is Luffy's "Sister”
Soulmate AU! Temperature - The closer you are to your soulmate the hotter you are, the farther away the colder you are.
Fluff and Angst
Benn might be a little OOC
TW - Violence, Blood, Death
AN - Part of this OneShot/Imagine was inspired by another OneShot/Imagine on tumblr. If a part of this sounds familiar and you know the original creator or you are, please let me know so I can give them/you proper credit. The idea that is not mine is, Ace's devil fruit (Mera Mera No Mi) gets in the way of the Soulmate Temperature, as people come up to him daily claiming he's there soulmate, so Deuce would carry around a sea prism stone all the time, and he would give it to Ace to show people he isn't his soulmate and it's just his DF.
"Makino, where's Luffy? We didn't see him at the port?" Shanks asked, walking up to the bar.
"He's out with his older sister. '' She responded, while placing a tankard filled with sake in front of the red headed man.
"I didn't know he had a sister." Yasopp stepped into the conversation.
"Not biologically, she's a pirate captain, and her crew stopped by in our village years ago. She saved Luffy's life one day and you know how he is. He practically declared her to be his older sister, but she had no complaints. Since then she and her crew come by everyone once in a while. I'm actually surprised you guys have yet to run into each other." Makino finished her short story as she walked around the bar and served a few of the crew their food.
"Then if they're pirates and she's on the island why wasn't there another pirate ship in the port when we got here?" Benn asked curiously.
"Well my crew had to finish some business, so I decided to go ahead alone so I could see my little brother sooner." Said a velvet soft voice from the saloon type doors of the bar. "Shanks!" A small but loud voice exclaimed from behind the woman. "So this is the mysterious Shanks my brother had been telling me all about," The woman said, walking towards a seat at the bar. "Pleasure to finally meet you, I'm Y/N L/N by the way, Luffy's older sister." She introduced herself, putting her hand out for a shake.
Slowly turning around in my bar stool I was sure I had confusion written all over my face. A warm heat took over my body, was she my soulmate? I thought to myself, while meeting her extended hand.
"Before any of you ask, I'm most likely not your soulmate." Y/N addressed everyone in the bar after shaking my hand. "How'd you know that's what we were going to ask?" Yasopp questions from his bar stool on my right. Everybody else in the bar having similar thoughts or agreeing with my officer. Sitting down on the bar stool to my left the woman started telling us her story, "It happens quite frequently. Ever since I ate the Mera Mera No Mi devil fruit, everyone thinks I'm their soulmate, because of the amount of heat I naturally give off." she finished as Makino handed her a tankard of sake. "So in short your devil fruit powers affect your ability to properly sense your soulmate?" Benn confirmed from his seat, at a table a few feet away. "Then how do you know if a person is or is not your soulmate?" I questioned the women to my left.
"Well I would show you right now if we could, but my crew isn't here yet and my first mate Lex carries around a sea prism stone for me." She explained to us while pulling Luffy up to his seat on the bar stool next to her.
"Than it's a good thing I'm here captain." A loud voice said, coming from a tall, pale man with his curly hair up in a ponytail, some strands falling around his face. We all turned our heads to him, intrigued by what was soon to happen.
"So basically when I drop the sea prism stone in her hand, her body heat will go back to normal. 'Deactivating' her devil fruit powers if you will." Lex explained to us as we crowded around the first mate and captain duo. A couple seconds after the stone dropped into Y/N's hand. The warm heat I felt went away, proving that neither I or my crew was her soulmate, based on their own reactions. All except for one...Benn's face was a bit different, but I couldn't tell. The second the emotion came, it went away.
That doesn't make sense. The stone was in her hand, why do I still feel warm...maybe she is my soulmate. I trailed my eyes up from her hand to her eyes to see her already looking at me. She felt it to, the shared warmth was still there and only we could feel the sensation. Her E/C filled with emotions, a small almost unnoticeable smile gracing her face. My heart hammered in my chest, my blood pumping so loudly through my body I almost worried the people around me could hear. After the little 'performance' was over Lex grabbed the stone from her hand, everyone going back to their drinks and conversations with each other. Rockstar broke my attention from the beauty of a woman, and brought it to our previous conversation. Coincidentally enough Lex pulled her attention to himself, updating her on what her crew has been doing in her short leave of absence.
After a long night partying and drinking, the majority of the crew, were passed out at their tables or on the floor alongside Y/N crew who later joined us, after finishing restocking their ship. A little bit later after helping the last few drinks that were still awake back to the ships, Y/N and I were finally able to talk in privacy.
The following days we hung out together and got to get to know each other more, and talked about our future as soulmates. Both of us agreed we would each stay with our respective crews but keep in touch, however we can. Today we walked a little ways around the island, exploring the surrounding forests. Y/N had talked about a little oasis she found tucked away behind a small waterfall, in a cave. We slowly walked across the slippery walks to get behind the falls, Y/N leading the way, with a smile that I just know I'll never get tired off, a smile that would light up anyone's day. As she led the way she kept rambling on about all the other hidden places she has found all across the 4 seas. Talking about how at some point she would like to show me all of them and discover new places with me.
My heart swelled with the idea of just us knowing about these hidden places. Looking down to watch my step I could feel the rare smile settling itself upon my face. Before noticing Y/N's miss step, quickly, without thought I reached my large hands out to grab her before she fell and injured herself on the rocks. A split second I had my hands wrapped around her waist, her arms tightly wrapped around my shoulders and neck, our noses touching and warm breath mingling together. A soft blush brushed on our cheeks at the unexpected closeness. Her eyes shone brightly like stars in the night sky, her eye's holding a certain warmth I'd like to say that was only reserved for me, but I would never know. Deciding to take a little risk to only know her for a couple days, I quickly pecked the tip of her nose.
Relief washed over me when her one of a kind smile graced my presence and her light blush darkening across her cheeks. Lifting her back to her feet, not letting go of her waist till I knew she was stable on her feet. Letting her go I took a step back so she could lead the way to the hidden oasis. She grabbed my hand on her own and pulled me along behind the waterfall into a small cave.
A few more days of privacy after our date to the oasis Benn and I told our crews and our plans on handling the situation. Both crews were ecstatic and happy for us, thus the alliance between the two pirate crews flourished. We stayed another week on the island before it was time for us to go our separate ways for now. Leaving Benn was a lot more difficult than I originally thought. I felt a lot more for him already than I thought was possible but the idea of keeping in touch and meeting up whenever we could, relaxed my nerves somewhat.
Throughout the years we fell more in love, we found new hidden places for us to hide away from the world, and we eventually had gotten married, Shanks somehow weaseled his way into officiating the wedding. We talked as much as possible about our adventures and troubles we went through, whenever we met up. Talking about our future, two months after the wedding we discovered I was pregnant. We had agreed that after a few months I would put a pause on piracy, Benn doing the same would join me a few months before I was due to give birth.
"You sure you wanna do this captain?" A man yelled over the roaring winds nipping at their skin.
"It's too late to complain now. I gotta see Red Haired Shanks!" The captain roared back, leading his crew up the cold, snow covered mountain.
"Spade Pirates huh? So you're the rookie everyone's talking about." The man sitting in the shadows of the cave questions, beginning to unsheathe his sword. A weird, familiar warm sensation taking over his body. "You came to say hello."
"Wait it's not what you're thinking. My little brother used to go on and on about you saving his life when he was young, so I'm here to say "Thank You"." the Spade Pirate captain quickly explained to the redhead.
"Luffy! Hot damn! I didn't know he had a brother, well come on in! Nice to meet ya! Pop a squat, let's talk. This calls for a banquet!" Shanks exclaims. The crews cheering in the background.
"Now I got some questions that need answers, before we continue on about Luffy." Shanks claims, sitting in front of a fire across from the Spade pirate captain, Ace. The rest of the Red Hair Pirates nodded along with their captain, most likely having the same questions with worry and nervousness filling their eyes waiting for the answers. One worry was greatly noticeable on his usually stoic face. Others giving side glances to the first mate.
"Why do you give off warmth, as if you're my soulmate?" Shanks asks in a normal tone to the other crew, but his own crew can hear the worry in his voice, awaiting Ace's response.
"Well first of all, you're not my soulmate. You see I ate the Mera Mera No Mi devil fruit which kinda interferes with the soulmate bond." Ace unknowingly gave them that answer none of them ever wanted to hear, especially when it was just days away from Benn disembarking on his journey to meet with his wife. Before Ace could even turn to Deuce to grab the sea stone to show them. Shanks interfered saying they know how it works in a solemn voice, the thought that one of his friends he considered family was dead, his best friends wife and unborn child was dead, and this rookie just randomly showing up is how they found out. Not that he was mad he blamed Y/N's crew, it takes months for messages to make it back and forth.
"What do you mean you already know how it works." At that simple question Benn bolted up. For a person who rarely showed emotions to those he barely knew, every single pirate in that cave including the Spade Pirates could read the emotions that were plastered on his face like a large light up billboard, saying "Look at me!".
"What's wro-" Ace was cut off my Benn gripping his throat and holding his body off the ground, Ace's feet a few inches above the cave floor. The pirates exclaiming in shock, some in defense of Ace, wondering why the hell Benn Beckman is at there Captains throat. The Red Hair Pirates try but not succeeding in getting Benn to let the young, cowboy hat-wearing man down and to calm down.
Ignoring them Benn continued holding Ace "hostage", "Where did you find the devil fruit?'' The first mate questions in a calm voice, but everyone shivered at the dark tone that followed. "I found-- found it one-- some island-" Ace tried speaking while attempting to pull away Benn's strong grip on his neck. Benn dropped him once he fell out of his blind fit of rage and saw what he was doing. "What island?" he kept pushing. "I don't know! Some island in the North Blue! It was burnt to the ground, there was remains of the foundation of a house, and the fruit was just laying there, nothing else was there!" Ace yelled out, grasping at his now bruising neck.
"Why do you care so much?" He continued, now wanting the answers to a situation he was obviously not in the loop of of. "That house on that island was the home to my soulmate/wife, and our unborn baby. I was supposed to leave for the island any day now. The Mera Mera No Mi was her devil fruit. The only way someone else could eat it and gain its power is if the previous user has died." Benn said in a tone of sorrow. Ace's eye's widening, sudden sadness taking over his emotions.
His mind racing with the memories with his soulmate. Their first date, in the hidden oasis. The cave had a small fresh water pool, filled with luminescent crystals, the walls shining like stars, crystal clusters protruding from every corner of the cave. He remembered how the glow lit up Y/N's face, he remembered the feeling of nervousness building up in his gut when he went to kiss her for the first time. He remembered the feeling of immense love, that he'll never feel again. He'll never get to feel her warmth again, never get to see her breathtaking smile or hear her contagious laugh again. He'll never get to meet his child, never get to experience their first steps, words, or first anything. He'll never get to hold them in his arms like he dreamed since finding out about Y/N's pregnancy.
Why do I do this to myself!? I somehow always make myself cry. Anyways I hoped you enjoyed. Sorry about any grammatical or spelling errors, was not properly edited.
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constance-beckman · 3 years
Benn Beckman x Tall!Reader Soulmate AU
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Benn Beckman x Tall!Reader
INFO: Body swap Soulmate AU!, Takes place shortly after the Red Force leaves Foosha Village, Female Reader.
Body Swap AU! - Soulmates body swap a day before they are destined to meet, soulmates can body swap whenever from ages 16^. My own version of Body swap to fit the story.
CHARACTERS MENTIONED: Benn Beckman, Shanks, Yasopp, Lucky Roo, Rockstar, OC's
"Captain! The supplies will be ready for us to set sail tomorrow morning, before noon." I report to my long time friend and captain, Rio, while walking to stand at his side.
"Great, tell the crew to rest for tonight."
"What, why do I gotta tell them? You're the captain."
"Exactly I am the captain, and I'm ordering you, the first mate, to tell them" Rio said with the smile of a Cheshire cat.
"You fucking bitch...fine i'll tell them"
"I love you too Y/N" He remarked, already walking away to his quarters. 
I regrettably love that bastard, I thought to myself. "Alright guys! Finish up your duties and hit the hay for tonight, we have a long day tomorrow!" Walking sluggishly to my quarters to freshen up for the night, I headed off to bed with a gut feeling that things are going to be hectic tomorrow. 
"Yasopp, Lucky, where's Benn?" A red headed captain asked his officers.
"Haven't seen him all morning. Might still be asleep but that would be a fucking miracle, the man doesn't know what sleep is half the time." Yasopp answered, while Lucky nodded along, agreeing with his crew mate. The captain, Shanks, nodded slowly, contemplating the response. "Let him sleep, he needs it. We can handle things without him for a bit." All three of the men, agreeing it was best, continued on with their tasks for the morning. 
"Rockstar! Go Wake Benn!" Shanks yelled while fighting off some foolish pirates who thought it was a good idea to pick a fight with them.
"Benn! Benn! Wake up! We're under attack!" Rockstar yelled loudly while banging on the door to the first mate's quarters. How is this man sleeping through this right now, he usually would've been up by now and would've woken up to the commotion by now even if he was sleeping in, Rockstar thought to himself while still trying to wake up the first mate. 
"That's it! I'm breaking down your door Benn!"
"What the fuck is going on" I mumble to myself as a red-spiky haired man busted down the door to a room I already noticed wasn't mine.
"Benn get your ass up! The captain needs you on deck!" The unknown man yelled after noticing I was up, then bolted out the door, or what was left of it anyway.
"Benn? Who the fuck is Benn?" I said out loud to myself....fuck....not my room, random man busting in, and someone named Benn. I'm in my soulmate's body aren't I? Fuck, I gotta help them out now.
Getting off the bed I saw a rifle lent up against the wall. Grabbing it quickly and making sure it was loaded I ran out of the room, quickly finding my way up to the deck.
"Benn! There you are man! Where have you been" A different red-headed man yelled this time, I barely heard him over the swords clashing, gun and cannon shots. I ran quickly in his direction, cocking the rifle, aiming towards him. "Woah! Woah! Benn what are you doing?" He yelled confused as to what I was doing. Ignoring him I ran faster and took the open shot. The red head flinched when the gun went off, both crews stopped fighting once they thought the crew's first mate killed the captain. "Next time captain, don't look away from your enemy." I said in a stern voice, tilting my head down to look him in the eye. He looked back at me confused once he registered that I didn't shoot him and was talking to him. "Look." I said while pointing my arm behind him at the dead, enemy captain, who I had shot between the eyes.
Both crews including the red head turned their heads to look where I had pointed. "Now..." I said while cocking the rifle one more time, "I suggest you take your dead captain and crew mates and leave, before things get dirty" I exclaimed in a low, threatening voice. The enemy crew's eyes widened and quickly they scrambled to collect their fallen crew mates and captain.
Once they left I turned around and started my walk back to my soulmates room, thinking about what's going on right now. While walking past the mast I looked up to the black flag flying up top, The Red Hair pirates huh, not bad I thought to myself. My soulmate must be Benn Beckman if I'm correct. 
"Benn wait up! You can't just walk away like you didn't almost shoot me, gave me a heart attack to by the way. Thanks too, I guess." The captain, who I now know as Shanks comes walking after me. The rest of his crew quietly surrounded us. 
"One, you're welcome. Two, sorry kinda. Three, you should trust your first mate, and lastly what kind of idiot pirate, no less a captain, takes his eyes off the enemy?" I say turning around, and coming face to face with the red head. "Benn, are you okay? You seem different, maybe you woke up on the wrong side of the bed? And what you said back there wasn't really you, what's up?" the captain said in a worried/curious tone, ignoring what I just said.
"If you must really know, I'm not Benn. My na-" "What do you mean you're not Benn? You're making no sense." Shanks interrupted me. "If I wasn't so rudely interrupted you would already know that it makes perfect sense as to why I say I'm not your first mate. I am Benn's soulmate. My name is Y/N L/N or otherwise known as Y/N The Undead, the first mate of The Ghost Rider Pirates." I was annoyed that the man in front of me interrupted me.
A collective gasp went around the ship, a lot of jaws dropping to the deck. Apparently astonished Beckman had a soulmate. Noticing that none of them were in the right mindset right now, I walked over to the edge of the ship, and jumped up to sit on the rail to wait for them to calm down. Feeling the pockets of the pants Benn's body was wearing I pulled out a match box and a cigarette. Lighting one, I watched the waves of the ocean crash against the side of the large galleon. 
"Wait so you're not Benn, you're his soulmate?" Shanks questioned me after a few minutes. Rolling my eyes I responded "Yes, now I hope I don't have to repeat myself, as I don't like to."
"Right. Okay then, do you know where your crew is? We're in the East Blue right now, heading to Loguetown by the way." He told me. "Then that's good news, keep course to Loguetown. That's where my crew is resupplying before we head back to the Grandline." "Great! Then this calls for a party! You in?" He questioned me, while walking to stand by my side. "You know what? I can go for a party. Regrettably it's been a few days since I've had a drink." I said with a grin, looking over at Shanks.
After a long night of partying and drinking, the crew and I got along great, played some poker, and I swept the floor with them. After Shanks angrily flipped over the table we were playing at with his one arm, in a blind fit of rage. We put away the cards and poker chips for the night, as a way to keep Shanks from going into another blind fit when he would inevitably lose again. Shanks, Lucky, Yasopp and I walked down to the main deck to party with the rest of the crew for the rest of the night.
A couple hours before the sun rose above the horizon people started to drop to the deck, passing out from the partying, food, and alcohol.
Yasopp, Lucky and I fell asleep in a pile. While Shanks drunkenly danced around the deck, his sword in hand raised towards the stars, singing about something before collapsing on another pile of crew mates.
"Someone's gotta wake her up, I can see Loguetown from here." Lucky said, not really directed to anyone but told to everyone. "We've tried everything!" Yasopp exclaimed. "I even shot off some rounds earlier, standing two feet away from her. She didn't even flinch!" he continued, flabbergasted, that the woman in his friend's body can sleep through so much but still be a notorious pirate. 
"I don't know, maybe leave her there, let her captain wake her up when we get there. He's gotta know a way to wake her up." Rockstar proposed while poking Y/N's face or rather Benn's face. 
"Uuuuhhh...Y/N, buddy, my wing man, my bestest of friends Why are you up at this time and why are you lying on the deck, looking so utterly defeated?" A random tall, tan, man said leaning over my body, or rather my soulmates body. " Who are you? You look familiar?" I questioned him. He looked at me like I was crazy. "Y/N? What do you mean "Who are you?" I'm your captain and best friend from childhood, Rio, the captain of The Ghost Rider Pirates. Are you okay? Did you hit your head?" He answered my question, but was still rather confused. Sighing, I responded with a tone of utter defeat, "I'm not Y/N, I'm her soulmate Benn Beckman, first mate of the Red Hair Pirates. And I'm lying here because your friend walks in 6in death machines, and I gave up trying to get them off." I told Rio, quite embarrassed at my situation. 
"Man, I'm so sorry. I'll be right back. I'll grab a pair of her regular boots." Rio said, chuckling at my unfortunate demise. The great Benn Beckman defeated by a pair of heeled boots, what the fuck. Shanks better not find out about this or I'll never live this down.
"Well look Benn, the Red Force is almost here. And I promise I won't say a word about the heel incident." Rio commented during our game over poker with some of his crew mates. "Mm-mm good, and you better not or I might have to blast your brains out of your skull." I responded back with a joking tone, while placing down my winning hand. "Noooo! You bastard!" Rio, Dom, Shouto and Gabby yelled angrily, while I chuckled at another win. 
"Benn! Where are you?" I heard Yasopp yell, as the ship got closer to Rio's. Standing up and walking to the rail with Rio following behind I got Yasopp's attention, and we connected to two galleons together. "Benn, It's good to see you again, you look great by the way." Shanks chirped as he walked across the bridge connecting the ships. Rolling my eyes at him, I walked up to him, Rio by my side. "Well Shanks where is my first mate?" He questioned the captain looking around for my soulmate in my body. "Well that's the thing...we can't wake her up. We tried everything, Yasopp even shot of a few rounds into the air to try and wake her up, and Rockstar has been poking her face for the past 10 minutes." Shanks said exasperated. Rio chuckled while walking over to the kitchen, "I'll be right back," he said while disappearing from the deck. "So the easiest way to wake her up is to say "Food's ready" or just put a plate of food in front of her, so I'll do both." Rio explained while walking back across the deck to us, with a plate of food he got from the kitchen. "Lead the way to Y/N, Shanks."
"Y/N it's me Rio, food's ready love." He said placing the plate in front of the woman in my body who was passed out on the deck of the Red Force. Not even a second later she sat straight up and went straight to eating the food that was placed in front of her. "You have got to be kidding me! That's all it took!" Rockstar angrily yelled, slapping his forehead. The woman just stared at him with a straight face, almost done with her breakfast. "Y/N, Benn's here and I bet you both want you own bodies back." Rio continued, grabbing Y/N attention and turning her attention to me standing beside him. "Holy shit, I knew I was hot, and intimidating but I didn't know I was that hot or intimidating. Also why do I look shorter?" She questioned standing up and coming face to face with me, in my body she stood an inch taller than me. Once I heard what she said I got embarrassed and knew I had a slight blush on my face based on the small heat I felt rising up my neck. 
"You look shorter Y/N, because your body is 6"6 without heels and you're used to yourself wearing 6in heels which make you 7"0 ft tall. But guess what Y/N your soulmate isn't a nutcase that wears 6in heels daily!" Rio said exasperated, rolling his eyes at his first mate. 
"Ohh yeah, that makes sense, '' she said. "How about you two go talk in private about what you're gonna do, while we finish putting away our supplies, and I'm sure Shanks wants to resupply too." Rio explained while looking at Shanks to confirm he wanted to supply, once he got a nod in return from the red head Rio walked off. 
Y/N and I walked to her quarters. She sat on her bed while I sat at her desk a few feet away from her. After a few minutes of somewhat awkward silence she got up and walker over to me stopping a foot away. "So to get our respective bodies back we got to kiss right?" She asked " Yeah I guess we do" I said awkwardly while standing up from the chair. Not wanting to initiate the kiss I waited for her to make the first move and  thankfully she did a few seconds later. Our eyes both closed the second our lips touched, the kiss was sweet and and gentle. Opening my eyes I noticed I was looking at her own face, from back in my own body. Looking into each others eyes we both had a small smile on our face, the both of us feeling the slowly growing emotions in our sweet kiss. 
*Knock* *Knock*
"Benn, Y/N, it's Rio we're heading to the bar on the main strip, Shanks and his crew will be joining us. Once you're done meet us there." Rio said from the other side of the door before walking away. Y/N and I looked back to each other, still in each others arms. "Well we should both get changed, I'll meet you out on the deck. Then we can walk to the bar together." She said breaking the comfortable silence. I nodded, agreeing with her before kissing her cheek and walking out of her room and back to my ship. 
"Why the fuck is my door gone?" I mumbled to myself once I made it back to my room on the ship.
Once Benn left I walked over to my closet with a small smile on my face, happy after waiting years to finally meet my soulmate. Opening the closet doors I grabbed some low rise black, flare, leather pants, the bottom being split on the side of the legs with small gold chains holding the split together, a black cropped top, a long black coat with gold accents, a pair of heeled boots, and grabbing some rings from my jewelry box. Walking into the bathroom I had a hot shower, brushed my teeth and got changed. Walking out to the deck I thought about what I was going to do, was I going to go with Benn? Would I stay with Rio and the crew and keep in contact with Benn somehow? or Would I stay and there be no contact at all?
Finally reaching the deck I sat on the railing, pulling out and lighting a cigarette, contemplating my decision, while waiting for Benn. "What you thinking about?" Benn asked while walking towards me, his own cigarette lit, hanging out the side of his mouth. "Just thinking about what we're gonna do." I responded in a serious manner, getting up and meeting Benn halfway. 
"Look at the gorgeous couple!" Yasopp drunkenly yelled to the pirates taking up the bar. Both crews hollering, pleased that their friend/crew mate found their soulmate. Leaving Benn to his own accord I walked up to Rio at the bar I asked to speak to him in private. "Yeah of course, lead the way." he said, gesturing with his arm. Going outside to the alleyway, I asked about his opinion on the soulmate situation. "Well Y/N you're my buddy, my wing man, my bestest of friends, whatever you choose I will always support your decision, so will the crew. If you decide to join Benn then no one will stop you, but just know that the Phantom Ship of the Ghost Rider Pirates will always be your home, our arms will always be open to you." Rio said with tears welling up in both our eyes. Taking his opinion into consideration, "I made my decision." "Alright then, lets go announce it to the crew." Walking back inside the bar, Rio walked back to the bar and sat with Shanks. I walked over to Benn, him meeting me halfway. "So what's your decision, darling?" Benn asked while laying an arm on my waist, and tilting his head up to look me in the eyes.
After a huge 3 night party we had to make our departure from Loguetown, and continue our way to the Grandline. "I guess this is goodbye." I said, looking Y/N in the eyes. "It's not a goodbye, it's a see you later, we'll see each other on the Grandline sometime, you know it." She was right we would see each other again. "I love you." "I love you too."
"Alright boys lets set sail!" I yelled out to the crew, with a sad tone knowing Y/N Wouldn't be by my side. As we departed I walked to the back of the ship, facing the Loguetown port, with tears in my eyes, waving at my best friend who stood by her soulmate, her new crew, her new captain, and a new addition to her family. She waved back with tears in her eyes and running down her face, and with a sad smile with happy eyes. Congratulations Y/N I'm so proud of my best friend. Soon Loguetown was lost below the horizon, See you Later.
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