positive-witch Ā· 7 days
your guardian angel told me to tell you that itā€™ll be okay and that you should just take it easy for the next few days
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positive-witch Ā· 7 days
Just because someone doesnā€™t like your boundaries doesnā€™t mean that youā€™re being rude or unkind. You do not have to make yourself uncomfortable to make someone else comfortable!!!!!
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positive-witch Ā· 22 days
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positive-witch Ā· 22 days
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positive-witch Ā· 22 days
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the moon is a loyal companion
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positive-witch Ā· 1 month
whenever i spend my day outside when the weather is good iā€™m like wow iā€™ve finally unlocked the secret to inner peace
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positive-witch Ā· 2 months
one thing that so many students forget is that, a win is a win. if you planned on doing english homework but instead you finished your history essay, celebrate that, donā€™t be upset taht you didnā€™t sick to your plan, at least you got SOMETHING DONE. a win is a fucking win and donā€™t let anyone tell you different.
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positive-witch Ā· 2 months
The way you change your immediate reactions to things is that you catch yourself having an uncharitable/bigoted/overly judgmental thought and you catch it and replace it and then you do that a hundred times a day for your whole life and eventually one day like five years later you realize that you think differently now and youā€™ll always be working on something but thatā€™s how life goes and thatā€™s fine.
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positive-witch Ā· 2 months
I wonā€™t wish for the universe to be gentle with you or me or anyone else. Thatā€™s not in our control. But, I will wish for us to learn to be gentle with ourselves and each other. Thatā€™s where our power is.
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positive-witch Ā· 2 months
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positive-witch Ā· 2 months
go outside and sit in the sun, your problems won't disappear but you might gain a little hope
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positive-witch Ā· 2 months
hey boss i can't come in today it's a sunny day and there's a lovely breeze coming in through my window, yeah it's rustling the branches of the tree outside that's finally bloomed so it's pretty serious
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positive-witch Ā· 2 months
I love thinking of my time in the real world as starting from when I became legally an adult. It helps me be so much less hard on myself to be like well. Iā€™m only 21. Iā€™ve only been legally an adult for 3 years. I am a 3 year old adult. Itā€™s okay if I make mistakes or donā€™t get things right immediately or bruise myself a little bit trying to hit a stride. Now is the time to trip and fall and get a little bruised. But then u get up and it heals and u know not to trip next time. You quite literally just started so why are u harsh on urself for mistakes that were essentially inevitable
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positive-witch Ā· 2 months
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positive-witch Ā· 2 months
literally though if you feel like your life is slipping through your fingers and every day goes too fastā€¦ try doing hard things, not just taking the easy route, like reading and making art and exercising and cooking a meal from scratch and journaling, doing these things without distraction, without being absorbed on a screenā€¦ the time will stretch and youā€™ll be reminded that life is long and beautiful if you make it so.
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positive-witch Ā· 2 months
It's been awhile!
I didn't expect to dig up my old blog but here we are! It's been quite a nostalgia trip sitting here going through my old things. So much has changed since my last activity on here!
I'm not sure how many mutuals are still active but I hope you all are happy and healthy! The world changed rapidly. We experienced some unprecedented and uncertain times. I'm sure we've all shed some old layers and grew with the times, and I'm so proud! You're here when you probably couldn't imagine being this far 5 years ago. Go ahead, give yourself a pat on the back!
I missed you guys! I missed what I did here! The friendships made, the passing encounters, making someone smile. It fills my heart remembering it all! Unfortunately, my life has grown too demanding to dedicate time to my blog again. It's what took me away all those years ago, but it's a treat to check in!
I hope the universe has been kind. I hope you've discovered your worth and continue to discover how amazing you are! Don't starve your soul of the things that nurture it; go out and enjoy this life. You are meant to be here and soaking in the beauty!
I'm sending my love to you šŸ©·
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positive-witch Ā· 2 months
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