Be the best you can be
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Readiness for sex with someone isn’t a one-time thing, something where once we’re ready once, we’re ever-ready. Readiness for sex with someone is situational, and something we establish every single time we do or might engage in sex with another person, and where we won’t always have the same feelings or answer. It’s also not just based on us: it’s also about the other person, who they are, how we feel about them and with them, what we do or don’t want with them at a given time, a whole big and unique picture, every single time we might engage in any kind of sex. Think about it like this: we’re born ready to eat, right? Of course, we’re not ready for solid foods until a given time, because we need teeth for that. But even once we are, that still doesn’t mean that we all want or like the same kinds of foods, that the same kinds of foods all sit the same with all of us, nor that we’re all always hungry just because we’re “ready” to eat. Sex with someone — and even just with ourselves, alone — is a lot like that. The process of puberty (which often lasts into the 20s), makes our bodies “ready” for sex in the most rudimentary ways. But just like having teeth to eat solid foods doesn’t mean we’re always hungry, or always want a given food at a given time, having gone through puberty doesn’t make us always ready for sex.
From here. (via hellyeahscarleteen)
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I don’t usually do autobio comics but lately some difficult things have been on my mind that I felt like I should share.
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“Rape jokes are not jokes. Woman-hating jokes are not jokes. These guys are telling you what they think. When you laugh along to get their approval, you give them yours.”
-  Thomas Millar, Meet the Predators (link TW for rape)
Why Rape Jokes Are Never Funny 
(link TW for rape) 
“Rape jokes are not innocuous. They perpetuate rape culture and promote rape myths which consequently invalidate the experiences of survivors and justify the actions of perpetrators of sexual violence.
According to Force: Upsetting Rape Culture, rape culture (or rather, our culture) is a culture in which we are “surrounded with images, language, laws, and other everyday phenomena that validate and perpetuate rape. Rape culture includes jokes, TV, music, advertising, legal jargon, laws, words and imagery, that make violence against women and sexual coercion seem so normal that people believe that rape is inevitable. Rather than viewing the culture of rape as a problem to change, people in a rape culture think about the persistence of rape as ‘just the way things are.’”
Memes or jokes glorifying sexual violence desensitize us, and significantly impact survivors and perpetrators of sexual violence.”
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Beautiful inside out!💕
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I'm in love with the shape of you!💕
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It's not cool
Harming someone's feelings or right due to their sexual orientation because that's what you feel God feels! I want no part of it. Gays should have the same rights as Straights! Point blank period
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On my mind
It honestly makes me sick to my stomach to know that there is actual human beings out there that believe if you don't wear short shirts you won't get molested! Or if you don't show cleavage a man won't touch you the wrong way (etc)!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! WHO CARES WHAT SHE IS WEARING!!!! THAT DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO TOUCH HER.!! At all! You can look by all means but touching is a No no!! And anyone that thinks it's okay for a pervert to touch a woman in any kind of way that is not wanted needs their asses kicked!!
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“Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21 KJV
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Silly me, a girl who has never gotten the attention, for thinking a guy could even notice her..
Cheyanne223 (via cheyanne223)
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I wonder if you lay awake thinking about me just as much as I lay awake thinking about you.
(via stay-stokked)
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Was I born to just keep falling and never figure out how to get up?
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What do we have here!
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When he sees her
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