lachrymosestorm is such a doll. dez is an absolute lovely character who clearly has a lot of thought put onto her development and the mun is an absolute sweetie, 10/10 would recommend
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Panphae and galaxygal618 are absolutely heckin fantastic
@panphae @galaxygal618
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alotofweirdthinking is awesome and a very precious part of my internet/Tumblr family
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I swear, elenaloveablekotsala is always up for and open to plotting of ANY kind! They've got quite a few muses so just about any and every plot could work and the mun just always seems so excited for threads! Theyre pretty great in my mind
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drgrumpyface is an AMAZING literate DW rper whose writing is AWESOME and BIG!! Wish there were more like them out there. They're one of THE BEST I've seen in quite a while!
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storiesintheuniverse is a super new RPer but I've been reading their RPs and I love them!! i wish more people wrote with them cause they only seem to have a few partners so far, but theyre writing is AWESOME!! One day I'll get my blog done and they are on my list of people to reach out to in the Doctor Who RPC!! Super high quality!
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I SUPER LOVE younger-winchester-and-co !! They’re charas are AMAZING and they can even write longer threads with no problem!! But it’s a shame not that more people write with them yet, since they’re an OC multi and they primarily DRAW their charas. Idc cause they’re drawings are awesome and their writing is EVEN BETTER XD
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dcsidcrium has just obviously put SO much work into Nikki D: Like wow!! I'm so impressed and their writing is pretty bomb! Definitely a strong rec from me!! :D Plus I am LIVING for all of the info with Nikki and her pack. Like, YAS!! GIVE ME ALL THE GOOD PUPPY FEELS
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For the best Rowena (from spn) that I've found look no further than hellsmother!! They are AMAZING and the mun is SUPER SWEET AND NICE
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@conxjob is the sweetest person, he's always up for anything and is just generally amazing. He also should stop shitting on himself because he's amazing and I will fight him on that.
@conxjob  someone seems to want to fight you...with love
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Shout-out to 3 lovely female OCs who should be getting lots of love: @lightningandknives (Kara), @ivakir (Ivakir), @grvntcd (Ruyi).
@lightningandknives @ivakir @grvntcd
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people just send one another like eighty hearts and smiley faces in the first minute of becoming mutuals and just talking for the first time. they’re nice :)
@ those people who do the thing
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@kingxfmischief is pretty awesome. i may have not interacted with them yet but they are all over my dash and i love it. they speak their mind and have a personality that cannot be contained in tumblr. their loki is pretty awesome from what i have seen and one day i would totally love for my tony to meet them and have a panic attack over it
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mournus is a wonderful person who deserves all the love. we don't rp anymore but they are fantastic and has a bunch of amazing muses. the mun is super nice and i miss them v much
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@virullcnt || Alex is honestly such an amazing writer, and I especially love writing with them. Their writing is so beautiful and expressive at the same time, and it's so inspiring, pleasing, and amazing to read. If they wrote a novel I would honestly buy it. Not only is their writing good, but they're super fun to talk to OOC. They're so fun to talk to and I wish them nothing but the best in life, because that's what they deserve. I love Alex, their writing, and their Izuku so incredibly much!
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i would, without hesitation, die for @seasidekitties. he is my Dadther
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The biggest fucking shoutout ever to @projectlightfox, not just because his muses and his portrayal of them are both unbelievably amazing, but because he's also mustering through the tumblr purge like a pro. He's not dropping any roleplays or limiting his activity, and in fact he keeps giving more people more and more chances to write with him. Keep it up, you'll always have friends here on tumblr dude, never forget that!
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