kaengeru · 3 years
Here comes the alpha, stomping up with her two beta wolves in tow. Are they as big as her? Yes. Does it take away from the intimidation factor? Also yes. Is she still offended about being compared to a chihuahua? You bet your ass she is
Laying down, quite comfortably, in the grass, Enya feels the footsteps, aware there's a number greater than one approaching. But she has no real reason to move. When all sets slow and stop just near her, that's when she finally peaks out from under her hat. Huh. Dogs and... oh, yeh. She grins, covering her eyes again.
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     "Dog girl got some boyfriends, yeh?"
Most certainly digging in the insult that Enya remember her really, really having an issue with. Ready to see if Nikki will have her puppies go after her or not. Cause they were gonna die the second they did.
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kibanafuji · 5 years
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ARE YOU TALLER THAN A DRAGON TAMER? ↪ 12 people approached!
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... and none of them were. not a single one. the closest anyone came was still a full 7 inches away.
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(the generator was like “you can pick male or female and that’s It” so i decided based entirely on harley’s long luscious hair)
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so. only one person got up past raihan’s shoulders and still just BARELY.
in conclusion:
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hollowsart · 5 years
dcsidcrium replied to your photo: @haematophiliac If Jax were to put his hair up,...
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a Hun with a Bun!
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haematophiliac-a · 5 years
dcsidcrium replied to your post: Jax rn
“You wouldn’t lasat 30 seconds where I’m from”
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       “Is it that bad?”
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tresmessorem · 5 years
|| @dcsidcrium liked for a starter ||
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Clay glanced over as he’d collected a soul. Oh there was a girl here. How unfortunate. If only he’d actually put his hood up. Ah well. Time to go home and properly sort the soul. He put a finger to his mouth in a gesture for her to keep quiet before turning to head back home.
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samuraiofice · 5 years
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“Hey, I’ve got tickets to the anime con. I can go in samurai armor, and you can show up in your fursuit!”
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cadcnce-archived · 5 years
dcsidcrium replied to your post: So. Who can he get into a maid outfit next?
I have…multiple icons for nikki in a maid outfit lmao
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He’s listening.
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hhemeraa-a · 5 years
Send ★ for a bunch of random headcanons between our muses!
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It’s been a minute since we’ve talked about these two, so bear with me.
For as long as Troy and Nikki have been together, he still hasn’t told her about Nicholas and his plan is hopefully to never have to. Once a year he and Myles just disappear for a few days and say nothing of it. 
Once a long time ago, Nikki lost her shit in a bar and Troy had to pick her up and I can’t find it because it’s on the other blog, but I still like the idea of Troy finding out about Nikki and freaking out in a reasonable way and then immediate trying to figure out what he can do to support her. 
The dog/wolf jokes would not stop, but no one else is allowed to make them. 
Troy has a weird romantic relationship with Nikki’s wolves and is not ashamed of it. He brings them gifts during the holidays and can be found in a dog pile on the couch napping during the winter. 
Thinks it’s really sexy that Nikki can lift him. They place bets with unsuspecting out of towners at the local bar and then scamper out laughing when they try to kick their asses. He won’t arm wrestle with her though because he still wants to claim he at least has that. 
Nikki is like 300% stronger than Troy, but Troy will still act like Nikki is the most fragile thing in the world because she deserves a place to feel safe and vulnerable. 
Has a death grip snug in his sleep that Nikki doesn’t mind. They wake up looking like they went to war, but really they’re just active sleepers. 
Troy gets freaked out when Nikki goes ‘hunting’ and brings back sheep or dead birds. Some times mid-kiss, he remembers she killed a coyote in their backyard and he frowns. Hard. 
They stay at Nikki’s place a lot until Nikki realizes that Troy’s place is nicer and cusses him out for not bringing her over there more. 
While Nikki is fairly chill about the past, Troy is… not. Especially when it comes to ex-boyfriends and he will not be cool with randoms showing up unannounced. Will fight Lucas as a matter of pride if he over steps his bounds which… he definitely seems like the type that would. 
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illunaris-archived · 5 years
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“Look, Nikki. We’re a perfect match.”
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hyaciiintho · 5 years
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@dcsidcrium​​​ said: “I want to know who hurt you.” A protective Nikki/Eryl???
⚘               "I want to know...” || ❀
     He hadn’t expected such a reaction from her upon his return, sporting no small amount of cuts and bruises, though those were to be expected in his line of work. Still, her INTENSE gaze upon him, hands flitting about his person as they took in each and every reddened piece of torn skin and darkened spot, sapphires couldn’t help but follow along with her wandering eyes in silence. 
     They didn’t hurt, at least, not very MUCH, but the manner in which she poised the inquire made something within him jostle and caused him to wince. There held a promise within her tone, something DARK and gritty and guaranteeing anyone in the way in the way of it a world of hurt.
     Link couldn’t remember a time anyone was such a way over him.           The thought alone made his heart beat just a little bit FASTER within his chest.
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     “Hey, I’m alright.” He murmured the reassurance, grasping hold of her hand and leaning into the touch. “It’s okay... I’m okay... It’s nothing, alright?” Voice gentle, he planted a kiss against her palm to further drive the words HOME. “I’m okay, Nikki...” And upon the end of that statement, her true name dancing on his tongue, his tone grew impossibly SOFT, lashes having fluttered shut to merely indulge in her touch against his face and lips, a stark contrast to the stinging wounds to litter his skin.
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bricxbrac · 5 years
dcsidcrium replied to your post: Book is gently pulled from Abe's grasp, devious...
Touch of his palms sliding up her thighs causes her to shiver slightly. Such a simple action causes her heart rate to quicken. There’s a soft smirk upon her lips as she dips her head to kiss him.
He can feel her tremble beneath his touch...and that simple reaction has such a startling effect on him. His fingers dig into her thighs, squeezing gently as their lips meet. Then a hand lifts to cup her cheek, and he presses into the kiss, his fingers sliding back into her hair to pull her in deeper.
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She’s just gonna sit in Daniel’s lap. Pinch his cheeks. “Jackass”
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“Guess that’s something we have in common~.”
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tenebriism · 5 years
dcsidcrium replied to your post: [ I’m watching Youtube videos to get a feel for...
Sidon speaking eloquently and princely and then meets gremlin Nikki who cusses every third word ����
Sidon: My lady, please. Nikki, chucking F-Bombs at some poor soul: $@%! ((%#*!)!!! (#(%)#!!!!!! Sidon: T v T;;
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haematophiliac-a · 5 years
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     “See, Nikki has the right idea. The rest of you can g- Why would you order something at 11:59pm anyway!?”
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tresmessorem · 5 years
|| tiny wife || @dcsidcrium ||
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Clay gave a sigh. “Well I’ve set up your things in the guest bedroom. If you’re wanting for anything just open the nightstand drawer or the fridge in the kitchen and it’ll be there.” He opened the front door for her. Inside was the Crossroads. Spirits in the form of balls of light flew around through different doors.
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dastardd · 5 years
dcsidcrium replied to your post
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