General Diploma: Access To Postgraduate Diploma; Postgraduate Certificat...
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Featured Postgraduate Diploma; Postgraduate Certificate;  and Diploma - Postgraduate – (Short) Courses, by HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute.
We are pleased to highlight ten of our most popular Postgraduate Programmes and Courses. A  Postgraduate-Only Institution, we are Verified by, and Registered with, UK’s Department for Education (DfE). We offer Postgraduate Diploma; Postgraduate Certificate;  and Diploma - Postgraduate – (Short) Courses, in a variety of Disciplines, In-Venues, Internationally, and Online. The areas of study include, but are not limited to:
Other Postgraduate Programmes and Courses incorporate:
Financial Risk Management;
Events Management;
Organizational Design: Structuring;
Employment Law;
Consumer Law;
Legal HR Support;
Client Care;
Research Methods;
Executive Management;
Time Management;
Diversity Management;
Project Management;
Leadership and Leadership Styles;
Business Administration;
Team Development;
Business English Communication; and several others.
Credit-Hours and Credit-Values  
Credit-Hours are the actual amount of time that a lecturer or tutor spends with his or her students or delegates, In-Venues and Online. Each Five-Day In-Venues or Ten-Day Online (3 hours per day) Course consists of 30 Credit-Hours, while a 6-Day  In-Venues Course amounts to 36 Credit-Hours. Because Credit-Values are calculated in multiples of 30 Credit-Hours, 60-89 Credit-Hours have a Double-Credit (2 Credits) value, while 90 Credit-Hours earn a Triple-Credit (3 Credits).    
Postgraduate Diploma Award  
A Postgraduate Diploma Award is achieved with a minimum of 360 Credit-Hours, through continuous study, or an accumulation of Credit-Hours.  Its duration is 12 weeks In-Venue, or 20 weeks' Synchronous (Video-Enhanced) Online, Delivery.
Postgraduate Certificate Award  
A Postgraduate Certificate might be gained with a minimum of 180 Credit-Hours, through continuous study or Credit-Hours' accumulation.  Its duration is 6 Weeks’ Intensive In-Venues, or 10 Weeks’ Video-Enhanced (Synchronous) Online, Tuition.
Postgraduate Short Courses (Diploma Postgraduate Awards)  
A delegate who successfully completes a Postgraduate Short Course of 30 or more Credit-Hours, but which is less than 180 Credit-Hours (Postgraduate Certificate), is awarded a Diploma – Postgraduate. These Awards specify both the Credit-Values and Credit-Hours, as are exemplified below:
Diploma – Postgraduate – in Organisational Change Management, Single-Credit, 30 Credit-Hours;  
Diploma - Postgraduate - in Trainer Training: Training for Trainers, Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours:  
Diploma – Postgraduate – in University and Higher Education Administration, Triple-Credit, 90 Credit-Hours;  
Diploma – Postgraduate – in Tourism and International Relations, Quad-Credit, 120 Credit-Hours.   
Cumulative Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma.   
All Postgraduate Short Courses accumulate to a Postgraduate Certificate and a Postgraduate Diploma, on a ‘Pic and Mix’ or Specialist basis. This means that we maintain academic records for each delegate, indicating the courses studied, with their Credit-Value and Credit-Hours, as are indicated above, under ‘Postgraduate Short Course Awards’. The Credit-Hours are aggregated to accumulate to at least 180 and 360 Credit-Hours, for a Postgraduate Certificate and a Postgraduate Diploma, respectively. Each Short Course Award (below a Postgraduate Certificate) indicates both the Credit-Value and Credit-Hours.   
Accumulated Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma Award Titles 
All Specialist Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma Programmes have predetermined Award Titles. Delegates who do not follow a specialism, for accumulation to a Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma,   receive a Generalist, rather than a Specialist, Award. However, a Specialist Award is given to delegates who studied at least seventy percent (70%) of their courses in a specialist grouping.  A few examples of the Specialist Awards are:
Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting and Finance;
Postgraduate Certificate in Accounting and Finance;
Postgraduate Diploma in Business Communication;
Postgraduate Certificate in Business Communication;
Postgraduate Diploma in Corporate Governance;
Postgraduate Certificate in Corporate Governance;
Postgraduate Diploma in Costing and Budgeting;
Postgraduate Certificate in Costing and Budgeting;
Postgraduate Diploma in Engineering and Technical Skills;
Postgraduate Certificate in Engineering and Technical Skills;
Postgraduate Diploma in Events Management;
Postgraduate Certificate in Events Management;
Postgraduate Diploma in Health and Safety Management;
Postgraduate Certificate in Health and Safety Management;
Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Development;
Postgraduate Certificate in Human Resource Development;
Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management;
Postgraduate Certificate in Human Resource Management;
Postgraduate Diploma in Information and Communications Technology (ICT);
Postgraduate Certificate in Information and Communications Technology (ICT);
Postgraduate Diploma in Leadership Skills;
Postgraduate Certificate in Leadership Skills;
Postgraduate Diploma in Law – International and National;
Postgraduate Certificate in Law – International and National;
Postgraduate Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain Management;
Postgraduate Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management;
Postgraduate Diploma in Management Skills;
Postgraduate Certificate in Management Skills;
Postgraduate Diploma in International Petroleum - Oil and Gas Operation;
Postgraduate Certificate in International Petroleum - Oil and Gas - Operation;
Postgraduate Diploma in International Petroleum - Oil and Gas - Accounting;
Postgraduate Certificate in International Petroleum - Oil and Gas - Accounting; Postgraduate Diploma in Politics and Economic Development;
Postgraduate Certificate in Politics and Economic Development;
Postgraduate Diploma in Procurement Management;
Postgraduate Certificate in Procurement Management;
Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management;
Postgraduate Certificate in Project Management;
Postgraduate Diploma in Public Administration;
Postgraduate Certificate in Public Administration;
Postgraduate Diploma in Quality Management;
Postgraduate Certificate in Quality Management;
Postgraduate Diploma in Real Estate Management;
Postgraduate Certificate in Real Estate Management;
Postgraduate Diploma in Research Methods and Report Writing;
Postgraduate Certificate in Research Methods and Report Writing;
Postgraduate Programmes and Course Deliveries are both Online and  In-Venues. Our Scheduled Venues are:
London, UK;
Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE);
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia;
Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
Jakarta, Indonesia;
Brussels, Belgium;
Paris, France;
Bangkok, Thailand;
Hanoi, Vietnam;
Bucharest, Romania;
Durban, South Africa; and
Manila, Philippines.
Requested Venues and In-House Deliveries might be in:
Abuja, Accra, Algiers, Amman, Antananarivo, Asmara, Astana, Athens, Baku, Bangui,  Banjul, Beijing, Belfast, Birmingham, Bissau, Bogotá, Brasilia, Bridgetown, Brussels, Bucharest, Buenos Aires, Cairo, Canberra, Caracas, Chisinau, Colombo, Conakry, Dakar, Dhaka,
Dodoma, Doha, Dublin, Freetown, Gaborone, Georgetown, Guatemala City, Islamabad, Jeddah, Juba, Kampala, Kathmandu, Khartoum, Kinshasa, Kuwait City, Lagos, Libreville, Lilongwe, Lima, Lomé, Luanda, Lusaka, Madrid, Malabo, Male, Manama, Maputo, Maseru, Mbabane, Mexico City, Mogadishu, Monaco, Muscat, Nairobi, Nassau, N'djamena, New Delhi, New York, Niamey, Nicosia, Nouakchott, Ottawa, Ouagadougou, Palikir, Paramaribo, Phnom Penh, Port Louis, Praia, Quito, Rabat, Riga, Roseau, Saint, John's, San, Jose, San Salvador, Santiago, Seoul, Singapore, Tirana, Tokyo,
Toronto, Tripoli, Tunis, Ulaanbaatar, Vaduz, Valletta, Victoria, Vienna,
Vientiane, Windhoek, Wolverhampton, Yamoussoukro, Yaoundé.
Our contact details are:
+44 7736 147 507;     
+44 7586 676 208
+44 1902 763 607;    
 +44 20 8133 2760;       
Skype: hrodcltdpgti4
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Human Resource Management, Postgraduate Programme, Leading to Postgraduate Certificate in Human Resource Management, Accumulating to a Postgraduate Diploma, with 168 additional Credit-Hours.
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Programme Contents, Concepts, and Issues
Module 1:
M1: Part 1 - Contextualising Organisational Analysis
Organisations: A Definition;
Formal and Informal Organisations: A Distinction;
Organisational Task and Task Groupings;
Business vs. Non-business Organisations;
Objectives Defined;
Social Objectives;
Business Objectives;
Pursuing Business Objectives through Social Objectives;
Profitability of Social Objectives:
Direct Gains;
Indirect gains;
Division of Work or Labour;
Authority Demythified;
Authority - Facet #1;
Authority  - Facet #2;
M1: Part 2 - Delegation as an Operational Imperative
A Working Definition of Delegation;
The Concept of ‘Leasing’;
Why Delegate?;
How Managers Benefit from Delegating;
How Subordinates Benefits from Being the Recipient of a Delegated Task;
Managerial Concerns about Delegating;
Delegating Authority for  Effective Task Performance;
Delegating Responsibility with Delegated Task;
Factors Influencing Effective Delegation;
Delegation in a Time Management Context.
M1: Part 3 - Contextualising Delegation
Delegation as Internal Promotion;
Informal Management Succession Charts;
Formal Management Succession Charts;
Internal Selection Mechanism;
Delegation and External Candidature;
Authority: Facets #1 and 2 Contextualised.
M1: Part 4 - Role in an Organisational Context
Role: A Definition;
The ‘Role Set’;
Role and Role Relationships;
Exemplifying Roles;
The Role Actor or Incumbent;
Role Perception;
Incumbent’s Role Perception;
Individual’s Role Perception;
Role and the External Environment;
Role and the Internal Environment;
Defining the Role Set;
Role Segments;
The Relationship between an Incumbent’s Experience and Role Enactment;
The Relationship between an Incumbent’s Role Perception and His or Her Role Performance;
The Place of an Incumbent’s Perceived Role Expectations on His or Her Role Enactment;
Segmental Expectations;
The Role as the Behavioural Expectations of a Role Set;
The Boundary Relationship of a Role Set;
Role Expectations of Social Support;
The Democratic Incumbent;
The Autocratic Incumbent;
The Generous Incumbent;
The Dedicated Incumbent;
The Social Self;
Self-Ideal as a Behavioural Construct;
Self-Ideal and a Performance Enhancer.
M1: Part 5 - The Organisation’s Internal and External Accountability
Internal Organisational Accountability;
Upward Organisational Accountability;
Downward Organisational Accountability;
The Risk of Internal ‘Sabotage’;
External Organisational Accountability;
Accountability to Owners or Sponsors;
Accountability to Clients, Users, or Customers;
Accountability to Creditors;
Accountability to Sector or Industry.
M1: Part 6 - Organisational Design Metaphors and Relationships
Organisational Structure as Roles and Relationships;
Lines of Authority and Accountability in Organisations;
Unitary Command System: Classical Organisational Theory and Design;
Dual and Multiple Command Systems: Towards Neo-Classical, Humanistic and Contingency Organisational Design Approaches;
Operational Centralisation;
Operational Decentralisation;
Bureaucratic Organisations;
Adhocratic Organisations;
Mechanistic Organisations;
Organismic Organisations;
Single Status Organisations;
Dual Status Organisations;
Role Specificity in Mechanistic Organisations;
Role Specificity in Organismic Organisations;
Managerial Control vs. Worker Autonomy and Professionalism in Mechanistic Organisations;
Managerial Control vs. Worker Autonomy and Professionalism in Organismic Organisations;
Structural Typologies;
The Simple Organisational Structure;
Snippet of Functional Organisational Structure;
Snippet of Divisional Structure;
Bases of Divisional Organisational Structure;
Snippet of Matrix Organisational Structure;
Matrix Organisational Types.
M1: Part 7 - Understanding Organisational Culture
Concept of Organisational Culture;
Cultural Classification:
Role Culture;
Task Culture;
Power Culture.
The Relationship between Power, Culture and Organisational Structure;
Culture and Managerial Action;
Organisational Culture Improvement.
Module 2:
M2: Part 1 - Salient Team Dynamic Issues
Groups and Aggregations: Points of Distinction;
The Type and Permanence of the Leadership of a Team;
When Does a Situational Leader Emerge?
How Does the Team Attempts to Replace a Situational Leader, Enhance Stability, Acceptability or Renewed or Clarified Mission or Objectives?
Why Does a Temporary Team More Problematic to Lead Than a Permanent Team?
Why Does Team Disbandment Have a Negative Psychological Effect On Members and Leader?
An Aggregation - ‘Togetherness’ or ‘Awareness’?
Aggregation and Interaction;
Team or Group: A Definition and Distinction;
Team Dynamics.
M2: Part 2 - Team Typologies and Their Bases
Team Typologies;
Team Typological Bases;
Command Team;
Temporary Committees;
Standing Committees;
Task Forces;
Command Teams and the Organisational Hierarchy;
Command Teams and the Organisational Functioning.
M2: Part 3 - Team Formation, Stage Significance and Task Implications
Team Formation;
Team Formation Stage 1: Forming;
Team Formation Stage 2: Storming
How ‘True-To-Life’ or Realistic Are the Forming and Norming Stages of Team Development?
Team Formation Stage 3: Norming;
Team Formation Stage 4: Performing or Total Integration;
Team Formation Stage 5: Adjourning or Disbanding;
Deal with the Psychological Effect of Disbandment.
M2: Part 4 - Effective Team Leadership (1)
Dysfunctional Behaviours;
Addressing Dysfunctional Behaviours;
Dealing with Aggressiveness;
Handling Blocking;
Dealing with Interfering Behaviour;
Dealing With Intra-Team Competition;
Addressing Situations Where Team Members Seek Sympathy;
Dealing with Member Withdrawal;
Addressing Special Pleading;
Leader Behaviour in Dealing with Dysfunctional Behaviours;
Being Tactful in Discouraging Distracting Behaviours;
Encouraging Desirable Behaviours;
Using Tangible Rewards;
Using Intangible Rewards;
Being Mindful of Team Situation;
Applying Appropriate Rewards and, or, Punishment;
Promoting Team Functionality.
M2: Part 5 - Effective Team Leadership (2)
Team Building and Maintenance Roles: Improving Team Effectiveness;
Encouraging Members;
Standard Setting;
Determining the Optimum Team Size;
Providing Team Incentives;
Encouraging Conflict;
Averting Groupthink;
Avoiding the Risky Shift Syndrome;
Employing Transactional Analysis;
Employing Effective Diversity Management and Discouraging Resonation;
Encouraging Members;
Harmonising Team.
M2: Part 6 - Enhancing Team Performance (1)
Performance Management;
Solving Interpersonal Problems among Team Members;
Helping Team Members to Channel Their Energies Into Task Performance Establishing Realistic Goals;
Developing Effective Communication Strategies;
Minimising Technical Language
Clarifying Roles;
Standard Setting - Establishing Standards and Evaluating Progress;
A Determination of the Contribution of Each Team Member to Goal Accomplishment;
Recognising and Acknowledging Performance Improvement;
Rewarding Exceptional Performance;
Establishing Key Competencies.
M2: Part 7 - Enhancing Team Performance (2)
Establishing Acceptable Performance Levels;
Noting Performance Indicators;
Measuring Competence;
Which Individual Members Can Improve Their Performance – and Subsequently, Their Contribution to the Team as A Whole;
Harnessing Team Synergy;
Making It Possible For Others to Participate;
Supporting the Weak;
Ensuring That Introverted Team Members Are Not Intimidated or ‘Crushed’ By the Extroverted;
Recognising the Ineloquent Team Members
Without Relevant Current
Information to Perform Evaluative Role
M2: Part 8 - Addressing Resonation and Issues Associated with Transactional Analysis
Resonation as an Issue in Team Effectiveness;
Recognising Resonation;
Taking Steps to Avert or Reduce Resonation;
‘Cautioning’ Resonators;
Determining the Optimum Team Size;
Numbers That Are Best For the Operational Effectiveness of a Team –
Team Constitutional Contingent Factors
TTTeam Numbers and Member Interaction;
Team Leader’s Direct Communication with Team
Members and the Intervening Factors;
Team Communication as Interaction;
Necessity of Communication Reciprocation within Teams
Team Transaction;
Team Transitional Analysis;
The ‘Child’ In the Team;
The ‘Adult’ In the Team;
The ‘Parent’ In the Team;
The Team Leader as a Transaction Analyst.
Module 3:
M3: Part 1 - Conceptual and Contextual Motivation Issues
Directing or Leading: Setting The Stage;
The Conceptual Bases of Motivation;
Theoretical Bases of Motivation: An Overview;
Distinguishing Between Knowledge and Skills;
Competence and Performance: A Conceptual Exploration;
Is there a Definitive Relationship between Competence and Motivation?
M3: Part 2 - Motivation Theories and Their Protagonists (1)
Content Theories and Some of Their Contributors
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Analysis of Maslow’s Claims
McClelland's Studies
Taylor: Money and Motivation
Motivator-Hygiene Factor: Herzberg’s Contribution
M3: Part 3 - Motivation Theories and Their Protagonists (2)
Process Theories
Equity Theory
Goal-Setting Theory
Expectancy Theory
Equitable Reward Systems
Reinforcement Theories
M3: Part 4 - Universalist and Contingency Approaches to Motivation
Motivation and Contingency Theory
The Contingency Approach to Motivation
The Collectivist vs. the Individualist Perspective of Motivation
Common Trends in Motivation Theories
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Values of Motivation
Motivation and Worker Behaviour
M3: Part 5 - Contextualising Motivation: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Values
The Extent to Which Salary or Wages Inducement Motivate Workers
Performance Related Pay (PRP)
Productivity Bonuses
Efficiency Gains
Profit Share
Social Differentiation in Motivation
Culture Differentiation in Motivation
Wealth as a Factor in Motivation
Class as an Issue in Motivation
Individual Expectation and Motivation
Individual Preferences as a Motivating Factor
Designing an Effective Motivation Strategy
Module 4:
M4: Part 1 - Contextualising Training Needs Analysis
Organisational Development in Context;
Training an Macro Organisational Development;
Training an Micro Organisational Development;
Rationale for Training Needs Analysis (TNA);
Training Needs as Gaps;
Organisational Training Needs Analysis;
Subsystem Training Needs Analysis;
Individual Training Needs Analysis;
Approaches to Training Needs Analysis;
Methods of Training Needs Analysis.
M4: Part 2 - Education, Training and Development as Investment
Difference between Education, Training and Development;
Education, Training and Development, and ‘Opportunity Cost’;
Education, Training and Development for ‘Efficiency Gains’;
Defining Efficiency Gains;
Measuring Efficiency Gains;
Improving Efficiency Gains;
Training as Investment;
Investors in People (IIP): The British Model;
Evidence from ‘Investors-In-People’;
Calculating Return on Investment (ROI) from Education, Training and Development.
M4: Part 3 - Learning in Organisations and Organisational Learning
The Organisational Learning Process;
The Individual Learning Process;
The Importance of Focus Groups in the Learning Process;
The Action Learning in Organisational Learning;
The ‘Learning Organisation’ and its facilitation of Organisational Development;
Experiential Learning;
Reflective Practice;
Collaborative Learning;
Synergy in the Learning Process;
Learning to Learn;
Life-Long Learning;
Understanding Group Processes and Organisational Change.
M4: Part 4 - Utilising Possible Sources of Information in Training Needs Analysis (TNA) -1
Strategic Plans;
Tactical Plans;
Operational Plans;
Strategic Operational Review;
Human Resource Plan;
Succession Plan;
Human Resource Audit;
Critical Incident Reports;
Individual Performance Appraisal Reports;
Personnel Deployment Charts;
Business Plans.
M4: Part 5 - Utilising Possible Sources of Information in Training Needs Analysis (TNA) - 2
Job Evaluation or Job Tasks and Role Analysis;
Client or Customer Feedback;
360 Degrees Feedback;
Supervisory Reports;
Critical Incident Report;
Training Needs Analysis Questionnaires;
Assessment Centres;
Training Needs Survey;
Task Competencies Analysis Report.
M4: Part 6 - Focusing on Training Policy and Strategy in TNA
Training Policy Vs. Business Strategy;
Training Policy:
Matched with Specific Organisational Needs;
Response to Existing Organisational Ineffectiveness.
Linking Training Policy to Business Strategy:
The Element of Finite Resources;
Good Business Sense;
Enhancement of Organisational Objectives.
Other Arguments.
Education & Training for Personal Development:
Relation to Micro OD;
The Spin-off of Micro OD;
Policy: Aligned to Business Strategy;
Improved Effectiveness.
General Questions:
Contribution to Competitive Advantage or Improved Organisational Functioning;
Training and Unemployment.
Module 5:
M5: Part 1 - Human Resource and Performance Management
Assessing the Nature and Causes of Performance Problems;
Managing Poor Performance;
Managing Absence;
Dealing with Harassment;
The Effective Management of Retirement, Redundancy, Dismissal and Voluntary Turnover;
Evaluating the Mechanisms Available For Preventing or Alleviating Poor Performance;
Working From Corporate Mission and Strategy;
Performance Targets;
Tactical Performance Targets;
Operational Performance Targets;
Linking Performance Management with Operational Processes and Systems;
Initiate Appropriate Reward Systems;
Individual Development Plans;
Performance and Reward Cycle.
M5: Part 2 - Staff Performance Appraisal (1)
Performance Appraisal: A Definition;
Objectives of Performance Appraisal;
Why Some Managers Are Afraid To Appraise;
Performance and the Halo Effect;
Performance Appraisal and the Thorny Effect;
Organisational Benefits and Performance Appraisal;
Individual Benefits of Performance Appraisal;
Subsystem Benefits of Performance Appraisal;
The Appraisal Cycle.
M5: Part 3 - Staff Performance Appraisal (2)
Systematising Performance Appraisal;
Some Problems with Performance Appraisal;
Punitive Aspects of Performance Appraisal;
Some Popular Appraisal Systems;
Graphic Rating Scales;
Paired Comparison;
Critical Incident;
Management by Objectives (MBO);
360 Degree Appraisal;
The Appraisal Setting.
M5: Part 4 - Reward Management: Developing an Effective and Equitable Career Structure (1)
Employee Reward: A Definition;
Defining Reward Management;
The Basis of Reward Management;
Reward Management Strategies: Provide Support for Corporate Values;
Reward Management   Derived From Business Strategy and Goals;
Reward Management and Its Links to Organizational Performance;
Reward Management and the Driving Force for Individual Behaviour;
Reward Management and Its Relationship to Leadership Styles;
Reward Management and Competition;
Reward Management   and the Attraction to High Calibre Personnel;
Encouraging Positive and Effective Organisational Culture;
Culture and Organisational Values;
Level and Type of Motivation.
M5: Part 5 - Reward Management: Developing an Effective and Equitable Career Structure (2)
Remuneration Systems;
Factors Affecting Remuneration Systems;
Government’ Reduced or Increased Spending;
Increased or Decreased Labour Force Availability;
Increased Demand for Quality;
Organization’s Expansion, Contraction or Diversification Plans;
Increased Competition;
Remuneration Packages, Including Salary and Welfare Benefits and Payments;
Pay or Remuneration Structures;
Pay Structures, Purpose, Criteria and Types;
Performance Related Pay (PRP).
Module 6:
M6: Part 1 – Strategising Employee Resourcing
Logicalising Internal and External Selection Processes;
Internal and External Selection Processes as an Organisational Development Phenomena;
Rationalising Internal Selection as a Process;
Staff Turnover and its Negative and Positive Impact On the Organisation;
Recruitment and Selection as a Resourcing Activity;
The Importance of Human Resource Forecasts;
Methods of Forecasting Human Resource Needs of the Organisation;
Strategic Operational Review’ (SOR) As Prerequisite For Human Resource Forecasting;
Importance of Human Resource Audit;
Conducting Human Resource Audit;
Periodic and Exit Interviews.
M6: Part 2 - The Legal Bases of Employee Resourcing
The Psychological Contract and Its Legal Bases
Genuine Occupational Qualification (GOQ);
Employees, Workers, and Contractors: Their Distinction and Legal Implications;
Avoiding Accusations of Discrimination in Employment;
Holiday Entitlement;
Job Design and the Equality and Other Regulations:
Mechanistic Job Design;
Biological Job Design;
Perceptual Job Design;
Motivational Job Design.
Legal Issues in Recruitment and Selection: Avoiding Discrimination;
Statutory Information Requirement and Timescale for New Employees;
Employees as Intellectual Capital;
Exploiting the Organisation’s Intellectual Property;
Protecting the Organisation’s Intellectual Property;
Employee vs. Employer in Ownership of Intellectual Property Rights;
Patent and Intellectual Property Rights;
Research and Development and Intellectual Property Rights;
Research and Development and the Patent Act;
‘Reverse Engineering’ and Intellectual Property Rights;
Instant Dismissal or Summary Dismissal?;
Employment of ‘Workers’, Subject to Immigration Control;
Statutory Instruments   2014 No. 1262 - Immigration - The Immigration (Employment of Adults Subject To Immigration Control) (Maximum Penalty) (Amendment) Order 2014.
M6: Part 3 -  Systematising the Recruitment and Selection Process
Systematic Recruitment and Selection Process;
Job Analysis;
Job Description;
Personnel Specification;
Market Targeting;
Designing and Placing Advertisement;
Weighting and Using a Candidate Assessment Form (CAF);
Non-Conventional Personnel Selection;
Short Listing Candidates;
Conducting Selection Interviews;
The problems and benefits of Web-based Recruitment;
International E-Selection: Its Organisation, and Management;
International Video-Based Selection: Understanding and addressing its associated problems;
Benefits of Internal Selection;
Problems with Internal Selection.
Human Resource Planning (HRP).
M6: Part 4 -  Practicalising the Recruitment and Selection Process
Determining or Predicting Vacancies;
Conducting Job Analysis;
Designing Job Description;
Designing Personnel Specification;
Market Targeting;
Designing and Placing Advertisement;
Weighting and Using a Candidate Assessment Form (CAF);
Short Listing Candidates;
Conducting Selection Interviews;
Deciding on Preference Order of Candidates;
Notifying Successful Candidates.
M6: Part 5 -  Organisational Retention Strategy
Levels of Individual Commitment of Potential and New Recruits:
Moral Commitment;
Remunerative Commitment;
Calculative Commitment.
Efforts to Transform Remunerative and Calculative Commitment to Moral Commitment;
Training, Education, Development as Talent Management Enhancement;
The Value of Staff Induction;
Organising an Induction Programme;
Running an Induction Programme;
Conducting Periodic Interviews;
Addressing Issues Emerging for the Exit Interviews;
Conducting Exit Interviews.
Programme Objectives:
By the conclusion of the specified learning and development activities, delegates will be able to:
Demonstrate a heightened understanding of Critical Incident Reports and their value in Training Needs Analysis;
Address some of the shortcomings of Traditional Appraisal Systems;
Address the salient issues associated with Dysfunctional Behaviours;
people and organisations define and manage their learning;
Ascertain how return on investment can be achieved to justify the funding for the employee’s training;
Ascertain the concept of Delegation;
Ascertain the importance of Delegating Tasks;
Demonstrate their ability to employ Transactional Analysis in a Team Context;
Demonstrate their ability to formulate a comprehensive Motivation Strategy;
Demonstrate their ability to lead a Recruitment and Selection Team;
Ascertain the relationship between an incumbent’s experience and role enactment;
Calculate Return on Investment (ROI) from education, training and development;
Cite Specific legislation and related cases relevant to particular job design issues;
Analyse education, training, and development programmes, determining their potential effectiveness (fit-for-purpose);
Analyse how delegation contributes towards effective time management;
Analyse the concept of leasing in relation to delegating;
Analyse the perception in each role;
Apply appropriate rewards and, or punishment that are applied to a given team situation, thereby promoting ‘Team Functionality’;
Apply group dynamics to organisational settings;
Apply the ‘equity’ theory to work situation from a ‘differentiation perspective’, rather than an ‘equality perspective’;
Ascertain how lifelong learning marks a decisive turning point in the way that Cite the link between culture and managerial action;
Clarify roles in team settings;
Conceptualise classical organisational theory and design, Neo-Classical, Humanistic, and Contingency Organisational Design Approaches;
Conduct an Appraisal Interview;
Conduct Individual and Panel Interviews;
Critically appraise existing motivation strategy within their organisations, identifying and addressing gaps;
Customise, through a synthesis of existing systems, and an appropriate appraisal scheme that takes account of their unique cultural setting;
Deal with external organisational accountability;
Defend the use of periodic and exit interviews;
Define objectives, generally;
Define reward in an employee relation context;
Define a role set;
Define the concept of role;
Define, describe, and analyse the nature of an organisation;
Demonstrate a heightened knowledge of how training needs might be devised from Strategic Plans;
Demonstrate a heightened understanding of how Organisational Training Needs Analysis, Subsystem Training Needs Analysis and Individual Training Needs Analysis are conducted;
Demonstrate a heightened understanding of role relationships;
Demonstrate a heightened understanding of the group processes and organisational change;
Demonstrate a heightened understanding of the types and levels of  team leadership;
Demonstrate a heightened understanding of the underlying notions of Organisational Development, establishing how a effective Training Needs Analysis might lead towards its enhancement;
Demonstrate a high level of understanding of a team attempts to replace a situational leader, to enhance stability, acceptability or renewed or clarified mission or objectives;
Demonstrate an awareness of how a Personnel Demand Forecast (PDF) is conducted;
Demonstrate an awareness of the ‘Team Building and Maintenance Roles’ that will improve team effectiveness;
Demonstrate an effective ‘leader behaviour’ when dealing with dysfunctional behaviours;
Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of motives and their value in organisational and subsystem effectiveness;
Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of power and how it might be applied for the benefit of the organisation;
Demonstrate an understanding of the issue of ‘responsibility’ and how it translates in superior-subordinate relationships in organizations
Demonstrate an understanding of the notion that societal socio-economic hierarchy might be informally represented in teams;
Demonstrate an understanding of the value of Internal Selection;
Demonstrate how popular motivation theories have contributed to our understanding of worker behaviour;
Demonstrate the effectiveness of the strategy that they have devised for dealing with intra-team competition;
Demonstrate the need to balance the ‘individualist’ and ‘collectivist’ perspective to motivation;
Demonstrate the relationship between Job Evaluation or Job Tasks and Role Analysis and the determination of training gaps, in Training Needs Analysis;
Demonstrate the use of Human Resource Plan in the determination of individual training needs;
Demonstrate their ability to manage recruitment and selection within a ‘resourcing context’;
Demonstrate their ability to avert the halo and thorny effects in appraisal;
Demonstrate their ability to conduct a Human Resource Audit;
Demonstrate their ability to conduct a Job Analysis;
Demonstrate their ability to deal with the psychological effect of disbandment;
Demonstrate their ability to determine the type of commitment that motivates specific individuals to join an organisation;
Demonstrate their ability to manage conflict effectively, incorporating the occasions when it should be encouraged;
Demonstrate their ability to translate motivation theory into practice
Demonstrate their appreciation of the fact that workers belong to different classes, in society;
Demonstrate their appreciation of the need for a variance in intrinsic and extrinsic values of motivation;
Demonstrate their awareness of the value of team cohesiveness and team solidarity, and the dangers of over-cohesiveness;
Demonstrate their competence in the measurement of efficiency gains and suggest ways on how to enhance it;
Demonstrate their grasp of the fundamentals of Performance Management;
Demonstrate their understanding of the ‘risky shift syndrome’, outlining the steps that they will take to avert it;
Demonstrate their understanding of the importance of ‘Gatekeeping’ in teams’ formal settings;
Demonstrate their understanding of the legal bases of Employee Resourcing;
Demonstrate their understanding of the theoretical and practice bases of Team Dynamics;
Demonstrate what Personnel Deployment Charts (PDC) are and how they may be used in the determination of Departmental Training Needs;
Demonstrate their understanding of the social and psychological relevance of the stages of formation of a team;
Describe and enumerate some single and dual status organisations;
Describe at least two Non-Conventional Selection Methods;
Describe role as the behavioural expectations of a role set;
Describe the key procedures and skills required to implement Action Learning;
Describe the Organisational Learning Process as part of a Training Needs Analysis;
Describe the role of Training in the promotion of Macro Organisational Development and Micro Organisational Development;
Design an effective induction Package;
Design A Job Description and a Personnel Specification for specified roles;
Design effective ways of stabilizing staff turnover;
Detect Dysfunctional Behaviours;
Determine how Client or Customer Feedback can be used in determining gaps that workers’ pre-existing in skills, knowledge and expertise;
Determine how Task Competencies Analysis Report can be used in enhancing the effectiveness of departmental and individual training needs analysis;
Determine some exemplifying role behaviour;
Determine the appropriate extrinsic rewards that might contribute to workers’ improved performance;
Determine the boundary relationships of a role set;
Determine the criteria that are used to evaluate remuneration structure;
Determine the criteria that are used to evaluate a Remuneration Structure;
Determine the different ways of developing synergy in the learning process;
Determine the factors that negatively or positively affect remuneration systems;
Determine the objectives of Performance Appraisals;
Determine the optimum team size for its effective functioning;
Determine the organisation’s opportunity costs in providing Education, Training, and Development for its employees;
Determine the place of an incumbent’s perceived role expectations on his or her role enactment;
Determine the resources necessary to enhance individual and team performance;
Determine the training applications of Experiential Learning and learn how to utilise effectively the powerful potential of Learning From Experience;
Determine why a temporary team is likely to be more problematic to lead than a permanent one;
Develop a strategy to manage poor performance;
Develop effective communication strategies that might be applied to team settings, minimising technical language;
Develop the necessary skills, through some collaborative learning opportunities;
Describe, with examples, the concepts of Managerial Control, Worker Autonomy, and Professionalism, in Mechanistic and Organismic Organisations;
Differentiate between Operational Centralisation and Decentralisation;
Differentiate between Social Objectives and Business Objectives;
Outline some of the factors that might be associated with poor performance;
Distinguish between Education, Training and Development as important Organisational Investments;
Distinguish between Internal, Upward and Downward ‘Organisational Accountability’;
Enumerate the factors influencing Effective Delegation;
Establish a basis for Standard Setting in their Teams;
Establish and Monitor Work-related Targets;
Establish the Efficiency Gains that an organisation might derive from the Education, Training, and Development of its employees;
Establish the link between a role and its External Environment;
Establish the link between role and the Internal Environment;
Establish the Symbiotic Relationship between Power, Culture and Organisational Structure;
Distinguish between Command Teams, Boards, Committees, and Task Forces;
Distinguish between Formal and Informal Organisations;
Distinguish between groups and mere aggregations;
Distinguish between informal and formal Management Succession Charts;
Distinguish between Temporary Committees and Standing Committees;
Distinguish between the different sets of Motivation Theories, notably Content, Process, and Reinforcement;
Elucidate the concerns that managers have, resulting in their hesitation to Delegate;
Describe self-ideal as a behavioural construct;
Describe the bureaucratic organisations, adhocratic organisations, mechanistic organisations, organismic organisations;
Describe the democratic incumbent, autocratic incumbent, the generous incumbent, the dedicated incumbent, the social self and the role of each;
Describe the effort that they will make to enhance the ‘critical faculty’ of their team;
Elucidate the use of Management Succession Plans in the determination of Individual Developmental Needs;
Enumerate examples of Business and Non-Business Organisations;
Enumerate the Approaches, Methods and Techniques of Training Needs Analysis, explaining each in detail;
Establish the relationship between the Self-Ideal and a Performance Enhancer;
Evaluate the appropriateness of the application of some theoretical aspects of motivation to specific situations;
Evaluate the effectiveness of Individual Appraisal Systems to Performance Measurement;
Evaluate the effectiveness of their strategy for addressing the situations where team members seek sympathy;
Exhibit a knowledge of the intimidating effect that class might have on team members, and, hence, the leader’s responsibility to ensure that this informal hierarchy is dispensed with in the promotion of a ‘Classless Team’;
Exhibit an understanding of the desirability of a limited turnover of staff;
Exhibit tact in discouraging team members’ distracting behaviours;
Exhibit their ability to take appropriate measures to improve Individual and Team Performance;
Explain and evaluate the rationale for Performance Related Pay (PRP);
Explain at least three Appraisals Systems;
Explain facets Numbers1 and 2 of Authority;
Explain how managers and subordinates benefit from Delegating;
Explain how social objectives might lead to Profitability Gains;
Explain how Supervisory Reports might best be used to determine the Skills, Knowledge. and Attitude deficiency of an individual, in the performance of his or her role;
Explain the bases for the feeling of  ‘Togetherness’ or ‘Awareness’ in an ‘Aggregation’;
Explain the bases of Reward Management;
Explain the concept of Delegation as Internal Promotion;
Explain the concept of Organisational Culture;
Explain the concept of Segmental Expectations;
Explain the different Classification of Culture;
Explain the occasions in which a situational leader is likely to emerge;
Explain the process and value of Human Resource Audit;
Explain the process of 360 Degrees Feedback, the data analysis process, and the way in which the information that has been produced, might be used in determining the know, skills and attitudes that need to be developed for the individuals concerned;
Explain the Reward Model;
Explain the Team Typological Bases;
Explain the underlying concept of Investors in People (IIP);
Explain what Assessment Centres are and the way in which the information from them might be used as a basis for determining Individual Competency Levels;
Explain why a team’s disbandment might have a negative psychological effect on members and the team leader
Explore the bases for ‘Division of Labour or Work’, in organisations and their relation to organisational effectiveness;
Expound the Facets of Authority, providing practical examples;
Expound the common trends in the popular motivation theories;
Formulate a workable Motivation Strategy;
Formulate and evaluate a recommended Remuneration Package;
Suggest the organisational benefits that are associated with initiatives akin to ‘Investors-in-People’;
Establish the positive bases of a Divisional Organisational Structure;
Highlight the value of Operational Plans in the determination of Departmental Training Needs;
Highlight the value of Training Needs Survey in Training Needs Analysis;
Identify at least three tasks that can, and should, be delegated in Internal Selection;
Identify how an organisation might facilitate Organisational Development;
Identify the Role Segments of a specified Role;
Identify some Organisational Tasks, determining the bases of their grouping;
Suggest the main concerns that managers have, regarding delegation;
Identify the difference between delegating authority, on the one hand, and delegating task, on the other;
Identify the rationale for and definition of Training Needs Analysis (TNA);
Identify the main sources of information for TNA, and the factors which should be taken into consideration when choosing which among the approaches will be used;
Illustrate a Matrix Organisational Structure;
Provide Illustrative examples of Simple, Functional, and Divisional Organisational Structures;
Suggest some of the constraints that any specific UK Protective Legislation place on the Recruitment, Selection, and Management of Employees;
Suggest the difference in interpretation of Groups and Teams;
Suggest the importance of Reward Management in organisation;
Suggest ways of improving Group Morale, while enhancing the entity’s effectiveness
Suggest ways to counteract the effect of the Informal Hierarchy in Non-Command Teams;
Illustrate how the Contingency Approach to Motivation might be applied to different situations;
Illustrate how they might resolve interpersonal problems among team members;
Illustrate how they will determine the contribution of each team member to the entity’s Goal Accomplishment;
Illustrate how they will enhance the issue of ‘gatekeeping’ to ensure that team members, in general, participate in team meetings, extending support to the weak, ensuring that introverted team members are not intimidated or ‘crushed’ by the extroverts;
Illustrate the organisational, individual, and subsystems benefits of Performance Appraisal;
Successfully, implement a ‘360 Degree Appraisal Programme’;
Indicate how they will establishing key competencies in their teams;
Indicate how they will help their team members to channel their energies into task performance, establishing realistic goals;
Indicate how they will recognise resonation in their teams, outlining the steps that they will take to avert or reduce its occurrence;
Indicate how they will reward exceptional performance in their teams;
Indicate how they would address the problem of ‘blocking’, effectively, in their teams;
Indicate the contribution of Training and Development in Worker Motivation;
Indicate the range of tangible rewards that might be utilised in a team;
Indicate the steps that they will take to harmonise the relationship in their teams;
Internalise the dysfunctional effect of ‘resonation’ in a team context;
Outline the degree of ‘role specificity’ that exists in Mechanistic Organisations, on the one hand, and Organismic Organisations, on the other;
Outline the importance of delegation in increasing workflow and productivity;
Suggest the importance of Lines of Authority and Accountability in organisations, and their effect on Organisation-wide Communication;
Illustrate their organisation’s accountability to owners or sponsors, clients, users, or customers, creditors, and sector or industry;
Suggest how best to delegate authority, for effective task performance;
Explain how one might delegate responsibility with delegated tasks;
List at least two Matrix Organisational Variants;
Name at least two Structural Typologies, providing a vivid description of each;
Locate Performance Appraisal within a Performance Management Structure;
Position Performance Management in an appropriate context;
Locate Performance Related Pay, Productivity Bonuses, and other Remuneration Inducements, within an existing motivation theory;
Manage the Motivation Process, taking account of the differences in workers’ preferences and expectation;
Manage the process of motivation, taking account of  existing socio-cultural and economic differences;
Manage the risk of internal ‘Sabotage’;
Order the Team Formation Stages, explaining the psychological issues that beset them, and how they might affect Organisational Functioning;
Outline the steps that they will take to avert Groupthink and promote Teamthink;
Promote Business Objectives, through the marketing of their Business Objectives;
Practicalise the use of Individual Performance Appraisal Reports in their Individual and Departmental Training Needs Analysis;
Propose an effective remedy for ‘Team-Member Withdrawal’;
Propose an effective way of dealing with Interfering Behaviour;
Propose standards of measuring competence in teams;
Propose suitable intangible rewards that might be applied to a team situation;
Provide a basis for Team Standard Setting, accompanied by an effective Evaluation Progress;
Provide a practical guide with respect to the use of Strategic Operational Review, in determining Organisational and Subsystem Training Needs;
Provide a working definition of Accountability
Propose an appraisal of a specific Remuneration System;
Demonstrate their awareness of the notion that team members’ class consciousness might relate to their positions in the organisation or society;
Provide an individually synthesized proposal for dealing with Aggressiveness in teams;
Provide examples of Command Teams, highlighting the situations in which a leader might belong to two, simultaneously;
Provide examples of how a leader should encourage that desirable behaviours exist in a team;
Suggest a satisfactory way of addressing ‘Special Pleading’ in teams;
Demonstrate their awareness of the importance of Focus Groups in the Learning Process;
Indicate their ability to identify Performance Improvement in teams;
Identify ineloquent team members, suggesting how they might be encouraged to contribute more ideas;
Relate specific Recruitment, Selection, Retention and Exit Issues to UK and another country’s Legislation;
Identify ‘Resonation’ as an issue in Team Effectiveness, generally;
Suggest how best Training Needs Analysis Questionnaires might be constructed, analysed, and used in determining the ‘Knowledge, Skills and Attitude Gaps’;
Suggest how they might employ an effective Meeting Management that discourages resonation;
Suggest how to determine which individual members of a team can improve their performance, and, subsequently, their contribution to the team, thereby Harnessing Team Synergy;
Suggest some Performance Indicators, with measures to enhance Team Performance Levels;
Suggest how training needs might be derived from the examination of an organisation’s Tactical Plans;
Suggest ways of improving Organisational Culture;
Propose, and formulate, a Pay or Remuneration Structure;
Demonstrate their understanding of an Organisational Structure as Roles and Relationships;
Demonstrate their understanding of Reflective Practice as part of the Training Process;
Demonstrate their understanding of the concept of an Internal Selection Mechanism;
Use a Candidate Assessment Form in Short Listing and Interviews;
‘Weight’ a Candidate Assessment Form, using the Job Description and Personnel Specification;
Work their way through Business Plans, determining the Skills and Expertise that are needed to execute them;
Identifying how the relationship between future Role Requirement, help to  determine Subsystem and Individual ‘Training Gaps’.
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HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute’s Postgraduate Awards: PG Dip; PG ...
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Free Training Videos, YouTube Videos from HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute include Advanced Oil and Gas Accounting Video, Algorithm Video, Anti-Dumping Video, Anti-Subsidy Video, Artificial Intelligence Video, Award Ceremony Video, Big Brand Complacency Video, Calculating Nominal Value Video, Video Change Management, Video Company Classification, Video Conflict, Video Delegating, Delegation Video, Delphi Method Video, Diploma Postgraduate Award Video, Diversity Management Video, Diversity Mismanagement Video, Dumping and Competition Video, Ecological Factors Video, Economic Factors Video, Education Video, Training and Development Video, Employment Law Video, Enterprise Risk Management Video, Environmental Analysis Video, External Environmental Analysis, HR Deployment Video, HR Deployment Chart Video, HRM in Oil and Gas Industry Video, Human Resource, Human Resource Administrative Support Video, Human Resource Management Video, Industrial Health and Safety Video, International Petroleum Accounting Video, Job Design Video, Key Challenges Video, Legal Factors Video, Legal HR Support Video, Logistics Operation Video, Machine Learning Video, Management Development Video, Management Succession Video, Managing Individual Performance Video, Market Forces Problems Video, Material Handling Video, Material Storage Video, Motivation Video, National Security Video, Nominal Value Video, OD Video, Oil and Gas Operation Video, Operational HRM Video, Organisational Design Video, Organisational Development Video, Organisational Effectiveness Video, Organisational Flexibility Video, Organisations in a VUCA Environment Video, PESTEL Factors Video, Postgraduate Certificate Video, Postgraduate Diploma Video, Power and Authority Video, Property Survey Video, Robotics Video, Role Conflict Video, Role Negotiation Video, Sales Deception Video, Social Factors Video, Strategic HRM Video, Structure of WTO Video, Succession Planning Video, Sunset Review Video, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives Video, Team Dynamics Video, Technical Barriers Video, Technological Factors Video, Title Abstractors Video, Title Plan Video, Title Searchers Video, Trade in Agriculture Video, Trade in Services Video, Trainer Training Video, Training for Trainers Video, Training Needs Analysis Video, VUCA Environment Video, Warehouse Management Video, Worker Commitment Video, Worker Welfare Video, Workforce Flexibility Video, WTO Video.
#Award Ceremony Video
#Big Brand Complacency Video,
#Calculating Nominal Value Video
Our YouTube Training Videos relate to the following Courses:
1. Delegating For Role and Organisational Effectiveness Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Organisational Delegation, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
2. Diversity Management: A Value-Added Inclusion Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate in Diversity Management, 30 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
3. Organisational Effectiveness Enhancement Strategy in a VUCA Environment: Employing OD, AI, ML, DL, Robotics and SW, OT, PESTEL Analyses, Postgraduate Short Course, Leading to Diploma Postgraduate in Organisational Effectiveness Enhancement Strategy Development and Implementation, Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
4. Dynamics of Organisational Change Management Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Organisational Change Management, 30 Credit-Hours, Accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 15 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
5. Property Law: Conveyancing and Property Valuation Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate in Property Law: Conveyancing and Property Valuation, Quad-Credit, 120 Credit-Hours, Accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 60 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 240 additional Credit-Hours.
6. Trainer Training: Training for Trainers Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate - in Trainer Training: Training for Trainers, Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
7. Anti-Dumping, Anti-Subsidy and Trade in Services: Investigation, Determination, Countervailing Measures, Sunset Review, Suspension and National Security Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate - in Anti-Dumping, Anti-Subsidy and Trade in Services, Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
8. Anti-Dumping and Anti-Subsidy: Claims, Measures, Stance, Sunset Review and Suspension Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Anti-Dumping, Anti-Subsidy and Sunset Review, 36 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 144 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 324 additional Credit-Hours.
9. Strategic and Operational Human Resource Management in an International Context Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate - in Strategic and Operational Human Resource Management in an International Context, Double-Credit, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
10. Employment Law Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in UK Employment Law, Double Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, Accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
11. Organisational Design: Structuring and Restructuring Organisations Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Organisation Design: Structuring and Restructuring Organisations, 36 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 144 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 344 additional Credit-Hours.
12. Managing Individual Performance Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Managing Individual Performance and Executive Management Block 6, 30 credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
13. Warehouse Management, Material Handling, Storage and Logistics Operation Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate - in Warehouse Management, Material Handling, Storage and Logistics Operation, Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
14. Team Dynamics: Team Leadership Course, Leading to Diploma–Postgraduate in Team Dynamics, 30 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
Other Postgraduate Courses include:
15. Client or Customer Care Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Client or Customer Care, Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
16. Motivating Workers: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Worker Motivation, 30 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
17. Recruitment & Selection - Employee Resourcing: Recruitment & Selection Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate - in Employee Resourcing, 30 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
18. Diversity Management: A Value-Added Inclusion Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate in Diversity Management, 30 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
19. Research Project: Design, Conduct & Report - Research Methodology, Qualitative Methodology, Qualitative Methodology, Ethnography, Ethnomethodology Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Research Project Management, Double-Credit, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
20. Internal Audit, Incorporating Corporate Governance and Financial Risk Management, Course, Leading to Diploma Postgraduate - in Internal Audit, 36 Credit-Hours, Accumulating to A Postgraduate Certificate, with 144 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 324 additional Credit-Hours
21. Human Resource Management Programme, Leading To Postgraduate Certificate in Human Resource Management, Accumulating to a Postgraduate Diploma, with 180 additional Credit-Hours.
22. Financial Risk Management Course, Leading to Diploma–Postgraduate in Financial Risk Management, 36 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 144 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 324 additional Credit-Hours.
23. Legal Human Resource Support Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate in Legal Human Resource Support, 36 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 144 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, 324 additional Credit-Hours.
24. UK Consumer Protection Law Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in UK Consumer Protection Law, 30 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
25. Modern Quality Systems Course, Leading to Diploma–Postgraduate in Modern Quality Systems, 30 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
26. University and Higher Education Administration Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate - in University and Higher Education Administration, Triple-Credit, 90 Credit-Hours, Accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 90 additional Credit-Hours, or a Postgraduate Diploma, with 270 Additional Credit-Hours
27. Executive Leadership and High Performance Team Management Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Executive Leadership and High Performance Team Management, 36 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 144 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 344 additional Credit-Hours.
28. Executive Management Programme, Leading to Postgraduate Diploma in Executive Management.
29. Executive Management Programme, Leading to Postgraduate Diploma in Executive Management.
30. Managing Individuals and Groups in Organisations (Organizations) Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Management of Individual and Groups and Executive Management Block 2, 30 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
31. Organisational Improvement: Revitalizing Organisations, Through Organisational (Organizational) Development and Change Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Organisational Improvement: Development and Change and Executive Management Block 3, 30 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
32. Upstream Oil & Gas Accounting & Contracts: Oil & Gas Operation, Mineral Rights, Leases & Successful Efforts Accounting Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Upstream Oil and Gas Accounting and Contracts, 36 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 144 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 324 additional Credit-Hours.
33. Advanced Language and English Communication Skills Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate - in Advanced Language and English Communication Skills, Triple-Credit, 90 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 90 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 270 additional Credit-Hours.
34. Advanced Oil and Gas Accounting: International Petroleum Accounting (1) Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate in Advanced Oil and Gas Accounting: International Petroleum Accounting (1), 36 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with144 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 324 additional Credit-Hours.
35. Advanced Oil and Gas Accounting: International Petroleum Accounting – Bridging Course, Leading to Diploma–Postgraduate – in Advanced Oil and Gas Accounting: International Petroleum Accounting (1) – Bridge, Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
36. Advanced Financial Accounting For Non-Accountants Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate - in Advanced Financial Accounting, 36 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 144 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 324 additional Credit-Hours.
37. Executive Leadership, Team Leadership and Public Relations Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Executive Leadership, Team Leadership and Public Relations, Triple Credit, 90 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 90 additional Credit-Hours and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 270 additional Credit-Hours.
38. Training Needs Analysis: Determining Training Needs Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Training Needs Analysis, 36 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with144 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 324 additional Credit-Hour.
39. Planning, Costing and Budgeting for Executive Decision-Making Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate in Planning, Costing and Budgeting, 30 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, 330 additional Credit-Hours.
40. Instrumentation and Control Systems Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Instrumentation and Control Systems, Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, 300 additional Credit-Hours.
41. Business and Organisational Analysis Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate - in Business and Organisational Analysis, 30 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
42. Financial Accounting and Management Accounting Course, Leading to Postgraduate Certificate in Financial Accounting and Management Accounting to a Postgraduate Diploma, with a 180 additional Credit-Hours.
43. Small Business Start-Up, Expansion and Management Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Small Business Start-Up, Expansion and Management, Double-Credit, 72 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 108 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 288 additional Credit-Hours.
44. Corporate Governance: Principles and Practice, Incorporating Financial Risk Management Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate in Corporate Governance, Incorporating Financial Risk Management, Double Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional
45. Organisational Development (OD) in Action: Improving Organisational Effectiveness Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Organisational Development, 30 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
46. External and Internal or Organic Organisational Growth Strategy: In Pursuit of Organisational Effectiveness Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate - in Organic and External Growth Strategy for Organisational Effectiveness, 36 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 144 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 324 additional Credit-Hours.
47. Business Administration Programme, Leading to Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration.
48. Legal, Dynamic and Deterministic Metrology: Metrology with ISO 9000 Conformity Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Legal, Dynamic and Deterministic Metrology: Metrology with ISO 9000 Conformity, Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
49. Oil and Gas Operation for Non-Technical Staff – Incorporating Oil and Gas Safety Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate - in Oil and Gas Operation, 36 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 144 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 324 additional Credit-Hours.
50. Joint Venture Accounting, for Joint Venture Petroleum – Oil and Gas – Operation Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Joint Venture Accounting, for Joint Venture Petroleum – Oil and Gas – Operation, Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
51. Vibration Analysis Vibration Instruments RMS Techniques Vibration Measurement Spectrum Analysis Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Vibration Analysis (1), Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
52. Advanced Value Engineering, Cost Effective Project Initiation Management and Delivery Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Advanced Value Engineering, Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
53. Marketing Dynamics: Effective Customer and Client-Driven, Value Orientation and Strategy Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Marketing Dynamics, Quad-Credit, 120 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 60 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 240 additional Credit-Hours.
54. Remote Management: Managing Remote or Online Workers, Postgraduate Short Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate - in Managing Remote or Online Workers – Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to A Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
55. Health and Safety Management in Industrial and Commercial Sectors Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate in Health and Safety Management in Industrial and Commercial Sectors, Quad-Credit, 120 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 60 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 240 additional Credit-Hours.
56. Enterprise Risk Management ERM Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate - in Enterprise Risk Management, Double-Credit, 72 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 108 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 288 additional Credit-Hours.
57. Commercial Law, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate in Commercial Law, Quad-Credit, 120 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 60 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 240 additional Credit-Hours.
58. Professional Events Planning Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Professional Events Planning, 30 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
59. Advanced Events and Protocol Management Programme, Leading to Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Events and Protocol Management, Accumulating to a Postgraduate Diploma, with 180 Additional Credit-Hours.
60. Business Report Writing, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Business Report Writing, Leading to Diploma Postgraduate - in Business Report Writing, Triple-Credit, 90 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 90 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 270 additional Credit-Hours.
61. Microsoft Office Proficiency: Word, Publisher, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Skype, Teams and Outlook, Leading to Postgraduate Certificate in Microsoft Office Proficiency: Word, Publisher, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Skype, Teams and Outlook, accumulating to a Postgraduate Diploma, with 180 additional Credit-Hours.
62. Computer Systems, Microsoft Windows 10 and 11 Operating System, Computer Programming, and Web Design, Leading to Postgraduate Certificate in Computer Systems, Windows 10 and 11, Computer Programming, and Web Design, Accumulating to a Postgraduate Diploma, with 180 additional Credit-Hours.
63. Rotating Equipment Design, Testing and Maintenance: Bearings, Mechanical Seals, Pumps, Compressors, Hydraulics, Turbines Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate - in Rotating Equipment Design, Testing and Maintenance, Quad-Credit, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
Web: https://www.hrodc.com/
Tel: +44 20 8133 2760
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Study PG Dip; PG Cert; Dip PG Courses, HRM, Oil & Gas Operation, Advanced Oil & Gas Accounting, Finance, Research Methods, Property Law, Change Management, Diversity Management, Trainer Training, Training for Trainers, Training Needs Analysis, Worker Motivation, Internal Audit, Financial Risk Management, Staff Recruitment, Staff Selection, Legal HR Support, Employment Law, Consumer Protection Law, Modern Quality Systems, University and Higher Education Administration, Executive Leadership, Organisational Design, Organisational Structuring, Executive Management, Organisational Improvement, Upstream Oil and Gas Accounting, Business English, Business Communication, Cost Management, Team Leadership, Planning, at HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute, at International Locations and Online.
Study PG Dip; PG Cert; Dip PG Courses, HRM, Oil & Gas Operation, Advanced Oil & Gas Accounting, Finance, Research Methods, Property Law, Change Management, Diversity Management, Trainer Training, Training for Trainers, Training Needs Analysis, Worker Motivation, Internal Audit, Financial Risk Management, Staff Recruitment, Staff Selection, Legal HR Support, Employment Law, Consumer Protection Law, Modern Quality Systems, University and Higher Education Administration, Executive Leadership, Organisational Design, Organisational Structuring, Executive Management, Organisational Improvement, Upstream Oil and Gas Accounting, Business English, Business Communication, Cost Management, Team Leadership, Planning, Costing, Budgeting, Instrumentation and Control Systems, Business and Organisational Analysis, Financial Accounting and Management Accounting, Small Business Start-up, Corporate Governance, organisational Development, OD, Organisational Growth, Business Administration, Metrology, Joint Venture Accounting, Vibration Analysis, Advanced Value Engineering, Marketing Dynamics, Remote Management, Health and Safety Management, Commercial Law, Events Management, Protocol Management, Report Writing, Microsoft Office, Computer Systems, Rotating Equipment, Warehouse Management, Anti-Dumping, Anti-Subsidy, Organisational Effectiveness, Robotics, Machine Learning, etc., in Dubai; Abuja; Accra; Paris; Kuala Lumpur; London; Jakarta; Bangkok; Hanoi; Delhi; Colombo; Bucharest, Durban; and Online, with HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute.
These courses are exemplified by:
1. Dynamics of Organisational Change Management Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Organisational Change Management, 30 Credit-Hours, Accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 15 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
2. Client or Customer Care Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Client or Customer Care, Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
3. Trainer Training: Training for Trainers Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate - in Trainer Training: Training for Trainers, Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
4. Motivating Workers: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Worker Motivation, 30 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
5. Recruitment & Selection - Employee Resourcing: Recruitment & Selection Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate - in Employee Resourcing, 30 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
6. Diversity Management: A Value-Added Inclusion Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate in Diversity Management, 30 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
7. Research Project: Design, Conduct & Report - Research Methodology, Qualitative Methodology, Qualitative Methodology, Ethnography, Ethnomethodology Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Research Project Management, Double-Credit, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
8. Internal Audit, Incorporating Corporate Governance and Financial Risk Management, Course, Leading to Diploma Postgraduate - in Internal Audit, 36 Credit-Hours, Accumulating to A Postgraduate Certificate, with 144 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 324 additional Credit-Hours
9. Human Resource Management Programme, Leading To Postgraduate Certificate in Human Resource Management, Accumulating to a Postgraduate Diploma, with 180 additional Credit-Hours.
10. Financial Risk Management Course, Leading to Diploma–Postgraduate in Financial Risk Management, 36 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 144 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 324 additional Credit-Hours.
11. Legal Human Resource Support Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate in Legal Human Resource Support, 36 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 144 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, 324 additional Credit-Hours.
12. Employment Law Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in UK Employment Law, Double Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, Accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
13. UK Consumer Protection Law Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in UK Consumer Protection Law, 30 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
14. Modern Quality Systems Course, Leading to Diploma–Postgraduate in Modern Quality Systems, 30 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
15. University and Higher Education Administration Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate - in University and Higher Education Administration, Triple-Credit, 90 Credit-Hours, Accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 90 additional Credit-Hours, or a Postgraduate Diploma, with 270 Additional Credit-Hours
16. Executive Leadership and High Performance Team Management Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Executive Leadership and High Performance Team Management, 36 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 144 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 344 additional Credit-Hours.
17. Organisational Design: Structuring and Restructuring Organisations Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Organisation Design: Structuring and Restructuring Organisations, 36 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 144 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 344 additional Credit-Hours.
18. Executive Management Programme, Leading to Postgraduate Diploma in Executive Management.
19. Executive Management Programme, Leading to Postgraduate Diploma in Executive Management.
20. Managing Individuals and Groups in Organisations (Organizations) Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Management of Individual and Groups and Executive Management Block 2, 30 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
21. Organisational Improvement: Revitalizing Organisations, Through Organisational (Organizational) Development and Change Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Organisational Improvement: Development and Change and Executive Management Block 3, 30 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
22. Upstream Oil & Gas Accounting & Contracts: Oil & Gas Operation, Mineral Rights, Leases & Successful Efforts Accounting Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Upstream Oil and Gas Accounting and Contracts, 36 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 144 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 324 additional Credit-Hours.
23. Advanced Language and English Communication Skills Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate - in Advanced Language and English Communication Skills, Triple-Credit, 90 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 90 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 270 additional Credit-Hours.
24. Advanced Oil and Gas Accounting: International Petroleum Accounting (1) Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate in Advanced Oil and Gas Accounting: International Petroleum Accounting (1), 36 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with144 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 324 additional Credit-Hours.
25. Advanced Oil and Gas Accounting: International Petroleum Accounting – Bridging Course, Leading to Diploma–Postgraduate – in Advanced Oil and Gas Accounting: International Petroleum Accounting (1) – Bridge, Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
26. Advanced Financial Accounting For Non-Accountants Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate - in Advanced Financial Accounting, 36 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 144 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 324 additional Credit-Hours.
27. Executive Leadership, Team Leadership and Public Relations Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Executive Leadership, Team Leadership and Public Relations, Triple Credit, 90 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 90 additional Credit-Hours and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 270 additional Credit-Hours.
28. Training Needs Analysis: Determining Training Needs Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Training Needs Analysis, 36 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with144 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 324 additional Credit-Hour.
29. Planning, Costing and Budgeting for Executive Decision-Making Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate in Planning, Costing and Budgeting, 30 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, 330 additional Credit-Hours.
30. Instrumentation and Control Systems Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Instrumentation and Control Systems, Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, 300 additional Credit-Hours.
31. Business and Organisational Analysis Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate - in Business and Organisational Analysis, 30 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
32. Financial Accounting and Management Accounting Course, Leading to Postgraduate Certificate in Financial Accounting and Management Accounting to a Postgraduate Diploma, with a 180 additional Credit-Hours.
33. Small Business Start-Up, Expansion and Management Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Small Business Start-Up, Expansion and Management, Double-Credit, 72 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 108 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 288 additional Credit-Hours.
34. Corporate Governance: Principles and Practice, Incorporating Financial Risk Management Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate in Corporate Governance, Incorporating Financial Risk Management, Double Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional
35. Organisational Development (OD) in Action: Improving Organisational EffectivenessCourse, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Organisational Development, 30 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
36. External and Internal or Organic Organisational Growth Strategy: In Pursuit of Organisational Effectiveness Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate - in Organic and External Growth Strategy for Organisational Effectiveness, 36 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 144 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 324 additional Credit-Hours.
37. Business Administration Programme, Leading to Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration.
38. Legal, Dynamic and Deterministic Metrology: Metrology with ISO 9000 Conformity Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Legal, Dynamic and Deterministic Metrology: Metrology with ISO 9000 Conformity, Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
39. Oil and Gas Operation for Non-Technical Staff – Incorporating Oil and Gas Safety Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate - in Oil and Gas Operation, 36 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 144 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 324 additional Credit-Hours.
40. Joint Venture Accounting, for Joint Venture Petroleum – Oil and Gas – Operation Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Joint Venture Accounting, for Joint Venture Petroleum – Oil and Gas – Operation, Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
41. Vibration Analysis Vibration Instruments RMS Techniques Vibration Measurement Spectrum Analysis Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Vibration Analysis (1), Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
42. Advanced Value Engineering, Cost Effective Project Initiation Management and Delivery Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Advanced Value Engineering, Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
43. Marketing Dynamics: Effective Customer and Client-Driven, Value Orientation and Strategy Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Marketing Dynamics, Quad-Credit, 120 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 60 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 240 additional Credit-Hours.
44. Remote Management: Managing Remote or Online Workers, Postgraduate Short Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate - in Managing Remote or Online Workers – Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to A Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
45. Health and Safety Management in Industrial and Commercial Sectors Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate in Health and Safety Management in Industrial and Commercial Sectors, Quad-Credit, 120 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 60 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 240 additional Credit-Hours.
46. Enterprise Risk Management ERM Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate - in Enterprise Risk Management, Double-Credit, 72 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 108 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 288 additional Credit-Hours.
47. Commercial Law, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate in Commercial Law, Quad-Credit, 120 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 60 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 240 additional Credit-Hours.
48. Professional Events Planning Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Professional Events Planning, 30 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 150 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 330 additional Credit-Hours.
49. Advanced Events and Protocol Management Programme, Leading to Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Events and Protocol Management, Accumulating to a Postgraduate Diploma, with 180 Additional Credit-Hours.
50. Business Report Writing, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate – in Business Report Writing, Leading to Diploma Postgraduate - in Business Report Writing, Triple-Credit, 90 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 90 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 270 additional Credit-Hours.
51. Microsoft Office Proficiency: Word, Publisher, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Skype, Teams and Outlook, Leading to Postgraduate Certificate in Microsoft Office Proficiency: Word, Publisher, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Skype, Teams and Outlook, accumulating to a Postgraduate Diploma, with 180 additional Credit-Hours.
52. Computer Systems, Microsoft Windows 10 and 11 Operating System, Computer Programming, and Web Design, Leading to Postgraduate Certificate in Computer Systems, Windows 10 and 11, Computer Programming, and Web Design, Accumulating to a Postgraduate Diploma, with 180 additional Credit-Hours.
53. Rotating Equipment Design, Testing and Maintenance: Bearings, Mechanical Seals, Pumps, Compressors, Hydraulics, Turbines Course, Leading to Diploma – Postgraduate - in Rotating Equipment Design, Testing and Maintenance, Quad-Credit, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
54. Warehouse Management, Material Handling, Storage and Logistics Operation Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate - in Warehouse Management, Material Handling, Storage and Logistics Operation, Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
55. Anti-Dumping, Anti-Subsidy and Trade in Services: Investigation, Determination, Countervailing Measures, Sunset Review, Suspension and National Security Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate - in Anti-Dumping, Anti-Subsidy and Trade in Services, Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
56. Organisational Effectiveness Enhancement Strategy in a VUCA Environment: Employing OD, AI, ML, DL, Robotics and SW, OT, PESTEL Analyses, Postgraduate Short Course, Leading to Diploma Postgraduate in Organisational Effectiveness Enhancement Strategy Development and Implementation, Double-Credit, 60 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 120 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 300 additional Credit-Hours.
Among several others.
Please contact us for more information at:
Web: https://www.hrodc.com/
Tel: +44 20 8133 2760
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Property Law, Conveyancing Process, Property Sale, Sale Contract, Property Purchase, Title Register, Title Deed, Title Plan, Positive Covenants, Restrictive Covenants, Right of Light Easement, Right of Access Easement, Right of Support Easement, Classes of Title, Absolute Title; Qualified Title, Possessory Title, Good Leasehold Title, The Property Register; The Proprietorship Register, The Charges Register, Title Register, Title Abstract, Title Searcher, Title Abstractor, Surface Rights, Mineral Rights, Fee Interests, Copyhold Land, as contents of Property Law: Conveyancing and Property Valuation, Postgraduate Short Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate - in Property Law: Conveyancing and Property Valuation, Quad-Credit, 120 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 60 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 240 additional Credit-Hours.
Course Contents include:
#KerbsideValuation and
#Legal Context
Absolute Title;
Aesthetic Appeal;
Boundary removal, through sale or otherwise.
Car Parking;
Church Commissioners and the Crown;
Classes of Title;
Closing or Completion Stage;
Conducting a Full Formal Property Valuation
Construction lien;
Contract Stage (Purchaser);
Conveyancing as A ‘Process’;
Conveyancing for the Purchaser
Conveyancing for the Vendor
Copyhold Land;
Crown Estate Mineral Agent;
Crown Ownership of Minerals;
Desktop Valuation;
Determining the Property’s Sale Price;
Developmental Potential and Property Valuation;
Digital Registers;
Dominant Easements;
Dominant Profits a Prendre;
Ecological Context:
Economic Context:
Economic Factors and Property Valuation;
Equitable Charges;
Equity from Sale or Anticipated Sale of Own Property;
Fee Interests;
Fishing Right;
Footpath Services;
Formal Valuation
Formalizing Instruction or Authorisation, From the Vendor, For the Sale of The Property;
Full Formal Valuation.
Good Leasehold Title.
Investigating the Property Title;
Investigating the Property: Ownership, Right of Sale, etc.;
Kerbside Valuation;
Labourer’s lien.
Legal Charges;
Legal Context;
Manorial Rights;
Materialman's lien;
Mineral Rights;
Mines Royal;
Planning Permission and Property Valuation;
Political Context:
Political Factors and Property Valuation;
Positive Covenants;
Possessory Title;
Post-Closing or Post-Completion Stage;
Post-Contract or Pre-Closing Stage;
Pre-Contract Stage (Purchaser);
Pre-Contract Stage (Vendor);
Pre-contract Stage;
Property Location and Valuation;
Property Sale Price;
Property Valuation and Equity;
Proprietorship Register;
Qualified Title;
Restrictive Covenants;
Reviewing Draft Sale Contract (Purchaser)
Right of Access Easement;
Right of Light Easement;
Right of Support Easement;
Right of Way Over Adjoining Land;
Right of Way;
Sale Contract Stage (Vendor);
Sale Contract Stage;
Servient Profits a Prendre;
Shooting Right;
Sitting Tenants;
Social Context:
Supplier's lien;
Surface Rights;
Technological Context:
The Charges Register:
The Conveyancing Process as a Legal Transfer of Ownership;
The Property Register;
The Proprietorship Register;
Title Abstract;
Title Abstractors;
Title Deed;
Title Register,
Title Searcher;
Transfer Deed;
Turf Right;
UK Mineral Rights Ownership;
UK’s Coal, Petroleum, Silver and Gold;
Village Greens;
Waste Sites;
Woodlands and Moorland.
For additional Contents, Concepts and Issues, or to Book this Course, please contact us @:
+44 20 8133 2760
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Rentcharges, Ground Rent, Peppercorn Rent, Leasehold Properties; Park Rent, Park Homes, in Property Law: Conveyancing and Property Valuation, Quad-Credit, 120 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 60 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 240 additional Credit-Hours, at HRODC Postgraduate Training Institute.
Other contents include:
Part 10: Rentcharges, Ground Rent and Park Rent in England and Wales
Rentcharges or Chief Rents;
Rent owners;
The Inception of Rentcharges;
Rentcharges and the Charge Register;
Provisions of the Rentcharges Act 1977;
Problems with Rentcharges;
Individual and Several Liability for Rentcharges;
Informal Apportioning of Rentcharges;
Application for Apportionment of a Rentcharge;
Order of Apportionment of a Rentcharge;
Redemption of Rentcharges;
Redemption of Rentcharges for Freehold but not Leasehold Properties;
Application for the Redemption of Rentcharges;
Towards the End of Recharges? The Rentcharges Act 1977;
Extinguishment Pre-existing Rentcharges;
Prohibition of the Creation of New Rentcharges;
Exemption to the Provisions of the Rentcharges Act 1977;
Ground Rent for Leasehold Properties;
Peppercorn Rent as Ground Rent;
Ground Rent Notice;
Statute of Limitation Relevant to Ground Rent;
Ground Rent Default: Forfeiture Action;
Apportionment of Ground Rent;
Application for Apportionment of Ground a Rent;
Park Rent for Mobile or Park Homes;
Park Rent for Trailer Homes;
Protection Afforded by the (UK) Mobile Homes Act 2013.
To Book or request more information, please contact us @:
+44 20 8133 2760
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Professionalising Property Valuation: Property Value Over Time, Executing The Valuation Process, Market Appraisal, Formal Valuation, Desktop Valuation, Kerbside Valuation, Aesthetic Appeal, Cosmetic View, Décor, and Disrepair Issues, in Property Law: Conveyancing and Property Valuation, Postgraduate Course, Leading to  Diploma - Postgraduate - in Property Law: Conveyancing and Property Valuation, Quad-Credit, 120 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a PG Cert, with 60 additional Credit-Hrs, and PG Dip, with 240 additional Credit-Hours.
     Other contents include:
 Part 7: Professionalising Property Valuation
Property Value Over Time
Executing The Valuation Process
Market Appraisal;
Formal Valuation
Desktop Valuation;
Kerbside Valuation; and
Full Formal Valuation.
Conducting a Full Formal Property Valuation
Aesthetic Appeal;
Cosmetic View;
Disrepair Issues;
Energy Efficiency;
Energy Supply;
Fixtures and Fittings;
Its age
Its location;
Number of Rooms;
Room Layout;
Overall Size;
Room Sizes;
Storage Space;
Structural Defects;
Structural Improvements;
The period since it was last sold;
The price at which it was last sold or purchased;
The price of similar properties in the locality.
Local Factors Affecting Prices of Specific Properties
Its degree of affordability
Its location:
Global Region;
County or Province;
City or State;
Its Developmental Potential, in relation to:
Planning Rules;
Current Planning Permission;
Available Space;
Heritage or national and International Listing Status;
Property Location and Valuation;
Developmental Potential and Property Valuation;
Planning Permission and Property Valuation
Property Valuation and Equity;
Political Factors and Property Valuation;
Economic Factors and Property Valuation.
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 Property Valuation For Professional Valuers, Mortgagees, Estate Agents & Investors. Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Ecological & Legal Contexts, in: Property Law: Conveyancing and Property Valuation, Postgraduate Short Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate - in Property Law: Conveyancing and Property Valuation, Quad-Credit, 120 Credit-Hours
Other Contents include:
#Changing Expectations
#Estate Agents
  Part 5: Property Valuation For Professional Valuers, Mortgagees,  Estate Agents and Investors (1)
 The Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Ecological and Legal (PESTEL) Factors: Their Effect of Property Valuation
Bungalow House;
Condominium or Condo;
Detached House;
Duplex House;
Mobile Homes;
Park Homes;
Semi-detached Houses;
Terraced Houses;
 Political Context:
Bilateral Trade Agreements;
Multilateral Agreements;
Employment Tribunal Rulings;
Wage Regulations;
Equality and anti-discriminatory Act;
Disability Rights Act;
Equal Opportunity Act;
Sex Discrimination Act;
Sex Discrimination or Related Act;
Gender Reassignment or Similar Act;
Other Employment Related Acts.
 Economic Context:
Economic Exposure;
Transaction Exposure;
Translation Exposure;
Rulings by Regulatory Authorities;
Investment Boards;
Competition Commission;
Trading Regulation;
Foreign Exchange;
Interest Rates;
Availability of Funding.
 Social Context:
General Social Context;
Urban-Suburban Preference;
Social Mobility;
Geographic Mobility;
Skills Levels;
Demographic Factors;
Age Range of Population;
Gender Mix of Population;
Ethnic Mix;
Behavioural Patterns;
Changing Expectations;
FADS; and
Social/Ecological Sensitivity.
 Part 6: Property Valuation For Professional Valuers, Mortgagees,  Estate Agents and Investors (2)
  Technological Context:
E-Commerce its impact on Client/ Customer Relationship Management (CRM);
Development and use of technology;
Affordability of technology;
Web-based recruitment;
Web-based selection;
  Ecological Context:
Biodiversity of Ecosystems and their Protection,
Client/ Customer Concern for Relevant Ecological Issues;
Climatic Shifts impeding normal operation;
Degradation, Deforestation and Depletion of Fisheries and other Natural Resources,
Demand for Corporate Social Investment;
Ecological Legislation;
Ecosystem Services used In Business Processes;
Emission Standards and Requirements;
Environmental Sustainability Concerns;
Flooding, Storms, and Other Natural Disasters Caused by Natural and Human Influences on Ecosystems;
Government Policy towards Environmental Issues;
Local Waste Regulation;
Material scarcity, resultant to Ecological Issues;
Mineral (Oil, Gas, Gold, etc.) Deposits;
Natural Environmental Constraints;
Quantity of Renewable Resources;
Recycling regulation;
Strategy Implementation vs Ethical Concerns;
Water and Air Pollution and their effect on a company’s operation;
Water Quality needed for normal operation.
 Legal Context:
Competition Rules;
Integration Rules;
Employment Law;
Indigenisation Rules;
Trading Rules;
Import and Export Laws;
Bilateral Trade Agreements;
Multilateral Agreements
Employment Tribunal Rulings
Wage Regulations;
Equality and Anti-Discriminatory Acts – e.g.
Disability Rights Act
Equal opportunity Act
Sex Discrimination Act
Sex Discrimination Reassignment;
Other Employment Related Acts.
Contact for Booking, and Additional information:
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Grass Verge, Right of Way Easement, Private Road, Village Greed, Walkway, Alleyway, Title Search, Freehold Properties, Leasehold Properties, in: Property Law: Conveyancing and Property Valuation, Postgraduate Short Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate - in Property Law: Conveyancing and Property Valuation, Quad-Credit, 120 Credit-Hours
Contents include:
Part 3: The UK Land  Registry
The Role of Her Majesty’s (HM) Land Registry
Advice, Support and Consultancy
Study Visits
Business Partnerships
Membership of International Land Bodies
Part 4: Land  Registry’s Online Search Facility and Cost
#Lakes, Streams and Other Waterways;
#PropertyTenure: Leasehold or Freehold;
Any Rights of Way;
Building Plots and Infill Sites;
Communal Areas or Shared Facilities;
Details of freehold or leasehold tenure; and
Dilapidated or Vacant Buildings;
Flood-Risk Indicator
Grass Verges;
Historic Buildings, e.g. Castles and Churches;
Its Main Boundaries;
Lakes, Streams and Other Waterways;
Land Registry Fees
Map Search.
MapSearch Facility
Old Buildings That No Longer Have A Postcode;
Other registered interests.
Owner’s Name;
Private Roads;
Property Tenure: Leasehold or Freehold;
Purchase Price;
Right of Ways.
The location of registered land and property;
The Name of the Mortgagee, if any;
The name of the Property Owner;
The Property’s Location
The Recorded Purchase Price of the property. In some cases, this information is unavailable;
The Title Number;
The Title Register:
The Title Register;
Title Plan
Title Summary of Freehold and Leasehold Properties
Village Greens;
Waste Sites;
Whether land and property in England and Wales is registered;
Whether there is a current mortgage on it or one that has been discharged.
Woodlands and Moorland;
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Property Search, Title Plan, Title Deed, Land Registry, Mineral Rights, Contents of Property Law: Conveyancing and Property Valuation, Postgraduate Short Course, Leading to Diploma - Postgraduate - in Property Law: Conveyancing and Property Valuation, Quad-Credit, 120 Credit-Hours.
Other contents include:
Part 1 -  Contextual Issues in Property Conveyancing: Surface Rights, Mineral Rights  and Fee Interest
The Conveyancing Process as a Legal Transfer of Ownership;
Title Register,
Title Abstract
Title Deed;
Title Searcher;
Title Abstractors;
Surface Rights;
Mineral Rights;
Fee Interests;
Copyhold Land
UK Mineral Rights Ownership;
Crown Ownership of Minerals,
Manorial Rights;
Church Commissioners and the Crown;
Mines Royal;
UK’s Coal, Petroleum, Silver and Gold;
Crown Estate Mineral Agent.
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Bungalow House, included in contents of Property Law: Conveyancing and Property Valuation, Postgraduate Short Course, Leading to  Diploma - Postgraduate - in Property Law: Conveyancing and Property Valuation, Quad-Credit, 120 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 60 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 240 additional Credit-Hours.
Course Contents include:
Bungalow and other types of dwellings.
Part 2: Living Accommodation: Their Types, Tenure  and Ownership
#Freehold Property
Types of Living Accommodation
Terraced House;
Semi-detached House;
Detached House;
Bungalow House.
Difference Between an Apartment, Flat and Condominium (Condo)
Flats, Apartments and Maisonettes
Leasehold and Freehold Properties: A Generalised Distinction
Leasehold Properties: Restrictions and Charges
Service Charges;
Ground Rent;
Building Insurance;
Reserve or Sinking Funds.
Types of Freehold Properties
Terraced House;
Bungalow House.
Types of Leasehold Properties
Flat or Apartment;
Semi-detached House;
Detached House;
Leasehold Properties: Their Creation and Implications
Lifespan of Leasehold and Freehold Properties
The Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002
Managing Joint Leasehold Properties;
Managing Without Fault-Finding;
Disadvantages of Freehold and Leasehold
Please visit https://www.hrodc.com/
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Gain Your Dip PG in ‘Property Law: Conveyancing and Property Valuation’, Quad-Credit, 120 Credit-Hours. 
Property Law: Conveyancing and Property Valuation, Postgraduate Short Course, Leading to  Diploma - Postgraduate - in Property Law: Conveyancing and Property Valuation, Quad-Credit, 120 Credit-Hours, accumulating to a Postgraduate Certificate, with 60 additional Credit-Hours, and a Postgraduate Diploma, with 240 additional Credit-Hours.
Course Contents include:
# Conveyancing
# RightofWay
Other Content Elements incorporate:
 Part 1 - Contextual Issues in Property  Conveyancing: Surface Rights, Mineral Rights and Fee Interest
  Exploring the Context of Conveyancing;
The Conveyancing Process as a Legal Transfer of Ownership;
Title Register,
Title Abstract
Title Deed;
Title Searcher;
Title Abstractors;
Surface Rights;
Mineral Rights;
Fee Interests;
Copyhold Land
UK Mineral Rights Ownership;
Crown Ownership of Minerals,
Manorial Rights;
Church Commissioners and the Crown;
Mines Royal;
UK’s Coal, Petroleum, Silver and Gold;
Crown Estate Mineral Agent.
 Part  2: Living Accommodation: Their Types, Tenure and Ownership
 Types of Living Accommodation
Terraced House;
Semi-detached House;
Detached House;
Bungalow House.
Difference Between an Apartment, Flat and Condominium (Condo)
Flats, Apartments and Maisonettes
Leasehold and Freehold Properties: A Generalised Distinction
Leasehold Properties: Restrictions and Charges
Service Charges;
Ground Rent;
Building Insurance;
Reserve or Sinking Funds.
Types of Freehold Properties
Terraced House;
Semi-detached House;
Detached House;
Bungalow House.
Types of Leasehold Properties
Flat or Apartment;
Terraced House;
Semi-detached House;
Detached House;
Bungalow House.
Leasehold Properties: Their Creation and Implications
Lifespan of Leasehold and Freehold Properties
The Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002
Managing Joint Leasehold Properties;
Managing Without Fault-Finding;
Disadvantages of Freehold and Leasehold
 Part  3: The UK Land Registry
 The Role of Her Majesty’s (HM) Land Registry
Advice, Support and Consultancy
Study Visits
Business Partnerships
Membership of International Land Bodies
 Part  4: Land Registry’s Online Search Facility and Cost
 The Title Register;
Title Summary of Freehold and Leasehold Properties;
Title Plan;
Flood-Risk Indicator;
Map Search.
Flood-Risk Indicator;
The Title Register:
The Title Number;
The name of the Property Owner;
The Recorded Purchase Price of the property. In some cases, this information is unavailable;
Any Rights of Way;
Whether there is a current mortgage on it or one that has been discharged.
Title Summary of Freehold and Leasehold Properties
The Title Number;
Owner’s Name;
Purchase Price;
Property Tenure: Leasehold or Freehold;
The Name of the Mortgagee, if any;
Title Plan
Flood-Risk Indicator
MapSearch Facility
Land Registry Fees
Title Plan
The Property’s Location
Its Main Boundaries;
Communal Areas or Shared Facilities;
Right of Ways.
MapSearch Facility
Building Plots and Infill Sites;
Dilapidated or Vacant Buildings;
Grass Verges;
Historic Buildings, e.g. Castles and Churches;
Lakes, Streams and Other Waterways;
Old Buildings That No Longer Have A Postcode;
Private Roads;
Village Greems;
Waste Sites;
Woodlands and Moorland;
Whether land and property in England and Wales is registered;
The location of registered land and property;
The title numbers;
Details of freehold or leasehold tenure; and
Other registered interests.
Land Registry Fees
 Part  5: Property Valuation For Professional Valuers, Mortgagees, Estate Agents and  Investors (1)
 The Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Ecological and Legal (PESTEL) Factors: Their Effect of Property Valuation
 Political Context:
Bilateral Trade Agreements;
Multilateral Agreements;
Employment Tribunal Rulings;
Wage Regulations;
Equality and anti-discriminatory Act;
Disability Rights Act;
Equal Opportunity Act;
Sex Discrimination Act;
Sex Discrimination or Related Act;
Gender Reassignment or Similar Act;
Other Employment Related Acts.
 Economic Context:
Economic Exposure;
Transaction Exposure;
Translation Exposure;
Rulings by Regulatory Authorities;
Investment Boards;
Competition Commission;
Trading Regulation;
Foreign Exchange;
Interest Rates;
Availability of Funding.
 Social Context:
General Social Context;
Urban-Suburban Preference;
Social Mobility;
Geographic Mobility;
Skills Levels;
Demographic Factors;
Age Range of Population;
Gender Mix of Population;
Ethnic Mix;
Behavioural Patterns;
Changing Expectations;
FADS; and
Social/Ecological Sensitivity.
 Part  6: Property Valuation For Professional Valuers, Mortgagees, Estate Agents and  Investors (2)
  Technological Context:
E-Commerce its impact on Client/ Customer Relationship Management (CRM);
Development and use of technology;
Affordability of technology;
Web-based recruitment;
Web-based selection;
  Ecological Context:
Biodiversity of Ecosystems and their Protection,
Client/ Customer Concern for Relevant Ecological Issues;
Climatic Shifts impeding normal operation;
Degradation, Deforestation and Depletion of Fisheries and other Natural Resources,
Demand for Corporate Social Investment;
Ecological Legislation;
Ecosystem Services used In Business Processes;
Emission Standards and Requirements;
Environmental Sustainability Concerns;
Flooding, Storms, and Other Natural Disasters Caused by Natural and Human Influences on Ecosystems;
Government Policy towards Environmental Issues;
Local Waste Regulation;
Material scarcity, resultant to Ecological Issues;
Mineral (Oil, Gas, Gold, etc.) Deposits;
Natural Environmental Constraints;
Quantity of Renewable Resources;
Recycling regulation;
Strategy Implementation vs Ethical Concerns;
Water and Air Pollution and their effect on a company’s operation;
Water Quality needed for normal operation.
 Legal Context:
Competition Rules;
Integration Rules;
Employment Law;
Indigenisation Rules;
Trading Rules;
Import and Export Laws;
Bilateral Trade Agreements;
Multilateral Agreements
Employment Tribunal Rulings
Wage Regulations;
Equality and Anti-Discriminatory Acts – e.g.
Disability Rights Act
Equal opportunity Act
Sex Discrimination Act
Sex Discrimination Reassignment;
Other Employment Related Acts.
 Part  7: Professionalising Property Valuation
 Property Value Over Time
Executing The Valuation Process
Market Appraisal;
Formal Valuation
Desktop Valuation;
Curbside Valuation; and
Full Formal Valuation.
Conducting a Full Formal Property Valuation
Aesthetic Appeal;
Cosmetic View;
Disrepair Issues;
Energy Efficiency;
Energy Supply;
Fixtures and Fittings;
Its age
Its location;
Number of Rooms;
Room Layout;
Overall Size;
Room Sizes;
Storage Space;
Structural Defects;
Structural Improvements;
The period since it was last sold;
The price at which it was last sold or purchased;
The price of similar properties in the locality.
Local Factors Affecting Prices of Specific Properties
Its degree of affordability
Its location:
Global Region;
County or Province;
City or State;
Its Developmental Potential, in relation to:
Planning Rules;
Current Planning Permission;
Available Space;
Heritage or national and International Listing Status;
 Property Location and Valuation;
Developmental Potential and Property Valuation;
Planning Permission and Property Valuation
Property Valuation and Equity;
Political Factors and Property Valuation
Economic Factors and Property Valuation
  Part 8: Property Surveys: Their Types and  Importance
 Why Surveys?
Types of Survey and Their Imperative;
Basic Valuation Survey;
Home Buyer’s Valuation and Survey Report;
Full Structural Survey;
In-Complex and Attached Property Survey;
The Former Home Information Packs (HIPs);
Energy Performance Certificates.
  Property Law: Conveyancing and Property Valuation
Module 2
Property Conveyancing In Essence: Property Titles, Rentcharges, Ground Rent, E-Conveyancing, Property Classification and Sale
 Course Contents, Concepts and Issues
 Part  9: Title Registers: The Property Register, Proprietorship, and Charges  Register
 Title Register:
Edition Date
When the property is sold;
When a mortgage (legal charge) is registered on It;
When a mortgage is redeemed;
When an equitable charge is placed on it;
When an equitable charge is removed; or
When a restriction or notice is added.
Date and Time of Official Copy
Land Registry Office Which Deals with The Title
The Property Register
Right of Way Over Adjoining Land
A Right of Light Easement
Right of Access Easement
Right of Support Easement
Proprietorship Register
The Charges Register:
Positive Covenants
Restrictive Covenants
Legal Charges
Equitable Charges
 Part  10: Rentcharges, Ground Rent and Park Rent in England and Wales
 Rentcharges or Chief Rents;
Rent owners;
The Inception of Rentcharges;
Rentcharges and the Charge Register;
Provisions of the Rentcharges Act 1977;
Problems with Rentcharges;
Individual and Several Liability for Rentcharges;
Informal Apportioning of Rentcharges;
Application for Apportionment of a Rentcharge;
Order of Apportionment of a Rentcharge;
Redemption of Rentcharges;
Redemption of Rentcharges for Freehold but not Leasehold Properties;
Application for the Redemption of Rentcharges;
Towards the End of Recharges? The Rentcharges Act 1977;
Extinguishment Pre-existing Rentcharges;
Prohibition of the Creation of New Rentcharges;
Exemption to the Provisions of the Rentcharges Act 1977;
Ground Rent for Leasehold Properties;
Peppercorn Rent as Ground Rent;
Ground Rent Notice;
Statute of Limitation Relevant to Ground Rent;
Ground Rent Default: Forfeiture Action;
Apportionment of Ground Rent;
Application for Apportionment of Ground a Rent;
Park Rent for Mobile or Park Homes;
Park Rent for Trailer Homes;
Protection Afforded by the (UK) Mobile Homes Act 2013.
 Part  11: Title Classifications and Their Implications
 Classes of Title
Absolute Title;
Qualified Title,
Possessory Title; and
Good Leasehold Title.
Implications of Absolute Title
Implications of Qualified Title
Significance of Possessory Title
Importance of Land Registration Act 2002
The Concept of Squatters’ Right;
Abolition of ‘trust’ by the Land Registration Act 2002;
Registering Possessory Title to Registered Property
Registering Possessory Title to Unregistered Property
Objection to Possessory Title Application;
Contesting Possessory Title Application;
The Place of Good Leasehold Title
  Part  12: Property Conveyancing In Essence (1)
 Conveyancing as A ‘Process’
Pre-contract Stage;
Sale Contract Stage;
Post-Contract or Pre-Closing Stage;
Closing or Completion Stage;
Post-Closing or Post-Completion Stage.
 Conveyancing for the Vendor
Pre-Contract Stage (Vendor)
Formalizing Instruction or Authorisation, From the Vendor, For the Sale of The Property;
Agreeing Conveyancing Cost, Taking Deposit, Where Appropriate;
Formally Identifying the Vendor
Investigating the Property: Ownership, Right of Sale, etc.
Contacting any legitimate ‘Interests’ in the Property.
Obtaining A Copy of The Property Title and Deed;
Determining the Property’s Sale Price;
Agreeing on The Items Included in The Price of The Property, or As Options (At Additional Costs).
Investigating the Potential Purchaser.
The Purchaser’s Identity
The Purchaser’s Finance
Deposit in Hand;
Equity from Sale or Anticipated Sale of Own Property;
Loan or Mortgage Amount;
Status of Mortgage Application;
Name of Lending Institution;
Lending Institution’s Branch Address;
Bridging Loan, if Any;
Supportive Evidence.
Addressing Enquiries Raised by The Purchaser’s Conveyancer.
Establishing a Completion Date.
Sale Contract Stage (Vendor)
Post-Contract or Pre-Closing Stage (Vendor)
Closing or Completion Stage (Vendor)
Post-Closing or Post-Completion (Vendor)
Completion Statement
Property Sale Price
Cost of Chattels
Mortgage Redemption Payment to Bank/ Building Society
Bank Charge
Estate Agents' Commission
Land Registry - Deeds
Conveyancer's Fee
VAT on Conveyancer's Fee (@20%
Amount Owing to Vendor, on Completion
 Part  13: Property Conveyancing In Essence (2)
 Conveyancing for the Purchaser
Pre-contract Stage;
Sale Contract Stage;
Post-Contract or Pre-Closing Stage;
Closing or Completion Stage;
Post-Closing or Post-Completion Stage.
 Pre-Contract Stage (Purchaser)
Formalizing Instruction or Authorisation, From the Purchaser, For the Purchase of The Property;
Formally Identifying the Purchaser;
Drafting Conveyancing Contract - Taking Deposit, Where Appropriate;
Investigating the Property: Ownership and Title;
Verifying Property Tenure;
Preparing Pre- Contract Property Questionnaire for The Vendor
Recommending and Commissioning Property Survey;
Providing Guidance to Multiple Purchasers on Ownership Type;
Conducting Local and National Searches;
Guiding the Purchaser Through Property Inventory;
Establishing a Completion Date.
Reviewing Draft Sale Contract (Purchaser)
Formalizing Instruction or Authorisation, From the Purchaser, For the Purchase of The Property
Formally Identifying the Purchaser
Drafting Conveyancing Contract - Taking Deposit, Where Appropriate
Investigating the Property: Ownership and Title
  Part  14: Property Conveyancing In Essence (3)
 Investigating the Property Title.
Absolute Title;
Qualified Title,
Possessory Title; and
Good Leasehold Title.
The Header;
The Property Register;
The Proprietorship Register; and
The Charges Register.
A mechanic's lien.
A lender's mortgage lien.
A lien for unpaid property taxes or common charges.
Construction lien.
Materialman's lien.
Supplier's lien.
Labourer’s lien.
Verifying Property Tenure
Preparing Pre- Contract Property Questionnaire for The Vendor
Before arriving at the contract stage, it is necessary for the purchaser to have a full picture of his or her potential
Property Boundaries and Fences
Owner of Boundary to the front;
Owner of Boundary to the left;
Owner of Boundary to the right;
Owner of Boundary to the rear;
Known Boundary changes;
Boundary removal, through sale or otherwise.
Driveways or Walkways to The Property
Existence of Driveway;
Individual Ownership;
Shared Ownership.
Available Services
Mains Gas.
Servient Easements
Right of Way;
Right of Light;
Footpath Services;
Right of Support;
Car Parking.
Dominant Easements
Right of Way;
Right of Light;
Footpath Services;
Right of Support;
Car Parking.
  Part  15: Property Conveyancing In Essence (4)
 Servient Profits a Prendre
Fishing Right;
Shooting Right;
Turf Right.
Dominant Profits a Prendre
Fishing Right;
Shooting Right;
Turf Right.
Amount of Property Outgoings
Annual Ground Rent;
Annual Community Charge;
Rating Band;
Annual Water Rates;
Annual Service Charge;
Annual Insurance Cost.
Property-Related Legal Notices
Served on Property Owner;
Served by Property Owner;
Previous or current Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVA);
County Court Judgment for Property.
Property Liability or Interests
Any outstanding Mortgage;
Other Charges on Title;
Current Litigation;
Previous Litigation;
Pending Litigation;
Repayable Grants.
Vacant Possession
Sitting Tenants;
Post 16 Family Members Residing in Property.
Utilities and Certificates
Energy Performance Certificates;
Energy Rating;
Electricity meter Type;
Gas Meter Type.
Home Insurance
Type of Policy;
Contents Cover;
Name of Insurer;
Expiration of Policy.
Recommending and Commissioning Property Survey
Providing Guidance to Multiple Purchasers on Ownership Type
Conducting Local and National Searches
On-Property Problems;
Local and National Plans for Development;
Local Planning Rules
Flood Risk
On-Property Problems
Mining shafts;
water wells;
Risk of subsidence.
Local and National Plans for Development
Flood Risk
Guiding the Purchaser Through Property Inventory
Establishing a Completion Date.
Reviewing Draft Sale Contract (Purchaser)
Contract Stage (Purchaser)
Post-Contract or Pre-Closing Stage (Purchaser)
Transfer Deed (Form TR1) from the vendor’s Conveyancer;
Stamp Duty Land Tax Certificate
Form AP1 or form FR1
Certificate of identity (for unregistered conveyancers)
Closing or Completion Stage (Purchaser)
Post-Closing or Post-Completion (Purchaser)
Completion Statement for The Purchaser
 Part  16: UK Property Marketing and Sale
 Estate Agents Property Marketing, Sale and Legal Obligation;
The ‘Estate Agent – Vendor – Purchaser’ Relationship;
Personal Property Marketing and Sale;
Timescale From An Offer To Closure;
The Former Home Information Packs (HIPs) and Current Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs);
Conventional Property Sale;
The Scottish Bidding Process;
Open Evening;
Public Property Auctions;
Vacant Property Sale;
Flipping homes
  Part  17: UK Commercial Properties: Their Taxes, Classifications Implications for  Business Operators
 UK Business Rates;
Capital Gains Tax;
Class A1. Shops;
Class A2. Financial and Professional Services;
Class A3. Food and Drink;
Class B1. Business;
Class B2. General Industrial;
Class B3. Special Industrial Group A;
Class B4. Special Industrial Group B;
Class B5. Special Industrial Group C;
Class B6. Special Industrial Group D;
Class B7. Special Industrial Group E;
Class B8. Storage or Distribution;
Class C1. Hotels and Hostels;
Class C2. Residential Institutions;
Class C3. Dwelling-houses;
Class D1. Non-Residential Institutions;
Class D2. Assembly and Leisure.
  Part  18: International Electronic Conveyancing (E-Conveyancing)
 The Birth of International Electronic Conveyancing;
E-Conveyancing in England and Wales;
Provisions of the Land Registration Act 2002;
Registration of:
An Estate in Land;
A Rentcharge;
A Franchise;
A Profit a Prendre In Gross;
Other Interests in Title.
UK’s Electronic Document Registration Service (EDRS);
Land Registry eDocument Registration Service Introduction;
Guidance on Getting Identification Verified for Land Registry using form ID1;
How to Avoid Land Registry Requisition Errors in Lodging Applications Electronically;
Updating the Land Registration Act 2002;
Digital Registers;
Introducing GOV.UK Verify;
E-Conveyancing in Canada;
Ontario Electronic Land Registration System (ELRS);
Do Process Software;
Online Property Search and Registration;
Canadian Conveyance;
The Philippines Electronic Lang Registry;
E-conveyancing in Australia;
E-conveyancing in New Zealand
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