artificer attracted angsty teenagers to the fandom
I think I get it now.
I mean. no? I don't think it did. rainworld is just angsty as hell already, the exploding kittens(2015) is just a bonus for said angsty teenagers
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The only reason I doubt the allegations made against pansear is because I experienced false claims made against me back in the day. it stung like hell. changed how i perceived the world. People do not think critically, there is never a guarantee you'll receive justice. people will really just leave you in the mutilated wreck of your reputation looking at how readily people gobble up the narrative that 'justice has been served' in this situation makes me ill.
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the 'spearmaster-becoming-a-nutrient-sponge-when-fed-into-several-poleplants' trope is delightful.
delightful indeed. thank you for making me aware of this trope.
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anyways, positivity! i want to pat gourmand's fat belly. it would fix me
it would. but alas. you'll simply have to find someone who's willing to let you do that to them irl. which would also probably, but maybe not, fix you.
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the rain world fandom genuinely fucking terrifies me at this point
i'm really really glad to have met the people here i have, but at the same time like — watching artists get torn to shreds over basically nothing has ... done things to me, mentally, that i'm not sure i'll ever be able to fully recover from. it's only a matter of time and sufficient popularity before my head's on the chopping block. i hope the people i consider friends wouldn't turn on me, but there's no way to know until it's too late
there've been too many instances of people being betrayed and "exposed" by those they care about for me to ever feel completely safe
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the Pansear porn mimics remind me a lot of rhythm zero. it's very likely that these individuals wanted to do this for a while, but their conscience kept them from crossing such a massive boundary. now that the individual behind Pansear is gone, "pansear" is suddenly an object instead of a person. defiling pansear's memory is no longer wrong because everything that once composed her has been stripped of identity. People molest the corpse of something that was once vast and alive and happy because they just can't help themselves
oh you weren't told? you are a person, UNTIL you do, or we claim you do something that's bad, in which case you're just a horrible sack of shit who can only do bad things, and everything you have ever, and will ever do will be thought of in this light. why are you trying to push back on this???
it's not like you can defend yourself, because you are uniquely unable to be defended! on account of you know, the evil. emotional nuance? no. get that away from me. it's time to beat a dead horse into a fine, silky puree. and then wonder why we don't ever feel like we actually have friends.
if you were a good person, (which you aren't according to this block list from 2019 that someone using comic sans as their main font put together)
you could maybe defend yourself. but watch out! if we think you're to icky, you will be ostracized forever, and never step foot anywhere near us
glad you understand!
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it only took a few days for people to start defiling everything pansear made during their time in the rw fandom this is some lord of the flies shit. I have never seen so many people express such open, collective hatred towards a single community figure ever Pansear is probably the most reviled individual in the history of the rain world fandom now. What the actual fuck. They weren't abnormally snarky or insidious either, they were really considerate from what i've heard Honestly a big part of me believes that this is because Pansear's massive massive audience was largely composed of victimized adolescents who physically recoil at the idea of someone drawing a penis. Teenagers who gush about how much they love their 'blorbos' one moment before trying their damnest to push someone to suicide the next. It's no wonder the rw art community is so dead right now, nobody feels safe.
oh ok, that's fine I guess, nothing worrying there!
at all, in any way.
do not question why people are doing that.
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thoughts on slugcat hyper? imo it's disproportionate as all hell (granted that's to be expected) and doesn't really work with how stumpy slugcats are, but it clicks really well sometimes.
what is hyper?
one quick moment of searching the interwebs
ok there is one thing on tumblr.
inflation? but like, they start out that way?
it's whatever, not my thing. I'm not searching for more really, but yeah I don't know if it works on slugcats all that well.
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its been a couple days and now people are drawing porn in pansear's art style... im appalled by it , geniunely why ?! it just feels incredibly disrespectful to do that.
I respect the dedication to screwing with someone. but also what the fuck????
bit of a dick move honestly.
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go watch misery 1990. that's your homework for the day.
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yeah so, my week kinda just got like. exponentially worse. I probably won't look at this for a few days to a week. I'm just going to go have a life unlike so many other people in this fandom.
cya all when I'm off break!
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sometimes this community just feels so excessively aggressive over little if anything. there's this oddly pervasive feeling that there's a big part of the fandom who aren't here to enjoy themselves and are more interested in just hunting people down over something
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no, no you are
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I appreciate y'all so much for real for being chill. Desperately looking for chill sides of the fandom open to the weird shit and just... Tryna connect. Anyway hi I'm writing every rain world ship yes all of them (but not Watcher yet because I'm waiting for the DLC and also uh. I'm always missing stuff and adding stuff) :)
oh that seems incredibly interesting. do tell if you wish to do so. perhaps in the brand new discord server?
maybe you, YES YOU, can beat the current record of account creation to server of 2 minutes and 37 seconds!
good luck brave anon, I believe in you. unless you're already in the server, in which case. have fun!
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I swear to god having private conversations leaked in what you thought was "a private friend server" is hell. I cant help but feel sorry for those who had dealt with that.
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Honestly i find it hypocritical that azriel decided to still interact and cause large upheaval in the community and also saying "IM NO LONGER IN THE RAIN WORLD FANDOM ANYMORE" *posts screenshots related to some rw artist/drama* "STOP ASKING ME ABOUT RAINWORLD , IM SO OVER THIS MONTHS AGO"
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welp! good luck beating your own record! all you have to do, is invent time travel! simple as that!
oh god 50k words, how. yeah I'm going to have go check that out.
best I can do is a god of chaos, aswell as the saint but they're bald, that good for you?
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I appreciate y'all so much for real for being chill. Desperately looking for chill sides of the fandom open to the weird shit and just... Tryna connect. Anyway hi I'm writing every rain world ship yes all of them (but not Watcher yet because I'm waiting for the DLC and also uh. I'm always missing stuff and adding stuff) :)
oh that seems incredibly interesting. do tell if you wish to do so. perhaps in the brand new discord server?
maybe you, YES YOU, can beat the current record of account creation to server of 2 minutes and 37 seconds!
good luck brave anon, I believe in you. unless you're already in the server, in which case. have fun!
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I appreciate y'all so much for real for being chill. Desperately looking for chill sides of the fandom open to the weird shit and just... Tryna connect. Anyway hi I'm writing every rain world ship yes all of them (but not Watcher yet because I'm waiting for the DLC and also uh. I'm always missing stuff and adding stuff) :)
oh that seems incredibly interesting. do tell if you wish to do so. perhaps in the brand new discord server?
maybe you, YES YOU, can beat the current record of account creation to server of 2 minutes and 37 seconds!
good luck brave anon, I believe in you. unless you're already in the server, in which case. have fun!
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