postpostskriptum · 14 days
Hello, my name is Seva. I am a transgender person from Russia, and I need help.
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The only option for me to leave a country that is waging war, killing political prisoners, and labeling LGBTQ+ people as terrorists would be to flee, abandoning my two cats and my disabled mother, which I find unacceptable. I don't have sufficient grounds to seek political asylum in neighboring countries, even though I was detained for 12 days at the beginning of the war for participating in an anti-war protest. And even if I could obtain asylum, it wouldn't extend to my mother and cats. So I decided to stay in the country, taking inspiration from Charlotte von Mahlsdorf, who survived both Hitler and Soviet occupation. Perhaps one day, I too will see my country peaceful and free.
I have lived all my life in my father's house, who went missing in 2000. Honestly, I still hope that he is alive and living somewhere far away. A week ago, I found out that my half-brother, whom I've never met, had my father legally declared dead and inherited the house, registering it in his name. I suspect that the lawyers working with him are not much different from scammers, and they are not fully informing this 26-year-old young man, who has had a difficult life. I believe they plan to deceive both him and me.
All of this, of course, happened behind my back—I wasn't even invited to court. Fortunately, it's relatively easy to challenge this in court, and I have already filed a lawsuit. If my brother's lawyers don't advise him to sell the house to unsuspecting buyers while I'm still living here, we will simply split the house in half and figure out how to live from there. I have enough funds for this one court case, but I will have to cut all my expenses, including the purchase of hormones, which I continue to buy illegally.
However, I have strong suspicions that my brother might be struggling with drug addiction and is being influenced by some very bad people. I'm genuinely afraid that they will use Russia's new "laws" against me because I don't hide my transgender identity (I still have female documents, but my voice has deepened and I have to shave every day). My views on the war, Ukraine, and Navalny are also easy to discover and could be used against me.
If you want to help me keep a roof over my head, access necessary medications, and take care of my cats, and if you have the means to do so, the only way to assist me from abroad is through cryptocurrency:
Please share this post with others!
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I don't understand anything about cryptocurrency and just hope I've done everything correctly. I simply have no other options and no one else to turn to for help.
Immense gratitude to everyone who responds to this post.
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My cats deserve their own yard and food :
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postpostskriptum · 14 days
Hello, my name is Seva. I am a transgender person from Russia, and I need help.
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The only option for me to leave a country that is waging war, killing political prisoners, and labeling LGBTQ+ people as terrorists would be to flee, abandoning my two cats and my disabled mother, which I find unacceptable. I don't have sufficient grounds to seek political asylum in neighboring countries, even though I was detained for 12 days at the beginning of the war for participating in an anti-war protest. And even if I could obtain asylum, it wouldn't extend to my mother and cats. So I decided to stay in the country, taking inspiration from Charlotte von Mahlsdorf, who survived both Hitler and Soviet occupation. Perhaps one day, I too will see my country peaceful and free.
I have lived all my life in my father's house, who went missing in 2000. Honestly, I still hope that he is alive and living somewhere far away. A week ago, I found out that my half-brother, whom I've never met, had my father legally declared dead and inherited the house, registering it in his name. I suspect that the lawyers working with him are not much different from scammers, and they are not fully informing this 26-year-old young man, who has had a difficult life. I believe they plan to deceive both him and me.
All of this, of course, happened behind my back—I wasn't even invited to court. Fortunately, it's relatively easy to challenge this in court, and I have already filed a lawsuit. If my brother's lawyers don't advise him to sell the house to unsuspecting buyers while I'm still living here, we will simply split the house in half and figure out how to live from there. I have enough funds for this one court case, but I will have to cut all my expenses, including the purchase of hormones, which I continue to buy illegally.
However, I have strong suspicions that my brother might be struggling with drug addiction and is being influenced by some very bad people. I'm genuinely afraid that they will use Russia's new "laws" against me because I don't hide my transgender identity (I still have female documents, but my voice has deepened and I have to shave every day). My views on the war, Ukraine, and Navalny are also easy to discover and could be used against me.
If you want to help me keep a roof over my head, access necessary medications, and take care of my cats, and if you have the means to do so, the only way to assist me from abroad is through cryptocurrency:
Please share this post with others!
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I don't understand anything about cryptocurrency and just hope I've done everything correctly. I simply have no other options and no one else to turn to for help.
Immense gratitude to everyone who responds to this post.
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My cats deserve their own yard and food :
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postpostskriptum · 14 days
The divine right of kings but it's a curse
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postpostskriptum · 14 days
So, a comparatively high amount of states are voting on the fate of ranked choice voting this year. Missouri is voting on whether or not to kill it, Alaska is voting on whether or not to keep it, and most importantly, Nevada, Oregon and Idaho are voting on whether or not to adopt ranked choice voting, with maybe Colorado to follow.
And if you live in these states, even if you don't want to vote at the top of the ticket, I urge you to get out there and vote in favor of ranked choice voting on all of them.
Like, the two-party monopoly is a big part of the reason why politics in this country is so shit, and a big part of that is our "first past the post" system making it basically mathematically impossible for candidates outside of them to win anything beyond a local or state level.
So, if you want to try and break the cycle of voting for the lesser evil, of bipartisan cruelty towards the Global South and the country's own citizens alike, we need to change this and we need to vote on it where we can.
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postpostskriptum · 14 days
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“Where’s the pathetic element?” Exactly Tom Hardy. Exactly.
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postpostskriptum · 14 days
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"In her book "Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys", Lucy Neville argues that male-male erotica, Boys Love, slashfic, yaoi are very popular among women in part because they make more space for versatility and fluidity than heterosexual conventions will allow.
If women were submissive by nature, why would they sexually identify with men to this extent?"
Source: Twilight | ContraPoints
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postpostskriptum · 14 days
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couples cosplay idea
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postpostskriptum · 14 days
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this is where i post from
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postpostskriptum · 14 days
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11K notes · View notes
postpostskriptum · 14 days
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134K notes · View notes
postpostskriptum · 14 days
its always scary to me how you can just do anything like i could spend the last of my money right now to ride a train for 3 hours and then just be stuck out there and walk around until i die of exhaustion
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postpostskriptum · 14 days
Dr. Eggman is literally richer than elon musk
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postpostskriptum · 14 days
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postpostskriptum · 14 days
it's always "immortals always lose the ones they love!" and never "this family has had this incredible, powerful, loving figure present through generations of their lineage, all because they are descended from someone the immortal loved long ago" and i think that's a shame!!
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postpostskriptum · 14 days
Imagine that you are about to pass a stranger on the street. Assume that the stranger is not threatening to you in any way, and they are also not particularly strange or interesting. They're just a completely average person.
If you believe the answer depends, pick what you generally do most often and/or explain why in the tags :]
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postpostskriptum · 14 days
Haters be like
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“It’s totally possible to make a path that goes through every door exactly once”
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postpostskriptum · 14 days
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Please sign the petition!!!
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