I had no energy to do this idl why I started it. lmao
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I reiterate. why. is. it. always. motherfuckin. rabbits.
why is it always rabbits
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ok I've watched the first 7 episodes now. love the characters and the story, but fuck almighty this is some shitty cinematography. and the costume designers did NOT know what they were doing let me tell you. still a solid 9/10 show but I just couldn't get over the fucking aesthetic failures. watch it though it's excellent
some friends told me I should watch The Mailmen so I guess I'll give it a shot
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I wonder if the flames being bright red in episode 3 has any significance... because in every other scene with the fireplace the fire is a regular orange, so the bright red flames have to be important, right? tell me if I'm grasping at straws here
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If you have the time,
You will find the way;
If you don't have the time,
You can always make more.
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alright folks chaoticians s2 drops today yes I will be binging it
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new wrenegades album next week WHERE IS THE HYPE
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mason is so gay for edwin you cannot convince me otherwise
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ariwenn needs to get over avvi at this point. edwess is literally in love with you bro just make out with him ffs 馃檮
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THEY TOOK HIM TO PORTLAND??????????????????
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I want to hate mason so much but his trauma just activates every sympathetic bone in my body
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I love the original comics but even I have to admit that they way they did Krakoff in the show is a million times better than his characterization in the comics
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I love you resurrection as a means of torture I love you living through the pain I love you dying over and over again and knowing you will always fail I love you being doomed by the narrative I love you persevering despite the odds being stacked against you I love you I love you I love you
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one thing I will say aboit the karl x franz shippers is that they're right about karl being madly in love with franz. wrong about everything else tho
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there's something so sweet about a boy and his bluebird
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CANNOT believe they did my man Carlos dirty like that
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