potixns · 9 years
My laptop is out of comission. so I can't be on right now. however, I would like to say that I'm deeply heartbroken to hear about Alan Rickman today-- Goodbye, old friend. You gave me such joy through the years. We'll miss you, Always.
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potixns · 9 years
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   go ahead and throw a like in    for a starter
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potixns · 9 years
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“This is the copy of Advanced Potion-Making that you purchased from Flourish and Blotts?” “Yes,” said Harry firmly.   “Then why,” asked  Snape,  “does it have the name ‘Roonil Wazlib’ written inside the front cover?”
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potixns · 9 years
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potixns · 10 years
Snape ... Snape ... Severus Snape ... DUMBLEDOOR
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potixns · 10 years
+ umop-epis-dn is interrupting afternoon tea
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         --- One quiet evening..    Is that  too much for a simple man           to want?    "....  In...terrupting...    Is quite  r u d e , you know...        And not knocking, either...   tut-tut.... I can almost... smell..       the detention..."
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potixns · 10 years
+ sensitivesxul has sent an owl
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              Silence breaks       with the sound of a knock,    an opening door.    Daily Prophet drops,       dark eyes lift,   and the man (who had been hoping)      for a quiet evening is met    with the sight of the (not so familiar)     hospital wing help.         [ He has never spoken with her ]     But he has a guess why she's here.     "... The... Potion...     I assume?"
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potixns · 10 years
+ spxre is an insufferable know-it-all
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                  "You seem to assume....      that I.... not only  c a r e..... for your   l o w  g r a d e s     But that I indeed wish to.... help?       To offer.... a....nother  chance?"     One brow, dark,    condescending and (cold)      lifts,     a look of almost smug    d i s t a s t e     sliding over thin lips    setting a sneer that wrinkles hooked nose.        "That test...     Was a one-try.... closed-book.     Your failed grade.... is......... none........ of my concern."          
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potixns · 10 years
Send me a misconception you think people have about my character & I'll explain if it's true or not.
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potixns · 10 years
I can’t respond, only post. I’m trying to improve my writing over here so any critique helps!
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potixns · 10 years
+ justxkeepxrunning is an insufferable know-it-all
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            "-- Your in.....competence...... astounds me...."    His voice is a drawl,    a thick, heavy baritone that slips easily off his lips     and scatters at his feet,    echoing like bouncing pebbles.                                 [ His hands are clasped behind his back ]                   dark, thick hair                                 framing pallid, lined                                      indifferent (strangely cold) features.   "One... task...  One simple, easy.... potion...               Tell me.... just how....   n a i v e .... are.. you..?"     
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potixns · 10 years
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   { The Mun will be rebooting this blog     around TOMORROW;                     Drafts will, unfortunately,          have to be dropped for now,               and I might end up going to unfollow some people    to clean up my dash, as well.   In the meantime,       Like this for a small starter I will post now    to get things started tomorrow }
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potixns · 10 years
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    After all this time?                                             ALWAYS
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potixns · 10 years
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    After all this time?                                             ALWAYS
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potixns · 10 years
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  { By show of hands        who wants me to try and bring this blog back to life though }
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potixns · 10 years
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             He hates it,         probably more than anything.                                       Her smirk, her tone......                 The way she watches him so POINTEDLY.....         If anything, she's adapted better to this world than he,   and he was giving her only a small tip that she threw away so rudely, and then insulted him directly in the process.                               A hooked nose wrinkles, then,                  disapproval splattering his aged features in quiet bitterness,          and the man turns.            His back faces her directly, now,      black cloak fluttering in a stray breeze caught by his movement,     hands falling to his side,               knuckles clutching the wand holding suspiciously tight.       ".... Per..haps......."                            Inhale, exhale.                    His chin tilts, giving no effort to actually look t her over his shoulder.         "Now.... if you're done...      I'll take my leave.                                                          Company.....  was never.... wanted, anyway."
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     She’s done it.           She’s bothered him. And yet, she can care less about it.      If he hadn’t wanted that type of response, then he shouldn’t have talked to her the way he had before in the first place.           She was not the type to let such r u d e behavior slide.      Katjaa could feel the corner’s of her mouth twisting upwards in a satisfied smirk. She’d bested him, and he didn’t like it. She didn’t much care however. He’d live, pride wounded or not. Crossing her arms, and despite the fact that he’s pointedly refusing to look at her, she’s staring him down like a hawk.                It isn’t until he finally s p e a k s up that she moves at all.      ❝Well, somethings never C H A N G E, despite the 'sickeningly low morale' that      you speak of.❞
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potixns · 10 years
You are Erik-mun, non? (yeansforheavenxsecretly)
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   { Wi, mon cher!          I haven't been on that blog in a really long time because of my lack of muse and insecurities.   I don't really think I am accepted much by the Phandom anyway,  and.... I dunno.  I think there are better Eriks out there and that I'm not really needed.Either way, I'm pretty cozy here so. Yknow. ... ye }
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