poutymerlyn-blog · 7 years
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Blogpost 14
Today we learn how to bake lighting. So the white room is where we start, then we use sky light, post process, sphere reflection. We also change the resolution for the static mesh to a higher. then we bake the light. and it becomes yellow and a bit more tweak to go to the blue atmosphere and red chair. I enjoy this and lighting does a powerful thing to make games looks pretty. 
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poutymerlyn-blog · 7 years
Research Essay Blogpost6
I finally finish the essay. It is a long way but i made it. All in all, the essay includes 6 games elements they are: Music, Text, Storyline, Companionship, Environment, and Community. Games: Flower, Firewatch, Journey, Wow, Average Samantha, Sym, Elude and Anxiety Attacks. These key elements that has been implement in games does help people to get out from social anxiety. This research has made me rethink that game has such a powerful impact to people. They can change people whether making them better or worst, but then again games are just a tool to help people. 
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poutymerlyn-blog · 7 years
Research Essay Blogpost5
Starting too discuss about the games and today I am focusing on text. Sym and Anxiety Attack is the game that I want to talk about and the game have put texts. The game is made to make people feel what is it like to have anxiety/social anxiety. They put discouraging texts to make player feel like they are useless and not worthy. 
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poutymerlyn-blog · 7 years
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Research Essay Blogpost4
In todays Blog post, I’m going to discuss about games that are made so people know how is it like to experience Social Anxiety or Anxiety. The games are Average Samantha, Sym, Elude, and Anxiety Attacks. These 4 games have each and different elements in game that are unique. First is Average Samantha, where player will play as Samantha and need to pick a decision wisely, otherwise you will make her feel uncomfortable and full up her anxiety /hunger bar. Second is Sym, a platformer game where you can switch between 2 realities black and white. Whenever player witch to the black world, discouraging texts will start too appear. Third, a game called Elude, where player will play as a young boy. The game has a phase of this game is really up and down. A second you’re in a good mood and another second you are in down mood. Gambit gave an explanation about what is depressed and said “For people who have never experienced it before, depression is really difficult to understand. It is not simply sadness, as many may think...” Fourth is a game called Anxiety Attacks. This game starts as in a peaceful place, player need to walk through too find peace symbol. The more Peace Symbol the more Dark shadow will appear. Get touch by the dark shadow, a disturbing scene will appear along with discouraging texts. Player need to breathe slowly to get out from the dark shadow. 
These four games teach me that depression(social anxiety/anxiety) is not something to consider as a normal thing. People actually struggle to talk to other people like the game Average Samantha. There are choices that can be done but they couldn’t think because they are too afraid. For me whom never experience this makes me think that people shouldn’t take this as an easy fix.  
Reference: http://gambit.mit.edu/loadgame/elude.php
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poutymerlyn-blog · 7 years
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Research Essay Blogpost3
In this blog, I have done research about environment. This researched is based on Firewatch, Flower and Journey the game. The amount of detail they put in environment really are stunning and appealing. People tend to relax and can think clearly when they are in natural environment. A lot of people go to spa to enjoy they relaxing moment. Spa tends to have natural environment surroundings such as wallpaper, oil scent, decor, and music. These examples can bee seen in this two games Flower, Journey and Firewatch. These two games are heavy based on their nature environment. As for Journey and Flower, the game doesn’t give player any obstacles to face. This small things does help people to feel relaxed because they don’t need to worry on whats coming up next.
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poutymerlyn-blog · 7 years
Research Essay Blogpost2
Today I have done research about music that can help people to reduce social anxiety. Studies have done test, people who suffer all sort of anxiety (including social anxiety) will be more calm after they heard relaxing music. I did try it and I find that relaxing music can really help to clear mind specially before sleep. The game that are based in music is flower
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poutymerlyn-blog · 7 years
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Research Essay Blogpost1
I decide to use social anxiety as my main topic. The question of my research essay would be “ How does game elements help suffers of Social Anxiety”. This essay will contain 5000-6000 words. So far, I have done quite a lot of research on what is social anxiety itself. There are some games that are created to be play not because to cure social anxiety, but it turns out it helps people to heal, examples are : flower and firewatch. 
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poutymerlyn-blog · 7 years
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The Last of Us
The game has a pretty aesthetics and appealing in many aspects. Today I would like to talk about the environment in the game. The game is located in the post-apocalyptic dominated by clicker (zombie). People cannot cure the diseases and leads to destruction everywhere. The game takes 20 years after the accident happen, government start to build refuges but it is only a small place to hold that much people. The overgrown plants and all of the nature start to take away the buildings. The buildings in the games is already collapsing example: water pipe flooded, overgrowing grass, ruins, etc. Humankind is pushing back nature to grow, keep making buildings by burning down tress, but in this game, they show us that the nature can take back from all the nasty things that we people have done. All in all, The Last of us have a really pleasing environment and aesthetics around the game, it really build up the story behind it.
pic source: https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/piratesonline/images/a/a0/THE_LAST_OF_US2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130623051440
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poutymerlyn-blog · 7 years
World Design
In this level design, I created an Ancient Underground Garden that hidden from the world. The Garden is so old that all the rocks and nature started to grow wild and covering the garden. Player will start as if they fall from above and dropped to the entrance of the garden. Then they will start their journey to go around the garden. Some paths will leads player to some “nice scene” lol, example: fountain covered with cherry blossom tree. I made this level because I love nature and I feel like this world needs more of this. Oh and all the assets are from Infinity blade.
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poutymerlyn-blog · 7 years
abstract game (KAIRO)
Today I play the game Kairo where it is an abstract game. The game have an interesting aesthetics and buildings. At first player will have to complete the puzzle in order to go to the next level, there are many paths you can take, they each have different colours. All of the paths are connect to each and another. Each level (path) have their own mechanics for example: invisible wall, player will have to walk from side A to side B but to go through it, there is a specific path that player need to take, otherwise a wall will block player. It is interesting to find that player do not need to complete the task on each level. Player have the freedom to choose either completing it or just walk away to the next level. All the levels have each different themes and colour, which makes it more interesting. The colour of red represent danger and the levels is more challenging than other level. Colour like yellow represent energy/clarity and in that level player just shown that there is a landmark. Even though it is only a walkthrough game, it is worth to try experiencing how abstract the world is.
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poutymerlyn-blog · 7 years
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In this class, we learn how to make materials. It is really fun and I really enjoy this. Everything is made in Photoshop and the quality is pretty good. So we make have to make a tile able texture in Photoshop then make the Normal Map, Height Map, Albino map, and Diffuse Map. Then combine everything in unreal. I really enjoy today’s class and I like this useful stuff that we didnt get too learn.
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poutymerlyn-blog · 7 years
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The ugliest map I have ever made. I didnt come too this class but I tried my best to make a map hahaa. I hope I pass... So everything is from google picture and just put everything together. I like how distress and the grunge color looking map, it looks old and used a lot (vintage). 
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poutymerlyn-blog · 7 years
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Modernism building architecture that looks like chocolate. Our teacher is showing us some weird techniques in Maya. It is really cool and some of them are really useful stuff and makes life easier. I like symmetry, and I tried to implements that in this piece but I failed. All in all, I really enjoy today’s class and learning new stuff.
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poutymerlyn-blog · 7 years
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Today we have to create a level design and our teacher already set a grey box so we just have to place all the object. I choose to make a river setting where player can jump at the rocks like “Crash Bandicoot”. The settings is similar like in Tomb Raider, inside the forest and muddy looking. This isn’t finish yet but yeah just a really rough sketch. 
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poutymerlyn-blog · 7 years
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Today we made a model of an architectural and I tried to made a Pre-Romanesque Medieval. I really like the build I choose because they tell a lot of stories behind it. The structure is weird but pleasant to see. They use a lot of bricks so It can last longer than other building rather than building that made from wood. They have a massive walls and looks like towers. I tried to copy them in 1 hour but it is a bit more complicated than I thought because they have random bits and pieces. Overall I really enjoy making the 3D model of this building.
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poutymerlyn-blog · 7 years
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some concept of dystopia theme. Today we got to make some sketches either 2D or 3D, to show our visualize of dystopia. I drew some machinery and apocalyptic theme and people need to wear gas mask to breathe. There are only some certain parts of places you can breathe normally and its inside the government's building, which can only be entered by noble/rich people.   
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poutymerlyn-blog · 7 years
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In the forth week, we finally got assignment to make a Level of world design. I am planing to make the player start at a cave and put a hole of the outside world, this will make player think that they’ve fall from above to the cave. Then player will go further through the cave and they will find a castle covered with vines and small waterfall. This method is called inside-out, where you will create the specific character, story line, and the environment around the world.
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