powerprism · 3 years
The Phantom Case - 1
Three past midnight. I watch the dance floor, looking for anything unusual. If everything goes well, Hawks and I are going to arrest the principal suspect in a robbery that made three victims. I hear Keigo's voice right in my ear.
"-Nothing on your side ?"
"-Nothing." I answer while taking a sip of my alcohol-free cocktail. I was used to being sent on spying missions, and being an undercover agent but this case was the most important I had been sent on, because our target was said to be working side to side with the League Of Villains, and being directly linked to All For One.
Thanks to Best Jeanist's investigative work, we had found a clandestine club where many villains would rejoice to celebrate their "work". This was a huge discovery and we had to keep it secret if we wanted to be able to arrest everyone.
"-I think there's a stairway at the end of the corridor, it looks like a kind of VIP entry. We have to find a way to get there."
"-Another floor ? This place is full of people and you're telling me there's another floor, too ?"
Keigo lets out a giggle.
"-Looks like they'll let any pretty girl get inside. Go make yourself even prettier, discretely, and try going there. If the traitor is here, there's no doubt he's hiding in that private area. Oh and, they seem to like blonde girls best."
"-Perfect, I'm on my way."
I finish my drink hastily and make my way to the bathroom, avoiding some drunk villains who try to flirt with me.
Luckily, there's no one in the bathroom. I stare at my reflection in the mirror. Today, I have ginger hair and green eyes. Yesterday, I had short black hair and brown eyes. My Quirk allows me to alter my physical appearance, I still struggle when it comes to using my powers but until today, I was able to maintain my metamorphosis. I watch as my hair color changes to blonde, and my eye's to blue. I entered the club wearing a simple black dress, but needed to catch our target's eye. I decided to turn my dress' color into red.
Once ready, I made my way to the corridor where I could see a golden staircase that seemed endless. Two villains who were probably twice my height and five times my weight were guarding the entrance, and there were around 20 people queuing to get to the stairs.
One of the guards was very well known by the police and heroes : Muscular, the man who could duplicate his muscles. He had defeated a certain amount of heroes already, and had escaped from jail a few years ago. I had no chance against him, and I was in a club filled with villains who would definitely be on his side. Keigo and I would be dead if we had to try to fight him or anyone else here.
"-I see you. Stay natural, be yourself. Don't answer me, but keep in mind our secret word in case things go wrong. Once you get down the stairs, I won't be able to see you anymore."
I shake my head slowly, following the music rhythm. Keigo understands I'm acknowledging his orders.
"-Keep our target in mind. The Commission President was explicit and boring enough when stating his portrait."
I shook my head again. Our target...
Denki Kaminari, ex student from UA. He had obtained mediocre grades due to lack of attention in class. The biggest problem was his difficulty to master his Quirk. He had injured his comrades several times because of his powers that were too powerful and too hard to canalize. Thus, he had been revoked from the heroic classes. I was dozing off, thinking about that teenager, then adult whose dream of becoming a hero had been crushed by his own Quirk, or maybe by the lack of solutions they had found to help him master it. I was viewing him as another victim of the heroic society and could not help but feel sorry for him.
I jumped as Muscular snapped his fingers at me.
"-Well, what's wrong honey ? Are you already drunk ?" he asked, a vicious smile deforming his scarred face.
"-Too drunk or not enough, I'm not sure anymore."
He let out a giggle and gave his colleague a tap on the shoulder.
"-She's cute, I'm sure they'll like her. Come on, go have fun darling."
I flashed a smile at him but didn't answer, already too focused on what I was to discover down there. There were probably lots of villains and needed every bit of focus I had to not fuck it all up and get killed in their little hiding spot.
The more I went down, the louder the music got. If Keigo tried to contact me again, I probably wouldn't hear him. I was alone.
The underground was huge, probably as big as the club, maybe even bigger. It was decorated with very expensive decorations and stolen art I had investigated on myself. I was starting to regret not bringing an entire squad with me. We had discovered one hell of a villain hideout.
"-And who the hell are you ?"
I jumped as I faced a huge villain. He was probably like, 8 feet tall and didn't seem very pleased finding me here. Before I had the chance to answer, I heard another voice.
"-Move aside, Terror. I think I just noticed a pretty face."
The huge man obeyed. I was now facing a smaller man, about 5"5 tall, just like stated in our target's portrait. He was wearing a chic black and white costume, white yellow-golden details. His face was hidden under a mask, all I could see was some blonde hair streaks on each side of his nape. It was him.
"-Well, my friend asked you a question, aren't you going to introduce yourself ? You have a name, right ? Probably as cute as you are."
Even without seeing his face I could tell he was smiling. His voice was warm and playful, making him sound very confident. It was a 100% match, I had found our target.
"-I know I look impressive, but I don't bite. I mean, I won't, not yet. So tell me what your name is, unless you're hiding something maybe ?"
"-Sorry, I dozed off. I'm Lexy."
A fake name.
"-Oh, you're not from here, I see. Explains why you don't know me. I'm Phantom, and this club is my kingdom. Welcome, Lexy ! Follow me, I'll show you around. You deserve to be treated like royalty."
He holds his hand out at me. He's totally under my spell, that will allow me to investigate his little hiding spot without looking too suspicious, considering he's the one who invited me.
"-What brought you here, in Japan ? And where are you from originally ?"
I need to come up with something. He might get a little bit angry if I tell him I'm a spy who's been sent to handcuff him and throw him in jail.
"-I flee from France to avoid my condemnation. I robbed two banks before the police found me, so now I'm on the run. I heard of this legendary place where even heroes don't risk going, and you guys welcomed me. I finally feel like people understand me."
He stops dead in his tracks and faces me.
"-Oh I'm so happy to hear this !"
Again, I can feel he's smiling under the mask.
"-I like you. I'm going to show you what villains do."
On these words, he grasps my hand more firmly and brings me to a big door which he kicks open. It's a bedroom.
"-Why did you become a villain?" I ask.
"-You're curious. But I like you, so I'll answer. I mean, I'm the great Phantom, my fans desrve to know."
The files had stated he had a strong personality but THAT was something.
"-I want to know everything, Phantom." I continued, trying my best to sound seductive. If he had been charmed by me until now, I had to keep on flirting with him.
"-Are you a cop?"
I froze. Shit.
"-Ahaha, I'm just kidding ! What do you want to know ?"
"-I don't know, I'm interested in you..."
I had never been speechless when it came to getting information from a target. I had been trained to science of language ever since I was a kid and was now unable to interrogate a villain. While I was silently screaming at myself, Phantom had moved closer.
"-Oh yeah ? Interested in me ? Well I'm interested in you, too. You and I, we're gonna spend some great time together."
He gets up and yells.
"-Terror ! Tell my lackey to bring my doll and I some Pina Coladas."
He then invites me to sit on a big, expensive sofa. His whole room looked like it was from a princesses and dragons movie or something like that.
"-As soon as my dumbass lackey brings us our beverages, I'll show you what the great Phantom is capable of."
I had to suffer his arrogant behavior to have a chance to see under his mask, and let Hawks know we could finally arrest him. I'd have to undergo his flirtatious manners for a little while, it was worth it.
"-Some people have started a fight upstairs, we might have to get out of here." said Keigo in my earset. He was still upstairs and I was more than happy to hear his sweet voice. But I didn't like what had just told me.
"-You look... distracted, doll. Is something wrong ?"
"-No, everything's okay !" I answered. I smiled at Phantom, hoping he wouldn't notice how fake my smile was.
The door opened slowly, and a man came in slowly, shyly. He was wearing a mask as well.
"-I brought your drinks..."
"-You took your time ! Put this here, you know the only reason I kept you is because you know too much, so at least try not being so useless !"
"-I'm sorry..."
I noticed his hands were trembling, and he almost dropped the glasses a few times.
"-You know what's going to happen if you don't obey, don't you ? You and I, we'll have a chat later, but right now you get gone, I have to chat with the lady."
Denki was suspected of stealing and killing but I had now the proof he was also keeping people hostage. Our mission had just become more complicated.
"-Hey dove, you have to get out of here now. Quick. It's getting out of control upstairs, people are fighting here and there, and some of them are using their Quirks. We might get injured if we stay too long." Keigo said in my earset. He was whispering but I could feel the concern in his voice. It was going to be quite difficult to flee when Phantom was getting closer and closer, and ready to get tactile with me. Luckily, the door opened again. It was Terror, this time.
"-Captain, people are fighting upstairs, you might want to go and calm them down, because they're not calming down. The cops are in the neighborhood, the noise might attract them here."
"-The cops aren't going to risk coming here but they might send heroes if they find our hideout. I'm gonna go and calm these assholes."
He drinks his cocktail in one shot and gets up hastily.
"-Don't you move, pretty face, I'll be back in... let's say five minutes."
"-I'll be waiting."
He stretches and gets out of the room? I'm alone, I can finally snoop in his stuff.
"-Keigo, Phantom is getting upstairs to calm people down. Be careful, don't get injured, you know how powerful and violent his Quirk can be."
"-I'm not letting him turn me into fried chicken, but this seems like the best moment to get gone don't you think ?"
"-I finally have his room for myself, I need to look for more information, I promise I'll be quick. Then I'll join you upstairs, he might not even notice me with the crowd. He'll be pissed but I'll come up with an excuse next time we visit him. Oh, wait, I've got something."
On a marble desk, I find a pile of documents, mostly heroes profiles, some lists of stolen goods. I quickly grab my cellphone and take as many pictures as I can.
"-Okay Keigo, we got him. We have to get out of here and send everything to the Commission, we can't do anything tonight."
"-I'm at the front door, he shocked several people, I think one of them is dead. I thought he was just a robber but I'm starting to think he might be a psychopath, he's out of control. Get out of here, NOW."
"-Okay, but first..."
I make sure to put everything back in place. I want to save the hostage I saw earlier. He seemed absolutely terrified, Phantom probably tortures him. The "talk" he was planning to have with him seemed to be one of those discussions where you end up bruised and covered in blood.
Luckily, Terror was not around, he was probably with his Master. I peeked inside a few rooms, looking for the man who had brought us our drinks.
Everyone was trying to escape the underground, people were pushing each other remorselessly and I could feel a general panic movement growing.
"-There's a hero around here, and he's high ranked ! He might bring his comrades, we need to get out quick !" screamed a club regular.
Everyone was running around, grabbing their belongings and rushing to the front door. We had been spotted.
"-Before you get out, we're going to check everyone's identity. I feel like there's a little mole in here, among us, so we're going to find out who might have told the police about our little place." said Muscular. He was now standing in front of the exit.
Hawks and I were trapped.
"-You heard Muscle-man we're stuck here. I could try and call someone from outside but it's going to be complicated."
"-No Keigo, we need to get out as discretely as possible, he's keeping hostages so we need to be able to come back here and rescue them. If he feels threatened, he'll flee and take his hostages with him, or make sure they'll keep quiet, if you see what I mean."
I sigh. I can always change my appearance but Keigo couldn't, he was wearing an all leather outfit and I had turned his blonde hair to black to make him look more rebellious, but it might not be enough to keep him incognito. After all, he's Japan n°2 hero.
While everyone was making their way to the exit, I was still looking for the young man I had seen earlier.
"-Is anybody here ?"
No answer, but I could definitely feel a presence somewhere. The place was barely lit, with colorful neon. It was overwhelming.
"-I'm here..." answered a small voice after a few seconds.
Phantom's hostage got out of his hiding spot, trembling. He had raised the sleeves of his costume, that was identical as Phantom's, and was rubbing his scarred wrists.
"-We have to leave, follow me." I said, grabbing his hand carefully. He took a step back.
"-Who are you ?"
"-There's a hero nearby, we have to leave this place, hurry."
"-No, Phantom will kill me if I get out, I'm staying here."
"-Phantom is not going to do anything, follow me, quick."
I did not give him time to answer, and dragged him along me all the way to the upper floor. There was no longer any music, and the lights had been turned off. The atmosphere was tense as can be.
"-So ? Who gave our happy place away ? Huh ?"
Muscular was examining every person he came across. Some other villains were searching the bags and jackets.
"-Hey, this dude has a student card from UA, look at that !"
"-Well, well, well... UA student huh ?" said Phantom, while grabbing the card. He examined it quickly. "You're one of those who like to play heroes huh ? So what, you thought you could come in here and put me and my friends behind the bars ? You want the fame and the acclaim, you want to have your own statues, that's right ? You heroes make me sick. It's just a title, everything else is fake. You guys get to do what we do, but legally, some of you guys get to kill civilians and they even get away with it. Just because of a title. We were never born equals, you know, you were either born with a Quirk that opens every door for you, or an Alter that quickly puts a villain label on you. You could even be considered a monster. Do you think that's fair, having your whole life decided at the very moment you are born in this world ? Not being able to control your own life ?"
The poor man was trembling from head to toe.
"-Nah, me neither, I don't think it's really fair. It's time we stop considering heroes as gods, it's time for equity. Until that happens, this place is mine and I make the rules. Moles like you get what they deserve. Muscular, take care of that one. Let it be an example for all of you who might have had a similar idea. You guys came here by choice, and here, I make the damn rules."
Muscular wrapped his arms around the poor hero's neck, lifting him up, before choking him to death. He then threw his body in a corner.
"-Anyone wants to meet the same end ? No ? Good."
I looked at Hawks, who was leaning against a wall. We had to leave, quick. He nodded at me and made his way towards me.
"-Oh, doll, you're leaving already ? And you're not alone..."
He glanced behind me. The hostage ! With a simple pressure of my palm, I changed his appearance. Torn jeans, black shirt, simple outfit. Black hair, grey eyes, I was hoping it did not resemble what he already looked like, and quickly and discretely took his mask off. Phantom didn't notice it, luckily.
"-Yeah, we met earlier, but I promise to come back if you'll allow me."
"-Come back tomorrow, I'm not done with you yet..."
He moved aside and let me go with the man, without questioning me any further. I thought he'd be more possessive. Once we were far enough from the club, I turned around.
"-There you go, you're free. I'll bring you to the police station, they'll keep you safe."
"-Wh... who are you ?"
"-Who's that dude ?" Keigo asked, from behind me. He had managed to get out, too.
"-Phantom was keeping him hostage, I couldn't let him there."
"-That's risky."
"-I know, but he's hurt, and Phantom seemed angry at him."
The man was staring at us, totally perplexed. Hawks put his hand on his shoulder, trying to be as reassuring as possible.
"-What's your name, sir ? I promise, we will bring you back to your family."
The man's eyes filled with tears. He was relieved.
"-Denki, Denki Kaminari."
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powerprism · 3 years
The Phantom Case prologue
You are Mirage, a super hero who works for the heroic Commission, the biggest hero organisation in Japan. Your partner Hawks and yourself were assigned to a mission, its purpose being the arrest of a villain named Phantom, whose true identity would be Denki Kaminari’s, ex UA student who had been excluded from the heroic curriculum as he was unable to control his Quirk. Between secrets and lies from the Commission, you quickly find yourself stuck in a nonsensical case. Who is Phantom, and how can you stop him ? Someone once said that to defeat demons you sometimes have to become one yourself. Will you be able to save everyone ?
//This fiction is a Denki x Reader, the characters are all over 18 in this story. The fiction does not follow the original manga’s storyline but may contain spoilers.
Mentions of death, torture, murder, foul language.
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