praeceptumx-blog · 6 years
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                   I shall be the BLADE of the just and unjust -                                                    & the TOOL of the LOST .
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praeceptumx-blog · 6 years
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Coding the theme will take me a few days, probably. Expect my new Xander-blog to be up in only a few days then!!
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praeceptumx-blog · 6 years
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I’ll remake my Xander and move to a complete new blog very soon! It’ll be a complete fresh start; I am only keeping my last Kamui who also remade her blog! (And I’ll also keep our threads, of course.) Also, my mun name has changed but you’ll notice then. I might come back with my Shigure as well; but Xander has higher priority.
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praeceptumx-blog · 7 years
                            ♛ @slashing-prices liked for a short starter! ♛
OVER THE PAST YEARS HE HAD LEARNED WELL TO UTILIZE special talents and interests of certain individuals to achieve his own objectives – and since he was quite used to make fast decisions, particularly during war, the man had never hesitated for too long if he saw such potential. Truthfully, Anna had indeed proved her quite loyal for someone of her occupation and at times rather unique personality, nonetheless he believed the young woman could serve a greater purpose than delivering supplies. Perhaps it was almost wasted even to not give her a different opportunity to be considered as worthy.
KNOWING THAT SHE WAS ONE OF PARTICULAR MIND, still valuing the worth of gold more than to completely obey to will and law at times, Xander was quite certain she would accept his suggestion if he was making use of such weakness. Naturally he had no interest to manipulate her for the sake of Nohr; instead he believed it to be in her very own interest to aid him the best possible way. Yet he was no fool to not offer any incentive.
SINCE THE CROWN PRINCE HAD BEEN WATCHING OVER HER RECENT ACTIVITIES, he did not take very long to find her – and he also did not even attempt to cover his scheming, being fully aware that it was pointless. Someone like her could not easily be deceived, even less about such important matter.
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             ‘Allow me to make you an offer, Anna.               If I am not mistaken, it is in your very own interest               to be well informed about the exchange of supplies in the whole kingdom.               In this case, I would be delighted to know you assisting me for the time being.               If you accept my offer, I’ll greatly pay you for your deeds, of course.               Yet I also have to inform you that it involves…some disreputable work.’
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praeceptumx-blog · 7 years
{ PSA }
I am willing to rewrite threads. Want to make our muses kiss for the first time but we’ve been there done that? Let’s do it again. Want to make your muse say this to my muse, but we’ve already been down that route? Do it again. I don’t care if we completely follow the same plot as before or we change bits and pieces of it. I really just enjoy writing with you!
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praeceptumx-blog · 7 years
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private, independent, canon divergent, & highly selective female kamui of fire emblem: fates / fe13. written by melanie. please read rules prior to interaction.
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praeceptumx-blog · 7 years
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As promised – my contribution to sexual Sunday is to write a few non-detailed nsfw-headcanons down! (Those which I am usually only sharing with shipping partners, just in greater detail like provided here. Because let’s be serious about it – I’m just giving you guys the shortest summary but please allow your imagination to run wild!) Some of my headcanons are almost harmless, while others aren’t – and it’s also just a selection, there are…quite a few more but…!! Well, I have to leave some exclusive things to my shipping partners right? 8^) By the way, I’m just referring to female partners right now since I only have ships with those so far and it’s getting less confusion for people !!
Don’t read them if you’re still underage;  these are under read more and with a nsfw-tag for a good reason! ( A few of them at least.) Nonetheless, in my opinion it’s all pretty harmless!! I just don’t publish smut or anything of that sort on my blog anymore, it’s all in private now. People went crazy about the smut I’ve written before that’s why.
One. Since his responsibilities as crown prince usually occupied his whole day, the man scarcely ever had any free time for almost two decades. He rather makes good use of such precious time; either shaping his own skills further or actually visiting one of his siblings. Suffice to say, Xander had never officially courted any fair lady – having no time or interest. Whilst it is true that many noble women took interest in the heir due to his heritage, knowing that they could use his position as the next king of Nohr to strengthen the influence of their own families, Xander was never a fool to be tricked by any of them. It was quite the opposite; even while he remained his distance, he was never less than mannerly; merely rejecting any suspicious offers before they were even spoken out. Due to his childhood and the suffering some of his siblings went through, the man tries to avoid any offspring of his before marriage. To make the same mistakes like his father was naught he desired. Which does, indeed, make him to be a virgin up to date.
Two. Due to his strict mannerism but also impressive self-control, one will never see him becoming passionate in public – or even in private if he’s still unmarried. Yet this does not mean he is a man of no desires; and to be quite frank even while maintaining his control and distance so well, from the moment on when he develops feelings for someone these feelings will always be there. So he is indeed holding back his emotions and desires for quite some time; becoming even impatient over time.
Three. As said before, he will show most of his passion during the wedding night; and since he had learned to behave well as the future king of Nohr, he will never disrespect his spouse wishes. Despite of this he’ll be straight forward with what he wants –and needs- and the moment on the door closes in the private chamber he will be the one to make the immediate first move. All he wants is to love his spouse with all he has from this moment on – albeit he gives his wife the chance to get accustomed to his sudden passion, he will hardly leave her many breaths to adapt to it.
Four. Xander can be a quite aggressive kisser in his private chambers, depending on how long he had not touched his spouse. And while it is true that he did lack in kissing experiences before his partner, the man is quick to catch up and learn – becoming an incredible skilled kisser in only a very short time. This is also thanks due to his good observance; he is used to see and memorize the slightest changes of one’s tone, movements or even facial expression. So he’s learning really fast what his wife wants and what not – and what also quickly makes her drown in emotions and love. So he is a man who can make use of all sorts of kissing, depending of what his spouse demands of the moment.
Five. Because of his responsibilities he has his very own private chamber – one he does not share with his spouse -  but particularly in the first months after marriage he’ll spend most –if not all- nights with his wife. Take a guess why.
Six. He rarely ever gets the chance to do this – but once in a while he does indeed love it to let his wife join him in a bath. Not only because he can kiss her body and tend her properly then.
Seven. He is, most of time, straight-forward with his desires unless his wife is sick or occupied with too many other important matters. Suffice to say, he’ll always tell her what he needs and wants when he is quite certain that she has no further objections – yet due to his position as crown prince and his difficulties to change between his usual mask and his true self at times, these often sound like little orders. Yet, to make up for it, he would never deny a particular wish of his partner either. (To explain it shortly; technically even kinky stuff unless it’s too kinky. )
Eight. Xander actually enjoys it a lot to touch, kiss and lick the whole body of his wife. It is one of these things he’d like to do for the whole day if he could; along with watching his wife’s sleeping face and body during. For him his partner is always the most beautiful of the world; so he’ll often whisper poetic words to her ear as well. Fortunately he is well educated.
Nine. Xander is not very fond of anyone touching him; but his beloved is the greatest exception to this unspoken rule 8^). So he also likes fellatio. 
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praeceptumx-blog · 7 years
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             ( WHEN YOU DEBATE TO WRITE SOME OF YOUR NSFW-                HEADCANONS DOWN OR NOT....... Only my shipping partners                know of a few of them....so far.  Welp, maybe for sexual sunday tomorrow 8^). )
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praeceptumx-blog · 7 years
     upon hearing her comrade leave with a curt departure. pieri remained there in silence near the door, as much as she would have liked to stay, her LIEGE needed to rest. even if it wouldn’t be much, it was a REQUIREMENT that he’d be up bright and early to deal with his duties. early to rise, instead of the maids and butlers tending to his breakfast and morning tea or coffee (it all depended on what he’d prefer of course! ) pieri trusted NO ONE with her lord, so out of personal FEAR. she tended to his food and beverages, bringing them to him so he can eat and dress himself as she waited for him outside. although, there were MANY times xander had told her to let the servants do their jobs, she simply couldn’t allow it. her FEAR couldn’t allow it.
     but where she resided in the dimly lit room, the only pure, wholesome source of light was from the desk xander sat at. arms behind her back, in the formal and most usual stances a retainer and soldier should maintain ( she knew that much and stuck to such stances whenever in his presence—- but when in public, she was free to behave as she always did. ) the silence between the two was deafening, though once PORCELAIN digits graced her cheek with the most simplest touches she has ever felt. WARMTH touched her lips in the most PUREST ways, a kiss of chastity. pieri, although familiar with such gentle touches in general, felt SPARKS fly, but a smile against his lips was ever present.
     the words she had spoken every so often, ‘I LOVE YOU’ remained true. he stood by her, defending her, protected her and simply BELIEVED in her. pieri knew that what she felt when she looked at her liege with a SMILE meant something more than wanting to simply protect him. she wished for nothing more than to be at his side, through hell and back, equally stained with blood. EVEN IF HE DIDN’T RETURN HER EMOTIONS, she’d remain loyal to him, she would never hide her true feelings. she simply knew nothing of self-restraint. 
     but the moment they shared now in the fuzzy warmth of each other’s presence, pieri knew that this was right. as much as she didn’t wish to break such a rare, ENCHANTING moment, she couldn’t help but return the kiss, a small chaste peck against his lips before she spoke. fingers encased in METAL gently latching on his own.
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     “i thought i’d NEVER see this side to you, xander.”
THE SOFT SENSATION ON HIS LIPS REMAINED EVEN AFTER SHE DREW BACK merely to give them more fragile moments and breaths to listen to each other’s heartbeats whilst her armored fingertips found his own. His eyes still gazed at her beautiful, shining eye – not daring to completely remove the wisps of her hair to find her second and favorite one. The expression inside the reflection of her eyes would not change, ultimately – the affection and love would not simply fade. She was very right with what she said now; admittedly he scarcely recognized himself anymore when he was with her. His daily routines and his responsibilities weighted heavy as ever, but only because of her it seemed to become less of a burden and even more…tolerable. And despite bearing such feelings for her, he was not allowed to spare for her decisions and doings during the day and night, when all of them had to fully accept the consequences of their actions. Being his retainer meant naught but perfection to the eyes of most nohrians; and yet she was not. Not for them, even if she was for him. He had no desire to silence her words during the day, hearing less of her heart even whilst the public was watching – and he knew they did talk. For them she was still merely an eyesore, one who should not exist by his side, even if they knew only so little. And not even partly the truth – since the truth was that she had no shameful behavior, that she indeed tried to be more prone for the needs of others and that she also had a kind heart. Come what may, he had already decided to protect this woman and they would realize why he had chosen her, above anyone else, seeing more in her than the face of a broken doll whose existence was a disgrace. Naught was farther away from the truth.
AND TRUTHFULLY - HE KNEW IT WAS ONLY APPROPRIATE TO SEND HER AWAY like Laslow before; knowing that she would return to his side as soon as it was early morning, but he simply refused to let her go. Perhaps it was foolish to have such sudden desire; yet his thoughts had been swallowed by her for so many months already. These honest, loudly spoken words of her love and affection had touched his heart; to share a kiss now, in this privacy, was indeed something he had longed for the entire day – but he was far from being blind to her needs. Ultimately he knew that both of them already lacked sleep as it currently was; and it was also not part of his interest to make her insomnia become any worse. Certainly she would retreat for the night if he ordered her now; not because he was her liege but because she should be aware, above all, that he was indeed concerned about her sleeping schedule. The man was still uncertain if she bore the same unsatisfied longing deep within her and so he had barely changed, even now, to maintain his façade and also not to irritate her as much. In the very end he had not forgotten that her heart still needed time to fully heal and recover. Yet in the very end she deserved better than a man who buried most of his emotions beneath his mask; who only knew how to destroy but not how to heal. Perhaps it was his punishment to have fallen in love with her – a broken doll who still had the same strength and kindness like any other fair maiden he knew – when he could only do so little. Perhaps not even partly enough to deserve her.
SELFISH AS IT WAS, ONLY FOR ONCE, HE WISHED FOR THE TIME TO STOP; even if merely for seconds to hold her longer like this before returning to the loneliness of the night in which he rarely ever found any rest and peace. There was never any exception to this suffocating feeling during the night when he mostly worked through at least one pile of reports whilst his thoughts seemed to be spread to different places. As if his mind and soul were scattered, he carefully observed too many happenings in whole Nohr but also along their borders and inside the castle itself. Perhaps this feeling of almost being omnipresent, to know about most if not all important matters, gave him a decent feeling of satisfaction and pride, but the price he paid for this was always high. And at times this fatigue attempted to claim his whole mind. But this discord of his heart was well known to him, an old acquaintance he knew for almost two decades. Yet Pieri’s vow, her love for him, indeed gave him some of his missing strength back, albeit he did not lack determination. Soon, once this war found an end, he perhaps might finally find some rest. But until then he could not allow it; even if his own feelings dared to interfere. If he could, he would marry her in this very moment, at the end of time, without any formalities besides the common rituals. And yet he knew he had to remain patient for a bit longer to even make an announcement. The voices of his people demanding for him to marry became louder with every year, but he did not wish to place such burden on her shoulders when she still had to bear her own. Nonetheless, for him she was already a queen – one he deeply loved.
XANDER LEANED HIS HEAD AGAINST HERS, memorizing her scent and the softness of her hair like it was all he needed – more than bread, water or even fresh air. And indeed she was exactly this to him; essential and valuable. His voice softened if only for a little as he spoke since his concerns were naught but the absolute truth.
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        ‘You made such change happen.           I shall allow you to remain a little longer by my side for today.          The day is about to conclude, but I have to admit I fear the thought of you leaving.          If it is your desire, you are free to leave by your own will.          Yet I am asking you not as your liege, but as the man who loves you,          to stay like this for a little longer.          Truly, I fear for my sanity tomorrow if you don’t allow me to hold you any longer.’
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praeceptumx-blog · 7 years
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Destiny is not a matter of chance;                                                           independent ; conquest exclusive it is a matter of choice. It is not a                                                            female kamui of fire emblem fates thing to be waited for, it is a thing                                                                          written by luci            to be achieved.                                                                                 rules // about // art credit
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praeceptumx-blog · 7 years
                                   ♛   @victorums – CONQUEST.   ♛
FOR YEARS HE HAD CAREFULLY OBSERVED HIS FATHER’S changing behavior – his adamant mercilessness and growing cruelness – and yet his heart had become so similar to his, adapting to their king’s principles as long as he could truthfully call them as his very own. Nonetheless, more than just once, he found himself in a conflict, feeling no regret after slaying his opponents but knowing deep inside that he simply endured it, bearing it as the one he had to be – for his kingdom, but also for his king. Truthfully, the man had hoped that his father would show signs of gratitude, perhaps even happiness, that Kamui had once found her way back to Nohr – but instead, knowing him for too long, he noticed something different. Like an almost invisible hostility rising from the shadows - but only he was to see it and no one else. And whilst it was true that king Garon showed no deep emotions, no traces of pride even while speaking to him, his firstborn and heir, his behavior towards her was far from what he had predicted. Countless of times the crown prince had already spoken to his father, demanding to know more about his reasoning, yet he was always rejected. Left alone, merely with this heavy burden on his heart, knowing that it did scarcely matter if he received an answer or not, he only felt this rage deep within; and ultimately there was no one else to live with this sin. Yet for once he was not blinded by it; as he was fully aware that his father was hiding something beneath his cold mask; something dark he could not question but also could not ignore.
THE FIRST HINT OF SUCH MENACE HAD ALREADY BEEN VISIBLE as he realized that his father had granted mercy to one who deserved none; a man with no honor and any spine, who lived for naught but for himself. Years ago Xander had been responsible to arrest Hans after his series of murder who served no other purpose than for his own amusement; and after chaining him to prison the crown prince had no difficulties whatsoever to realize that the other man’s heart was naught but an abyss, deep and dark. They could not demand loyalty from someone like him who found joy in torturing and killing alike; for someone who claimed their kingdom’s prosperity without necessity, hesitation or even regret. The many criminals of Nohr were often members of groups of bandits who had simply no other choice in their very life to steal or even to kill to survive; but Hans had always been different to that. Even with the many crimson red bloodstains on his hands, the crown prince had always known of this to be part of his duty – and he found little enjoyment in the procedure of killing. Those unfortunate names he had either executed or killed on the battlefield were erased from history, but their faces still lingered in his very mind, remembering him at times during his relentless slumbers what kind of burden he truly bore. Suffice to say, there was no trace of trust to be shared with this criminal, even after his father had granted him absolution.
LOYALTY COULD NOT BE BOUGHT WITH GOLD and had to be proven and earned by actions; and knowing of this – and the history of one of Nohr’s cruelest murderer – he found himself to be in a quite unhappy position to see Hans being assigned to Kamui. There was little change to this now, ever since she safely returned to their kingdom – and he would be lying if he dared to say he was not concerned. Truly, the amount of tasks his father seemed to give her or planned to were inhuman; torturous even – and even as his heir he failed to see the reason behind it. The nohrian army had more than just one capable commander; and why his father now demanded of her to lead the most dangerous attacks was far from being reasonable. Truthfully, it was an honor nonetheless – but she had so little experience with war that he indeed feared for her well-being. Perhaps his father was truly only seeking to test her loyalty – it was no longer a well-kept secret that Kamui was no actual princess of Nohr but one of Hoshido; and whilst there was no change in his or his siblings heart concerning their trust towards her, he could not speak for his whole kingdom. Certainly, if she succeeded in all of it she would be truly worthy to still be called princess of Nohr, regardless of her heritage or blood; but there was little hope as for now.
HIS CONCERNS NOT SOLELY ABOUT KAMUI BUT ALSO HIS LITTLE SISTER, Elise, who accompanied her was too great to be fully ignored. And whilst his father seemingly attempted to keep him away, perhaps on purpose, he was no fool to not know how he could avoid his own, cruel punishment without failing those he loved. Sending both of his retainers to her, protecting her instead of his life, was the first he had thought of when his father had sent him away to fulfill a different task, far away from her position – and glad he was that they apparently arrived just in time. The man was not easily sending his retainers away, knowing of the risks – but after watching and sparring with them for too long, he had been certain that they would not surrender to the reaper. Even if death smiled upon them they would not falter, returning the gesture and standing up. Unlike his first retainers they would not easily wield to the dark embrace and leave his side for all eternity. It was also thanks to them and their reports that he was fully aware of what had happened in Macarath after Elise became ill; and the hoshidan’s foolish attempt to convince Kamui to return to them.
BLOOD MATTERED NOT WHEN NOHR WAS THE ONLY KINGDOM she had ever known since a young age – and even if she lost her title, her right to call herself a princess of Nohr, she still belonged to this place more than to any other. After keeping her safe for so long, watching her steps for years he knew this to be the truth; even if her eyes were now opened. It had been her decision to return to them albeit she knew that she was not blood-related to any of them; and even if her birth mother had been the second queen of Hoshido. There was only one question to be asked; and this one was already clearly answered. If they truly had treated her like a prisoner, giving her no warmth and love, she would have not returned to them and stayed with her true family instead. Yet she had chosen to remain by their side. His father should be capable of seeing it the same way; but instead it was if all of his eyes were resting on her, patiently waiting for the right moment. And what kind of moment it was, could not be even answered by Xander.
THE MAN WAS QUICK TO RECEIVE THE FINAL REPORTS OF HIS TRUSTED RETAINERS as soon as they returned with Kamui before rushing to Elise’s side, being deeply worried about her health condition. Fortunately she was indeed feeling better, barely showing any signs of a previous sickness despite losing some of her strength in smiling. He immediately assigned more servants to carefully observe his youngest sibling, only leaving rushed orders. He already knew of the revolts in Cheve; and he had also already received word from his father that he planned to send Kamui to take care of this, along Hans. Naturally this was fairly clouding his mind lately, only seeing another opportunity for her to come to harm. Even with his own retainers by her side he indeed feared that she might even lose her own life with the lack of knowledge about war and diplomacy; partly merely seeing her as his father’s beloved toy, similar to his very own existence. The strings had been pulled, and they had to act – like the marionettes they were. For years he had lived like this, accepted his missing humanity and his change of heart, but involving her in these plans were naught he desired. As the eldest of their family, as the crown prince of Nohr, and even if she was no longer his sister, he could not allow it. He knew that all of them, every single one of his siblings, would not wish for her to be cut from life for solely being another chess piece for their father; and so it was his responsibility to keep her safe. Even if his father attempted to keep him away from her – he strongly disagreed.
PERHAPS IT WAS MORE FORTUNATE LUCK THAN ACTUAL COINCIDENCE that he was so quick to find her in the castle, knowing that she had only so little time to prepare for her departure. And he had quite many matters to say and to discuss before she did. Albeit he was indeed glad to see her safe and unharmed, the man scarcely showed this even now, still wearing the unapproachable mask on his face. Nonetheless his tone was a bit softer, similar to the times when he had praised her in the fortress, yet this time out of concern.
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       ‘Just a word, Kamui.         I have reason to assume that my father has already expressed his wish         to send you to Cheve to end the current revolts.         I have to admit I am far from being satisfied with such decision         hence why my retainers will accompany you until further notice.         To speak frankly, I fear for your well-being – particularly with Hans by your side.         He cannot be trusted.’
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praeceptumx-blog · 7 years
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                    I shall be the BLADE of the just and unjust -                                           the judge of DEATH                                       & the TOOL of the LOST .
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praeceptumx-blog · 7 years
                        PSA – Tumblr’s common roleplay courtesy.                                                   Aspect: Stealing
Tumblr is supposed to be a fun place where we all feel comfortable to write and share our thoughts – but it really gets problematic when we can no longer do that due to negativity and fear.
Stealing people’s efforts, even if they are just non-existent things in the internet, specifically on Tumblr, like someone’s own icons, headcanons, theme codes, phrases for certain muses etc. is simply not okay. In most cases, if not all, people end up getting hurt. Deeply emotionally hurt. And not only the party who got stolen from but also the thief since from my long Tumblr-experience, in most cases, thieves will always be found out. It’s a stressful situation for anyone, even people who have nothing to do with it when then drama starts, so I beseech you all to simply not let it happen to begin with. In the worst case it also makes people leave their blogs, their beloved fandom or writing/roleplaying altogether. And this should not happen.
Naturally people always will have different opinions and views; I personally know of a few people who are feeling rather proud to be ‘stolen from’ than actually being angry, but this is NOT the majority. And everyone on Tumblr should be simply aware of it that the greatest majority of roleplayers are not fond of it. From my experience more than 80% of all Tumblr-users would be extremely angry if they were stolen from. I explain this in more detail now:
I do know of quite many roleplayers who take their time and put over hundred of hours of work for making their icons. Testing shades and styles, finding art and also cropping it by themselves – and this naturally takes time. Of course there is also a second type of it, people like me, who spend less time on it and are fast in finding art and cropping without thinking about editing for too long. But it does not matter whether someone has put 100, 50 or only 5 hours in making their icons – they have still put some time in it. Personally I’d say cropping icons is what takes the most time. Borders can be prepared and made beforehand, usually people also use the same border for several roleplay-blogs they run; and mostly if people use a specific icon style, they have the PSD for it so that they can easily reuse it for several blogs as well. Cropping icons is like finding the art, putting it into psd and then ponder about what part of the picture you even want to use. How much should be seen? What shouldn’t be seen in it? What do you want to express with the icon? It often depends on how you crop it. I personally spend the most time preparing my icons for the actual editing; and this step is the one of cropping. If you simply save someone’s icons, these aren’t meant for you. They are not your style, not your interpretation of your muse. These are not your muse. Even if you spend some hours in putting layers over it and changing lightning effects etc., these icons will never be yours. They don’t contain your thoughts. And it is like a slap to someone’s face who has put so much effort into making it as well. 
There are roleplayer who simply write for fun or because they like the character they roleplay – but on Tumblr there are also many passionate writers like I am, for example, who try to give their muses a soul. A life, a backstory. Emotions, qualities and flaws. People write it down in headcanons – these are personal views, a personal interpretation of someone and should be respected as such. To simply claim these ideas as your own will not help you to write your muse better or even understand it better. I usually spend more than a hundred hours to shape my muse’s portrayal; I think about it when listening to music or when I simply do nothing. And I know many who are like I am. Headcanons are often viewed extremely personal; and simply stealing them is just wrong. If you have seen an idea and truly like it, try not to copy someone’s portrayal completely. Taking aspects is usually fine – and to be on the safe side, just mention the roleplayer you got this inspiration from. People will appreciate it if you put credits for someone’s thoughts, for someone’s soul rather than simply stealing it. But I repeat once again, simply stealing a whole portrayal by taking all headcanons is simply no-go. The biggest fun from roleplaying comes from giving your muse this soul; and if you just steal your muse’s parts from different blogs this muse is not yours, but just a broken fragment.
Not everyone is talented or even good at coding, especially those who do not roleplay for too long. Taking open resources, like editing a theme which the creator intended to be taken from people to enjoy it, are totally fine. But there are also those who code their themes from scratch; who put some thought into it and even developed their own complete style in creating them. I don’t personally code a lot, but I know of people who coded their themes from the scratch, without any base code, and I do know how long it takes. Especially if people seek perfection and want to add all of their ideas they often take more than ten hours in creating it. Copy pasting such code and stealing it, without naming from who it was, is like stealing someone’s creation in reallife and claiming it as your own. Think about it for a moment; do you want to be praised for something which you haven’t even made yourself? Would you claim an award in reallife as your own for something you have stolen? I know the views of a few people who are coding their themes for many years already – and for them themes are extremely personal as well.
General writing (also phrases for muses) etc:
Okay, this is my bread and butter. So this will all be written from my point of view. I am writing for 15 years already, novella that is, and I also aimed to be an author in reallife. So much about my ambitions. I carefully think about how I portray a muse – how I describe their thoughts, their actions and also how I actually portray them as whole. I often imagine to touch a part of them which is only visible for me and make it be visible for anyone else. I try to let their soul shine. And I make it happen due to my long writing experience. I have learned how to write to make it appealing for people (at least in my first language, in English I’m still rusty) and I write every muse of mine differently. Of course people will probably always recognize my ‘signature’ whatever muse I’m writing – but this does not change that my writing slightly differs because I also have different thoughts for different muses. This whole aspect is extremely personal for me as well; and if someone were to steal it I’d be extremely mad. In the past duplicates literally tried to imitate my whole writing style; even going as far to take whole paras without changing a single word of it. Writing is my true passion and I literally put heart blood in it; if someone steals my writing I do not view it as ‘hey someone likes what I write’. If you like someone’s characterization, you don’t go and simply take it. Or at least attempt to take it – because I am honest with you, you can’t steal someone’s writing style.
The conclusion: Everyone has their own style. Their own views and also their own focus when roleplaying. But it always involves passion and especially effort. Taking any of it and claiming it as your own is never okay.
Once you have your own style you will have more fun on Tumblr and can actually be proud of it. And you know you don’t end up hurting someone’s feelings, even your own, by stealing.
Don’t get me wrong. It is not okay to send in hate, even to little thieves. You rather have to try to open their eyes so that they don’t do it ever again and so that they can actually reflect on their doings. Sending in hate is a complete different aspect I’d also like to address at one point – because it is never okay to send in any hate. Never. Not even in stealing-cases. HOWEVER; stealing should not be tolerated. People are allowed to do mistakes, of course; but they have to realize what they did was wrong. And in this case they have to apologize. Whole-heartedly, not vague and also in public, about what they had done and that they won’t do it again. Otherwise they don’t learn.  Moving on, ignoring those cases does NOT help anyone. Even not the thieves. For example, I personally do not interact with thieves who have yet to apologize for their doings. I give people second chances, but they have to earn it.
So I beseech anyone who roleplays on Tumblr to not steal to begin with. People end up getting hurt. People will lose their interest in roleplaying. Keep this place fun and safe for everyone!
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praeceptumx-blog · 7 years
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        ( Just mentioned in my latest reply; I go with it that Xander was indeed           almost more like a father than brother to Elise. Because he felt exactly           like this. Because...truth to be told, their father had never much           interest in her so he literally took care of everything instead. So he really           took up this father role as the eldest of them, and he had never regretted           it either. Like, he was both at the same time. Brother and father.            Good bye.   )
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praeceptumx-blog · 7 years
AS HE HEARD ABOUT THE FAST APPROACH OF THE HOSHIDAN ARMY near their borders, Xander had already known that they would hit their kingdom like an unstoppable avalanche sooner or later, led by one person who was still close to his very heart – albeit he had told himself too often, without any success, that she was no longer worthy of such emotion after her betrayal. The memories never faded, the connection to her never completely broke – even with the heavy burden resting on his shoulders to know that he should kill her, for his father, for Nohr. Yet somewhere deep within he knew that even without these unnecessary emotions he could not condemn and abandon there chances to win were dim, as long as she was there. Fighting for Hoshido and not for the kingdom, the family, she had known for almost her whole life. For years he had known of this potential resting inside her – sleeping and patiently waiting - and he had already seen it in her almost dead eyes when her father had allowed her to be called his daughter, a princess of Nohr, despite being naught but a hostage, a marionette, for their father.
BUT HE KNEW IT TO BE TRUE that he, and also his other siblings, never thought of her being a false sister – and albeit he was concerned about the reports he had received when his siblings indirectly participated in her long quest to conquer Nohr, he could not blame them. Could not blame them to see the very same inside Kamui like he did – that they still saw those traces, those strong bonds, in their former friendship. Nonetheless the painful truth was crueler than that; and as crown prince he was not allowed to act on these thoughts. It was unworthy for someone of his position; an iniquity he could not dare. No matter what his heart said. It was the burden he bore for his siblings – to bear the inevitable, to do what they couldn’t do – so that they would not have to live with this heavy sin on their hearts. But soon he realized that he could not bring such mercy upon her; that he would not be the one to strike her down. It was his responsibility to act like the heir he was; but as their army was slowly falling apart and he knew that their next destination could only be castle Krakenburg, to claim his father’s life, he knew what needed to be done.
THE MANY YEARS OF COLDNESS AND DISTANCE BETWEEN HIS FATHER and him had not changed that he had once loved and admired this man, not only as father but also as Nohr’s king – and albeit his heart was loudly yelling, refusing to believe that this was the very end, he could not falter. He could not leave his father’s side, giving up on what he had become for Nohr’s sake, and simply let him be killed. It was his decision as son, but above all as the rightful heir of Nohr, to stop such endeavor. Nonetheless he knew he would not be able to stop them to reach the gigantic doors of the throne room – but what he could was to end this seemingly never ending suffering of his kingdom. For too long the war had claimed his very heart, taken this humanity away from him which he once knew as young boy – but he had learned that Nohr was indeed on a path of destruction, caused by their king. His path had been predetermined since his birth so he could not avoid it, even now – but at least he could do what he thought to be the very best for his kingdom at long last. Without disobeying his father, without losing the honor of being crown prince of Nohr even during his final breaths.
XANDER WAS NO FOOL TO BELIEVE THAT HE WOULD BE ABLE to stop Kamui to kill his father if that was truly her will – but the raging flames of war had lasted for too long. He already saw more than enough blood stains on his very hands; he had seen too much death on the battlefields already. It all had to stop so that his kingdom could see into a better future. So his decision to save Nohr was long set when he heard of it that she was close to reach the innermost of the kingdom of Nohr. Only for once in his life he had chosen not to be the harbinger of death; only for once he wanted to protect and not create more needless suffering even if that meant to become a sacrifice. This role which he had executed so perfectly for years had taught him to embrace the death and no longer see it as stranger. Perhaps it was justice, perhaps even mercy for someone like him, to die like this. Saving his kingdom rather than letting it rot in its own blood.
WHEN HE SENT HIS RETAINERS AWAY HE ALREADY KNEW that he would die – and truthfully, he was grateful for all they had done for him. After his first retainers had found a horrible death after protecting him, he had bore this sin, this endless guilt, for too long. The years of war had not made him become completely numb towards loss; and thus the thought of losing them was unbearable. There was no guilt or regret for them to feel when he had ordered them to stay away from this very fight; even if their liege found his death. And perhaps they had known of this decision –seeing it in his stern facial expression which they had learned to read so well. But he had never demanded of them to join his side, to see him dying like this. And truthfully, he did not know if they were even still alive. He had lost sight of them during the battle; and albeit he hoped for their well-being his heart weighted so heavy.
EVEN NOW, WHILST THE MAN WAS LAYING IN HIS OWN BLOOD, he could still remember her weight inside his arms – her final words. Why… This question still lingered inside his heart; but now in his final moments he perhaps had found an answer to it. For almost two decades he had become who he had to be to once rule over Nohr; but he had ultimately also changed. Only seeing his responsibility, but never his own heart. His siblings knew this so well, watching him while he distanced himself more and more from them so that he even gave up on sharing the very same dinner table with them. And yet he could remember these moments so clearly right now; as if these moments had never disappeared. Deep inside his heart he had always seen them smiling, laughing with him – and albeit this had taken place years ago, when his heart was still less numb than it was right now, it was still the best memory he had. The moment with all of them being together – when Kamui was still joining them, albeit rarely. It made his burden as crown prince easier to bear; perhaps because he felt no weight or expectations resting on him back then, even if only for a fragile moment. A decade ago he would have still carried Elise on his shoulders, running through the long, dim halls of the castle just to hear her high pitched laughter. She had always been his beloved little sister, one their father had always greatly neglected. And so he had learned to be there for her when his father wasn’t; scolding her like a father because the king would not bother with his youngest offspring.  He was the one who daily spoke with her governess to learn about her recent improvements; who assigned the best teachers of Nohr to teach her and who would also inspect all of her studies. Perhaps he was certainly more like a father to her than a brother. And he had failed in both.
ALL HE EVER WANTED WAS TO PROTECT HIS FAMILY – and nonetheless he had been blind for too long, until it was almost too late. He had to atone for such sin, also for Elise’s sacrifice – and so the man felt no regret to feel life leaving him. From the moment on when he had lifted Siegfried to fight against Kamui, he had wished for this end. It was his final deed; to grant Elise’s wish, to save his kingdom – but also to protect her. Foolish as it was, he had realized that he had not the strength to kill her; that this was one of his greatest weaknesses. That he could not hurt his family and people close to his heart. And when his last decision, his final breath in life would be to choose between his responsibility and his heart, then only for once he would follow the call of his emotions which he had suppressed for too long. In almost two decades… he had never felt as alive as he was in this very moment, knowing that only for once he had perhaps not failed his duty. All of his mistakes, his sins along this god forsaken path, would not be erased; but it eased his heart for only a little.
HIS SIGHT WAS SCARCELY MORE THAN A DIM MIST and vague silhouettes around him – but what Xander indeed saw and felt, even lethally wounded, was Kamui slightly lifting his body to hold him close to her heart. And he felt the warm drops of her tears on his skin every now and then while his own started to become colder. Indeed, he could barely feel her anymore – but it was more than enough to know that at least his final decision had been none of desperation, but of love. He failed to recognize all of her familiar movements, already seeing the reaper patiently gazing down to him with a smile on its face, but there was no regret. No burden, no weight anymore. And truthfully, it was also because he knew that she would survive. His decision to test her courage, her determination before allowing her to strike him down was the very first of his heart for almost two decades; and albeit he knew how she felt at some moment, like he did when Elise was dying inside his arms, he also knew that it was for the very best. For the kingdom they both loved. For themselves.
HER WORDS REACHED HIM EVEN DEEP BENEATH THE SURFACE, close to his death – but he had to hear naught of it to know all of this. No one of his siblings would have chosen to dedicate their hearts to someone who was less worth it. And neither would he have sacrificed himself to someone who was not worthy to lead his beloved kingdom to prosperity. And he knew she would do all of this once this war was over; even if only to honor her fallen family. Her tears were as pure as her heart always had been; and albeit the betrayal of her still left a great scar inside his heart, he was far from denying her this fragile moment of reunion. Instead…he was glad. Glad that she had returned to their kingdom, to their family and him, even if they both had blood on their hands now.
HE WAS FIGHTING AGAINST THE EMBRACE OF THE ETERNAL SLUMBER a bit longer, if only to give her some peace to her heart like Elise did during her last breaths. He could no longer smell her familiar scent or even feel her warmth covering his body the longer he delayed his inevitable end, but nonetheless he managed to find enough strength to lift his right arm to place it on her head.
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      ‘I have…nothing... to forgive.        It was me… who had been the…fool of us.        As the…crown prince of Nohr…it was my duty to protect my king.        I was bearing…this responsibility… since my birth and never had the choice…        to be any less…worthy of my title.        You have….grown so strong… Kamui.        I could not….be any prouder of you.        After all these years….of me teaching you how….to wield a blade…        I can now almost….see your full….potential.        Forgive me…for not fighting…with my full strength.        I did…not dare to… harm you more…than I had to.        All…I ask of you… is to save our beloved kingdom.        For…Elise. Not… for me.’
@praeceptumx​  ❤ ‘d ; MUSIC
      It was never supposed to come to this. All she can do now is repeat that phrase, a mantra in her head as she cradled his.
     The moments before were vivid, emblazoned in her mind for rest of her life. Elise had been there when no one else could have been, treating Kamui with love too pure to have been tarnished by King Garon, and that love had kept Kamui alive. Xander’s blade had been raised for her head but Elise put hers on the line. It was not a fate Kamui had chosen, nor a favor she had asked, but it was the choice Elise had made. Kamui still did not believe she would ever forgive herself. One life was always too high a price to pay, she had sworn so since she learned the truth of this war, but it was never as simple as one life to save. On the ground before her, life fading from his face, was Xander. Vivid as their fight before had been, it all became a blur as she had rushed to him, dropped to her knees with the weight of the world, and scooped him into her arms with all the care that could be mustered in her tired state. 
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     “Xander… please…” and in truth, she doesn’t know what she is saying. How can she ask him to stay when she had betrayed him, betrayed them? How can she wish for better when her choice brought them to this point? Her pain is real, but it is pronounced prominently with a sentiment she never expected to recognize. Looking upon him, bloodshot blood red eyes watching his, she understands now why she was so torn whenever she had to see him on a side opposite her own. She understands why she cannot live with the thought of losing him for good.
      I love you, I love you, I love you. But there was no room for selfish revelations.
     Desperation, however, dictated that she would not be sparred from wishing for another outcome, nor pleading with her beloved. Her hand gently cups his cheek, traces the lines of his face, as tears slip across her skin, sometimes falling upon his. “I never wanted this, I never wanted you to die… I never wanted anyone to.”
     All those years spent watching him, feeling his strength feed hers, his resolve shape hers, and she knew the world needed someone as strong as him to fight for it. To deprive the world of such strength was a crime.
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     “You must know. I-I don’t ask forgiveness for my choices, I can never undo this; all I wanted was for the fighting to-” stop is muffled by her head dipping as she buries her face into his shoulder, her tears now staining the fabric upon his armor. Another please falls victim to the same quiet fate, and she clings to him with every ounce of energy that remains within her.
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praeceptumx-blog · 7 years
                                    ♛   @blccdthiirst – BELOVED.   ♛
HER WORDS WOULD ALWAYS LINGER INSIDE HIS MIND even if he had expected to ignore them as much as he had ignored his own emotions for too long; and whilst his mask, his distance, never crumbled to dry sand in front of anyone else, she had indeed changed something deep inside. Yet with bearing his responsibilities, his tasks as crown prince, he would never allow these traces to become a hindrance; and albeit certainly no one else could truly interpret Pieri’s affection towards him as the one of love, he did. She remained mostly misunderstood – yet she was far from being alone as she was always by his side. The man indeed wished to show her more than just this dull, stern façade he had created more than a decade ago – albeit he was quite aware that she was used to it. Truly, she saw behind this mask and saw parts of him which he had kept concealed for so long that they had almost faded; but they were still there, somewhere deep within, the parts which had not been swallowed completely by the darkness. And perhaps only for once he was grateful that this path, his decision, had not claimed all of it; albeit he was certainly one of the last men who could ever make someone truly happy. At times even his own siblings were naught more but strangers, one he felt connected to by heart – but who slipped through his fingers whilst the blood stains on his very own hands became greater. It was the sin, the burden, he could not erase; and whilst he dared to love on this condemned path, the man felt perhaps felt something similar to fear for the very first time. It was an emotion he had successfully suppressed for so many years that he had almost completely forgotten it; how he had once felt as small, fragile boy when facing the inevitable. Yet the reflection of his face had changed; his heart had turned to an adamant fragment of ice.
PERHAPS THE THOUGHT WAS ALMOST ODD, STRANGE EVEN, to think that someone indeed saw more in himself than he could see; and knowing of her honesty, of her true, smiling self, he knew he had naught to expect but her whole heart. And indeed; over the whole day she had been pure and honest, like a rare flower he had found midst the weed, but no one else but him had understood. The simple three words leaving her lips, a symphonic hymn to his ears, always easily reached him even while being in deep thought, focusing on his task at hand – and it was far from the truth to pretend he was not affected by it. And he did not wish for this flow to ever stop; holding onto them like a dying man. Blinded for so long he had not noticed that he had started to wither, neglecting what he had felt from the moment on when he had seen her for the very first time; and thankfully, like a divine gift from the gods, she had smiled at him even back then. Now she did the very same, just with another meaning hiding beneath it – and not for a brief moment had he ever regretted this decision. Never for once had he doubted her; her strength, her kindness – her loyalty. And to know that she would one day be his alone, always being by his side like this, without war, was worth to become what he had to be in order to grant Nohr this peace. Even if no one else would understand this; even if he had to stained his own hands more than he already had.
DURING THIS RARE PRIVACY IN THE LAST EVENING, when Xander normally would have attempted to view over the latest reports before perhaps gaining an hour or two of sleep, he allowed himself to clearly remember of his beloved’s affection over the whole day. Laslow had already parted from them – and, albeit he despised it to admit this, he knew he would not be able to keep him inside the castle’s walls even if he attempted to have a final word with him. So the man did not bother; feeling the stiffness inside his shoulders after spending too many hours upright in his saddle. His eyes wandered off to Pieri as soon as his second retainer had bid his farewell for the night – yet he did not await another farewell near his office, another empty conversation which held so little meaning to him. When he gazed upon her face, finding her only visible eye, he remembered her words so clearly, as if she spoke them right in this very moment. I love you. And albeit the walls usually had their eyes and ears in Krakenburg, he did not fear to be found out – knowing that this corridor near his personal chamber and office was scarcely ever visited even by servants unless requested or for cleaning purposes. The man carefully lifted one of his gloved hands, daring to place it on her cheeks where her bangs covered her second eye, one he perhaps loved even more than the other. In a faint moment of silence, yet without hesitation once their privacy was ensured, he reached for her warm lips with his very own. He did not require any words.
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praeceptumx-blog · 7 years
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         Important note: This verse will be used for the modern-AU group as well,          as long as all relevant nohrian muses can agree to it. So far all members are up for it!          But naturally, even then, this verse will be available for anyone. 
                                                  ( Updates & Edits will be made! )
Name: Xander Country: Nohr Age: 28 Gender: male Birthday: October 27, 1989
Occupation: Assistance & Second Hand to Nohr’s most powerful Mafia-family. Mafia heir. For outsiders he’s simply the son of a powerful and rich business man since their true family activities are only known to criminals. 
Height: 189cm (6’’2) Possession: his personal and favorite gun which is named ‘Siegfried’ (heirloom)
Appearance: His tall and muscular stature often makes people believe he’s a living nightmare descending from the darkness when they see his shadow – only to realize that his eyes are perhaps the most frightening of his whole appearance. Always wearing this cold façade on his face and these sharp, dangerous eyes carefully watching his prey, Xander is indeed a very intimidating man. One cannot read his thoughts or even emotions from his face as he had learned to successfully conceal it, giving up his humanity, to be the son his father ever wanted.
One ancient tale of his family said that their ancestors once bore the blood of a dragon inside them – and whilst this is naturally naught more but a fairytale, told to the youngest among their family, their family crest still bears a mighty dragon. Due to this Xander has a dragon tattoo adorning his upper body, covering parts of both arms, his back and even parts of his chest.
His harsh training in material arts inflicted several scars on his skin which are clearly visible once he undresses himself. Yet some others were inflicted by himself as test of courage and even endurance while other were caused by rivaling families. He bears them with pride and does not try to hide them – but many are unaware of how many he truly bears on his skin.
As heir of the most powerful mafia family of Nohr, Xander’s appearance is always clean and neat. He’s mostly seen in expensive, tailor-made suits which mark him as member of the upper class, yet beneath this perfection he always carefully hides at least one of his favorite guns.
Background: Xander is born as the first child of the most powerful mafia family in Nohr and therefore the heir of the whole clan. Ever since his early childhood it was expected of him to once take over his father’s place; and due to this he grew up in an extremely strict and unpleasant environment for a child. He got used to corruption and death even when he was still extremely young, killing his first victim with the age of thirteen.   He had spent most of his life with his education and also physical training often resulting in broken bones or fleshy wounds. It was only natural for him to try to imitate his father who was known as merciless and cold as ice – since it was his responsibility as someone who once has to be worthy to call the whole world his own.
However, since he was not the lone child of this powerful family, he had learned well to protect this family over the years to give his siblings the opportunity to live their own lives since he never had this option. Since his family does keep the façade of a normal yet wealthy life to outsiders, Xander had learned to adapt to any kind of situation, even to claim to be someone he wasn’t.  
Special notes: In a complete modern verse I’ll change the country names accordingly to fit reality.  This only applies for the group; due to the realistic approach inside the group and since we’re closed, I can only accept one ship overall. It is not relevant as for now, but I have to add this now. Established ships will have no effect inside the group’s verse unless they get established there once again. 
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