#|   I sʜᴀʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʙʟᴀᴅᴇ.   (  ɪᴄ﹣ᴘᴏsᴛs.  )
alienavie · 6 years
                                  ♛   @aevitera – CONQUEST.   ♛
FOR YEARS HE HAD CAREFULLY OBSERVED HIS FATHER’S changing behavior – his adamant mercilessness and growing cruelness – and yet his heart had become so similar to his, adapting to their king’s principles as long as he could truthfully call them as his very own. Nonetheless, more than just once, he found himself in a conflict, feeling no regret after slaying his opponents but knowing deep inside that he simply endured it, bearing it as the one he had to be – for his kingdom, but also for his king. Truthfully, the man had hoped that his father would show signs of gratitude, perhaps even happiness, that Kamui had once found her way back to Nohr – but instead, knowing him for too long, he noticed something different. Like an almost invisible hostility rising from the shadows - but only he was to see it and no one else. And whilst it was true that king Garon showed no deep emotions, no traces of pride even while speaking to him, his firstborn and heir, his behavior towards her was far from what he had predicted. Countless of times the crown prince had already spoken to his father, demanding to know more about his reasoning, yet he was always rejected. Left alone, merely with this heavy burden on his heart, knowing that it did scarcely matter if he received an answer or not, he only felt this rage deep within; and ultimately there was no one else to live with this sin. Yet for once he was not blinded by it; as he was fully aware that his father was hiding something beneath his cold mask; something dark he could not question but also could not ignore.
THE FIRST HINT OF SUCH MENACE HAD ALREADY BEEN VISIBLE as he realized that his father had granted mercy to one who deserved none; a man with no honor and any spine, who lived for naught but for himself. Years ago Xander had been responsible to arrest Hans after his series of murder who served no other purpose than for his own amusement; and after chaining him to prison the crown prince had no difficulties whatsoever to realize that the other man’s heart was naught but an abyss, deep and dark. They could not demand loyalty from someone like him who found joy in torturing and killing alike; for someone who claimed their kingdom’s prosperity without necessity, hesitation or even regret. The many criminals of Nohr were often members of groups of bandits who had simply no other choice in their very life to steal or even to kill to survive; but Hans had always been different to that. Even with the many crimson red bloodstains on his hands, the crown prince had always known of this to be part of his duty – and he found little enjoyment in the procedure of killing. Those unfortunate names he had either executed or killed on the battlefield were erased from history, but their faces still lingered in his very mind, remembering him at times during his relentless slumbers what kind of burden he truly bore. Suffice to say, there was no trace of trust to be shared with this criminal, even after his father had granted him absolution.
LOYALTY COULD NOT BE BOUGHT WITH GOLD and had to be proven and earned by actions; and knowing of this – and the history of one of Nohr’s cruelest murderer – he found himself to be in a quite unhappy position to see Hans being assigned to Kamui. There was little change to this now, ever since she safely returned to their kingdom – and he would be lying if he dared to say he was not concerned. Truly, the amount of tasks his father seemed to give her or planned to were inhuman; torturous even – and even as his heir he failed to see the reason behind it. The nohrian army had more than just one capable commander; and why his father now demanded of her to lead the most dangerous attacks was far from being reasonable. Truthfully, it was an honor nonetheless – but she had so little experience with war that he indeed feared for her well-being. Perhaps his father was truly only seeking to test her loyalty – it was no longer a well-kept secret that Kamui was no actual princess of Nohr but one of Hoshido; and whilst there was no change in his or his siblings heart concerning their trust towards her, he could not speak for his whole kingdom. Certainly, if she succeeded in all of it she would be truly worthy to still be called princess of Nohr, regardless of her heritage or blood; but there was little hope as for now.
HIS CONCERNS NOT SOLELY ABOUT KAMUI BUT ALSO HIS LITTLE SISTER, Elise, who accompanied her was too great to be fully ignored. And whilst his father seemingly attempted to keep him away, perhaps on purpose, he was no fool to not know how he could avoid his own, cruel punishment without failing those he loved. Sending both of his retainers to her, protecting her instead of his life, was the first he had thought of when his father had sent him away to fulfill a different task, far away from her position – and glad he was that they apparently arrived just in time. The man was not easily sending his retainers away, knowing of the risks – but after watching and sparring with them for too long, he had been certain that they would not surrender to the reaper. Even if death smiled upon them they would not falter, returning the gesture and standing up. Unlike his first retainers they would not easily wield to the dark embrace and leave his side for all eternity. It was also thanks to them and their reports that he was fully aware of what had happened in Macarath after Elise became ill; and the hoshidan’s foolish attempt to convince Kamui to return to them.
BLOOD MATTERED NOT WHEN NOHR WAS THE ONLY KINGDOM she had ever known since a young age – and even if she lost her title, her right to call herself a princess of Nohr, she still belonged to this place more than to any other. After keeping her safe for so long, watching her steps for years he knew this to be the truth; even if her eyes were now opened. It had been her decision to return to them albeit she knew that she was not blood-related to any of them; and even if her birth mother had been the second queen of Hoshido. There was only one question to be asked; and this one was already clearly answered. If they truly had treated her like a prisoner, giving her no warmth and love, she would have not returned to them and stayed with her true family instead. Yet she had chosen to remain by their side. His father should be capable of seeing it the same way; but instead it was if all of his eyes were resting on her, patiently waiting for the right moment. And what kind of moment it was, could not be even answered by Xander.
THE MAN WAS QUICK TO RECEIVE THE FINAL REPORTS OF HIS TRUSTED RETAINERS as soon as they returned with Kamui before rushing to Elise’s side, being deeply worried about her health condition. Fortunately she was indeed feeling better, barely showing any signs of a previous sickness despite losing some of her strength in smiling. He immediately assigned more servants to carefully observe his youngest sibling, only leaving rushed orders. He already knew of the revolts in Cheve; and he had also already received word from his father that he planned to send Kamui to take care of this, along Hans. Naturally this was fairly clouding his mind lately, only seeing another opportunity for her to come to harm. Even with his own retainers by her side he indeed feared that she might even lose her own life with the lack of knowledge about war and diplomacy; partly merely seeing her as his father’s beloved toy, similar to his very own existence. The strings had been pulled, and they had to act – like the marionettes they were. For years he had lived like this, accepted his missing humanity and his change of heart, but involving her in these plans were naught he desired. As the eldest of their family, as the crown prince of Nohr, and even if she was no longer his sister, he could not allow it. He knew that all of them, every single one of his siblings, would not wish for her to be cut from life for solely being another chess piece for their father; and so it was his responsibility to keep her safe. Even if his father attempted to keep him away from her – he strongly disagreed.
PERHAPS IT WAS MORE FORTUNATE LUCK THAN ACTUAL COINCIDENCE that he was so quick to find her in the castle, knowing that she had only so little time to prepare for her departure. And he had quite many matters to say and to discuss before she did. Albeit he was indeed glad to see her safe and unharmed, the man scarcely showed this even now, still wearing the unapproachable mask on his face. Nonetheless his tone was a bit softer, similar to the times when he had praised her in the fortress, yet this time out of concern.
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      ‘Just a word, Kamui.        I have reason to assume that my father has already expressed his wish        to send you to Cheve to end the current revolts.        I have to admit I am far from being satisfied with such decision        hence why my retainers will accompany you until further notice.        To speak frankly, I fear for your well-being – particularly with Hans by your side.        He cannot be trusted.’
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praeceptumx-blog · 7 years
                            ♛ @slashing-prices liked for a short starter! ♛
OVER THE PAST YEARS HE HAD LEARNED WELL TO UTILIZE special talents and interests of certain individuals to achieve his own objectives – and since he was quite used to make fast decisions, particularly during war, the man had never hesitated for too long if he saw such potential. Truthfully, Anna had indeed proved her quite loyal for someone of her occupation and at times rather unique personality, nonetheless he believed the young woman could serve a greater purpose than delivering supplies. Perhaps it was almost wasted even to not give her a different opportunity to be considered as worthy.
KNOWING THAT SHE WAS ONE OF PARTICULAR MIND, still valuing the worth of gold more than to completely obey to will and law at times, Xander was quite certain she would accept his suggestion if he was making use of such weakness. Naturally he had no interest to manipulate her for the sake of Nohr; instead he believed it to be in her very own interest to aid him the best possible way. Yet he was no fool to not offer any incentive.
SINCE THE CROWN PRINCE HAD BEEN WATCHING OVER HER RECENT ACTIVITIES, he did not take very long to find her – and he also did not even attempt to cover his scheming, being fully aware that it was pointless. Someone like her could not easily be deceived, even less about such important matter.
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             ‘Allow me to make you an offer, Anna.               If I am not mistaken, it is in your very own interest               to be well informed about the exchange of supplies in the whole kingdom.               In this case, I would be delighted to know you assisting me for the time being.               If you accept my offer, I’ll greatly pay you for your deeds, of course.               Yet I also have to inform you that it involves…some disreputable work.’
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praeceptumx-blog · 7 years
                                    ♛   @blccdthiirst – BELOVED.   ♛
HER WORDS WOULD ALWAYS LINGER INSIDE HIS MIND even if he had expected to ignore them as much as he had ignored his own emotions for too long; and whilst his mask, his distance, never crumbled to dry sand in front of anyone else, she had indeed changed something deep inside. Yet with bearing his responsibilities, his tasks as crown prince, he would never allow these traces to become a hindrance; and albeit certainly no one else could truly interpret Pieri’s affection towards him as the one of love, he did. She remained mostly misunderstood – yet she was far from being alone as she was always by his side. The man indeed wished to show her more than just this dull, stern façade he had created more than a decade ago – albeit he was quite aware that she was used to it. Truly, she saw behind this mask and saw parts of him which he had kept concealed for so long that they had almost faded; but they were still there, somewhere deep within, the parts which had not been swallowed completely by the darkness. And perhaps only for once he was grateful that this path, his decision, had not claimed all of it; albeit he was certainly one of the last men who could ever make someone truly happy. At times even his own siblings were naught more but strangers, one he felt connected to by heart – but who slipped through his fingers whilst the blood stains on his very own hands became greater. It was the sin, the burden, he could not erase; and whilst he dared to love on this condemned path, the man felt perhaps felt something similar to fear for the very first time. It was an emotion he had successfully suppressed for so many years that he had almost completely forgotten it; how he had once felt as small, fragile boy when facing the inevitable. Yet the reflection of his face had changed; his heart had turned to an adamant fragment of ice.
PERHAPS THE THOUGHT WAS ALMOST ODD, STRANGE EVEN, to think that someone indeed saw more in himself than he could see; and knowing of her honesty, of her true, smiling self, he knew he had naught to expect but her whole heart. And indeed; over the whole day she had been pure and honest, like a rare flower he had found midst the weed, but no one else but him had understood. The simple three words leaving her lips, a symphonic hymn to his ears, always easily reached him even while being in deep thought, focusing on his task at hand – and it was far from the truth to pretend he was not affected by it. And he did not wish for this flow to ever stop; holding onto them like a dying man. Blinded for so long he had not noticed that he had started to wither, neglecting what he had felt from the moment on when he had seen her for the very first time; and thankfully, like a divine gift from the gods, she had smiled at him even back then. Now she did the very same, just with another meaning hiding beneath it – and not for a brief moment had he ever regretted this decision. Never for once had he doubted her; her strength, her kindness – her loyalty. And to know that she would one day be his alone, always being by his side like this, without war, was worth to become what he had to be in order to grant Nohr this peace. Even if no one else would understand this; even if he had to stained his own hands more than he already had.
DURING THIS RARE PRIVACY IN THE LAST EVENING, when Xander normally would have attempted to view over the latest reports before perhaps gaining an hour or two of sleep, he allowed himself to clearly remember of his beloved’s affection over the whole day. Laslow had already parted from them – and, albeit he despised it to admit this, he knew he would not be able to keep him inside the castle’s walls even if he attempted to have a final word with him. So the man did not bother; feeling the stiffness inside his shoulders after spending too many hours upright in his saddle. His eyes wandered off to Pieri as soon as his second retainer had bid his farewell for the night – yet he did not await another farewell near his office, another empty conversation which held so little meaning to him. When he gazed upon her face, finding her only visible eye, he remembered her words so clearly, as if she spoke them right in this very moment. I love you. And albeit the walls usually had their eyes and ears in Krakenburg, he did not fear to be found out – knowing that this corridor near his personal chamber and office was scarcely ever visited even by servants unless requested or for cleaning purposes. The man carefully lifted one of his gloved hands, daring to place it on her cheeks where her bangs covered her second eye, one he perhaps loved even more than the other. In a faint moment of silence, yet without hesitation once their privacy was ensured, he reached for her warm lips with his very own. He did not require any words.
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praeceptumx-blog · 7 years
                         ♛    For my beloved.      @victorums  – CONQUEST      ♛
FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME HE FOUND HIMSELF TO BE ALMOST OVERWHELMED by his own emotions, creating a contradiction between his feelings and actions. He had believed to be the master of them for at least a decade by now, yet he could scarcely contain them as he was listening to his very own loud throbbing heartbeat. It was not the very same excitement he felt when he drew his weapon during battle; it was a complete different form of dance, one which he could not control. And perhaps never master at all. Her sheer presence, a beauty only found for once in a hundred lifetimes, was enough to lift the weight on his shoulders, the burden he bore for too long already. She was like a flower which would never wither; a warmth he wished to feel and yet could not.
NOT TOO LONG AGO HE HAD REALIZED HIS VERY OWN FEELINGS, trying to suppress them until he reached the moment when he knew he could no longer – the moment on when his dreams only showed her silhouette, her gentle smile. His mind started to slip away in moments of importance just because he reminded himself of the sound of her voice; a pathetic daydream he had attempted to ignore for just as long. He had always known they were not of flesh and blood – but even then he had never expected it that she would become his light. Truly, he still remembered the day when she arrived at Krakenburg in tattered clothes, too young to be a menace but too old to know naught. Never for once had he questioned his father’s decision to raise her like a princess of Nohr; yet perhaps somewhere deep within he had always known that she did not belong to them. Imprisoned like a bird in a cage he had watched her for too long; attempted to ease her loneliness as it was his duty to do so only to realize her true fate not so long ago. Such fortunate stroke of fate it was, indeed – and he silently prayed to the gods that it would last. He was no fool to believe that he would be able to endure her death – the knowledge of losing the only woman he had ever loved and ever would. And knowing that she felt the very same, that she had accepted his proposal, was only strengthening his desire to protect her.
XANDER SILENTLY WATCHED THE REFLECTION OF HER EYES, daring to lift a gloved hand to place it on her cheeks. He felt naught, only the coldness of the steel he wore, but touching her this way was already enough for him. For now at least. He feared to lose his temper, the last remaining control over his emotions if he allowed himself to do more than just this. And yet he had to know how her lips felt on his own, how she would taste in this very moment. His heart refused to leave her like this, only with this faint, intimate moment to share. The man bent down, reaching for her soft, pure lips with his very own. A chase kiss, indeed, but one which almost stole all of his senses. As soon as their skin met and he could breathe in the sweet scent of her skin, he almost forgot that he was willfully trying to hold himself back. Yet the warmth completely claimed his body as he deepened the kiss with more passion, even if only for little, before he would attempt to free himself from her spell. It ended as sudden as it had begun – but his gauntlet still rested on her cheeks, gently caressing her skin as careful as he could, his face still close to hers. 
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                  ‘Worry not. I shall not fail to protect you, my love.                    Soon this all will find an end.’
HE DARED NOT TO FALTER FOR A BRIEF MOMENT; not only for the sake of the people he had vowed to protect the moment on when he finally claimed Siegfried as his very own, but now also for her. For the one woman he had learned to love, beyond all beliefs and strokes of fate. Perhaps he found himself to be more determined than ever before, not solely seeing the warfare as tool to regain peace and stability; but also to find happiness for himself. For the very first time. A foolish, almost absurd wish for someone who had learned that his life mattered not if he could give it for his people; a sacrifice he would have willfully made without hesitation. It was his duty, his responsibility, as the crown prince of Nohr ultimately; and the boy who had feared this very day, avoided the grim reaper and failed to hold a weapon upright was gone. Faded and long forgotten; like the mirror image he no longer recognized. It was no longer him.
IT WAS AGAINST HIS BELIEFS, AGAINST ANYTHING HE HAD BECOME if he was less dedicated; but for the very first time he felt… regret. Regret to have given up so many parts of him he had yet to rediscover; the softness inside his voice when he carried Elise on his shoulders and the warmth of his very own hand when he had felt more than cold steel slowly fraying his skin. For too many years he had been blind to this; only concentrating on who he had to be in order to be a worthy leader, a commander during war his father could be proud of, and not what it meant to be to actually be alive. He was breathing but he had not lived for so many years, believing in this false illusion, this lie and expectation he had created on his own. The strength he had gained mattered not; he saw this very truth now. For all these years he had lacked something more important.
HAPPINESS... HE HAD FORGOTTEN THE TRUE MEANING OF IT until she made him realize that he was indeed following the wrong path - he had found her soft, caring voice in the darkness, almost completely consumed by his own burden – a dim light which saved him from what he had been for too long. An almost drowned marionette of his responsibilities who no longer knew if his soul still existed. Somewhere deep within, perhaps, hiding beneath all the emotions he kept contained for so long. Not only for once had he listened to his siblings, had not dared to ever leave his duties to not be blinded by them – and, in the very end, he had become a fool of a man, barely worthy of his rank and title.
IT WAS A SHAME, A PITY EVEN, THAT HE WAS NO BETTER MAN WITHOUT HER – without her support and her kindness pulling him out of the embrace of the dark. But like a pauper who had not found any meal for weeks in this barren land, he was now desperately holding on her, needing her even to find back to himself. With her he found himself to be complete, as if his scattered pieces returned to him, showing him the kindness he once had as child. Only with her he was worthy to be ever called a king – and no one, not even the people of these lands, could take this feeling away. It would not wither, it would not fade – and if one was to be called the queen of Nohr, it had to be her. No one else.
                                         And once the bloodshed finally found an end,                                      he would be overjoyed to know her as his queen.                                                            By his side. For all eternity.                            
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praeceptumx-blog · 7 years
                                   ♛   @victorums – CONQUEST.   ♛
FOR YEARS HE HAD CAREFULLY OBSERVED HIS FATHER’S changing behavior – his adamant mercilessness and growing cruelness – and yet his heart had become so similar to his, adapting to their king’s principles as long as he could truthfully call them as his very own. Nonetheless, more than just once, he found himself in a conflict, feeling no regret after slaying his opponents but knowing deep inside that he simply endured it, bearing it as the one he had to be – for his kingdom, but also for his king. Truthfully, the man had hoped that his father would show signs of gratitude, perhaps even happiness, that Kamui had once found her way back to Nohr – but instead, knowing him for too long, he noticed something different. Like an almost invisible hostility rising from the shadows - but only he was to see it and no one else. And whilst it was true that king Garon showed no deep emotions, no traces of pride even while speaking to him, his firstborn and heir, his behavior towards her was far from what he had predicted. Countless of times the crown prince had already spoken to his father, demanding to know more about his reasoning, yet he was always rejected. Left alone, merely with this heavy burden on his heart, knowing that it did scarcely matter if he received an answer or not, he only felt this rage deep within; and ultimately there was no one else to live with this sin. Yet for once he was not blinded by it; as he was fully aware that his father was hiding something beneath his cold mask; something dark he could not question but also could not ignore.
THE FIRST HINT OF SUCH MENACE HAD ALREADY BEEN VISIBLE as he realized that his father had granted mercy to one who deserved none; a man with no honor and any spine, who lived for naught but for himself. Years ago Xander had been responsible to arrest Hans after his series of murder who served no other purpose than for his own amusement; and after chaining him to prison the crown prince had no difficulties whatsoever to realize that the other man’s heart was naught but an abyss, deep and dark. They could not demand loyalty from someone like him who found joy in torturing and killing alike; for someone who claimed their kingdom’s prosperity without necessity, hesitation or even regret. The many criminals of Nohr were often members of groups of bandits who had simply no other choice in their very life to steal or even to kill to survive; but Hans had always been different to that. Even with the many crimson red bloodstains on his hands, the crown prince had always known of this to be part of his duty – and he found little enjoyment in the procedure of killing. Those unfortunate names he had either executed or killed on the battlefield were erased from history, but their faces still lingered in his very mind, remembering him at times during his relentless slumbers what kind of burden he truly bore. Suffice to say, there was no trace of trust to be shared with this criminal, even after his father had granted him absolution.
LOYALTY COULD NOT BE BOUGHT WITH GOLD and had to be proven and earned by actions; and knowing of this – and the history of one of Nohr’s cruelest murderer – he found himself to be in a quite unhappy position to see Hans being assigned to Kamui. There was little change to this now, ever since she safely returned to their kingdom – and he would be lying if he dared to say he was not concerned. Truly, the amount of tasks his father seemed to give her or planned to were inhuman; torturous even – and even as his heir he failed to see the reason behind it. The nohrian army had more than just one capable commander; and why his father now demanded of her to lead the most dangerous attacks was far from being reasonable. Truthfully, it was an honor nonetheless – but she had so little experience with war that he indeed feared for her well-being. Perhaps his father was truly only seeking to test her loyalty – it was no longer a well-kept secret that Kamui was no actual princess of Nohr but one of Hoshido; and whilst there was no change in his or his siblings heart concerning their trust towards her, he could not speak for his whole kingdom. Certainly, if she succeeded in all of it she would be truly worthy to still be called princess of Nohr, regardless of her heritage or blood; but there was little hope as for now.
HIS CONCERNS NOT SOLELY ABOUT KAMUI BUT ALSO HIS LITTLE SISTER, Elise, who accompanied her was too great to be fully ignored. And whilst his father seemingly attempted to keep him away, perhaps on purpose, he was no fool to not know how he could avoid his own, cruel punishment without failing those he loved. Sending both of his retainers to her, protecting her instead of his life, was the first he had thought of when his father had sent him away to fulfill a different task, far away from her position – and glad he was that they apparently arrived just in time. The man was not easily sending his retainers away, knowing of the risks – but after watching and sparring with them for too long, he had been certain that they would not surrender to the reaper. Even if death smiled upon them they would not falter, returning the gesture and standing up. Unlike his first retainers they would not easily wield to the dark embrace and leave his side for all eternity. It was also thanks to them and their reports that he was fully aware of what had happened in Macarath after Elise became ill; and the hoshidan’s foolish attempt to convince Kamui to return to them.
BLOOD MATTERED NOT WHEN NOHR WAS THE ONLY KINGDOM she had ever known since a young age – and even if she lost her title, her right to call herself a princess of Nohr, she still belonged to this place more than to any other. After keeping her safe for so long, watching her steps for years he knew this to be the truth; even if her eyes were now opened. It had been her decision to return to them albeit she knew that she was not blood-related to any of them; and even if her birth mother had been the second queen of Hoshido. There was only one question to be asked; and this one was already clearly answered. If they truly had treated her like a prisoner, giving her no warmth and love, she would have not returned to them and stayed with her true family instead. Yet she had chosen to remain by their side. His father should be capable of seeing it the same way; but instead it was if all of his eyes were resting on her, patiently waiting for the right moment. And what kind of moment it was, could not be even answered by Xander.
THE MAN WAS QUICK TO RECEIVE THE FINAL REPORTS OF HIS TRUSTED RETAINERS as soon as they returned with Kamui before rushing to Elise’s side, being deeply worried about her health condition. Fortunately she was indeed feeling better, barely showing any signs of a previous sickness despite losing some of her strength in smiling. He immediately assigned more servants to carefully observe his youngest sibling, only leaving rushed orders. He already knew of the revolts in Cheve; and he had also already received word from his father that he planned to send Kamui to take care of this, along Hans. Naturally this was fairly clouding his mind lately, only seeing another opportunity for her to come to harm. Even with his own retainers by her side he indeed feared that she might even lose her own life with the lack of knowledge about war and diplomacy; partly merely seeing her as his father’s beloved toy, similar to his very own existence. The strings had been pulled, and they had to act – like the marionettes they were. For years he had lived like this, accepted his missing humanity and his change of heart, but involving her in these plans were naught he desired. As the eldest of their family, as the crown prince of Nohr, and even if she was no longer his sister, he could not allow it. He knew that all of them, every single one of his siblings, would not wish for her to be cut from life for solely being another chess piece for their father; and so it was his responsibility to keep her safe. Even if his father attempted to keep him away from her – he strongly disagreed.
PERHAPS IT WAS MORE FORTUNATE LUCK THAN ACTUAL COINCIDENCE that he was so quick to find her in the castle, knowing that she had only so little time to prepare for her departure. And he had quite many matters to say and to discuss before she did. Albeit he was indeed glad to see her safe and unharmed, the man scarcely showed this even now, still wearing the unapproachable mask on his face. Nonetheless his tone was a bit softer, similar to the times when he had praised her in the fortress, yet this time out of concern.
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       ‘Just a word, Kamui.         I have reason to assume that my father has already expressed his wish         to send you to Cheve to end the current revolts.         I have to admit I am far from being satisfied with such decision         hence why my retainers will accompany you until further notice.         To speak frankly, I fear for your well-being – particularly with Hans by your side.         He cannot be trusted.’
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