praesigenics · 1 year
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Plurplex: An umbrella term for those who have an identity(s) that affects their entire system in some way. It doesn't need to be in the same way nor does it have to be in equal amounts, but it does affect the whole system (or subsystem, etc.) in some kind of way.
This is moreso meant to be used as a suffix, that being -plex. You can add -plex to the end of anything to say that it applies to your whole system. For instance, if you say you're xenoplex, it means "xenogender" affects your entire system. Doesn't necessarily have to be used on just genders, it can be for like... anything.
Plurplex is meant to sound like "perplex," but with a mix of "plural" in there. The idea for that was made by @sunshinesolaic! ^_^
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praesigenics · 1 year
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Amnesiafluid, also called memoryfluid, is when one's system experiences fluidity within their amnesic barriers.
The system may be fluid between experiencing a lot of amnesic barriers to very little or none. Some systems may have less drastic changes within their fluidity.
The amnesic barriers may change suddenly or slowly. The way it changes does not have to be the same every time, however it can be.
This can be used by systems of all origins, and by both disordered and non-disordered systems.
The grays and black all represent the kinds of amnesic barriers a system may have, showing how it can range from little to none, to severe to mild amnesic barriers.
The blues represent endogenic plurality, the reds represent traumagenic plurality, and the white represents the fluidity of the amnesic barriers.
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The amnesiafluid flag without the symbol.
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praesigenics · 2 years
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Mutoconscious refers to a system that when members are fronting they are exclusively monoconscious but when in headspace and not fronting members are hydraconscious . experiences of a mutoconscious system may include:
having one distinct consciousness for fronting, that whoever is in front “steps into”
switching feels like “becoming” someone else, as described in monoconscious systems.
in the headspace and not fronting, each system member has both a seprate consciousness and the shared one.
While fronting accessing headspace may be more difficult since it has a differnt form of consciousness
This term is similar to and was inspired by Cephaconscious but rather than being only polyconscious in headspace you are hydraconscious
Term and flag by us
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praesigenics · 2 years
Dimension Voyager
A system member who travelled though multiple timelines and/or universes, normally living as several different people, before coming to the system. This can be combined with other modifiers, like walk-ins and soulbounds, if fitting. 
Coined by Bia of the Soul’s Laboratory system / @queer-system
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praesigenics · 2 years
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Realized there was no flag for hydraconscious so we made one its a mix of the monoconscious and the polyconscicous flags
Hydraconscious refers to a system which every member has an individual conscious but also everyone shares a collective conscious.
Flag by us Term by Laplace sequence
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praesigenics · 2 years
New system classifications!
These terms will typically apply to subsystems, but they can also apply to general systems, sidesystems, etc! These are basically terms that mean “a member of a system is just a bunch of smaller members in a trenchcoat!”
Unitian / Unitive: A member in a system who is actually made up of several “smaller” members. The presenting member themself is not an individual person, and is instead made up of multiple members who “make up” the presenting member. Unitian is the general term for this experience, and the terms below falls under this one. The adjective is “unitic” and can be used to describe systems as well (ex: A unitic subsystem.)
Sevarian: A unitive in which individual members can front and act as their own people separate from the unit! The adjective is “sevaric”, and can be used to describe systems as well (ex: A sevaric subsystem.)
Pazlian: A unitive in which individual members cannot front and act as their own people separate from the unit, and instead need to be together at all times. The adjective is “pazlic” and can be used to describe systems as well (ex: A pazlic subsystem.)
Embelian: A unitive in which individual members already existed before the unit as separate members, and only unify under certain circumstances, often willingly. Because of this, they may be together often, or hardly at all, depending on if it’s currently needed. Members in embelians may not be part of the same subsystem/layer/etc., and may or may not have any relation to each other outside of their embelian. The adjective is “embelic” and can be used to describe systems as well. (ex: an embelic subsystem.)
Condrian: A unitive in which individual members switch between needing to consistently stay together, and being able to front on their own. The adjective is “condric” and can be used to describe systems as well (ex: A condric subsystem.)
A few extra terms/notes:
Presenting person: The single unit or “member” that is made up of multiple members/facets/etc., and is “presented” to people outwardly. A presenting person may have their own name, pronouns, and similar traits, despite being made up of other people. A presenting person may not technically be the same as an actual member, but it may feel very similar to one when all members are unified together. “Person” can be replaced with anything, like member, alter, etc.
Symbols: Unitians have their own symbols that can be used to designate that they are a unit (for example, in a pluralkit tag). These do not have to be used, and how an individual system sorts them can vary, but these are some helpful generals. :)
For unitians, it is the yarn emoji (🧶)
For sevarians, it is the busts in silhouette emoji (👥)
For pazlians, it is the jigsaw emoji (🧩)
For embelians, it is the crossed swords emoji (⚔️)
For condrians, it is a shamrock emoji (☘️)
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praesigenics · 2 years
We came up with a categorization system for Roles/non-roles in systems
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❤️ + Pink - Carers
System members who take care of someone or something related to the system. Could be members who care for littles, members who take care of the body, members who care for external offspring or people the system is responcible for, taking care of the systems belongings, etc
📁 + Yellow - Administration
System members who keep the system organized or effect the organization of the system. Like members who keep track of member count, members who seek out apps and tools the system can use to combat memory loss, etc
🛡️ + Mint - Safety keepers
These are protectors, defenders, or other members who ensures the safety of the system or those around them in some way.
☁️ + Blue - Handlers
Trauma holders, pain holders, bearers, and others who hold onto, experience, and manage a particular aspect of the systems life on behalf of the system.
🏠 + Black - Internal
For all members who have a strong enough connection to the internal world that it effects their role status in the system.
⚡ + Green - Strugglers
These are members who struggle more than other members in some way that effects their role status. This could be struggling to healthily perform their role, struggling with an innate role, and/or it could be for persecutors and others like them.
(The color and symbol was chosen by our ex persecutors)
📆 + Tan - Age Related
For members whose role status is effected by their age in some way. Their role status could directly relate to their age or they could feel as though they preform their role differently due to their age. This category is also useful for syskids, systeens, and system adults who are a different age from the body and see that age as their role.
🚫 + White - Roleless
For those who have no role. These members may do things for the system and may even behave as if they have a role, but they do not concider their actions a role.
These categories can be mixed for more freedom. For example:
Roleless Safety Keeper - 🚫🛡️
Could be someone who looks out for the safety of their system just because protectiveness is part of their nature instead of as a role or duty.
Age Related Struggler-Carer 📆⚡❤️
Could be someone who struggles with their role as a carer because they are a syskid.
Struggler Administration ⚡📁
Could be a persecutor-gatekeeper who doesnt let members front or locks away other headmates in an effort to protect the system.
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praesigenics · 2 years
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Plural Alterhuman flag / Plural Alterhuman Solidarity flag
A plural flag for those who consider their plurality to be alterhuman or intrinsically tied to their alterhumanity, those who are both plural and alterhuman in general, and/or those who want to explicitly include both plurality and alterhumanity in a flag.
Essentially, a tie together between plurality and alterhumanity in some way. It may be used for one's personal identity, or it might just be a show of solidarity.
The symbol on the left is the plural spiral. You can add any alterhuman/plural/etc. symbol to the flag if you want to, though.
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praesigenics · 2 years
the guy who changed “multiple personality disorder” to “dissociative identity disorder” in the 90s didnt do it because of a better understanding of the disorder or the “science” (there is none). he openly admits that he did it because he doesnt believe that multiplicity exists, he thinks that all systems are fakes, and his hands were tied even as the chair of the DSM committee so changing the definition was the “next best thing” to striking MPD from the DSM entirely.
they dont know anything. do you hear me? do you get it? they make these DSM decisions arbitrarily, based on the opinions of whichever wealthy, privileged, neurotypical white male shrinks happen to be on the committee at the time. the DSM is not a tome filled with Absolute Truth. its FINE if your identity is based on being a Trauma Holder or a Protector or a Traumagenic DID System, thats FINE, but we have to remember, we have to really internalize this: they Do Not Believe In Us. they dont know shit. there is no scientific proof that early childhood trauma is the only way to be multiple, or that the DID/OSDD definitions actually mean anything at all. they were written in an attempt to discredit any multiples who were easier targets, in an effort to get rid of us, in order for one guy to be able to say “i dont believe they exist AT ALL but fine, fine, if anyone at all really IS a special snowflake system then its SUPER RARE and can only happen this One Specific Way because i said so Science”
brains and experiences are weird and we dont know hardly anything about them, about ourselves. be kind to one another. be kind. your experiences are not universal. endogenic systems have EXACTLY as much Scientific Evidence of their existence as DID systems: none at all. dont let some musty old ableist prick define someone else out of existence just to make yourself feel more valid.
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praesigenics · 2 years
Plural Term: Reverse System
The term reverse system describes headmates who have two or more forms in the innerworld while having a linked consciousness. This may be compared to a hivemind but with headmates still maintaining distinct identities.
It’s called reverse system due to systems usually being seen as ‘One body with multiple minds’ while these headmates are ‘Multiple bodies with one mind.’
A term for headmates in a reverse system could be ‘reverse mates’ / ‘reversemates’!
Anyone who feels this fits their system is free to use this term and share it, but I’m not comfortable with sysmeds interacting with me. There’s also no current flag but I’m considering making one!
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praesigenics · 2 years
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praesigenics · 2 years
Not sure if any members of the plural community would find this useful, but I'm creating this for myself because it is needed for one of our subsystem.
"Anci-" as a root for functions or terms related to subsystems. Pronounced "ann-see."
The prefix comes from the term ancillary, which means: "providing necessary support to the primary activities or operation of an organization, institution, industry, or system," or "additional; subsidiary."
Examples of this could be things like....
Ancistuck: In which only members of a certain subsystem are currently able to front. Like frontstuck, but instead of it being one member, it's a certain subsystem.
Ancigender: A gender identity that is shared among a subsystem, or an identity that feels like a conglomerate or mixture of individual gender identities in a subsystem.
Polyanci: A system member that is in multiple subsystems.
Ancitive: In which members of a subsystem act as a unitive.
You're free to use the root for whatever you like, if you want to. Otherwise I will just be using it for my own system. Either way, enjoy. :)
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praesigenics · 2 years
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[image description: four pride flags. the first has 11 stripes. from top to bottom, the colors are: dark red, gold, red, light yellow, gold, light yellow, gold, red, gold, and dark red. the gold stripes are thinner than the other stripes. in the center of the flag is a symbol of a black arrow entering an orange portal and exiting a red portal. the second flag is very similar to the first; however, every instance of red is replaced by purple. the third and fourth flags are the same as the first two, but without the symbols.]
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Universe Hopper: A person with the ability to travel between worlds.
This term applies to those who identify with or as someone with the ability to travel between worlds, i.e. fictives, soulbonds, those who are fenikaen, constelic, otherkind/hearted, etc.
Alternate terms are dimensonal traveler, world hopper, etc.
System Traveler: A person with the ability to travel between systems.
Coined as an alternative to system hopper without the connotations of the former term.
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Do not discourse on this post. Those who do will be blocked. Discourse-related asks will be deleted.
Do not use my flags for anything relating to pedophilia, incest, zoophilia, and/or abuse.
Do not interact with my account if you are (an): exclus, biphobe, panphobe, antiqueer, terf, radfem, sysmed, antikin, proship, anti self-dx, cringe/flop acct.
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praesigenics · 2 years
whoa whoa whoa this came out of nowhere, who is behind this and why is it so good?? (i know it says right there who’s behind this, but we totally thought that the Young Voices Study wouldn’t address this!!)
We’re going to say ‘parts’ and ‘multiplicity’ to describe these experiences, only because it’s shorter than using all the different words. People use many words to describe their experiences- parts, persons, selves, alters, headmates, soulbonds, thoughtforms- or systems, plurals, multiples- and many, many more. No one experiences multiplicity in exactly the same way you do. We are all different, and trying to find the words to describe who we are can take time.
oh my god??
Why do people experience multiplicity? 
It depends. For some young people, it’s just who they are, and how they are in the world. For others, it’s something that’s linked to how they experience and understand their gender(s). For others, it’s how they connect to ancestors or the spiritual world. And for others, it’s related to difficult earlier experiences. Sometimes, when we are hurt or experience trauma, in order to cope, we dissociate: we switch out of the experience to escape it. It can be a really useful and sometimes life-saving survival strategy. Sometimes, when this happens, the part of us that couldn’t disconnect carries the memory of what happened, and doesn’t grow older. This can become a part.
(bolding mine because, wow, university-backed acknowledgement??)
EDIT 1-27-22: updated the links, since they broke over the years. people intrigued by this might also be interested in this paper about the production/continued revision of this infosheet, as well as this short article about their ongoing/future work.
- ace
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praesigenics · 2 years
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Fenigenic / Phenigenic / Phoenigenic
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A system origin that describes those who formed from past-lives; a past-lives system origin. They may believe they left their past life and were reborn again as a system, came into the system from a past life into the body (causing plurality), were a system in a past life and was reborn again with the same one, and various other scenarios. An intentionally broad label that may describe many different experiences.
Comes from the term phoenixal: "A term that describes alterhumans (and others who feel this label fits them) with a particular kind of past life, believing that they died or otherwise left their past life, and were born again into this one. They may additionally believe that this process has happened many times before, and will continue in the future." Note that you do not need to use phoenixal separately in order to identify with fenigenic.
The top two are the general flags, the middle three include a new symbol I created for fenigenic, and the bottom two use the plural spiral symbol, indicating plurality.
Do not put discourse on my post.
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praesigenics · 2 years
hi!!!! new system term idea that i’ve been planning for ages :]
conpraefic -
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↳ a term for systems who refuse to disclose their origin or don’t want their origins know by others, *unless* there is a strong bond between them. this could be a relationship of any kind (a friendship, a qpr, a romantic relationship, etc), a mental/psychological connection, or just a stable amount of trust.
a system may identify as conpraefic for any number of reasons, including safety, feeling that their system origins are too complex to be understood by others, and/or spite. this term could also be used as conpraefigenic.
flag colours inspired by @extranth’s praesigenic flag!! i might make a few more terms similar to this in the future (potentially making praesispec a thing? 👀) so stay tuned!! also, flag / banner IDs under the cut - these are some of my first ever image descriptions so apologies if they aren’t perfect /g
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also, a big thank you to @ezgender for the new banner!! :D
[Flag ID: a flag with 9 equal horizontal stripes. the colours from the top stripe are a very dark grey, navy blue, a lighter blue, turquoise, and a dark red in the middle, which reflects for the last 4 lines. there is a thinner red horizontal stripe going through the middle stripe. End ID]
[First banner text ID: This term can be used by any type of system, please do not start syscourse on this post. End ID]
[Second banner text ID: DNI: anti-mogai/neopronouns, exclus/truscum/transmeds, TERFs/radfems, plural gatekeepers/against non-traumagenic systems, ED blogs, anti-antis, anti-PNC/GNC, against mspec or nonbinary lesbians, against educated self-diagnosis, anti-kin, anti-aspec/mspec, or if you demonise mental illness/personality disorders. End ID]
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praesigenics · 3 years
Some plural terms perhaps?
Vegagenic: a System space thats mostly or completely filled with aliens, celestials, gods/godesses, and headspace that involves being in outer space, solar systems, etc
Helgenic: a System space that's mostly or completely filled with demons, Angels, divinity, Celestials, and headspace that involves being in hell or hell like and/or heaven or heaven like spaces (including the void or limbo), etc
Eldritchgenic: a System space that's mostly or completely filled with nonhuman or humanoid beings that are sentient and are Eldritch horrors, Beings that humans can't comprehend, or just being void-like creatures, and being stuck in a vast empty space, or void, black holes, somewhere and no where, etc.
I will make flags for these soon !!! If I used terms incorrectly please politely tell me if something needs to be changed!
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