praevidus · 10 years
i apologize for the overly long unannounced hiatus! i ended up sort of slacking a lot on this blog, but i might be back -- we don't really know at the moment. i've got a huge workload for college this semester, so when i am not doing school work, i'm generally trying to relieve stress by rewatching NCIS and catching up on free! and haikyuu!. so. hopefully, however, i will be back soon!
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praevidus · 10 years
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So I think I might be a little bit late but this is for BREEEEEE
lovely lovely Bre, who is one of my pjo fan zine artists and is also one of the loveliest people ever. 
Happy Birthday sweetheart! Hope you had a good one :D
Also the Annabeth watercolour you sent me was like, the best thing ever so I wanted to draw her in more traditional greek stuff for you. The hair went a liiittle bit out of control, but I hope you like it!
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praevidus · 10 years
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My gorgeous girl annabeth ilu so much 
How do you shorten annabeth? Anna doesn’t suit her so much…. AB is the best I can come up with :3
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praevidus · 10 years
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HC that if ab went to school she would totally be one of those really stand offish music types who plugged themselves in and got busy with work, and always got really good grades…
also I gave her a fringe because annabeth with a fringe is possibly my favourite thing ever.
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praevidus · 10 years
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Annabeth in a christmas jumper :D Last in the series, so glad to have finally finished them all!
Stay posted for a full photoset, and thanks to everyone who came to the stream! xx
see the full set here
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praevidus · 10 years
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Annabeth thrust her hands in the river. Her eyes shed boiling tears and every pore on her face popped. 
Okay so the colours turned out pretty funky but omg I had to draw this, I felt so badly for Annabeth when I saw that video… she goes through so much shit it’s just unreal.
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praevidus · 10 years
sorry for my absence -- my friends made me restart a homestuck rp blog ugh,,, im not even,,, a fan of homestuck anymore,,
hopefully i'll be on tomorrow, but i don't know. i'm going to be starting uni too so. we'll see.
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praevidus · 10 years
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Happy Birthday Noor!
You are one of my biggest inspirations and I am constantly in awe of your work, it’s amazing. You are also a GEM OF A PERSON and I am so excited to see what you come up with over the next year!
I percabeth’d because that’s how I first got to know your art <3 <3 aah, zine memories…
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praevidus · 10 years
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I forgot to upload this yesterday D:
My second piece for the pjo fanzine :) After drawing the other ladies I could hardly leave my girl Annabeth out.
I imagine she’s running through the woods at CHB after a game of Capture the Flag has just started, grinning because Percy has just run straight into a tree behind her :)
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praevidus · 10 years
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For radycat, camp-swapped Reyna and Annabeth.
Reyna took a swim at the lake in CHB.
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praevidus · 10 years
Annabeth in 18?
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praevidus · 10 years
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annabeth is fantastic, this is basically how i imagine her to look~
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praevidus · 10 years
||closed thread with queenandpraetor||
Working as a praetor must be hard.
It's just an assumption -- no, an educated guess, an estimation -- but from the bags under her eyes and the set of her shoulders, Annabeth can tell that Reyna needs a break. Hell, she's been in a mirror image of her position before, and she can recognize the strain better than anyone, she thinks. The fact that the (generally) amicable girl has been turned into an impenetrable stone fortress of short, sharp quips and quivering tones of exhaustion is simply another bullet-point of evidence to add to the hypothesis that Reyna needs to relax.
Getting word of her is easy enough. Bringing two lukewarm cups of coffee is as well, and she only has to spend a few minutes asking around for her whereabouts. Annabeth's gaze catches a newly-remarked probatio making a beeline as far away from the armory as he can get, and with an arched brow, she ducks in to replace him. Addressing newbies is generally something directed towards centurions, but the praetor has been a bit frazzled lately, and she can't blame her for the direct involvement. Besides; Annabeth is well aware of the fact that high stress levels lead to general morals flying out the door.
She ends up stepping just barely inside and leaning against the doorframe, twin carboard cups in her hands and an intense expression playing out on her face. Her eyes take a moment to readjust to the rapid lightning change and she lets her scrutinizing glare roam the establishment; the second she catches sight of Reyna she clears her throat as if preparing herself for a speech-
"I brought coffee," is all that comes out. How, exactly, do you suggest a vacation to someone with a work ethic nearly identical to your own?
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praevidus · 10 years
A daughter of Athena knows things, and one of those things is that Nico is most likely going to be uncomfortable around her.
There's always the off chance that he won't be -- but it's rarely acted upon. It's shown in the line of his back and the set of his jaw while he talked to her for.. years, now, Annabeth assumes. Even far below in her cabin she could deduct that it was going to be somewhat of an.. awkward affair, to say the least. He wouldn't enjoy himself; she wasn't sure if she would, either.
Strapping her dagger upon her hip, Annabeth ducked out of her room. Her fingers pulled repetitively at her sweatshirt ties. Treat it like any other shift.
A few short moments later and she was staring over the deck at the back of his head, breath leaving thin clouds before her eyes. She shouldered her own dread -- that's silly, Annabeth, you're over thinking this -- and stepped up beside him.
".. You aren't cold?"
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{ ☠ }           Nico’s least favorite task was to have to patrol at night the Argo with someone else. He didn’t mind the task when he was alone, though after the Diocletian palace incident, Jason was there lots of the time pestering him about his self-esteem issues but it was in vain and he ended up shadow-travelling away from him to be alone
Now, he couldn’t have less luck. Who the hell planned that he should do this shift in her company? He… didn’t hate Annabeth. But sometimes… even if he told himself he was over Percy, it wasn’t easy to see any PDA between those two. The ten year old that looked up at the son of Poseidon as if he was a god, something straight out of his fantasies wouldn’t allow him to 
Leaning slightly on his sword, Nico looked to the dark sky, full of stars, and simply waited for his companion, hoping the night would pass quickly 
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praevidus · 10 years
".. Wanna spar?" 
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"Admit it, you need the practice." 
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praevidus · 10 years
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so i heard its reynabeth week up in here
so here’s a reynabeth doodle that i am not entirely pleased with but oh well
reyna is having some troubles with annabeths hair to say the least
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praevidus · 10 years
          "I'm not a d̷͘am̨͘s͠el in d̀͝i͏̀͜s͏͠t͏r̢ess. You can't save me."
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