prayerbin · 4 years
The end draws nigh ✨
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prayerbin · 4 years
Be with me divine ✨
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prayerbin · 4 years
✨ Divine guardian
Connect with your deepest desires
Angels can come in many different forms for your highest good
Life is to be experienced and savored
You are free from expectation ✨
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prayerbin · 4 years
✨ There’s moments in life when out of the blue it seems everything is orchestrated by Divine intervention.
It’s as if the Red Sea parts in front of you and events come together to banish your troubles easily and naturally.
You did not deserve it, and yet here you are.
Unexpected windfalls and good fortune come your way now ✨
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prayerbin · 4 years
✨ Patience
Go slowly
Release the darkness and miracles will appear
Savor the moment, and the waiting won’t feel difficult
You will indeed win if you relax ✨
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prayerbin · 4 years
✨ An unseen change is initiated
Your plans are not on firm ground
Uncertainty about which way the wind will blow
Nothing will remain static
The unknown is where the magic lies
Wait it out. All will be better than you imagined. Trust ✨
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prayerbin · 4 years
✨ Unfinished symphony
Tie up your loose ends
The end of a cycle or lesson is near
Don’t quit before you get to the finish line ✨
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prayerbin · 4 years
Here and now...
✨ The past and future are illusions that leak your power. Tomorrow is beyond your reach. The past cannot return.
Live one day at a time and trust that you have everything you need.
What you think now becomes your present. ✨
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prayerbin · 4 years
✨ Blessings are unearned and unexpected
I have to be willing to stay open and positive to position myself to receive and see the blessings everyday
I feel blessed by my life ✨
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prayerbin · 4 years
Time to go 😌
✨ Walking away because there is nothing left to learn or experience
Take stock of what you’ve learned
Your destiny is calling you
Endings are always a sign of new beginnings
You will not find the success you desire by continuing what is now in front of you
You’ve finished your tasks and can rest assured that this ending will open up a powerful new avenue of opportunity.
You have done all you can; trust that Spirit will keep the plan moving forward.
Destiny is in charge. You gain everything and lose nothing when you acknowledge that fact.
Spirit loves you. Trust that. ✨
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prayerbin · 4 years
Yesterday gratitude was 10 spicy chicken nuggets from McDonald’s. It was the way my mom screamed like a cartoon while watching Lovecrest Country. It was video calling my good friend Pelle which feels so healing to my lonely heart✨ It was a sweet rainstorm last night. It was another breezy work day. It was Catfish the show!! Lord I thank you for these pleasures 🌻
Ashe 🙏🏾
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prayerbin · 4 years
Yesterday 9.28.20
Gratitude was a breezy Monday. It was laying in the crook of mom’s belly and watching a show with her. It was Chik Fil A and I May Destroy You. It was clean clothes. It was the satisfaction of knowing my husband made it home safe.
Ashe 🙏🏾
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prayerbin · 4 years
I have to make this a habit again... gratitude list!
Today gratitude is a great week! It’s my last session of therapy. Gratitude is American Horror Story. It is my wonderful mother. It is my new friend Abu. Gratitude is peace today.
Thank you God 🙏🏾
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prayerbin · 4 years
I haven’t been as consistent with my gratitude list, and for that I am remiss.
Today gratitude was laughter at work GIFs and of course Nurse Jackie forever. It was spicy chicken and talking to my husband on 3 different occasions all in one day! It is trying to take medication at night as opposed to in the morning and seeing how that feels. It is pushing myself to see the light in darkness. It is another chance to try even when shit feels bleak. It is the ever persevering spirit of love that keeps me here.
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prayerbin · 4 years
Today was my first day at 0. I felt completely and totally like myself again! There’s a small part of me that wonders if it was truly the medication doing a miracle, or if it was simply God. I did not take a pill today. I prayed that this was my depression breaking today. I still pray for this.
Gratitude looks like excitement to totally revamp my home tomorrow to music and dancing. Gratitude is my mother. Gratitude is the possibility of sleeping in my own home for the first time in over three weeks. Gratitude is the appreciation of a loving and praying mother. Gratitude is functionality in my physical body today. It’s for shopping. It’s for the At Home store...one of my favorites!
Gratitude today is making it to another day to try again...and always one more time.
Ashe and Amen 🙏🏾
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prayerbin · 4 years
Gratitude this weekend was a great Saturday spent in a great mood and a Sunday that was overcome even in its difficulty. Monday was a great bike ride. It was quality time afterward and so much laughter with my mother. It was spending a day with my mom because she didn’t go in to work yesterday.
I’m still trying. I’m still here.
Ashe and Amen 🙏🏾
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prayerbin · 4 years
Today was a good day. Fell down into the low 2s and dare I say...one?! Started in a fog, ended in glory. Gratitude today was spending part of the afternoon at my condo and feeling so great being back there. I washed some of my clothes in my washing machine. I turned on the TVs and the faucets. I smelled camphor. It was lovely. I will return tomorrow.
Gratitude today was memories of sad moments in my hometown coated with laughter and smiles. Not because things are perfect now, but just because those moments ended. Gratitude was getting my eyebrows done for the first time since quarantine. Gratitude was my mother, forever. Gratitude was Nurse Jackie. Gratitude was finding my purple Mac lipstick! Gratitude was a car drive and conversations with mom. 💕
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