mass-driver · 5 years
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You know, while I’m on, I should probably get my ass in gear and do those replies I owe.
I’m terribly sorry for the long delay. Gacha games are my bane. Primarily Arknights, Digimon ReArise, Pokemon Masters, Dragalia Lost, and Puzzle and Dragons. I had to cycle out Azur Lane after my dock filled up with locked ships, whoops.
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mass-driver · 5 years
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mass-driver · 5 years
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“You know, it���s been quite a while since I last had the urge to really go and train. Despite my age, I’d like to think I still have room to grow! After all, evil never stops progressing, so why should I?! Hahahahaha!”
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mass-driver · 5 years
“Of course. His designation was 4X-EL, but the students found that too formal, so they took to calling him Axel. He worked alongside the cafeteria chefs, and in the months we had him, he learned of every student’s allergies and quirks when it comes to food. He would inform students the night before in a group chat if something they didn’t like would be on the menu, and offer them a separate section of the cafeteria for substitutions, and never charged them more for the substitutions.” Gentaro looks over at the remains of his Humagear friend. “Axel was also known for running the snack bar during the football games, and he always made sure that both teams had enough water and protein to get through the games. And one moment in particular sticks out in my mind.”
He looks to Fuwa with a sad smile. “One of my students has a deathly allergy to peanuts and one of the students from the other classroom was taunting her with an open-faced sandwich. She breathed in the wrong way and started going into shock. Axel saw it happening and vaulted over the salad bar, catching her in his arms. He administered her Epipen and called for paramedics, all the while gently bringing her down to the ground. He didn’t leave her side until she was brought into the Emergency Room. That’s the kind of Humagear that Axel was, and it’s a shame that we lost him to Metsubojinrai.net. I know Hiden probably has his data backed up, but it still feels like I lost a friend today.”
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“...I don’t think a HumaGear that’s been physically hacked with a ZetsumeRiser can be restored. Our technical advisor, Yua Yaiba, might know more, but it’d probably be safe to say you did lose a friend.” Fuwa began, looking somewhat remorseful as he spoke...It was funny. Before that hacked HumaGear had saved him, he wouldn’t have felt bad for a destroyed Magia at all. After all, it was just a rampaging tool of MetsubouJinrai.net’s...But now, he was starting to understand something thanks to that doctor.
Not all HumaGears were killing machines...No, it was MetsubouJinrai that was making them into killing machines. This only affirmed Fuwa’s hatred of the group, prompting him to momentarily clench his fist in restrained anger at the thought of those bastards. They were ruining more lives, just like they’d ruined his during Daybreak...Unforgivable.
This was just one more reason that he needed to scrap those bastards.
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“...I’ll admit, he sounded like a pretty good guy, for a HumaGear. It’s a shame he had to go out like this...Tell you what. I’ll talk to Hiden’s president in your school’s stead to get a replacement model made and shipped out once I head back. So, you can consider it my way of honoring the guy.” Fuwa finally responded, snapping back to reality from his own thoughts. “Sorry about that...Just thinking about how MetsubouJinrai’s ruined lives since Daybreak really pisses me off...I won’t rest until I’ve scrapped them for what they’ve done!”
One Wolf Moon (mass-driver)
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mass-driver · 5 years
"Shall we make humanity despair today?" - Hideo to Horobi. (This is what he says before going on a murdering spree.)
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“Indeed. The extinction of humanity will require that they know despair…Your Fury virus will be an invaluable asset in that regard, would you not agree, Hideo? After all, you are also a victim of the evils of humanity...But, they shall pay for their transgressions with their lives; I trust you shall ensure that?”
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mass-driver · 5 years
“Hoo… Well… I can accept that, sure.” She was pretty familiar with said regulations because while she wasn’t an official sanctioned D.A.T.S member, she was an associate… and toeing the line so they didn’t bother her for breaking said regulations was a good idea. Marcus might notice the distinct red color of her eyes compared to the striking amber they were before.
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“Perhaps we can get to know each other better on the way. I get the feeling we may be working together more in the future. As you probably might have guessed, i’m not a local. Born and raised in Romania, the Wallachia region specifically.” A little factoid that became the subject of some interest among people she knew. It also lead to vampire jokes with her being something of a stay at home recluse at times.
“Oh… and depending on how far it is, we can take my car. I don’t mind giving you a ride if it’s a bit too much of a walk.” She gives a cursory look over the area to see if anyone who might have been caught in the crossfire needs help while she’s at it. Whatever the case… fair chance there’s gonna be a good few NDA signings… or D.A.T.S will be breaking out the neuralizers. Whatever it is they do to keep things under wraps. She’s fuzzy on the specifics of that.
A car, huh? Well, it was a fair distance from the docks to the park...Plus, Marcus couldn’t help but think that was a good idea. First, though, he needed to report to headquarters...And see what Commander Sampson wanted done with the witnesses. Using the memory erasure device always left a bad taste in Marcus’s mouth, but he understood enough to know that if one of those no-disclosing things didn’t work, then...
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“Y’know, that ain’t a bad idea...It’s pretty far, plus we still have t’stop an’ get our food on top o’ that...That said, we did have witnesses, so I’m gonna have t’call th’ Commander t’get my orders on what we‘re doin’ about ‘em.” Marcus admitted, rubbing his head with a sigh as he activated his earpiece. “Commander, it’s me. Kumbhiramon’s down, but...” And Marcus proceeded to waste no time in filling the Commander in, both on Anya and the witnesses. “...So, what am I doin’?”
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“Anya Ritter...? I didn’t expect to hear of her in the area. Marcus, don’t worry about it. I’ll dispatch somebody A.S.A.P. to recover Kumbhiramon’s DigiEgg and speak with the witnesses, as well as deal with any media coverage. Until then, you’re to leave the scene after finishing up...I suspect I’ll be hearing from the Director soon thanks to Kumbhiramon.”
Sampson let out an audible sigh as he ended the communication, prompting Marcus to shrug...So he didn’t have to worry about using the device, huh? ...Hey, that saved him some trouble. At least he wasn’t the one making the heavy decision there...Right?
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“...So, th’ Commander’s gonna have someone dispatched t’handle th’ DigiEgg an’ witnesses.” Marcus commented, turning to Anya once the call had ended. “I’m guessin’ they’re on their way now, so we can go eat once we finish up ‘ere...Th’ Commander knew who you were, though. He told me not t’worry about things ‘ere, so I ain’t about t’sweat it. So, how far’s your car?”
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mass-driver · 5 years
“The rumors are true. In 2012, this school was a testing ground for a twisted experiment. Students and Faculty were given devices that could give them superpowers based on the constellations. These devices, the Zodiart Switches, would mutate the user and get them addicted to the power provided. When I came to the school, I got caught up in this and took it on myself to fight with this Fourze Driver. I worked with the designer of the technology and another Rider, Meteor to fight the Zodiarts and their bosses, the Horoscopes.”
He takes the switches from his belt, returning to normal. “I’ve kept the Fourze Driver since then, since there’s always going to be a need, even among my fellow Heisei Era Riders, to fight monsters and keep my students safe. Though as you saw, some of my students don’t need the help. They’re a different class of hero. Your organization should have at least some information on the ones called ‘Pretty Cure.’
Gentaro takes out a tablet and cues up a video, showing some kind of liquid metal monster hurling a whole ocean liner down a city street, only for its momentum to be completely stopped by three young women.
“Those aren’t my students, but that’s the kind of power these Pretty Cure possess. Kamen Riders like you and me have a lot less power compared to that.”
So, the rumors had been true, after all...And on top of that, it seemed like there was a lot more to this school than met the eye. Sure, Fuwa had never met a Pretty Cure before, but he was, admittedly, familiar with the rumors around them and their strength...And he knew that he wouldn’t want to throw hands with them, either. That video was only reinforcing that with how impressive it looked.
But...To think something like that had happened almost eight years ago...It was shameful that he didn’t know anything about it. Of course, while it was possibly covered up, it still didn’t seem right that somebody that was probably around the age he’d been during Daybreak having to fight with only a few comrades against some twisted experiment using that Fourze Driver.
...It showed that this guy was stronger than Fuwa in an important way, he hated to admit. He’d been able to fight directly back at something that scary, unlike Fuwa back during the Daybreak incident...And, more importantly, he’d come out of it stronger than Fuwa was right now.
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“...Pretty Cure, huh? I know the rumors, but A.I.M.S. hasn’t had reason to cross paths with them ourselves considering what our organization does for a living...More importantly, I have to admit I wasn’t all too aware of these Zodiart Switches. Considering I work for the government, that’s kind of embarrassing, Teach. Can’t say I don’t sympathize though, considering it’s our job to take rogue HumaGears down before they hurt people alongside upholding the Specialized A.I. Law.
So...That said, you mind telling me about the rogue Magia? What he was like before he turned, I mean. I might have it out for MetsubouJinrai, but...” There’s a pause as Fuwa trails away, remembering both how his life had been ruined at Daybreak...And how he owed his life to a hacked HumaGear who chose to save him of its own will. Two conflicting memories...
“...I guess you could say I’m putting our organization’s prejudice towards A.I. on the backburner for the sake of that HumaGear’s memory. MetsubouJinrai.net...They don’t care whose lives their actions ruin. All they want is the extinction of humanity, even if they have to forcibly turn their fellow HumaGears into Magia to do it. So, I can at least learn more about the guy so I can add it to my report when I head back and honor his memory with you guys. Hope you won’t mind me sticking around a bit for that, alongside my own curiosity, Teach.”
One Wolf Moon (mass-driver)
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mass-driver · 5 years
As the Magia is about to be scrapped, minion level Magia try to storm the football field to help. But they find their way blocked by two more young women. One in blue holds up her hand and a gravity well forms around the Magia’s feet, allowing the other one to pick each one off with beams of radiant energy from the palms of her hands.
All five Magia explode at the same time. The girl in the green dress waves her hand, effectively sweeping all the scrap into a single pile to make it easier to clean up later.
Fourze waves. “Good job, ladies. Get back inside, sound the all-clear, and get ready for your clubs.”
All four respond “Yes, Sensei!” and vanish in a bright multicolored light. This just leaves Fourze and Vulcan on the sod together.
“I bet you’ve got some questions. I’ll answer them as best as I can.”
Questions...? Yeah, Vulcan had some questions, alright...But, first, he undid his transformation by hitting a button on top of the ShotRiser, ejecting the Punching Kong Progrise Key so that he could close and pocket it. He had to admit, this guy knew how to fight...A little too well to be any ordinary teacher, that was for sure.
And then there were those girls...They were even stranger than their teacher, disappearing like that! ...On the bright side, the Magia had been destroyed successfully, so his job was technically over with. But...Now the teacher had not only pegged that he probably had questions, but was offering to answer them as best he could?
...This guy was good; real good.
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“Putting it pretty lightly, aren’t you teach?” Fuwa began, holstering the ShotRiser on his belt and clearing his throat as he let out a sigh...This saved him a lot of trouble, so he was grateful to get right to the point. It was a good thing that none of MetsubouJinrai’s generals had showed up, though. Fuwa knew he wouldn’t be able to bring them down on his own...Especially the bastard behind Daybreak.
“...Yeah, I’ve got a bunch of questions I’d like to ask you, so let me go ahead and thank you for cooperating with me in advance. Now, I’ll need to collect statements from any witnesses later...But, I’m guessing the rumors of monsters and stuff happening around this high school are all true, using that belt of yours as an example. So, you mind starting us off with why a teacher like you can become a Rider? I’m also curious about those girls and their teleporting away, but that can go on the backburner for the time being unless you’re up to filling in the blanks.”
One Wolf Moon (mass-driver)
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mass-driver · 5 years
📖 (Bring it on, Marcus lmao)
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“Punch all yer problems! If y’hit hard enough, anythin’s possible!”
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mass-driver · 5 years
📖 Do your worst Sanae
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“Oh, I have one! You can’t be bound by common sense in Gensokyo if you want to succeed! …How was that? I give myself that advice sometimes.”
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mass-driver · 5 years
He nods and gives the Magia a spin as his rockets boost up. But there’s not enough momentum there to get the Magia up and away. At least until Gentaro notices the Magia is much lighter than before. 
He looks over to it, and sees a ring of green energy around it. Under his helmet, he smiles, as a pair of translucent fangs appears above the Magia’s head, plunging into where its neck would be.
Over past the goalposts are two girls in fancy dresses. One is Green, and one is black and white and they seem to be casting spells at the Magia. The one in black focuses on those fangs before exclaiming “Blech! It tastes like fried chicken cooked in motor oil!”
“That is an oddly specific flavor, Horizon. You are not required to take its energy into your body.”
Now that the Magia is weakened and its magnetic balance has been shifted, Foruze finishes hurling it up into the atmosphere.
While Vulcan didn’t understand just what was going on with the Magia up there, he did notice that there were two girls over by the goalposts...He wasn’t sure just what they were doing, if he had to be honest. But, it didn’t look like they were interfering...Besides, he could hear them pretty clearly. Fried chicken and motor oil...? He’d heard that wrong, right? What, had they somehow gotten a bite of the Magia?
...Whatever, he wasn’t sure he should ask while that Magia was around. It sounded crazy, anyway. He couldn’t tell if Fourze was surprised behind that helmet of his from all the way up there, but it didn’t look like whatever was happening to the Magia was bothering him anyway...At least, that was his standing guess.
So...With that said, he’d just have to pull his own weight and scrap that Magia, since Fourze had done a lot already. He didn’t know what kind of HumaGear it’d used to be, admittedly...But, he’d collect statements after this was over. Besides, the fact a faculty member had something like that belt was curious enough to Vulcan...He’d have to stick around if he wanted to get the full story on that belt, and those rumors as well, after all. But for now...
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“Turn...Into scrap!” Vulcan yelled, pulling the trigger after leveling the Attache Shotgun at the airborne Mammoth Magia the moment Fourze hurls it into the atmosphere and unleashing a surge of bluish energy shaped like a wolf’s head that soared towards the Magia before exploding on contact. “Shooting Kaban Shot!” That was all he could do; it was out of range of his ShotRiser's normal shots, after all...And, with everything that was going on with the Magia, a Power Punching Blast might be overkill.
...Not that it stopped him from considering it anyhow. It’d taken quite a bit of abuse so far, after all...If it somehow came back from all of that, he’d do it.
One Wolf Moon (mass-driver)
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mass-driver · 5 years
📖 { Let Fuwa give Bad Advice }
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“If there‘s something you really have to do, follow your own rules, not someone else‘s. That includes being told not to do something. If it’s important that you do it, then do it. Consequences can wait.”
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mass-driver · 5 years
Send 📖 to get really bad advice from my muse
Bonus points for also giving a topic.
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mass-driver · 5 years
*Throws Marcus an.....Agumon?*
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…Well, this was weird. His Agumon was standing right here, and this Agumon looked funky. No armbands, more defined nostrils…Weird. “Hey, Agumon. Y’know this guy?”
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“Nuh-uh, Boss. I’ve never seen that Digimon before in my life...I think it’s an Agumon, though. It looks kinda funny, doesn’t it?”
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mass-driver · 5 years
*Suzume tosses a bag of food at Agumon*
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There’s a pause as Agumon goes to pick the food that bounced off of him up, before heading to a chair, plopping down in it comfortably...And opening it, before dumping the contents in his mouth gluttonously. Once he was done, there’s a burp as he waves to Suzume. He was somewhat sated now. “Thanks!”
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mass-driver · 5 years
"Sir, do you have money?" (Lunamon asks Arata lmao)
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“...Yeah, I have some money, but do you always ask strangers if they have money on them? You know folks aren’t gonna give you a single Yen if you’re that upfront...Or desperate.”
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mass-driver · 5 years
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*This ask is a work of silliness. I do not condone Shocker nor its villainous deeds. That said, I do condone the heroic efforts of the Riders that fight for our smiles.
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