praying-for-an-end · 11 years
"Yeah,"  Dean admitted with a grimace, playing the part of an FBI grunt. "Pretty gruesome, but someone has to put that sick fuck behind bars, right?" Not that Dean was planning on setting it behind bars, nope he was gonna kill whatever it was.  "Noticed anything strange, like sudden chills or the smell of sulfur?"  It probably wasn't ghosts or demons, the signs were all wrong, but it was always a good idea to cover all bases.
What's It Look Like I'm Doing? (Open RP)
Samael nodded and stubbed out his cigarette. “Yeah, I’ve heard about them,” He said, waving it off. “Pretty weird stuff. That what you’re here for?” He asked, cocking his head to the side. Those strange deaths were part of what had brought the fallen angel there. He felt intrigued by them. Now that this hunter was here he knew it had been worth his time.
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praying-for-an-end · 11 years
"You look so pretty all fucked open on my knot, Cas."  Dean whispers in the omega's ear.  "You stretched so fucking nice, opened yourself up all for me.  Just a pretty, pliant little fuckhole for me, aren't you?  Already can tell you're going to be a perfect bitch, always hungry for a little more."   And personally, Dean isn't much of a dirty talker but it is something about this omega that makes him want to run his mouth off.
"But it took you so long to accept my knot, whore."  Dean said conversationally, like he isn't knot deep in Castiel, and reaches down to play with Castiel's hole around his cock.  He managed to slowly work a finger into Castiel along side his knot, stretching the rim just a little bit more.  "So I think I'll make you wait a little bit to cum, that alright, slut?  Gonna fill your little pussy all up, you won't be able to walk without my cum dripping out of you.  Not that you're going to be unable to walk when your heat ends,"  He assured his omega, "because I'm gonna keep on fucking you even after you've cum again and again, and you'll fucking beg more for one more round."  The Alpha punctuated his decree with a rough thrust, aiming for where he knows his omega's prostate is.
His next words surprise him, but he never even thinks of redacting them.  "Then I'll take care of you."  And oh, damn it, that's sappy but Dean can't bring himself to care because it's Cas who he doesn't really know but it feels right.  Besides, they'll have all the time in the world to get to know each other because hell if Dean is going to let anyone else anywhere near his mate for a long while and Dean doesn't intend to let his mate go.  He knows that some Alpha's take more then one Omega or have a Beta and Omega mate but Dean knows instinctively that Cas will be his only.
Heat of the moment || M!A || Open to Dean's, Sam's and Castiel's ||
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praying-for-an-end · 11 years
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praying-for-an-end · 11 years
Dean joined in the laughter, "Yeah, yeah.  It's not a long drive unfortunately."  He looped his arm around Gabriel's neck and ruffled the shorter angel's hair.  "And I've gotta follow wherever ya go, do don't go flying off any cliffs, ya hear me?"
Closed RP With Praying-for-an-end
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praying-for-an-end · 11 years
Dean frowned and grabbed the angel's chin, forcing him to look at Dean's blank white eyes.  "When I say to look at me, you will look at me."  He snarled in anger.  "Unless you want me to do a little damage to your precious hunter too."  Castiel had already endured immense pain after all, and that hadn't made him obedient so obviously some other kind of threat was needed.
"Do you understand?"  He asked the angel, finally letting go of its chin and smiling when he saw the bloody handprint left by his firm grip.  
Chained {Open role play}
The angel screamed and pulled against his bindings as the demon cut his wings.  Tears were involuntarily falling from his eyes and soon enough the cutting stopped.  Though, the angel knew the torture was not over.  Castiel was looking down at his lap as the demon crouched in front of him, he shook his head at his request, unwilling to look at Dean.  
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praying-for-an-end · 11 years
"Twenty-six righteous men," Dean explained, "they're possible vessels for Michael.  So if they decide I'm not really worth it, and then off me, you might be next on their list or number twenty-six."  He rubs his temples, already feeling a stress headache.  At least he won't have to worry about protecting this one, he's already got a little guardian angel lurking around somewhere.
Dean chuckled, "Well, aren't we all dumbshits then?"  There was that one thing everyone was willing to go to hell for and unfortunately the stupid demons had managed to figure out what Dean's was.  "And sometimes I'm glad I don't hunt the natural," he admitted, "'cause at least with the critters I chase, I know exactly what's creature and what's not.  None of that confusing grey space with killing another human."
Drinking Hell Away
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praying-for-an-end · 11 years
The second Cas had kissed his Dean had frozen up, mind going blank, because damn it all the demon managed to kiss just like Castiel and he had loved it.  "Get the fuck out of Cas!"  He spat when he managed to regain control of his higher brain.  This wasn't just about Dean, Cas's body was getting possessed by a slimy bastard of a demon.  Dean tried to squirm away but the cuffs didn't let him get far.  The most damning thing about it was his silence, he didn't deny falling for Cas at all.
Castiel pouted before chuckling and leaning over to kiss Dean’s lips before he had time to finish his exorcism. After the kiss the demon pulled back and bit Dean’s lip, pulling at it as he did so, “Such a naughty hunter trying to expel me like that.  Don’t you think we can have a bit of fun while we’re like this?  Just you and me and might I say you look delicious when you are all defenseless like this.” He winked and licked his lips, “Also best part is is that I know you like it.” He leaned down and kissed the hunters neck, “You just fall for this vessel every time don’t you Dean?” He chuckled placing another kiss on his neck.
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praying-for-an-end · 11 years
Castiel’s head was down looking into his lap as he panted, but he knew there was more.  Once the demon started moving his wings he gripped the arms of the chair bracing himself, but it did nothing to measure the pain he was enduring from the rod through his wing, so he screamed loudly.
"Stop!  Please!" He begged, he could not hold his tongue, he just wanted the pain to stop.  Though before he knew it the other rod was through his other wing which caused another scream to escape his lips, panting once he finished screaming.  The angel looked up at the demon, sweat pouring down his as he looked at him, saying nothing, only panting.
"Oh, I'm not done with you yet."  He took Castiel with glee. "There's still a few more things I have to do."  He picked up the scalpel made of an angel's blade again and with the steady hand removed all the flight feathers from the wings.  It was more symbolic than anything, because  it would hurt and it would leave scars but you could not actually take away an angel's ability to fly without binding symbols.
Once both wings were done how he wanted them to be, he knelt down in front of Castiel.  "Hey, birdie,"  the demon said in a quiet but hard voice, "I need you to look at me for this next part."  The bloody scalpel was still in his hand, he would be using soon enough.
Chained {Open role play}
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praying-for-an-end · 11 years
//Guys, I am really sorry for disappearing for so long.  I honestly didn't mean to.  
I work a 24/7, 365 kind of job though and I'm afraid it's that time of year when I get really fucking busy.   By that I mean I have to be available 24/7, 365 and lately I've been working 20-24 hours a day (140-168 hrs a week) and yeah, doesn't leave much time for anything but sleeping and eating.
Today I'm gonna try and get everyone's replies done.  Let me know if I owe ya, okay?  
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praying-for-an-end · 11 years
//The whole issue goes both ways.  i've had people refuse to play with me because I ship Destiel (and this somehow makes me inferior?) and I've gotten hate for saying my Dean is bisexual/biromantic with heterosexual but homoromantic leanings because apparently that's impossible?  Or being told my Dean only wants dicks and I hate OCs (which is not true but it doesn't seem to matter because I ship Destiel so I must only want Dean to have Castiel's dick.)
The whole issue is tiring because you'll get hate and loose followers either  Since when did it become okay to judge someone based on their ship?  scarredxbyxhellfire is an excellent Dean, and honestly I don't care that their Dean is straight because they're a fan-fucking-tastic writer and it's just a sexual orientation for a character.
There are differences between each and every Dean and that's okay, that's what makes them interesting and unique. Each Dean is another person's representation of that character and by seeing all the facets and possibilities you learn about your own character.  scarred has shown me things about Dean I didn't think about, because we approached the character and i different way and it's goddamn fascinating.
Basically: ships (or lack of them) shouldn't be an issue.  Everyone has something to offer and why can't people fucking see that?   
 stopdouchingupmycar said: tha t is the dumbest thing do you seriously get hate about destiel?? /?? whaht?
I’ve seen worse.
Scarredbyhellfire(some x’s in there somewhere) lost ALOT of followers for saying they wouldn’t do Destiel.
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praying-for-an-end · 11 years
[TXT: Dean Winchester] No.
[TXT: Lucy] Yes.
[TXT: Dean Winchester] I said no, that's final.
[TXT: Lucy] O god r u doing that im an archangle and I disapprove of this face of yours
[TXT: Dean Winchester] *Archangel
[TXT: Dean Winchester] And I don't make that face. In this case, I'm being responsible when you are obviously unable to be.
[TXT: Lucy] U totally make that face and u r responsible since when?
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praying-for-an-end · 11 years
[TXT: Dean Winchester] No.
[TXT: Lucy] Yes.
[TXT: Dean Winchester] I said no, that's final.
[TXT: Lucy] O god r u doing that im an archangle and I disapprove of this face of yours
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praying-for-an-end · 11 years
[TXT: Dean Winchester] No.
[TXT: Lucy] Yes.
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praying-for-an-end · 11 years
just saying - 
i don’t think you understand
i want invasive anons that piss my character off. i want questions about their family and lovers and etc. i want responses to memes (you never know what a meme can do). i want random magic anons.
i want to interact with my followers. 
you are always free to send me anything, anonymous or not.
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praying-for-an-end · 11 years
Dean smiled back at her, "Hey, need anything?"  Water was usually a good idea, but had she been out for that long?  And well, she needed her grandparents back and a stable environment but Dean really couldn't offer her those either.  
"Just wait here a sec, gotta tell the nurse you're awake."  For that, he didn't even have to leave the room, just pop his head out the door and talk to one of the orderlies.  They said a nurse would be there soon and he retreated back into the room.  Well, at least that gave him enough time to ask certain questions.  He turned around to talk to her and was struck by how similiar she looked, but in a way the was abstract.  Like someone he'd slept with once or something, but she was way to young for that.
The chair was still uncomfortable when he sat back down, but he knew he'd have to weather it for just a little longer.  "Have any living relatives, kiddo, that you can go home too?  Not his best opening, but there was nothing he could do for that now.  
The Child I Wanted (But Not Like This)
Sarah was still trying to wrap her mind about everything that had happened in the last few hours. It was like her whole life had just come undone around her. There was the strange killings that had been going on, and she’d merely thought it coincidence that it had happened on the full moon. Then there were the supposed FBI agents that looked almost painfully familiar, and she couldn’t place why, and then her grandparents were dead, and the supposed agents were there again. It was just too much.
She had, for all intents and purposes, locked herself up in her head, while she tried to figure everything out. All the while, the names Sam and Dean were flying around in her head. Her grandparents had told her her dad’s name was Dean, and he had a younger brother named Sam. …Could it really be her father? The last blood relative she had left?
And then her eyes were opening, and there he was again, slowly coming into focus in front of her. She huffed a groggy laugh. 
"Hi…" she mumbled, reaching up to rub her eyes. 
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praying-for-an-end · 11 years
[ You there... Freeze! You're under arrest for being so nice and cute. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful ❤ ]
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praying-for-an-end · 11 years
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