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I have been watching the new fallout series and because now Nav and Astarion are my Across AU couple I have been thinking of them in Fallout and had this idea of them being separated and finally being together again 👉👈
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Welcome to hell-
I mean the land of Amber's uncontrollable simp counsel. This includes and is not limited to;
Astarion, Dimitri, Alucard, Malleus, Akaza, Kuro, Boris, Kaneki, and several others that probably run and hide from me.
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Man this scene scratches the brain scratch.
Something about it is just soo.
I love how mildly inconvenienced Nav looks.
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Malleus Draconia Stimboard
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TWST Stimboard Masterlist
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🎥 @bat.world.bulgaria
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I really love the subtle development in his dialogues omg. He's gone from thinking his fuzzy feelings are odd and foreign to finally admitting he enjoys the moment. AND THAT CHANGE FROM A SERIOUS FACE TO A HAPPY ONE! HE'S SO PRECIOUS.
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It's true. I want them titties to crush me
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Not me seeing the diasomnia trailer again and seeing him get trapped in a cage and isolated in an abyss in a new light.😭
Just like when he was alone as an egg, waiting for someone to love him and set him free 😩
Noooooo Malleus noooo
Get him out get him out get him out ahhhh
-pushes lilia, silver, and sebek- free him 😭😭😭
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Byleth stealing in Dimitri's cloak is one of my favorite generes 🫶
Bylad and Bylass are now outdated from now on they will be knows as: Billy and Bylie and I love them💖
I must confess that i am a Twinleths truther 🫶💦 (sometimes?? lol i just love them)
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i finally realized why the male fans who get so pressed about yamato being trans don't act like that about kiku. it's because kiku is a trans woman who looks like a very attractive woman, but yamato is a trans man who looks like an attractive woman rather than presenting masculine. and so they can be secure in their heterosexuality and be attracted to kiku, but they're also attracted to yamato and so they have to vehemently deny any possibility of him being a trans man because that would mean that they aren't as straight as they thought they were. also they can't fathom being a man and not going out of your way to be seen as a man and being okay with being feminine in any capacity.
tldr; kiku is a feminine woman, so they can be horny about her and secure in their masculinity. yamato is a feminine man, so being attracted to him threatens their heterosexuality.
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Bayonetta 2 (2014)
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It’s time for the ceremonial lighting of the dimi-tree
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*Book 7 Spoiler*
Oh the parallel is killing me
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Lilia: "This voice... Levan?! You, when did you return... No, but those horns are Meleanor's..."
Lilia for a while confuses Malleus for Levan... He only doubted himself because of the horns... Do y'all remember who has a similar build/hair color/skin tone/lip shade as Malleus...
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"Those old fools of a senate... How dare they..."
"AND GRANDMOTHER AS WELL! Why have they kept the truth from me all this time?!"
OMG! He didn't know that Lilia hatched him... Lilia tries to calm him down and says that it was him who told them not to say tell. Because if he knew the truth, then he might feel guilty.
At this point Lilia begins to mix up reality and memory. He's questioning why he's calling this person Malleus when Malleus still isn't supposed to know how to walk on two legs. Malleus soothes him, saying that it's alright, Lilia doesn't have to think, and he doesn't have to suffer anymore.
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Malleus: "What dream would you like to have? A dream where both father and mother are alive? Or would you prefer a dream where you and your son live peaceful lives?
"I will give you anything and everything you wish for. Now, Lilia, take my..."
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Silver: "FATHER---!!!!!"
Lilia is still confused and mixes up things, and Malleus looks at Silver and Sebek exasperatedly, as if they're pests that keep on popping up. That they being awake is bad, and that they should go back to sleep. Silver objects and Sebek tells him that there's no way a man born from so much love should grow up to be villainous and hated by the entire world.
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Silver: "And that's why we will definitely defeat you. Lord Malleus... YOUR "BLESSING"!"
Because of that keyword, Lilia finally remembers everything that happened.
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Lilia: "Well said. That's my disciples for you."
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Lilia: "I must have taken a very long nap. Now you've done it, Malleus!"
Malleus: "Tsk. You've truly woken up, Lilia! But you need not worry. I will tuck you back to bed very soon."
Lilia: "Ha! Did you just say you will tuck me to bed? You've grown cocky, haven't you? Then do your worst!"
Lilia: "Everyone, after me!"
OMFG LOL LILIA???? Malleus laughs "Are we playing tag? It's been far too long since we've played like this."
"We have all the time in the world. Why don't we have a bit of fun, Lilia!" *CUE UNHINGED FUCKING LAUGHTER HOLY SHIT THAT WAS CREEPY AS HELL
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