precontis-blog · 6 years
someone: ichabod crane was a hero-- eadric: ICHABOD CRANE WAS A TALENTLESS HACK SHUT THE FUCK UP SHARON
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precontis-blog · 6 years
in case y’all were wondering, the death my posts will be referring to are gonna be my angel of death @mortulo. i’m just gonna base my story around eadric working for azrael there
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precontis-blog · 6 years
in the spirit of sinday: yes eadric has done the dullahan thing where he’s removed his head and given himself a blowjob, ok? let’s just get this over with now. he’s done it. he’s a menace. and he’ll do it again.
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precontis-blog · 6 years
          FEAR DOES NOT TOUCH SUCH A DEATHLESS CREATURE, and that alone is what keeps his composure steeled and grounded. In fact, he seems particularly lax for a man who knows not whose territory he is in. Not that it mattered much. No gate or barricade could ever stop him in the past, and it certainly wouldn’t slow him down now. Though he’ll give the mercenaries credit after his run-in with the sentries stationed around the base, locking onto him and none of his horses. How many bullets had he spat out moments prior to entering the lab?
          Certainly the pile he left outside the door as a coming and going gift would suffice to sate the doctor’s curiosity, if it presents itself that is. And what of his horses? Certainly Wilhelm’s taken the rest of the string through the grounds, tearing through terrain with a thundering stampede. Wispy black shadows dancing through the night, avoidant of light that may otherwise show just how opaque they were. In truth, Eadric wonders when he will hear the coach follow suit with haunting groans of agonies past.
          “ I’d be enjoyin’ myself more if your alcohol weren’t PISSWATER in comparison t’what I used ta drink. ”   He was a man who’d long since abandoned his kindness and politeness, at least in the face of new company. These days, it took copious amounts of strong liquor to even get a buzz going, and it hardly lasted as long as he hoped. As long as he needed it to.   ---   Clad in dark Victorian gear and an unnecessary amount of belts in places that belts were clearly not needed, Eadric finally comes to a full stand with a roll of his neck and shoulders. For a moment, the scar glistens with a soft glow beneath flesh.
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          “ Ye... don’t know what a doodad is? ”   He sounds dumbfounded, almost concerned, as he passes the doctor a glance.   “ Guess I’m expectin’ a lot from someone whose job is to literally be a slave to th’ rest o’tha team. ”
          Broad shoulders shrug, and Eadric takes it upon himself to roam the lab. Fingers trace across sanitary space and tools alike, even dance across machinery that gently hums with idle life, waiting on standby for times of need. He could harvest the other man’s soul, but what fun would that be? Every step he takes is powerful, masterful, with a hint of curiosity carrying him. Then he pauses, lifting a bonesaw from its resting place to examine it.
          “ It’s not th’ night of t’harvest. An’ even if it was, who’s t’say YOUR NAME would be th’ one called? It could be a comrade’s. Or an enemy’s.   ---   See, you lot have been escapin’ Death’s hand for quite some time, an’ even I can tell he’s startin’ ta get annoyed. ”
          And he seemed less than amused himself. In fact, he was near unreadable, and clearly more currently interested in that which he plucks up from the table after the bonesaw: another medical tool, of course, one which he wasn’t quite sure what to call it. In all honesty, he didn’t even have direct contact to the big boss, rather his work was driven by the sight he’s been granted and the driving force of his trusted steed Wilhelm. For a moment, Eadric brings his attention back to the medic and away from the tool he turns over in his hand.
          “ Do ye like playin’ games, lad? ‘Cause I’m rather partial to the good sport of cat an’ mouse.   ---   Let’s just agree t’keep me ENTERTAINED, yeah? ‘Lest I decide ta turn your disembodied head into another candle holder on my wagon. ”
@precontis​  —  cont. from HERE ! 
LUDWIG LIKES TO THINK THAT HE’S A MAN WELL-ACQUAINTED with death and most of its intricacies. He’s seen many strange things throughout his life… perhaps a few too many, he often thinks wearily to himself. Not many of these things bother him, whether they be past haunts or new and intriguing ones, nor do they really frighten or intimidate him. But he can recognise odd and inhuman presences when he senses them. Though he’s not much a man of superstition, he has never doubted the existence of supernatural creatures; in fact, there is more than enough evidence through personal experience to serve as support for the existence of otherworldly beings. 
The appearance of the man in his lab suggests an aura of deathliness, and that the body commanded is one that Ludwig suspects should not be up and walking about. Nor should it be consuming what Ludwig is sure is his alcohol in his laboratory, but he supposes nothing is impossible,
The man’s avidity in drinking reminds him of the men who frequent the Teufort bar, the sort that Ludwig enjoys bothering most. Such men are often so very easy to chat up  ( and just as easy to egg on into consuming more and more liquor )  until they fall asleep at their drinks, at which point the doctor might snatch their wallets… or their bodies. Depending on his mood and his needs, really. Ludwig’s suspicions as well as the stranger’s chilling laughter, however, is enough to dissuade any such attempt.
Ludwig very carefully lifts his face from his desk, peeling the paper he’s supposed to have been entertaining off of his cheek, whilst taking care not to let the man out of sight. Not that he’s done a very good job of it, having been sleeping soundly during the other’s break-in. He dares to step closer for a better look; and – oh. Oh… that is the man he caught sight of in Teufort that one late evening, carrying his detached head in one arm.
Right, then. Tack on the fact that he’s just recently seen the man headless and still-walking, and that might make a compelling argument as to why Ludwig should certainly not mug him. And with the other’s ability to have simply materialised in the lab out of nowhere without Ludwig ever having led him back to RED’s base, the doctor isn’t interested in pushing boundaries. He might not be wary in approaching a haunt or two in hopes of riling them up for a bit of fun, but it may very well be time to change those habits for the sake of self-preservation. Ludwig’s not yet sure of the reason the headless horseman has come calling, but he’ll wait and hope that he’s not incurred some sort of curse that he’ll have to try and trick the wizard Merasmus into removing.
❝ I hope you’re enjoying yourself. ❞  He’s curious, to some degree, as to how the horseman had gotten into his lab and into his alcohol supply without rousing Medic from his sleep or setting off the rudimentary – yet effective – security systems that RED’s members have set up in every possible entryway in the base.
❝ I don’t have any fancy doodads, Or any doodads at all, ❞  he responds, doing his very best to stay relatively composed in the face of a man who can likely remove his own head at will. Vaguely, he wonders what this highly-acclaimed doodad might be.  ❝ – whatever that is, so I suppose you’ve really got nothing to worry about. ❞
A brow is raised at the claim of disinterest that follows.  ❝ I recall you threatening to mount my head above your mantle in the spirit of Halloween. I’m such a pitiful old man and very, very easily confused – which is it going to be, then? … not that I’m interested in paying you to do anything with my soul. ❞
He owes that to another already, anyway, and one who would be all too pleased to collect the debt. 
❝ If you’re not here to make good on your threat ❞  – not that he should –  ❝ then what for? ❞
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precontis-blog · 6 years
friendly reminder that eadric is still the asshole who rides through entire towns at night and throws a basin of blood in the eyes of people who decide they want to be bold and watch.
friendly reminder that eadric, if he doesn’t use a basin of blood, outright whips someone’s eyes out with a whip made of human spines.
friendly reminder that eadric is strong enough to rip out a human’s spine with his bare hands.
friendly reminder that eadric is a fucking asshole, but he will defend you with his life and take you on nice little carriage rides if he likes you enough.
friendly reminder that if you mistreat his horses, even if they’re dead, he will turn YOUR spine into his new whip.
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precontis-blog · 6 years
           HE’S CURRENTLY FOUND OFF TO THE SIDE, avoidant of the people who brushed elbows and fancied conversation. Eadric himself hardly ever bothered with the party scene, and yet how dreadful that he would follow his call here. Luckily enough, the Victorian style of his outfit helped him blend in with the other costume wearers, and he was thankful that he wouldn’t stand out.   ---   Only when he’s approached does he internally sigh, but externally greet the supposed host with a friendly smile... if one could call how sly he looked ‘ friendly ’.
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          “ I’ll be enjoyin’ myself more when everyone hits that point of th’ night where they’ve had a wee bit too much liquor. That’s when th’ secrets come out t’play. ”   A pause, and he sweeps a glance of the other from toe to head.   “ I never get t’celebrate Halloween. Where I’m from, people tend t’hide an’ hope they ain’t gonna die. ”
@precontis // happy halloween ! 
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There are always fresh faces at his parties – be they plus ones or individuals he’s met in passing and welcomed to the next one to get to know them better – there’s always new people to meet when you walk the social elite.  His is a face mostly unfamiliar – and ever the gracious host, Hannibal greets him just as thus. 
“ Evening … I hope you’re enjoying yourself? “ 
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precontis-blog · 6 years
❝ I am going to start sleeping with a knife. ❞ ( AY ill try to continue some of these and ill hit u up to plot sometime ;] )
and i darken   ||   accepting .
          THERE’S SOMETHING INORDINARY AT HOW HIS EERIE CACKLE LINGERS. It echoes, lasts a few notes longer than it should, as eyes shine with their icy blue gleam. It’s so painfully obvious at the supernatural presence that plagues him. Perhaps it shows itself by the way it haunts beneath human-like features; dark circles around the eyes, the paleness of his flesh, and the lack of fire in his eyes just screams CORPSE. Or perhaps it’s in his mannerisms, at how he gallops into the pit of danger, antagonizes some poor fellow into falling into violence’s trap, only to reign victorious without finding a lick of satisfaction.
         He was a man who betrayed both life and Death   ( which speaks wonders for someone supposedly working for the latter ).   Even now, he finds it pathetic that he remains in the company of a doctor with questionable morals and even more questionable practices. No laboratory had equipment quite this peculiar, yet Eadric found no room to pick apart every detail in every nook and cranny.
         Even now his lips spread wide with a cheshire grin   ( or perhaps such delusional enjoyment came at the price of alcohol’s betrayal )   as he brings the cup up. He takes a long sip, turned mouthful, until he’s focused on finding the bottom of the glass.
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         Only when he finds it does he curl his lip in DISAPPOINTMENT and the empty glass is set down with a resounding thud.   ---   Eadric shifts in his seat, lower back balancing on the edge, as his head lolls back until cool metal rests upon the scar on his neck. He’s staring at the medic, a dark brow raising at the proposed threat. Or promise. Perhaps self-suggestion? He wasn’t sure, nor was he going to ask. Heavy boots plant themselves firmly to keep him from sliding off, and the rider snorts.
         “ C’mon, a knife ain’t gonna do ye much against somethin’ like me, boy. In fact, none of your fancy doodads could even slow me down. I eat shit like knives for breakfast. ”
         Gaze drifting towards the ceiling, to stare at nothing whilst mulling over his options. There’d be no gratification in killing the other as he stands, nor would he find pleasure in ransacking this DREADFUL establishment for objects of value. He was completely and utterly stuck like this, with no amusement to be found. What is a dead man walking to do when nothing has yet to threaten the damned soul that flickers in Death’s lantern?   ---   Then there’s a general wave of his hand in the doctor’s direction.
         “ 'Sides, don’t act like I have any interest in comin’ for ya. I may be a fate worse than death itself, but I ain’t about t’poison my body with your PUTRID spirit. It may as well be a rotten cadaver in and of itself.   ---    You literally couldn’t pay me to harvest your life AND consume it. ”
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precontis-blog · 6 years
☪      AND    I     DARKEN     SENTENCE     PROMPTS   .  
❝ I will cut out your tongue and swallow it. ❞
❝ You will most likely choke to death on your own blood, which will be unfortunate. ❞
❝ I will be both husband and wife and therefore not a widow to be pitied. ❞
❝ Her spine was steel. Her heart was armor. Her eyes were fire. ❞
❝ What will you let be taken away so that you, too, can have power? ❞
❝ Some victories are merely defeat wearing the wrong clothing! ❞
❝ Souls and thrones are irreconcilable. ❞
❝ I cannot afford to lose you, too.❞
❝ You cannot lose something you do not own. ❞
❝ They are less than the mud. ❞
❝ If anyone is going to kill you, it will be me. Understand? ❞
❝ The price of living seems to always be death. ❞
❝ I think of you like a sister. ❞
❝ We cannot always have what we want, no matter how much we want it… ❞
❝ I am the dragon. ❞
❝ You are the only real thing in my life. ❞
❝ Where are you idiots taking me? ❞
❝ I am going to start sleeping with a knife. ❞
❝ If you had had a knife, you would have killed me! ❞
❝ The sooner you stop fighting, the easier your life will be. ❞
❝ I will burn your city to the ground.. ❞
❝ You once told me some lives are worth more than others. ❞
❝ How many deaths before the scales tip out of our favors? ❞
❝ Your are so pretty. Like delicate butterfly beneath my boot.  ❞
❝ You are so mad. Like a rabid hound that needs to be put down. ❞
❝ You look ridiculous. Armor suits you far more than silk. ❞
❝ Take me with you, and I will wear armor the whole time. ❞
❝ There are other ways to beat someone than with fists. ❞
❝ I must tell you that I do not care in the slightest about your petty jealousies.  ❞
❝ I cannot be around you for fear you will finally see what is written across my heart. ❞
❝ You love him like a flower loves the sun. ❞
❝ Nothing holds me here. ❞
❝ It was a lonely, cold thing to live without expectations. ❞
❝ You would not let anyone else kill me. ❞
❝ That honor is mine, and mine alone. ❞
❝ A dragon burned everything around herself until it was purified in ash. ❞
❝ How can you speak of them like they are matters of simple mathematics, a problem to be solved? ❞
❝ Those same fists had always defied everything expected of her. ❞
❝ You think I am worthless? ❞
❝ I can do things you could never dream of. ❞
❝ Women who go into the harem do not come out. It is a permanent position. ❞
❝ I am not going in as a woman. I am going in as an assassin. ❞
❝ Do not thank me. All I did was teach them to fear me. ❞
❝ Next time you hit first, you hit harder, you make certain that your name means fear and pain. ❞
❝ I will not be here to save you again. ❞
❝ You are precious to me. ❞
❝ What is so wrong with wanting to take care of you?  ❞
❝ If I needed or wanted to be taken care of, I would be no better than the women in here! ❞
❝ You and your brother are the only people who truly know me. ❞
❝ It belongs to me, and I belong to it. ❞
❝ People respond to kindness. ❞
❝ They trust a smile more than a promise that you will leave them choking on their own blood. ❞  
❝ It felt like fighting. It felt like falling. It felt like dying. ❞
❝ Belief is not weakness. Faith is the greatest strength we can have. ❞
❝ I still have bruises from the last time. ❞
❝ A true conversion is always only between a man and God. ❞
❝ There is no such thing as cheating. There is only winning or losing. ❞
❝ Weakness is an irresistible lure. ❞
❝ Quit screaming or I will let her eat your supper, too. ❞
❝ And you would be unmarriageable? ❞
❝ Have you been gone? I had not noticed. ❞
❝ I luxuriated in the blessed quiet that you left in your wake. ❞
❝ You cried yourself to sleep every day. ❞
❝ Carve out a life for yourself however you can. No one will do it for you. ❞
❝ Why do you have to destroy everything good we have here? ❞
❝ The stars were static, still and cold in the night, all the fire gone from the sky.  ❞
❝ Love was a weakness, a trap. ❞
❝ What would you sacrifice for power? ❞
❝ I stopped knowing what to fight against. ❞
❝ What exactly does a friend do? ❞
❝ Yes, but my promise is more sincere than your smiles. ❞
❝ I have never been so delighted as I was today. ❞
❝ What stones laid in childhood become the foundation legacies are built on? ❞
❝ If you are too weak to stand being hit and too stupid to avoid it, then you deserve more pain. ❞
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precontis-blog · 6 years
literally anyone: haha i bet you give great.................................. head eadric: haha i bet you die real good too
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precontis-blog · 6 years
you’d think a man born in 1751, died in 1776, would be a kind man but eadric has been doing this bullshit for like 242 years ok he’s tired and he has every right to be an asshole. you don’t get to tell him otherwise
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precontis-blog · 6 years
a cop: eadric gudram is the name of a man who died in 1776. cut the bullshit. who are you really? eadric: the headless horseman from the legends a cop: no you’re not. i’m tired of the games. who. are. you. eadric: haha yeah you got me. ichabod whomst? never heard of her
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precontis-blog · 6 years
❝looks like you're getting a little aHEAD of yourself there❞ ( hi im kit and im funny )
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          THE WAY BRIGHT BLUES SQUINT AT THE OTHER,   ---   one would assume they’d have killed the doctor right then and there. If only the term glaring daggers had a literal sense. If only his personal abilities could reach so deeply into the wonders of faerie magic, but alas he’s only been granted what is necessary of his task. Regardless, a man always had his bare hands. Unless they didn’t have hands... which would be quite a shame for someone so willing to commit MURDER over a simple pun.
         And oh so carefully does he place the head back upon his body, with a glowing seal that vanishes the moment flesh mends and leaves its scar around his throat and neck. There’s a distant sputter of a horse, so close and yet out of sight, out of reach. He has to agree, this man was quite the fool for approaching so carelessly. For someone who has known death, Eadric could smell countless lives on the medic’s own hands.
         With a sniff, a dark brow quirks just the slightest.
         “ Careful where you stick your neck, lest you find your own head severed from your person and mounted above my mantle. Halloween nears, and it’s about time I get to decorating.   ---   Your face would make a TERRIFYING display. ”
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precontis-blog · 6 years
-----   THE   LEGEND   OF   SLEEPY   HOLLOW   ;
          This is going to be a huge information dump based on how I’ll be portraying the character, etc. Please take the time to read this, as it will explain a lot about how he’s modernized, and how I intend to play him. Below, you’ll see a bit into the legend, what he is, and how he carries himself. I also will be including how his powers work, and how he himself differs from the legend   ( as legends are not always accurate ).
-----   LORE   :   THE   HEADLESS   HORSEMAN   ;
          The headless horseman is known as a man on horseback who is missing his head. He either carries it under his arm, upon his horse, or he is missing it altogether. If he is missing it, it’s known that he’s searching for it. It is believed that he was a man killed during the Battle of White Plains in 1776, decapitated by an American cannonball. The shattered remains of his head are known to be left on the battlefield while his comrades carried his body away. Eventually he was buried in the cemetery of the Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow, from which each Halloween night he rises as a malevolent ghost, furiously seeking his lost head.
-----   LORE   :   WHAT   IS   A   DULLAHAN   ?   ;
          They are headless unseelie faeries, known to carry their heads with them, either on the saddle-brow of his horse or raised in his hand. A hideous grin splits the face from ear to ear, and the eyes dart about. The entire head glows with a phosphorescence so that the creature may use it as a lantern guide through darkened groves and laneways. When a dullahan stops, a mortal dies by call of name. They are possessed of supernatural sight, holding his severed head aloft to see vast distances across the country. He can spy the house of a dying person, no matter where it lies. Those who watch from their windows are punished with blindness, either by a splash of blood thrown upon their faces, or by use of his whip. He is usually mounted on a black steed, and uses a human spine as a whip. He also has a black coach, drawn by six black horses, and it travels so fast that the friction created by its movement sets fire to plantlife.
          All gates fly open to let him through, no matter how tightly locked. The coach has additional candles in skulls to light the way, its wheel spokes are made from thigh bones, and the covering of the wagon is made of human skin. It tends to speak as little as possible, and stops before the door of a house to shout the name of the person about to die. He may also stop at the very spot a person will die. Unlike a banshee, the dullahan does not pursue specific families and its call is a summoning of the soul of a dying person rather than a death warning. There is no real way to defend against the dullahan because it is Death’s herald. However, an item made of gold may frighten him away, for dullahans appear to have an irrational fear of this metal. Even a small amount of gold will suffice.
-----   WHAT   HE   FOLLOWS   ;
          Despite being the headless horseman, it’s very clear that Eadric himself hardly follows folklore. He may be a headless man on horseback, but it’s clear that he still has his head and it isn’t exactly a lantern. In fact, he appears completely human when not being, well, the headless horseman. What is true happens to be his manner and year of death, as he did in fact die in 1776 from a cannonball that decapitated him. Just as Eadric’s current head isn’t exactly his own, it’s a replica that was created by Death when he chose Eadric to be one of his heralds.
          Eadric was born in North Tarrytown   ( which would later be called Sleepy Hollow )   and was buried in the Old Dutch Church. If someone were to search his gravesite and dig up his coffin, they would find a corpse dressed in his old military uniform taking place of his body. He does not only rise on Halloween night, and he can in fact call upon his powers at any point, day or night.
          In fact, aside from being considered an unseelie faerie, he’s also technically a ghost as well as undead. Here’s how I break these down:                     ---   He, himself, is undead. He is a reanimated corpse, except his body is untouched by the stages of decay. Eadric’s organs and all continue to function normally to give off the appeal that he is still a living, breathing, human being despite being semi-immortal.                     ---   He is a ghost in the way that his horses are ghosts, and they are individual extensions of his own person. He is known to be seen with one horse, or he will ride a carriage drawn by six. Regardless, these horses are ghosts and are often seen as wispy shadows.                     ---   He is a faerie by way of his powers and how they work. Conjuring ghost horses and a ghost carriage, utilizing reality warping magic to do so, while also managing to remove his own head at any point in time. He betrays the laws of life in favor of being Death’s herald.
          Despite his horses and carriage all being ghostly in manner, physical lifeforms are capable of touching them. These objects are as cold as a winter night, but they can still be used for transportation. The coach is, of course, follows lore where it is all black and it is decorated with skulls that have lit candles in them. The wheel spokes are made of thigh bones, and the wagon’s cover is made of dried human skin. Surprisingly enough, it does not smell all things considered. From the cover hangs several lanterns as additional light.
          He still does possess supernatural sight, and his eyes do glow a shimmering blue when using it. When he calls upon the soul of a dying person, he is meant to draw the soul into one of the lanterns he carries   ( either one of four on the coach, or one that hangs from the horse’s saddle ),   but he is also known for consuming them. Contrary to lore, Eadric is not a man afraid of speaking his mind, and in fact he quite enjoys talking. Most other dullahan tend to be silent during their work, but he has no issues regardless.
          So when does he not have control over his powers? On the night of a full moon. It will force him to be the horseman for the night come dusk, and there is always a soul for him to reap. In order for him to fully take a soul, he must call upon his power. Otherwise he cannot completely call someone to death, though he may still taste their soul as a human if he so wishes.
          Upon his neck is a scar that runs clean around, obviously the supernatural seam that keeps his head attached, and the seam that magically comes apart when he is to remove his head. He can undo this seam at will, appearing completely and utterly human while just... waving his head around.
-----   WEAKNESS   :   GOLD   &   DEATH   ?   ;
          You heard it here: Eadric is in fact weak to gold. But he isn’t afraid of it. In fact, he finds gold pretty and a nice decoration, whether it be on a person or object. However, gold in and of itself works similarly to kryptonite on Superman, except it has to make direct contact with his body. Not necessarily skin, so long as it touches him at all it will do. The gold, as a strange purifying element, will nullify his powers and prohibit him from calling upon his horses or any supernatural abilities he may have. This includes his super sight, and it strips him of his semi-immortality.
          This is the best time to kill him, as any mortal wound that’s considered fatal will do, but be warned that if the gold object is not left on his person, he will be resurrected come the next night. There are three ways to kill a dullahan, and two of which are definitely permanent while the gold method is partially temporary.                     1)   Keep the gold object on his person, or find a way to sneak gold inside him. Have him swallow it, inject it, etc. If this gold leaves him at any point, he will come back the next night.                     2)   A sickle dipped in lamb’s blood, cut cleanly through the seam that keeps his head attached.                     3)   Death’s touch / Death’s weapon in general.
          When I say that he’s modernized, I mean it in the fact that he isn’t stuck in 1776. He dresses   ( more or less )   normally, with the exception of his more Victorian goth fashion, but he sums that up to his interest in history and horseback riding. At least that’s what he’ll tell anyone who asks, assuming they’re liked enough to get a kind answer. Eadric knows what the internet is, he has a phone, he’s seen cars, etcetera.
          Eadric has been out of his coffin since 1996, when North Tarrytown was changed to Sleepy Hollow. Since then, he has watched the world change and grow, and he has been a part of it in secrecy. Most people don’t know that he’s the headless horseman, just as people often assume he merely shares the name of the man who supposedly died and was decapitated in 1776.
          As for his goals, well, he’s sort of been straying from the path of what he’s meant to be doing. Calling forth souls of the dying was his initial goal, but Eadric is bored of the humdrum afterlife he lives, as he was never the man to follow rules. In secrecy he explores just how much he can put a soul through before it breaks, just as he’s more fascinated with getting himself into dangerous situations, or allowing people to figure out just who or what he is. Eadric is in fact amused by the terror he creates by simply riding through a town, and each year he crafts himself a new whip by tearing out the spine of several victims by his own hands.
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precontis-blog · 6 years
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