preppypolkadot · 5 years
If I can’t have you (Timeless Lyatt Fic)
He just wants to console her, maybe ask her if there's anything they could do, he could do. But she just wants him to move on with his life. So that's what he'll do.
Hey hey hey!
So I have another one! I'm also thinking maybe I should just make a series of filler scenes or future ones since i've been super inspired lately (I guess I just can't seem to let go or it's part of my grieving process who knows) also cause Sara Bareilles just dropped a new album so more inspirations (but you don't care about that)!
P.S this is a short one.
All the mistakes; timeline, facts, grammar, and typo are all mine. Also wish I own the rights for the show cause then will have 20 seasons not just 2.
Here it goes...
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18367379
“Ooh, if I can't have you
Then I'll have to find a way to get through
Though I don't want to
I have to do my best to recall
That I'm thankful that I held you at all”
”If I Can’t Have You” -- Sara Bareilles
“Same place as always. Kicking ass and saving the world”
That’s what she wanted. For things to go back to normal. But what is normal?
That’s not what he expects at all when he decided to go look for her.
When they got back from 1919 New York, Jessica is there waiting with everyone else, she launched herself on his direction to give him a kissed. He is aware of how it look like for the others, to Lucy, but he kissed her back anyway. He pulled Jessica to the direction of their bedroom with the echo of Lucy’s voice demanding to know who Agent Christopher has voted for last election behind him. He shook his head, smiled, and looked back before he and Jessica turn the corner.
Showered and changed into regular clothes the feeling of guilt is now stronger, of what he honestly don’t know the list is long nowadays. One things he’s pretty certain is he wants to find Lucy, talk to her at least. He’s not surprise to find her near a laptop with an article open, her back facing him. The article showed the success of suffragette, but the sadness in her voice when she talked about Alice Paul the fact that she’s not even on footnote or how she’s the only one who’s going to remember her has put him on auto-pilot. He reached out but she immediately stepped away before he could tighten his grasp around her. He’s mad about all of these, the situation they’re in but most importantly of Flynn. But then she starts talking about getting Jessica back and he can’t argue with that.
He was the first one to walk away. Because he have to, her mind is already set, she’s made her decision now he could only wish that he’ll come up with a decision as well. Sooner if possible. Hoping. He is still hoping she’ll call his name and ask him to return while he walk away but there is just silence behind him. He wanted to look back, go back, ask her again if maybe there’s something they could do. But she’s right, she’s always right, Jessica’s return is a miracle and after all the people they’ve lost through time travel, a miracle is something you cling on to, something you pray against all odds that will still be there when you return. Plus didn’t he spent most of his time before trying to figure out how to get Jessica back, he even stole that damn time machine to do just that. He is not the religious type but God knows he needed his help right now to sort his feelings and will power to put an end to his needs to be besides Lucy all the time. To reach out, to just feel her skin in his hands.
He is back in front of the door of their bedroom before he even realize it. Funny how not too long ago he use to share this room with Rufus, now it’s his and Jessica’s room. In a way he wonder if bringing Jessica here is even the right thing to do, It did feel like it is when he was still convincing her not to file for divorce but now he’s not so sure. Not only did it cause tension to everyone, mostly for him and Lucy, but now he also feels like he’s being unfair. Everyone has to leave their family behind, in some cases lose their family entirely, and there’s him; living in the bunker with his use-to-be-dead-wife.
Now Rufus and Lucy are force to alternately use the couch in the common area. Also why did Lucy have to sleep in that terrorist’s room anyway? He’s not going to lie, he spent the majority of his day trying to figure out how to get Flynn out of here, so when Lucy told him nothing happened between the two of them, the relief he felt was life altering. He didn’t even know he was holding in a breath and that his shoulders are tense ever since he saw her walked out of Flynn’s room that morning. She said they just talked and I guess now that the other thing is out of the picture, the fact that Lucy went to him to talk hurt more.
He use to be the person she confides to, someone who she shared her past with, her feelings. Maybe the old Wyatt would have hated it but the new Wyatt, Lucy’s Wyatt like it, he likes it a lot that he looks forward to it. Every down time they have in between time travelling and after, he will sometimes go straight after her to ask her how she feel. He figured maybe that’s how he starts developing feeling, he feels connected that he got to know her better with her own feelings, opinions, and stories of her past.
He stare at the bedroom door, wondered how long have he been standing in front of it. Contemplated for a second if he should go in, then looked back to the always too cold hallway that leads to Lucy. He could still feel her presence, her grief over the hero now lost in history, the pain he felt when she walked away from his embrace. He shouldn’t have reached out anyway, but it was a natural instinct, it was a knee jerk reaction. To console her when she’s feeling down, to make her feel better, to make sure that whatever happens she doesn’t feel sad anymore because she’s been through enough. Because there is something rewarding to be the one to make her smile.
1940’s Hollywood feels like a distant memory now, well technically it really is, it was a less complicated time amidst the chaos. The choice was easier then, it’s Lucy no doubt. Some could argue that maybe choosing Lucy that night might have the domino effect of having Jessica alive right now. But if given a chance would he have done something different? Maybe wait until they’re back here in the present until he kissed her? Maybe. But if he is being completely honest he wouldn’t have change a thing, cause no matter what the outcome maybe, he was glad that he has Lucy wrapped in his arm that night. He’ll just store that memory, that particular sensation in his arms in his brain together with the ones he already labeled ‘never forget’. At least he have that right?
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preppypolkadot · 6 years
Sick (Timeless Lyatt Fic)
Summary: She returned back to the bunker with an infected wound expecting to find him. But she never for the life of her expected to find Her in the bunker as well.
Okay, that summary is awful. But to be honest i don't even know where this story comes from. I was rewatching season 2 because it's finally on Netflix and right after episode 4 and was at the very beginning of episode 5 I was struck by an idea and it has haunted me ever since. What happened during the time they got back from Salem to the time where Lucy woke up and Jiya told her that the boys went on a mission without her. I also liked to believe that she was out of it for a couple of days, hence, this story.
I would like to apologize for the possible headache it might inflict while reading this story and in the future.
Would also like to point out that all the mistakes; timeline, facts, grammar, and typo are all mine. Also wish I own the rights for the show cause then will have 20 seasons not just 2.
So without further ado....
He got his wife back.
And of course he’d bring her back here in the silo, because… she’s his wife.
He got his wife back.
And it all happen just right after they got back, together, full of potential and love. Whoa where did that come from? Love? I don’t love wyatt…. At least not yet. She sigh. She’s a mess ever since that phone call, went back to colonial time salem, got stab on the arm, went back still a mess. She doesn’t expect to feel better anytime soon, but it most definitely helped that she went on a mission with Rufus and Flynn. Yes, you heard that right she is glad she went with Flynn. FLYNN! She’s not going to lie, working with both men gave her the sense that she will be fine without Wyatt, that she will be able to move on with life without Wyatt. That is until her mother showed up and have her accused of being a witch. But she persevered and now they’re back and she believes she’s a stronger person.
Standing here right now, a few feet away from both Wyatt and Jessica, seeing how beautiful she really is and remembering how broken Wyatt was for years, all her previous self encouragement just disappeared on thin air and with it the little voice in her head telling her that maybe all of this is just a bad dream and it’s bound to end soon. It was an instant decision, the right one she thought, she figured that all this feelings that she’s having right now, the confusion, anger, butterflies, everything, she will just bottle it all up. She did manage to hide her then tiny crush on wyatt everytime they go on a mission. Flynn’s huge hand tugging at her good arm pulled her back to reality. How long has she been staring at Jessica? Am i looking at her with dagger? My left arm is throbbing. Damn! I’ve been stabbed with an ancient knife. Is that fatal? Am I dying?! The awkwardness in the air is thick, maybe it is better if die.
She let Flynn drag her to the girl’s room with Agent Christopher and Jiya trailing behind, both asking questions about the mission and how her arms get stabbed, who stabbed you? Is it rittenhouse? Did you get the rittenhouse agent? What are they after at 1690’s Salem? Were you there during the witches revolt? That one is asked with so much enthusiasm it actually made her smile. Wait what? Witches revolt? Stay in your room i’m calling a doctor.  She wants to answer all of it, it’s the teacher in her she suppose, but she also just want to lie down and process the mission and more importantly the fact that Jessica is in the bunker.
Jiya helped her lie down, they both watch agent Christopher and Flynn walked out of their room, waited until they don’t hear their footsteps anymore until she looked back at her. “Wyatt brought her here.” Jiya answered before she could even process what she really want to know. “We were all surprise, Denise is still trying to get a hold of him when you guys left and when she stopped calling that’s when he showed up… that’s when they showed up.” She let go of the sigh she didn’t even know she’s holding and wince at her injured arm she’s pretty sure is getting worse. “Let me grab the first aid kit, we should at least try to clean the wound while we wait for the doctor.”
She closed her eyes willing herself to focus on Jiya’s fading footstep but as soon as it disappear there’s really nothing else to focus on except at her wounded arm and her wounded heart. She prefer focusing on the arm because as horrific as it sound that was easier to focus at.
Last she remembered before she declared that she’s just resting her eyes is that there are still some light from the outside streaming through the tiny bunker window and it couldn’t have been a long time ago, but she’s guessing a significant amount of time has passed because it’s now dark outside. She’s sweaty but she didn’t care. First thing she noticed is that the pain got worse, second is that Jiya is sound asleep on the cot opposite her. She’s now noticing what had changed around her. There is now a water basin, wet cloth, medicines, and extra clean bandages. I must be really out of it for doctor to come in and for me to not notice? She let out what she thought is a silent groan, back sticky from sweat, hair matted. Turns out she was loud cause it woke up Jiya. “Woah there professor take it easy. Do you need anything?” she was besides her in an instant.
“Water.” she croak, throat extremely dry.
“Here,” she poured her one and babbled on “Rufus brought a pitcher of water for this exact moment. Don’t tell him you actually needed it okay, he will not let me hear the end of it.” she giggled “I might have told him to leave you alone and let you rest but he insisted that he should bring you sustenance just in case.”
Jiya’s rambling, but she likes it. It takes her mind off her throbbing head and arm. She reached for the latter and for the first time she notice the professionally placed bandage on top of it. She winced when her fingers made contact.
“Agent Christopher also brought soup you should probably eat some before i give you pain meds.”
“Wow seems like everyone has seen me on my deathbed.” she let out what she think resemble something of a laugh but it sounded weird. Jiya looked at her sadly, she raised an eyebrow urging her to say whatever she’s been holding back. Is she actually dying? “Jiya it’s just a joke, unless i’m actually dying? Oh god…”
“No, you’re not dying!” She countered. “More like who came by to check on you and who didn’t…” she’s avoiding her eyes but continued nonetheless. “Connor and Agent Denise we’re both here when the doctor stopped by, making sure that you’re really getting the treatment you needed because you have 105 fever.”
“Wow I have 105 fever…” without any warning Jiya reached for her forehead.
“You might still have one, you’re still super warm. But the biggest surprise for everyone is Flynn stopping by to check if, his exact words are, ‘Is she still breathing?’” I let out a chuckle. “ And then rufus stopped by before I go to bed to bring water, I got tired of everyone knocking at the door so I kinda snapped at him telling him that what you actually need is to be left alone and rest, not water.” Jiya has a apologetic look on her eyes. “Maybe do tell him you drank some of the water he brought, that would actually be nice.”
It had taken her longer than usual for her brain to process all that information and to realize that there is still one more person in the group that Jiya hasn’t mentioned. Her foggy brain has finally put two and two together and she finally understood what the woman in front of her is trying to avoid.
She hates that knowing that he didn’t even check on her hurts more than the pain she’s experiencing with both her head and arm combined. Well… he did just get his wife back, so why would he visit a co-worker? Because two missions ago we were more than coworkers that’s why! She’s not really sure why she’s answering her own questions right now but all of a sudden she is too tired and just want to lie back on the cot and rest her eyes again. Jiya noticing the sudden deflate of energy from her tried to coax her to at least taking a few sips from the soup “I’ll heat it up on the microwave real quick. It might also be time for you to take your antibiotics. You’re still pretty warm.”
“I’ll just quickly close my eyes, I’ll eat after a few minutes.”
Next thing she knows is it’s bright outside again and that all she could remember from that whole late night exchange with Jiya is ‘soup’. Did everyone brought her soup? Is that it? She let out another not so subtle groan but this time Jiya is not in the room but there on her behalf sitting on a possibly most uncomfortable chair is Agent Christopher… Knitting? She had closed her eyes again fully resigned that, yes, maybe her condition has gotten worse. But really? Agent Christopher knitting? That has got to be whole new level of hallucinations. Another groan and that had brought agent Christopher besides her in an instant.
“What do you need sweetie?” Spoken like a true mother she thought. She tries to remember with her foggy brain if her actual mother was that concern when she was sick. Maybe once? Most of the time she just gave her books to read telling her that reading will make her feel better. It did but she still crave the maternal affection.
“Water?” Then it hit her she’s now wearing an IV. Agent Christopher followed her gaze.
“Jiya told me you haven’t eaten anything so I called the doctor and she suggested IV, it’s the only way to actually have liquids and meds in you.” At this point every part of her is sore, agent Christopher helped her sit up when she notice her gave it all but fail miserably anyways.
“What happened to me?” even her own voice sounds so foreign in her own ears.
“Mostly infections, stab wound is shallow but it still requires stitches, high fever probably from the infections.” Agent Christopher held at the glass of water while she drinks obviously not trusting her with it.
“I think I might also have hallucinations.” I stare at the ball of yarn and what look like a scarf waiting for it to disappear but it didn’t.
“Maybe, Jiya did mention you murmuring all evening, you mentioned a few names ever since I had taken over looking after you. Doctor’s strict order that there should always be someone in the room just in case the high fever brought seizures.” Denise followed her eyes that are still staring at the ball of yarn. “Oh that’s not hallucination Lucy, I’m knitting.”
“You are?” She tried sounding surprise but she’s pretty sure she sounds more like a drunk right now. She want to lie down again, her eyes closing on its own. Agent Denise notice and had attempted to keep her upright.
“No lucy you need to eat something. Don’t go back to sleep--” Too late she was out.
Next she open her eyes it’s dark again, Jiya is back sleeping on her cot. Like the last time, she tried to remember what happened before she black out again. Soup. She paused and force herself to remember more, she’s an historian for crying out loud she knows even the tiniest details of history. But for the life of her all she could really think about right now is soup! Its frustrating but also tiring so she closed her eyes again.
Next time she open her eyes though she hears talking, There’s a pause and she waited for another person to talk but no response and then the person has started talking again. She close her eyes but this time to focus on the words, it’s all murmurs but she manage to catch a fews phrases. I should’ve have been there. I’m sorry. Flynn said you got stabbed trying to save someone, when did you become so heroic? I thought that part is my job. Chuckle or more murmuring she really couldn’t distinguish. But it now occur to her who the owner of voice is.
What is he doing here? Is it actually all just a bad dream? Her hopes soared only for it to come crashing down. There is it the other voice she’s been waiting to hear. A woman’s voice that doesn’t sound like Jiya or Agent Christopher. A voice she’s not really familiar with but from the way she’s calling Wyatt she just knows. Jessica. It’s all still murmur on her ears but she got the jist of it. She’s calling Wyatt to help her on something. She heard wyatt sigh, surprisingly that part is clear.
She wanted to reach out, to ask him to stay. But she couldn’t even keep her eyes open for more than five minutes, so the idea of physically reaching out for him is completely exhausting on it’s own. She stayed still, eyes still close, and listen for their footsteps to fade away. It’s not until then that she realize she doesn’t feel any physical pains anymore. But the emotional strain she’s now currently have is too much and if it’s possible more painful than getting stabbed. She took a sharp intake of breath and had let the pain slowly ease her back to slumber, and for the first time since the mission back from Salem, sleep didn’t come as quickly as it normally does.
It has now become normal to not remember a thing whenever she open her eyes, but right now she sense that she should be grateful for it. Like not remembering is actually better than remembering how she must have embarrassed herself with her hallucinations or something more horrific. Except ‘soup’, that thought has stuck with her through this whole ordeal and it has now started to feel comforting. Soup. And for the first time in days, she doesn’t even know what day is it, she actually wants soup. She felt something removed from her forehead, something cold and wet. With more force that it normally takes she tried opening her eyes, blinked a few times until an image of Jiya sitting besides her on the bed is no longer blurry.
“Hey. You’re awake.” she’s closed her eyes again, but she could totally hear the mirth on her voice. “Fever dropped, that’s a good sign.”
That’s when it hit her. Last time she was temporary awake, he was here. Wyatt was here.
“Wyatt?” its was out of her lips before she even register it happening.
“He’s on a mission.” That did it, now she’s awake.
“He went without me?”
Jiya figuring out that this might really be it, she’s out of the woods and could finally processed everything. “You were stabbed with a knife full of 17th century germs and running a 105 fever, remember?” she reminded her while she tried to peel off the tape that has somehow made itself permanent on her skin.
“I don��t care. He shouldn’t have gone without me.” she let out in between wincing for pain., medical tape are painful to remove, why do we use it on people already in so much pain?
“Flynn’s pinch hitting. I’m sure he and Wyatt have everything under control.” Jiya is avoiding her eyes.
“Sure, what could go wrong?”
“Would’ve been weird anyway, right? You and Wyatt on a trip?” She finally looked at her “Rufus told me. About Hollywood. You. Wyatt.” She’s also finally looking at Jiya. “Sounded pretty romantic.”
She finally remember Jessica.
“I didn’t know that he was still married.” she says more to herself really. “I mean, I didn’t know that Jessica was--”
“Alive again?” Jiya cut her off. “I know. I wasn’t judging.”
Jiya went back to her task, she doesn’t even realize she was changing her bandage until she saw her grab the god awful medical tape again.
“I just…” Jiya continued. “I just mean it must be hard. Especially with her here.”
Oh yeah, that too. “I want him to be happy.” again she’s voicing it out loud more for herself than for the other woman tending at her wounds. “I mean, this is what he’s always wanted. So...”
“What about what you want?” Jiya cut her off again, and all of a sudden she miss being woozy, of being able to doze of just by closing her eyes.
“Were still friends. We’ll have the missions. I’ll be fine.” She’s also surprise with herself that this are all just coming out of her so naturally. She made an effort to sit up, surprising the other woman on the bed.
“Take it easy.”
“I’ll be fine, I’ll be fine.” she waved her off.
“Don’t be a hero today.” Jiya warned.
“No heroics. I’m just gonna get some tea.”
Because to be honest she’s not really fine, her body is still sore, she’s worried for the boys on mission right now but she’s also glad to be strong enough to get out of bed and make herself a cup of tea. So that’s what she’ll do, make herself a warm cup of tea and try to sort out all that is happening right now with a less foggy point-of-view.
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preppypolkadot · 8 years
To all the Karamel haters who continuously ruining the #Karamel tagged
Ya’ll giving me $wanQu##n flashbacks and look at Captain Swan now Engaged and not going anywhere. 
So I suggest you tone it down a little bit cause at the rate of where your hate is going chances are us Karamel shippers will get a married Kara and Mon-el next season.
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preppypolkadot · 8 years
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Karamel + heart eyes
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preppypolkadot · 8 years
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“Of course I like you”  [8/∞]
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preppypolkadot · 8 years
I’m still slightly disappointed that Henry didn’t tease them for having matching black leather jackets.
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preppypolkadot · 8 years
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#Henry wished for his family to be complete # and for Emma not to be lonely # and Hook showed up # Hook completed the family
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preppypolkadot · 8 years
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I don’t need my armor when I’m with you, b’cause I love you <3
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preppypolkadot · 8 years
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Zelena in “Only You” and “An Untold Story”
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preppypolkadot · 8 years
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preppypolkadot · 8 years
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preppypolkadot · 8 years
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preppypolkadot · 8 years
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#emma swan kissing her pirates ears#like a precious tru love puppy#this might actually end me
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preppypolkadot · 8 years
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 precious little angels in love  (▰˘◡˘▰)
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preppypolkadot · 8 years
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#oh he is in a much better place #right in emma’s arms #i am emotional
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preppypolkadot · 8 years
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#when your otp’s love is so true it’s approved by the GODS
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preppypolkadot · 8 years
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#i just love that the episode that started CS parallels the episode that confirms them as true love#ugh this otp is everything#EVERYTHING 
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