prernaguptaworld ¡ 4 years
“Necessity is the mother of all inventions”
“Necessity is the mother of all inventions”
                    A well said quote, by sir Plato. A need or problem encourages creative efforts to meet the need or solve the problem. Necessity basically forces people to get into action and work beyond their limits.
An apt example of this old proverb would be that of the early man. It was human necessity that led the early man to find food, build shelter and prepare tools to protect…
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prernaguptaworld ¡ 4 years
Footling era!
” A great deal of time & intellectual force are lost in the world, because the false seems great and the truth so small and insignificant.”
Maria Montessori
Doesn’t everything seem so insignificant now? These big houses and no one to invite into them,these lavish cars but nowhere to go to, these ambrosial food, but no one to have it, all these Sabyasachis,Elans,Manish Malhotra, Faraz Manans…
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prernaguptaworld ¡ 4 years
That awkward silence!
“Their awkward silence is disrupted by a malfunction aboard their ship.“
Awkward silence? Yes, we all have experienced at least once in our lifetime.. But, why it took place? Am I introvert or the other person is an introvert? Why didn’t I spoke? Such questions usually flood our mind when we surpass some awkward silence situation.
It is completely fine to be silent at times, it wasn’t the…
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prernaguptaworld ¡ 4 years
Life is not that easy and smooth-sailing always. Life is tough. Life is unpredictable.Sometimes we need to ride roller-coaster ride to keep it going . So, instead of getting scared and cursing it, let’s just enjoy the adventure of this ride.No matter what plans we might have crafted in our minds, what future we may have designed already or what blueprint we might have articulated for time ahead,…
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