prettydirtylies · 2 years
Hello souls, welcome to my channel! My name is Victoria if you’re joining me for the first time.
This is my first video of 2022. I had taken a break from creating content since the end of last year for all good reasons – which I’ll tell you about in a moment, but for the most part, I wanted to clear on the direction I was heading in and I knew this would reflect in the material I create and when and how I deliver it.
I am back – or shall we say, I am here because we never move backwards only forwards.
So in today’s video, because it’s the first video of 2022 on my channel and the start of many more to come, I thought I’d begin with a personal video reflecting on my life so far, telling you about some of the things I have achieved in my life and what I have manifested over the past few years. The reason for this is because I get told often by others that something I’ve done has inspired them or motivated them and this made me think about the people I find inspiring, or who motivate me, people I admire and why. What is it about them that inspires me? It’s because they’re relatable, and when you’re listening to an ordinary person tell you about their wins and successes in life, their rags to riches story or celebrating their wins no matter how big or small, it’s inspiring because we can see where they came from and how they got there. We become invested in their journey because it echoes our own and mirrors the qualities we perhaps possess but aren’t yet aware of. They represent something within us that we might not know what to do with. We all know what we’re like when no one is watching us, we all have our bad days, but I think the relatable people are the ones who aren’t ashamed of that because they’re human and they embrace it. We’re not perfect, who wants to be perfect? Perfect is a prison sentence. Normal is also fake, normal is “I’m pretending I don’t have a personality.” Weird is not only wonderful, authentic, and your unique soul-self shining through, it’s the way forward.
At the end of this video I’m going to invite you to list all of your achievements, all your successes, your wins – no matter how big or small, if you got out of bed this morning when you didn’t feel like it, that’s a win, my friend list it. Then I want you to list your goals for the next two years: who do you see yourself being? Where do you see yourself living? What do you spend your time doing? What is your main source of income? Be specific but not limited. You’re not the CEO of the Universe you are a co-creator you work in harmony with it, it’s a 50/50 deal. That means in order for you to have a successful partnership you have to be doing 50% of the work. Set yourself a time frame.
I recently took a look through an old life planner of mine from 2018 – so that was four years ago now. Inside, I had a list of life goals and achievements which I gave myself a time frame in which to accomplish them.
Beautiful souls, if you enjoyed this video please like, comment, and subscribe for more. I appreciate every single one of you! ❤️✊🏻✊🏽✊🏿✊🏾🌏
🌞 Visit My Website: https://victoriahope.co.uk
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prettydirtylies · 3 years
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@am--pm @tinyandbi @kilbilled @multifandomimaginethings @hellocharlesd @hopelessly-lost-in-rosewood @stephitect @theaarobiinson @jklolxoxox @flyawaylittlebutterflies @vivre-libre @gaylyy @5-secondsofbooks-blog @19sw1357 @narcissafordcreations @hippie-heart @freakiefandom @pretty-shitty-liars-blog @everythingisawseome-blog @stephenieart-blog @tyliadiscoverylibrary @crazymonahastings @divergentna @happyprettylittleliarsday @awesomeprettylittleliarsfan-blog @me-hgan-paine-blog @bombshell-in-red @pllgameoverawards-blog @teen-age-lusts @prettylittleliarfanatic @prettylittlelibrarian @cloudfairy00 @marikajbeebe @irenedragon8 @cockylovato-blog @janelle37-blog @prettylittleme-fan-blog @magnificentharmonyobject @kindofinlovewithliars @surpointe @adocss1 @fck-u-sam @ariaisafantheory2-blog @troian-bellisari @m3gan-w @dancingiceprincess-blog @to-and-tvd @benbileyaptiysam @meggitelly @barbiein 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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prettydirtylies · 3 years
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@pretty-little-teen-wolves @marinebsl-blog @toopreciousbellamy @omgbitchbelike @itssweetporcelan @galactic-daddyy @boncarelena-blog @purpleforrucas @youlovewhoyoulove @spence-pll-blog @glittertutus-blog @tranquilwhispers6 @crystallisedpineapple @fractalnightmares-blog @kayleighmcsss @anchorlarr @ariathekiller @seraphicatastrophe-blog @beautifulcaptainhook @ruteila-blog @friend-on-friend @spxncxrhastings @plltheories-s-blog @megprett-blog @saintemison-blog @greyhoneybee @pllspanna-blog @ourprettylittletheoriez-blog @ultra-lalyregina-me @andraterri @plladdict329-blog @teenswithemotions-blog @marysandor-blog @callme-queen-g @nitinvishwakarma19231209-blog @bsharpie2-blog @mackenzierae11 @idk-losah @android021-blog @thinkinginbw @gymge3k @crazypllsqtheories @hrhisel @fadingxstarsx @criselsparklem @carpentercavanaugh @awesome-nellz @hhisel-blog @hoggywartyhoggwarts @aocg44-blog 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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prettydirtylies · 7 years
Amen to that 🙏🏻
the pll fandom is one of my favorite fandoms because no matter what, we always came together and bonded over marlene’s shitty writing and many people spun theories that were better than anything marlene king could ever have thought of while i am glad that the show is over, i’m kind of sad that all of this is over, too
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prettydirtylies · 7 years
But, why did Wren make spelling mistakes and why was he drawing Red Coat, and why did Eddie Lamb recognise Aria, why did that whole storyline make Wren seem so sketchy. Was it all just because Wren was helping Charlotte? Which still does not explain why Eddie recognised ARIA!
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prettydirtylies · 7 years
Imagine if Jason got married - all them sisters...
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When ur sister doesn’t invite you to the wedding
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prettydirtylies · 7 years
Somewhere in the world, Jason DiLaurentis is picking up the phone, finding out he has yet another sister and screaming into the night.
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prettydirtylies · 7 years
PLL Finale ❤🔫
I was literally screaming when Spencer wakes up underground “No not the twin thing, don’t do it!!!” And then Spencer realises it’s not her reflection. 😭 I am disappointed by the reveal because it doesn’t justify the girls being tortured for all those years, it just doesn’t. I was also hoping that we would find out the Charlotte reveal wasn’t true, (which is why I stopped posting) but I guess it was. 🙄 In terms of the ships and how their lives turned out, I was overjoyed, so many emotions and I think in that respect it was the best episode and they made sure there was a happy ending for everyone. Although, all the ‘Spoby’ love scenes were fake?? Because it was Alex the whole time! Well done to everyone who guessed the Twincer thing before the finale though! 👏🏻That A reveal, my heart sunk, out of everything they could have done, I mean, if they had given Alex Drake a genuine reason for torturing the girls, like if she had been A the whole time and it’s because Spencer and the girls had done something awful to her, I don’t know, maybe that would have been better. They said it was going full circle, so it ended with the 'new’ PLL but why, that’s almost like showing us one of the girls did try and get rid of Ali because she was a bitch? I don’t know what to say, disappointed with how they did the reveal, I don’t feel sorry for AD and I don’t see how it all ties in, BUT I think the girls did an excellent job, the emotions were real and I’m so, so happy with their happy endings.
Peace and love guys, it’s been a great/crazy/frustrating ride but would we have it any other way? (Probably) 😜
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prettydirtylies · 7 years
Wren Kingston ended up a fucking nECKLACE Toby was raped aGAIN and it wasn’t even addressed Spoby was basically spat on and my babies deserve so much better You really expect me to believe Toby doesn’t know what Spencer’s vagina feels like yeah ok hun 👀 We were told questions were gonna be answered. HA HA HA Tf was that ending? Because I’m not gonna sit by and watch another train wreck happen Marlene King, 🖕🏻 Sincerely, one of the fans you’ve fucked over. I’m gonna make sure to stay clear of anything else you create, which is gonna be hard anyway since you can only steal fan theories and not do anything yourself.
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prettydirtylies · 7 years
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prettydirtylies · 7 years
I'm done. 😂😂😂😂
They could have given Spencer’s twin any name starting with A but they gave her the name of Spencer’s first boyfriend??
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prettydirtylies · 7 years
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prettydirtylies · 7 years
Pretty Little Killers
We all know that…
…Emily killed Nate
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…Aria killed Shana
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…And Hanna killed Rollins/Archer
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So who did Spencer kill?
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I bet it’s the girl in the gazebo. And the liars helped to cover it up. 
What do you think?
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prettydirtylies · 7 years
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Seven years later. I’m emotional. 💔
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prettydirtylies · 7 years
Our PLL Tumblr Family...
I don’t post on my account often (if ever, actually) but I need to get something off my chest.
Pretty little liars has been a show that I’ve watched since I was a young teenager and I’ve literally grown up with it, it’s been my anchor through some of the most challenging times. I have absolutely loved theorising and looking through the PLL theories tag, I’ve done this for so long that it’s breaking my heart that in two weeks there’s going to be no reason to look through that tag anymore.
This might sound silly to people who aren’t fans of the show but even though the liars are fictional characters it feels like with each episode I’m catching up with an old friend. The PLL theories tag has been an escape for me where I can immerse myself in a world where I forget all of my problems and scroll through the tag for a while.
I can’t explain how grateful I am for the show, to the tumblr blogs, to the fans. To me it’s not just a show, it’s a whole community. People have come together from all walks of life and have made friendships through their love of PLL, how incredible is that?! As much as I want to know who -A is after all this time I don’t want it to end! I’m getting so emotional just typing this post. How cool would it be if we created a new tag once the show is over that the tumblr family can still look through to stay connected?!
Here’s to all of the pll blogs out there, for taking your time with some incredible theories and for bringing people together. I will never be able to thank you enough.
Much love xx
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prettydirtylies · 8 years
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“How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard" 
I’m so sad to see this show end, but the memories I have will always be there. I’m the person I am today because of this show and wonderful ladies who have been my role models for the last seven years. PLL will always be my favorite show and there will never be another one like it <3
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prettydirtylies · 8 years
What am I going to do 😢 Can't believe it's finally come to and end. 😞❤️ Thank you ladies for giving us more than just a show, it's been a great ride. 💗
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Farewell, Pretty Little Liars
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