prettylittle-heartx · 10 years
I love your laugh. At that, Avery couldn't help but smile while his cheeks flushed bright red against his normally pale skin. No one ever commented on his laugh, though maybe that was because he rarely put it to use. He wasn't a particularly serious person, per say. Those who knew him actually considered him kind of goofy, but usually he was good about keeping his voice in. 
/Thank you. I'm sure your laugh is nice too. I wish I could hear it./
While Avery wished more than anything he could hear Andy's voice, watching the way his shoulders shook, and the new smile that took over his face was almost enough. He kept Andy's hand as he led him to the wall to see his work. He was proud of it. In fact, Avery's artwork was the only thing in his life he was truly proud of. 
He wasn't nervous showing Andy, especially not after seeing the look on his face. However, nothing could have prepared the artist for the term he used -- Perfect. Andy thought he was perfect? Someone who was born so broken... perfect? Avery blinked a few times, staring at Andy with slightly wide eyes before finally gathering the courage to sign back. 
/You really think I'm perfect?/
The laugh was like music to Andy’s ears. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped with a bright smile, a soft laugh of his own escaping his lips. Immediately, he was captivated. For something that didn’t really get any use, it had such a beautiful, melodic sound.
/I love your laugh. Wow./ While he knew Avery couldn’t hear his awestruck laugh, he was sure he could see it in the way his shoulders shook and in the expression on his face.
The sound stuck with him, following him all the way into the living room where he was left mesmerized yet again. How was it even legal for someone to be so incredible? Blue eyes scanned the wall and the paint covered beauty responsible for it, finally returning the squeeze he’d delivered to his hand on the way in, releasing it only to answer him.
/I’m convinced you’re perfect. Seriously. This is beautiful. I told you it’s the bird that makes the cage./
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prettylittle-heartx · 10 years
You're not missing anything special. 
For some reason, Avery doubted that was true. He wished he could believe Andy, but something in him refused to think that there was anything less than spectacular about Andy -- including his voice. Someone who wasn't anything special wouldn't have the type of following he did, a following that had Avery's heart racing every time he thought about it. 
What would the fans think if they knew he was around? How would they react to something like that? Avery looked up when Andy's hand rested on his cheek, his eyes wide with distress, his lips pursed together. 
/I know you don't need it. You just deserve someone around who can communicate better with you and listen to you. I feel bad I can't give that to you./
There was a pang of guilt that hit Andy when he watched Avery sign back, his teeth clasping gently into his lower lip. It wasn’t something he understood, or was sure he would ever understand, but he knew it must have been difficult, wanting so badly to hear someone’s voice.
/You’re not missing anything special./
He made himself grin as he signed back, though it was difficult when he knew Avery was going through such an inner struggle.
/Everything’s going to be okay, little bird, alright? I don’t need you to be able to hear me laugh or talk or sing to know how happy I am around you, and you shouldn’t either, okay?/ Reaching out, he brushed his thumb over Avery’s cheekbone, watching him with reassuring eyes.
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prettylittle-heartx · 10 years
Your Muse finds mine on the ground in a puddle of blood and a terrible wound in their side. What does your Muse do?
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prettylittle-heartx · 10 years
Avery pulled back with a small sigh. It was difficult to explain, especially when he played the optimistic one in every situation. It was hard to come out and admit that, internally, he was involved in a battle with his own self. 
/It's silly. I've never been upset about being deaf until I met you./
He signed back, his lips pursing together, his heart racing. He raked his fingers through his hair, tousling it at the ends before pulling his beanie back over his head. 
/And now that I met you, all i can think about is how much I wish I could hear you talk and sing and laugh. It feels like something is missing, and I'm frustrated. I'm upset./
  Shivering gently at the fingertips running over the back of his neck, Andy gathered Avery closer, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. He wished he could sing to him, hum — something. He just wanted to soothe him and stop the tears that were building in his eyes. Finally, he pulled back, concern etched heavily into his facial expression. Reluctantly, he pulled his hands back to sign to him.
/So, what’s going on with you, little bird? What’s wrong?/
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prettylittle-heartx · 10 years
When Andy brought Avery into his arms, the artist instantly leaned against him, his own arms slowly moving around his shoulders. He wished he could tell Andy everything going on in his head, but he didn't like to complain. Despite tears building in his eyes, he was absolutely determined to hold it together. Avery Kelson never cried. That was a thing of the past. He held Andy a bit tighter, idly brushing his fingertips along the back of his neck. 
  Directly following the squeeze to his hand, Andy a pain in his heart at the sight of the obviously forced smile. That should always be genuine… Before he said anything, he dipped down to sit in the seat beside Avery, gathering him in his arms and petting his hair gently, his silent form of comfort and assurance.
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prettylittle-heartx · 10 years
prettylittle-heartx DID YOU JUST CALL ME A SHITFUCK?
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prettylittle-heartx · 10 years
The hand on his shoulder made him flinch at first. Avery turned to look with pursed lips, his heart slowing some when he saw the loving eyes staring down at him. With no hesitation, he placed his own hand on top of Andy's squeezing it a little while forcing a smile on his face. 
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  He’d have been able to spot him a mile away. There was just…something about him that stood out to Andy, always. With furrowed eyebrows, he made his way over to him, placing a gentle hand over his shoulder.
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prettylittle-heartx · 10 years
He's not having a very good day. He'd rather not explain.
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prettylittle-heartx · 10 years
Avery flinched when someone bumped him. He'd been staring at the ground, focused solely on his own little world. For a moment, he wondered if it had actually been his fault. Watching the other's lips move, the artist pursed his lips together and dismissively shook his head as his own way of saying 'It's okay.' 
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Dominic was walking down the street headphones in his ears trying to tune out the world when he collided with another. “Fuck, Im sorry are you okay?” He asked not realizing the other was deaf
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prettylittle-heartx · 10 years
Avery saw Andy laugh, and at first, it made him self-conscious. Was he laughing because he liked the sound, or because Avery sounded ridiculous? The latter wouldn't surprise him considering he didn't even know what he sounded like. But then, Andy proved him wrong with the next group of gestures and signals. He loved his laugh? 
While he was flattered, it only added to the growing frustration of not being able to communicate normally with someone he was becoming so attached to. /Thank you. I'm sure you have a nice laugh too./
Of course it was a weird compliment, but what else did he have? 
Finally, he turned his attention to the not-completely dry mural on the wall. He was proud of it to say the least. His art was one of the few things he was proud of in his life. When he looked back to Andy, his face instantly flushed, and he brought his hand up to cover it as if to hide that fact from Andy. It took him a second to collect himself enough to respond. 
/I'm nowhere close to perfect. You're just way too nice. You're so nice to me./
The laugh was like music to Andy’s ears. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped with a bright smile, a soft laugh of his own escaping his lips. Immediately, he was captivated. For something that didn’t really get any use, it had such a beautiful, melodic sound.
/I love your laugh. Wow./ While he knew Avery couldn’t hear his awestruck laugh, he was sure he could see it in the way his shoulders shook and in the expression on his face.
The sound stuck with him, following him all the way into the living room where he was left mesmerized yet again. How was it even legal for someone to be so incredible? Blue eyes scanned the wall and the paint covered beauty responsible for it, finally returning the squeeze he’d delivered to his hand on the way in, releasing it only to answer him.
/I’m convinced you’re perfect. Seriously. This is beautiful. I told you it’s the bird that makes the cage./
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prettylittle-heartx · 10 years
text to: the ex
Avery: Will you say that tomorrow too?
Reese: il'l say ti eevryday
Avery: How do I know I can believe you?
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prettylittle-heartx · 10 years
Hudson: hey hi hello
Hudson: you're a fucking asshole
Avery: Thank you for reminding me
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prettylittle-heartx · 10 years
Avery finally stopped, his heart feeling as though it stopped in his chest when Zoe pulled him aside. Frantically, he signed back.
/'I really need to go, Zoe./
Zoe jerked and looked at him shooting him a look ‘slow down before you run someone else over’ She signed
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prettylittle-heartx · 10 years
Text: Sure. :) 
Text: See you soon Zoe. 
  Text: I didnt mean it like that you brat! :D
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prettylittle-heartx · 10 years
When Avery's phone buzzed in his pocket, he instantly smiled, jumping off the couch to get to the door. It was weird being home alone. Though Avery couldn't make sense of the silence, obviously, he could feel the emptiness. Paranoia never failed to wash him over when he was stuck at home alone. When he saw Lisa, he smiled, waving a bit. This was always awkward. Even though his friends knew he couldn't hear, he wished he could offer more than a wave. He stepped aside so she could get in. He wandered to the fridge and pulled out two water bottles, tossing one to her.  
  Lisa rushed over to Avery’s house in her old beat up convertible. Her wavy brown hair pulled back in a bun with a pair of cat eye sunglasses over her eyes. She sent him another text.
Text: I’m out front.
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prettylittle-heartx · 10 years
Avery breathed a small sigh of relief when he read her response. There he was, contemplating the moment she fired him, but she'd completely turned around when he was least expecting it. He took the phone back, biting the inside of his lip while. "Thank you, ma'am. :) Nothing to draw up just yet. You do have a meeting at 2 P.M. tomorrow though. Your planner said you didn't have anything else, right?"
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  Ainsleigh felt bad for being so rushed with Avery. She could tell he was a bit tense, and that made her feel bad. She offered him a small smile as she typed in response to him. "That is perfectly fine. You're doing an amazing job. :-) Do we have anything to draw out this week like for programs, committees, etc.?"
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prettylittle-heartx · 10 years
Avery didn't respond. Not because he was ignoring her, but because -- with his head turned away -- he had no idea she'd asked him a question. He figured their interaction ended with the lighter. However, when he looked over again and saw her staring at him, he figured he'd missed something. He smiled, letting out a laugh that sounded more like a huff of air -- only identifiable because of the smile on his face. This was the hard part. Avery pursed his lips together, motioning to his ear. If she was waiting for a response, it wasn't coming.
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  Jetta took the lighter from him with a smile. “Thanks,” she said, quickly lighting her cigarette and handing it back to him. She sat back for a moment, taking quick drags as she examined the boy across from her. She waited for him to look away, then spoke. “Can you hear me?”
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