primadonnabish · 2 months
Yes, YEs, YES!!! I love his disgusting gremlin rat face, I want to marry HIM!!!! 🥵😍
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Sampo Koski from Honkai: Star Rail because I find him rather silly
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primadonnabish · 3 months
just finished xo, kitty and am waiting for Min Ho fanfics
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primadonnabish · 4 months
in desperate need of xo kitty fics… specifically min ho ones…
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primadonnabish · 1 year
We need to do More about toxic kpop “fans”
😡Seriously something’s needs to be done about these sasaengs, haters, and antis. Idols lives are hard and stressful enough as is they don’t need to be made harder by toxic idiots dehumanizing them. I have seen people speaking out but it’s not enough. More needs to be done so that these toxic people learn that their actions have consequences. They need to learn to be afraid. So afraid they don’t ever show they face in public on online ever again!! 😡
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primadonnabish · 1 year
We need to do More about toxic kpop “fans”
😡Seriously something’s needs to be done about these sasaengs, haters, and antis. Idols lives are hard and stressful enough as is they don’t need to be made harder by toxic idiots dehumanizing them. I have seen people speaking out but it’s not enough. More needs to be done so that these toxic people learn that their actions have consequences. They need to learn to be afraid. So afraid they don’t ever show they face in public on online ever again!! 😡
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primadonnabish · 1 year
We need to do More about toxic kpop “fans”
😡Seriously something’s needs to be done about these sasaengs, haters, and antis. Idols lives are hard and stressful enough as is they don’t need to be made harder by toxic idiots dehumanizing them. I have seen people speaking out but it’s not enough. More needs to be done so that these toxic people learn that their actions have consequences. They need to learn to be afraid. So afraid they don’t ever show they face in public on online ever again!! 😡
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primadonnabish · 1 year
Why💔, why did he have to leave us so soon! 😥 It completely breaks my heart to know he is gone. I will truly love and miss him forever. There is a part of me that really wishes that some miracle could happen and that he would come back to us😥 . Nothing has been confirmed so for now I truly do hope there was no s*lf-H*rm involved🙏❤🙏
Rest In Peace, Moonbin 😭💕
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primadonnabish · 2 years
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primadonnabish · 2 years
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Koharu and Akuma, two of my Just Us Fairies Ocs
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primadonnabish · 2 years
221124 Weverse Translation
Jin’s Post ❇️
원하지 않는 기사가 떠버렸지만 우리 아미 여러분들 훈련소 오시면 안돼요ㅠㅠ 저 외에 많은 사람들도 오니까 혼잡해서 위험할 수도 있어요 아미 알라뷰 (https://weverse.io/bts/artist/2-109024786)
A news article that I didn’t want ended up getting released anyway but ARMYs, you shouldn’t come to the training centre ㅠㅠ There will be a lot of people other than me coming as well, so it might get chaotic and dangerous ARMY I love you
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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primadonnabish · 2 years
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(201218) @bumkey: i miss you so much. i love you
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primadonnabish · 2 years
He was a beautiful soul who deserved so much better, He is greatly missed and greatly loved. I love you Jonghyun and I miss you greatly
For: Suicide Prevention Month
To anyone out there, please remember you are not alone and when it seems like the world is against you just remember there IS someone out there who knows you are special, who knows how beautiful you are, someone who loves you no matter your flaws. There is someone there for you Never be afraid to admit your struggles and seek help for them
For anyone out there who needs help:
National Suicide prevention Hotline:
link to suicide prevention hotlines for around the world: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines
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I miss you really, Jonghyun
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primadonnabish · 2 years
26 + Seokjin
Thank you for your request! -Rose
The sunlight broke through my window and, quite rudely, hit my face way earlier than I was ready for. Groaning, I rolled over and pulled a pillow over my head. “Seokjin. Go close the blinds, please.” I was answered by silence. I reached over to shake him awake, but instead slapped an empty side of the bed. I lifted the pillow a bit and squinted to see that he wasn’t even in the room. Guess that was my cue to get out of bed, too.I sat up and stretched, letting out a noise that one could only assume matched that of a pterodactyl’s. My feet hit the floor and I trudged my way down the hallway. I could hear Jin humming from the kitchen. Something inside of me debating turning my ass around and going back to bed. Morning Jin was way too peppy for me some days. The smell of coffee and bacon wrestled with the idea of a warm bed, though, and I continued toward my boyfriend. I rounded the kitchen to see that Jin had caused our fridge to explode. Broken egg shells lined the counter, the wrappers from a packages of bacon and cheese and bags that once held vegetables were thrown everywhere absentmindedly. He was making omelettes. As much as the sight of a messy kitchen immediately stressed me out, I couldn’t help but smile. He hadn’t seen me come in, and I could hear him singing.
“You are my sunshine. My only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away.”
I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him from behind.“I love you too, Seokjin.”He jumped a tiny bit, surprised by my arrival, but spun around and kissed my forehead.“Good morning, sunshine.”
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primadonnabish · 2 years
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primadonnabish · 2 years
If are any Doll Repaint Artists out there, can someone tell me how to change out a doll's mermaid tail to legs?? Please message me if you know how.
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Peri & Pearl Serpentine
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primadonnabish · 2 years
Librarian!Eunwoo x Reader
A sample of my writing! Hope you like it! Genre: Fluff with a tiny bit of angst.
Pushing up his glasses, Eunwoo pushed the library cart down the bookshelves, stopping every now and then to place books back where they belong. As he was passing the graphic novel section, he noticed a girl about his age, leaning forward at a desk, eyebrows furrowed in concentration at the book. Ah, she’s probably studying, right? It’s that time of the year…
Eunwoo was so busy thinking about her that he ran the cart right into a bookshelf.
The bang resonated throughout the quiet library and as the cart hit the shelf, a few books were knocked down, only to hit Eunwoo’s head. The girl, startled at the sound glanced up from her book, eyes landing on Eunwoo, whose cheeks were fire-engine red as he scrambled to pick up the books, wanting nothing more to just curl up and disappear at that moment. He tried to keep his eyes down, hoping that girl would just ignore the incident, but then he saw two petite hands grab a book that had fallen. Looking up, he found himself staring into the girl’s soft brown eyes. Before he could say anything, she shoved the book into his arms and darted back to her desk. Eunwoo was left staring at the spot where the girl was just standing, awestruck. He was disappointed that he wasn’t able to strike up a conversation with the girl. Did she not like him? Maybe that’s why she ran off.
He continued to shelve the books, trying to push the thoughts of the cute girl to the back of his mind.
Quite frankly, Eunwoo was never good with girls. Although he was quite handsome, whenever he approached girls, the wrong things always left his mouth, leaving the girl walking away in disgust and him standing stark still like a loser.
The next week, he arrived at the library for his shift, secretly hoping that the girl was going to be there again. He knew it was probably a one time thing, but there was no harm in hoping, right?
This time he was charged with the task of checking out and checking in books for the people who came in. He situated himself at the desk, however it was very quiet as very few people were at the library.
The girl walked through the doors of the library, wondering if that librarian would be there again. She was smitten ever since she saw him crash his cart into a bookshelf. She recalled how he stared into her eyes as she picked up a book for him, and the memory made her blush.
She walked over to the check-in counter to return her books, and to her luck, the boy was manning the check-in/out counter.
As she walked up to him, he looked up and was surprised. Were the Fates looking upon him favourably today?
“Hello, how are you today?” He asked in a slightly nervous voice, reaching out to grab at the many books in her arms.
“I’m fine,” The girl replied, fidgeting in her spot.
“That’s good! Ah, I see we have a Mortal Instruments fan here, do we?” He threw a teasing grin her way, but she misinterpreted it. Was he making fun of her geekiness? He probably thought it was cliché, after all, the Mortal Instruments had a very large fanbase.
“Um, yeah I am…” She blushed and bowed before walking off. Eunwoo was hoping to make more small talk with her, being a fan of the Mortal Instruments series himself, but was shocked that she had just walked away.
“Maybe she just doesn’t like me…wouldn’t be the first time.” He sighed and finished scanning the rest of the books and placing them on carts to be reshelved.
“Maybe he goes for the cultured type…should I start reading history books or something like that? He’s probably bored of all the people who always say the like the popular series…”
The girl was pondering this as she took a walk through the human history section, grabbing a book on introductory anthropology, only to frown in distaste and place it back on the shelf.
Eventually she couldn’t help but wander into the young adult section to bury herself into the series she loved. With a copy of City of Heavenly Fire in her hands, she found her eyelids growing heavier as she slumped down and sleep overtook her.
Time passed and soon, the library had to close. Eunwoo was walking around the whole place, making sure no one was left behind. Nearing the teen section, he noticed that girl, slumped against a bookshelf, book in her hands, eyes closed and strands of hair falling over her face. He smiled to himself, getting closer to observe her. Yeah, it was probably real creepy, just watching a girl sleep, but he was able to observe her soft features that he thought to be beautiful. He reached out a hand to stroke her hair, but stopped midway when she stirred.
“Hmm? What time is it?” She asked, her voice groggy with sleep. She looked up to find Eunwoo right in front of her, arm extended. Her eyes widened in shock as she tried to back away from the arm, to no avail.
“Oh! S..sorry…” he quickly withdrew his arm and scratched the back of his head in nervousness. “The library is closing pretty soon, so…”
She checked her watch for the time and stood up quickly. “I should be heading home!” But before she could make a move, Eunwoo stopped her.
“Just wait till the end of that book,” he nodded to the book in her hand. “It’s great, but really sad.”
She looks down at the book, then up to Eunwoo. “You…read it?”
“Of course, I love that series.” He nods before going to the shelf where the whole series was. “I borrowed them all in one day and read them all in less than a month.” His face shows a look of excitement at the mere thought of the series, but it’s quickly replaced with worry.
“Ah, that’s probably really geeky, right?”
He’s about to leave when the girl interjects.
“No! I think…it’s really cute.” Her face flushes as she summons the courage to look at him.
Eunwoo’s spirits are lifted at her compliment. “Say…will you come hang out with me more? We could…talk about books. Or whatever! Anything you want!” He speaks the last part in a jerky nervous way, scared of rejection.
She nods, accepting his offer. “I will.”
For a moment there’s just silence as they stare at each other. However, they aren’t alone in the library. The head librarian is still there.
“You young’s look atcha romance is blooming, eh?” He shoots Eunwoo a sly wink before shuffling away.
“Don’t mind me, go back to starin’ each other down! Just don’t take too long and make sure to lock up the library!” He calls out, waving and chuckling to himself. Eunwoo and the girl blushed before walking to the library entrance.
“Wait, let me lock up and I’ll walk you home!” He scurried to get the keys, leaving her standing at the entrance. She giggles at his hurrying and as he rushes back to her, he trips and falls. She quickly rushes to his side.
“Oh my gosh are you okay? Why were you running?!” She’s fretting, as she notices that in the fall, his glasses were knocked off.
He sits up, unscathed and looks up at her. “You got a stele I could use, because I hurt myself falling for you.” He grins at his joke and the 2 collapse in laughter.
The end
~ hope you guys liked it, I had to make a Mortal Instruments joke xD
-Admin Chu
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primadonnabish · 2 years
Hot & Bothered [M] | Minhyuk
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You decide to slightly tease your close friend Minhyuk, but things take a turn… 
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Protagonists: Minhyuk (MX) & you
Word Count: 2,5k
Genre: Friends to lovers - Smut
Lyly’s note: This a repost of my first ever fic. I got inspired by the photo teaser for MX’s Beautiful comeback. I was worthy of being their first win, so I didn’t fix the storyline. Minhyuk is dangerously climbing my bias list… HWAITING ;)
|| M.List || Monsta X ||
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Keep reading
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