#End All Toxic Kpop “Fandoms”
primadonnabish · 11 months
We need to do More about toxic kpop “fans”
😡Seriously something’s needs to be done about these sasaengs, haters, and antis. Idols lives are hard and stressful enough as is they don’t need to be made harder by toxic idiots dehumanizing them. I have seen people speaking out but it’s not enough. More needs to be done so that these toxic people learn that their actions have consequences. They need to learn to be afraid. So afraid they don’t ever show they face in public on online ever again!! 😡
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softieteez · 1 year
Hiii I was wondering if you can do a yunho imagine of collabing with idol s/o or crush with a dance performance which went viral and ppl start to ship them
Can you relate it to this video: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLYv3F7f/
note: i was so excited when i saw the link. these are two of my favorite dancers and this dance is my favorite. i love this request *update* this is from like forever ago but with everything i forgot about it, i hope you see this anon. idk how well i like this but.
pairing: idol!yunho x fem!idol!reader
genre: fluff, slight angst, but mostly fluff
warning: hate, toxic fans (don’t be a toxic fan)
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as the main dancer in a kpop group, your company often pushes you to do things like solo dances, special appearances, and now duets. you don't ever mind, you love dancing, but of course doing all these activities all the time definitely has it's flaws.
for example, stress, hate for always being pushed more than your other members, and now... dating rumors.
your company is very close with ateez's company, kq entertainment. so that meant that your songs usually get produced by their production team, you guys also get choreography from bbtrppin because the ceo of kq put in a good word. it has it's advantages. but your favorite thing about it is getting to actually meet ateez, which you've only done a couple times.
though the two of you groups aren't all that close, yet, your fandoms have caught onto the fact that there's a friendship there. so many twitter accounts to post 'crumbs' of ateez and your group. which are usually just you members talking about them or the other way around.
so it's safe to say that your fans love the chemistry that they haven't even seen, and it's brought in more attention to both of your groups. and we all know how kpop companies love attention and money.
and it seems as though the two companies came up with the perfect plan.
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when you first heard the idea of you and yunho doing a duet together, you were kind of skeptical. mainly because idols don't really do that kind of stuff anymore, it's rare to see a male idol dance with a female idol. but at the end of the day, this is business, it's a professional setting. plus, yunho is a very tall, attractive man, and you would be lying to say you don't have a small thing for him. so you agree.
it was nearly shocking how good the chemistry between the two of you was, even in the beginning. now that you have been working on the dances for a while, you both have grown a pretty great friendship.
"ah! done" you grunt and fall onto the floor. you have to admit, this is one of the hardest dances you've done since your competition days.
yunho laughs, trying to catch his breath. he just stands there and looks at you laying all sprawled out on the floor. even when you're tired and sweaty, you were so beautiful to him, you always have been.
from the moment he saw your debut he had heart eyes for you. and when he met you and your group for the first time, it only grew. so you can only imagine how he felt when your ceo's told you about the duet idea.
"let's take a break, then we can go over the lift again" yunho clapped his hands laughing as you groan again.
you guys have been working on this dance for weeks, and it's been both amazing and stressful. but having yunho there made it easier, he was really good at coming up with plans, knowing when to take it slow. he's easy to work with.
the next day was the same routine, wake up, get dressed, meet yuhno at the dance studio and dance until after dark. but today would be only a tad bit different because the companies would be releasing a teaser picture today.
the picture is simply you and yunho stand with your back to the camera. your hands on your hips while yunho rests his elbow on your shoulder. you’re both wearing your performance outfits, which were quite simply but still nice.
it’s a good picture, so good that it’s your lockscreen.
“hey” yunho smiled when you walked in, he’s usually always here before you. because of this you bring him coffee and snacks to have during your breaks.
“hi” you return the smile and hand him his coffee. he finds it so endearing that even under stress and tiredness, you still find it in you to be so kind to everyone. coffee is just a small gesture, sure, but it’s more than that…
“ready to start?” he asked you as he put his coffee down after drinking a few sips. you let out a sigh and nod. you place your bag and coffee on the bench, taking your coat off and tying your hair up.
you were a perfectionist so you would always work until everything’s perfect. hongjoong and your leader, jiah, often point that out and scold which you which quite hypocritical of them. but even if yunho is in the bathroom, you’re practicing.
it’s like this for another week. for another week your members watch you get more anxious and stressed. for another week everyone gets more excited.
until… the day it releases.
“it’s up in five!” wooyoung yells, running into your groups dorms with the rest of the members following behind him. nayoon, your most hyper member has become quite close with wooyoung and san these days, no surprise to that.
“yah! you can’t just barge in peoples homes!” your oldest member, minyoung scolded. but soon calmed down when jiah explained that they were given permission to do so.
“hey! yn!” san smiled at you and gave you a high five.
“hi!” you giggle as he brings you into a hug. you greet all the ateez members, including yunho of course, before everyone sat in front of the tv waiting for the firestick to load.
“are you nervous?” yunho asked you. the rest of your members were all huddled on the couch so you two stood behind it.
“a little” you whisper, pinching the air with your thumb and pointer finger. “i just hope it turned out good”
“of course it turned out good!” jiah scolded you for thinking otherwise.
“yah! you guys have been working for a month to perfect this. it’s gonna be amazing!” hongjoong scolded as well. you and yunho chuckled at your leaders' similarities.
“they posted it!” mingi announced, seeing the notification on his phone.
the youngest member in your group, myung, nodded and loaded youtube. everyone screams when they see the video already in the recommended.
“ah! you guys look so cool in the thumbnail!” seonghwa smiled before the video started. while waiting for it to load, you got nervous. and when you’re nervous, you would usually hold your oldest member's hand for comfort. so you held yunho’s hand instead.
at first, he was shocked, but he gladly excepted without a second thought. he wrapped his fingers around yours, looking at your hands and chuckling over how small yours were compared to his.
“it’s starting shut up” nayoon hushed everyone.
“no one's eve-“
“shhh” nayoon cut myung off as the music began playing.
throughout the whole video, the members would scream out ‘woah’s and ‘oooh’s. wooyoung would just scream. you smiled the entire time, suddenly feeling an inner pride in yourself. yunho smiled every time you excitedly tugged his hand or made a face. he wasn’t sure what he looked at more, you, or the dancing. probably you.
he felt so happy to have shared the experience with you. the person he’s liked for so long. and even if you two remain friends, nothing more, he’s perfectly happy with that.
he snapped back into reality when everyone began clapping and cheering, suddenly becoming shy as everyone’s eyes were on the both of you. he felt his heart crack a little when you let go of his hand, though he understood.
“our yn-ie did so good!” jiah cheered and walked over to you, squeezing the life out your ribcage.
“unnie, can’t breathe”
after that, no one really checked the comments, knowing that it’d have some sort of effect on someone in the room. even if it’s not you or yunho, someone will get pissed.
ateez stayed for dinner before leaving back to their dorm. you and yunho texted until three in the morning that night talking about how happy you were. you were so so happy.
the next morning was the first one in a while where you didn’t have to do anything. so you slept in until minyoung walked into your room, shaking you awake.
“yn-ah, get up. we have something to show you”
you nod and wait for her to leave before getting up, changing into something warmer than what you wore to bed. walking into the living room, you notice the laptop is out. this usually happened after something would drop. the day after, you all would read comments so that nothing ruined your night of celebration.
“not a single bad comment found” myung smiled giddily at you and she drug you over to the laptop. she was right, all the comments were nice. and most of them were shipping you.
“people like you guys together” nayoon teased, wiggling her eyebrows. you chuckled and shake your head.
‘they’re chemistry is amazing!’
‘they’re so clean!!!’
‘wait but they’re so cute together!’
‘omg… new ship??’
you couldn’t believe you were being shipped with your crush, it was almost nerve-wracking. even though the idea of you and yunho dating made you smile a little, you can’t help but think it would make him uncomfortable.
your stomach churns as you read more, mostly english, comments on how you and yunho would make this cute couple. power couple.
“people really like you together” nayoon teased, earning a glare from your leader. they hadn’t seen those comments. they know your feelings for yunho, they also know that things like shipping with anyone makes you uncomfortable.
it’s not that you hate all shipping. no you’re pretty okay with people jokingly shipping you and your members, and jokingly shipping you and your other idol friends. as jokes. but these people aren’t joking. maybe most people would be over the moon happy about this, it only made you anxious.
“we didn’t see those ones” minyoung swore to you, and you trust her on that. they would never have you look at these comments if they saw them.
“it’s fine, i’m gonna go shower and stuff” you smile at your members and escape to the bathroom. you wash away your worries and stress of it all. finally just having a moment to breathe since you even started working on that dance.
when you got out of the shower, you just put sweats on again and relaxed. you had no schedule but you knew yunho did. he usually does honestly. but you wonder if he’s seen the comments, how he feels about them, if his members tease him the same way nayoon and myung have been.
you haven’t read from him yet today, which only made you more anxious. the worst case scenarios were running through your head. you sat in your room until you had the energy to leave it. you don’t want this to bug you too much, i mean it was expected with such a dance. a lot of skin contact, not to mention the amount of emotion it holds.
no one has really seen this type of dance from yunho either. from you? sure, but this was pretty new to him. some people knew he was taking contemporary classes, but you’re not sure if people realize just how fast he picks up choreo. the video gained millions of views in the first few hours, both fandoms combined showing just how powerful they are.
you were rewatching the dance, pointing out anything you might have messed up. but you can’t find much, you thank the camera work because the day of the filming you didn’t feel too confident. you were watching the lift when you get a text.
did you see the comments???
can i come over later?
don’t worry, i’m not mad
i just wanna tell you something
oh… okay… what time are you planning?
around 5? if that’s okay with everyone
yeah, see ya then
it would only be you and minyoung home. jiah already left to the studio early, which is no surprise. myung planned to go to dinner with her dad since he is visiting town. and nayoon is going shopping with some friends that she graduated with. minyoung had no plans, but you do now, kinda.
“hey” you call out, grabbing the oldest attention.
“hey, what’s up?” she asked, filling her cup with ice water.
“yunho’s gonna be over around five, you and i are gonna be the only ones home so i figured i’d let you know” you said, watching her face turn a little smug.
“oh, okay” she smirked
“what are you thinking” you squint your eyes at her
“oh nothing…” she continues smirking as she twists the lid onto her cup “just keep it pg” she completes as she leaves the kitchen
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a few hours have passed, it was now five but you lost track of time so you’re sitting on the couch eating grapes. minyoung was in her room, either sleeping or reading you never know. but she seemed to catch the time a while ago, she up and left to her room around 4:30.
you’re minding your own when you hear a knock. you look at the time and realize that it was indeed yunho. “coming!” you yell out. you place the bowl of grapes on the coffee table while getting up.
you open the door, seeing the much taller man standing in front of you. “hey” you breathe out and move out of his way to let him in. “hey” he repeats.
“we can go to my room if you want, minyoung is the only one here so…” you felt so awkward. you really didn’t mean to be though, you and yunho have grown a great friendship since you both began the dance. but the comments and the anxiety of why he was here in the first place was killing you.
“that works” he nods, following you to your well-decorated bedroom. you shut the door behind him and turn off the music that was playing in the back. the taller sits on you bed, waiting for you to take a seat next to him. you sit at the end of the bed, facing him with your legs crossed “so…” he looks like he’s thinking really hard on what to say.
“so?” you chuckle. he only lets out a deep breath, rubbing his hands on his sweats nervously before looking you in the eye. you begin growing even more anxious. ‘please just say something’
“uhm, the comments… i’m sorry about some of them. i know a lot of atiny-“
“it’s both our fans, it’s fine” you chuckle, thinking he’s talking about the shipping… but you can tell by his face something else is up.
“what- what comments do you think i’m talking about…”
“the-the shipping one’s… the girls showed me this morning…” your voice suddenly becomes small, what else could you be talking about?
his face drops slightly, a frown forming on his face, "i-i thought you seen the other ones," he said, more to himself rather than you.
"what other ones? i've seen the shipping ones and i thought maybe you were uncomfortable and thats wh-" you rambled on until he stopped you.
"no, no. i mean i've seen them but those aren't what i'm worried about, i was coming to make sure you're okay" he said worriedly, still shocked to learn that you haven't seen all the hate you've been receiving
"yeah, why wouldn't i be? what are the other comments?" you ask, reaching in your back pocket for your phone, but yunho grabs your arm just as you pulled your phone out. he reached his hand out for your phone. you hand it to him confused, but you don't question it. he takes your phone and puts it in his front pocket where his own phone was.
"it's nothing, if you haven't seen it that's good. i don't want you to see them" he said looking into your eyes with such sincerity that you've never experienced before. you knew there was going to be hate, but was it really that bad?
you nod your head and let it be "okay..." he smiles at you and gives you a hug.
"i'm glad you're okay" he sighed. you've received a lot of hate in the past, you're not sure why, but it's just part of the job. and as you gain more traction, the more it comes in. you and a couple of your members have been greatly affected by the hate before, you had to take a hiatus not too long ago. so you understood why yunho was so worried about it. "and the shipping comments, i really don't mind them" he comments as you both pull away from the hug.
"oh, w-what do you mean?" you thought he would be annoyed by it by now. all of you have been shipped with each other for so long, it gets old sometimes.
"i-i mean... i don't think they're wrong" he said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. what does he mean? "i feel like we have great chemistry" he chuckled a little bit.
you giggled a little, the comments were quite silly. "yeah?"
"y-yeah. uhm, i have to confess something actually, if that's okay?" he looks at you as your heart rate raises, you nod and continue looking in his eyes "i really like you, y/n, and i was actually wondering if you wanted to go out sometime? maybe when the shipping comments die down" he chuckled at his last comment, hoping to lighten the awkward air.
"i really like you too yunho, i'd love to go out with you."
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awek-s-archived · 2 years
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yutaholic · 6 months
Thank you for even making that post because I honestly feel like I’m going to explode!! Championing every issue is EXHAUSTING. I have such empathy fatigue. Bombardment of “rules”, behavioral guidelines, services, companies, networks + food brands & PEOPLE to boycott ALL THE TIME. Fandom is space many of us come to unplug from reality…it’s certainly my hyperfixation & ppl be like “well then get another one because you shouldn’t support–” IT DOESN’T WORK LIKE THAT. Fuck. I can’t take it anymore. Calls to action being in EVERY single place have weakened my mental state even more than it was before which was already on “pending disability” level of severe & now I’m just. burned t-absolute-f out….at everything!! I can literally FEEL myself unraveling. Kpop stans & their toxic activism can go to hell. They’re so worried about making sure to condemn others for “not doing enough” or being bad people, that they don’t even realize their actions are making them into bad people. This shit takes a toll on mental health, there is science behind this, it is real and what happens to human beings when inundated with constant terrible news, and it’s not just being ~too privileged to care~ but these performative mfs have no concept of blacklisting anymore and just want to assume the absolute worst about someone, call them names & wish harm on folks who are at the end of their ropes! It’s maddening! So even if compassion fatigue isn’t why you didn’t go out of your way to Denounce and Drag™️ him (bc you totally have the right to simply not want to do that on a fanfic blog!) I’m just glad someone else stated that this is supposed to be an ESCAPE. fuck.
Baby, burnout will fuck you up. Don't do that to yourself. Take the time you need and recoup. Life is a constant war and you can afford to lose a battle here and there to focus on your own health and well-being. Getting yourself back into a good place mentally will be a huge win. We both know the ppl obsessed with performative activism aren't doing anything from a place of compassion. The real ones are out there making change, not sending people death threats online from the comfort and safety of their mommy's basement.
When I posted the pic of NCT Dream and Big Time Rush, I wrote in the tags how BTR was something my sister and I loved and bonded over. We watched the show even though it was obviously a kids show and we were both adults. It was just something that gave us joy. My sister passed away years ago and anything BTR-related will make me teary because I think about how much we laughed together over it.
So the first thing I get are messages over how problematic BTR is, that I should delete the post or I'm pro-genocide if I don't dislike them. Ngl that made me so upset because I got a bunch of faceless people trying to taint some precious memories of me and my sister. If they came at me trying to educate me on things I didn't know that would be different, but it's straight to judgment and hatred toward me over something I posted that was totally innocent.
Meanwhile I get criticized for posting about a kpop group instead of reblogging every call to action post. I donate my money to these causes, but I don't post about it because I don't need my ass kissed for doing what I know to be right. I am 1000% sure the anons in my inbox that try to police me have never given a dime to anything, but are policing people's blogs for not reblogging posts or talking about it more.
I feel bad that I haven't been very active on here this year so I try to come on when I have some free time to interact with you guys. I make a silly post about Doyoung and get anons tearing into me for it like I'm his social media manager. Okay so because the world is going to shit we aren't allowed to enjoy anything?? Can't make jokes about anything. Can't show support for anything. Just wrong on every fucking count.
Believe me I am so goddamn aware of how lucky I am that I can sit here and say I'm very privileged that I live comfortably in the life I have. I know what's going on in the world and I do my part to help where I can, but I also have to keep functioning. I don't want every minute of my life to be seeped in anger, I did that for a long time and it not only eats away at you, it makes you ineffective in actually changing the things making you angry in the first place.
This was just supposed to be a blog where I posted my stories. One of the few places I could go and not constantly be reminded of how fucked up the world is. I've always said that people who told me reading a fic of mine made their day a little better or helped them escape for a bit were always my favorite. That was what I came here for and I loved being able to share the tiniest moments of peace and quiet with others through stories with guaranteed happy endings.
I'm frustrated because I have 4 drafts ready to go next year. I got the story posts done and made all the headers. But I don't want to post them. I have no problem admitting I'm selfish and spiteful. Even though I can turn off anon, I can't block these miserable people and I don't want them reading my stuff. They don't get to consume my content and then tell me to off myself right after.
A massive fuck you to those of you that ruined this blog for me.
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beautifulpersonpeach · 10 months
Hi BPP. I have a question running through my mind lately, and I think it’s a little bit stupid, a little bit legit. I read your thoughts and like your opinions. I think you’re one of the best people who could answer, if not the most appropriate one. Sorry if it sounds dumb, tho.
I’ve been into kpop for a while, now. I can’t say i know the way it works, i can’t say i’m a master of it. But i notice things. I notice the big big impact fanservice has in the industry, for example. It’s literally fundamental. There are a few few companies with sex-mixed groups. Put them apart, the majority are same sex groups. Because with opposite genders in the same group there could be problems, unease, relationships etc.
Then they push same sex fantasies with fanservice and amplified skinship (already present in Korea). And until this point, everything is normal. I mean, we know things work this way.
But here i already notice a controversy. Homophobia is present and rooted in Korea and in the industry, but still they push gay narratives/don’t do anything to debunk them. So they try to “feed” everyone, people who like gay scenarios/moments included.
Then i think about girl groups. Twice, black pink. There’s a lot of explicit touching, explicit affirmations (i like you, your body is stunning, let’s go on a date, you make me blush etc). There’s in bts too, the guys did some nasty things too on cameras, i know. But with girl groups, you can easily notice it’s made up for the cameras but it still happens, and unless i’m missing it, i never saw someone hating or heavily hating on members because of it. Because of some easily misunderstanable sentences/acts.
The same goes for boy groups. I’m thinking of ateez. On of the members (i’m not into them so i don’t know his name) loudly read a comment saying “marry (insert another member’s name)”. And he said “you want me to marry *? You know it’s illegal here”. Then i’m thinking of enyphen, again, i’m not into them, but i saw this clip of two members going live and reading comments about them being a couple/being romantically involved. Shipping.
I’m sorry this is gonna be a long one, but before making my point i need to say these things.
Then we have Somi. She explicitly said she has a lot of women flirting with her, and she said she wants to conquer women too. She said she likes Han SoHee and dmed her on insta, but she didn’t reply. She even kissed Hyuna in a video posted on the internet less than a month ago.
Then we have Bibi. She kisses girl fans during her concerts and pictures of it are shared everywhere. She’s still famous, all of these people i’m mentioning are famous, are known, are in the korean spotlight, more or less. And their careers are not fucked up. Sometimes it’s fanservice, some others it’s who they are. Somi really likes women too, imo, and Bibi as well.
I get that for women it might be easier. There’s a group (a big group) of people who prefers gay interactions between women than gay interactions between men. They find it pleasing, and it’s an homophobic, toxic masculinity and women fetishization related preference.
But still, most people are fine with it. Yeah someone probably criticized it, probably hated on them because of these behaviours, but at the end of the day everything is fine for them.
I’m thinking about J-Hope too, who has gay friends and publicly shares pictures with them. He even visited a gay club and, again, probably some people criticized him for it and i’m just not on that side of the internet and the fandom, but at the end of the day his career is not gonna end because of it. Most People are fine with that too. He wears nail polish, tae does too. Can you imagine Jm or Jk doing that publicly? The hate they’d get? Maybe i’m wrong and it wouldn’t be like that; but that’s how i feel.
Then i think about Holland. His coming out had a huge impact on his career, his life. The aggressions he was victim of; his music not being so followed and famous, probably also because of said coming out.
I think about every kpop artist who is closeted and can’t say it. I think about Jikook, about Jimin who had to “play” with colors, lyrics, temporary tattoos and playful interviews (such as the “I think he likes men-> I don’t like you” one) in order to silently whisper that he’s not straight. That there’s more he can’t show.
And then Jikook in general. They could never afford to do what ateez and enhypen did. Never, bpp. We know that. So why?
Why is there this difference, why is it so… difficult for me to get how this works. Why can they do it, but Jikook can’t? But bts can’t? Why is there a limit for some idols, and some others are almost completely free? What am I missing?
I hope my question is clear, bpp. I really do, because i feel like i made a mess here all over the place. I’m sorry about it, thank you for reading this, if you did.
I appreciate you🫶
Hi Anon,
Don’t apologize.
So if I’m reading this right, you’re asking why the reaction to jikook showing queer expression is so much more negative than you see it for anyone else / other duos and groups?
Or, maybe quoting you is better:
“And then Jikook in general. They could never afford to do what ateez and enhypen did. Never, bpp. We know that. So why?”
I’m not sure if what I’ll say will make sense, and this might seem silly, but I think one reason jikook/BTS appear to have fewer liberties on things like explicit/overt shows of love/attraction between them, even under the umbrella of ‘fan service’ and compared to other groups, is because BTS is the biggest group in the world. Just by virtue of the group’s prominence, BTS being very closely tied with several government appointments and massive brands in Korea (Samsung and Hyundai)… there’s a greater expectation of conformity for them compared to other groups. There’s just more at stake for them.
I mean, do you recall the lead up to the enlistment news? How people were picking them apart, people who didn’t think they should be exempt where digging into their old footage trying to find anything to turn public opinion against the group. It was kinda crazy. In that sort of environment and in any case, the prudent thing would be to wait till after military service to expect more freedom in expression for a boy group. And perhaps that’s what we’ll see with jikook and BTS in general come 2026.
But also, the thing is, jikook have still been quite loud… in some ways even louder than Somi’s declarations (but certainly not Holland’s and the cost to him and any openly gay artist is apparent to see). GCF in Tokyo is so loud, it couldn’t be louder if JK got a megaphone, climbed to the top of the Eiffel Tower and screamed that he loves Jimin in the four cardinal directions. No matter what anybody says about GCF in Tokyo, that video itself is very clear and it says it all.
Then there’s the gesture of Jimin flying from Paris to Korea just to spend some time with Jungkook on his birthday, and then more recently, flying to NYC to be with JK during Seven debut. There’s the way their families treat them both. There’s that OT7 live where Jimin kept one half of his body literally glued to Jungkook’s on the couch, hooking his arms to keep their thighs together that not even air could pass between them. Then there’s fucking Rosebowl, pardon my French.
Like, even with all the scrutiny, jikook have still been able to say what they actually want about what they each mean to each other. Jimin is usually private and careful with how he speaks in general, he’s not the kind of person to talk the way Somi did about anything, really. So expecting a similar level and style of communication/queer expression, for jikook compared to these other people, really isn’t fair to Jimin or Jungkook to begin with, I think.
It’s totally okay if as a fan you’d like to see more open, simple and consistent expressions of queerness the way we have it in OnlyOneOf, Ateez, Bibi, etc. Those groups are made in some ways precisely to scratch that itch. It’s good the way they talk about queer attraction draws you in or resonates with you, but I’m not sure it’s fair to expect other people, in this case jikook and/or BTS, to express their relationship and queer feelings the same way.
If you’re approaching this solely from the point of concern for jikook, I totally get it. Korea is very homophobic. But within their immediate team, I hope and trust they are surrounded by more good people than bad, people who will aim to protect the queer members. There’s no use worrying about this for long, since they’ll just have to learn to take care of themselves.
I could’ve totally missed your question or what you’re actually asking, Anon. If so let me know. But the above is also what I think.
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joesalw · 5 months
21 tons of CO2 emissions in less than 24 hours. 4 flights BNA->MMU-> BUF->MMU->BNA. Just to show her face on a tv broadcast. Pathetic.
FYI, an average American produces about 22 tons per year. She’s doubled if not tripled this number THIS MONTH ALONE.
Nice, I live in a place where the average temperature in January is around -4°C and I don’t think I’ve seen the temperature drop below zero even once this month.
God I hope they don’t get to Super Bowl so this circus would end. I want to enjoy the halftime show without all the TS tinsel. Usher deserves to enjoy this moment, the man’s been working his ass off for years to get this opportunity and to think that she’s the one who is going to get all the media attention if the Chiefs make it to the Super Bowl is absolutely ridiculous and unfair. Wouldn’t be surprised if NFL’s been rigging the games so they can get more reach with their non-American audience if Taylor’s boyfriend is playing.
God, I used to be such a huge fan of hers but her antics in the past couple of years disgust me. I’ve bought her merch and everything, owned multiple CDs and vinyls and now I’ve been clean (lol, that’s a strange way to put it but I can’t describe it in another way) for a year. I think what people say about the swiftie fandom being a cult might be true after all. I don’t think I’ve seen a non-KPOP fandom being this toxic, violent and aggressive
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bengiyo · 3 days
Don't Care for an Old Man's Underwear! Ep 2 Stray Thoughts
Thanks again to @isaksbestpillow for making this watch possible.
Last time, we met Okita Makoto, a middle-aged supervisor of a copier sales company whose toxic masculinity has let him down in his professional and personal relationships. He regularly offends his juniors (especially the women on their team), his kpop stan wife, mangaka daughter, and queer son. An unlikely encounter with a self-assured gay man led to the start of a new friendship, and Okita has promised his son that he will work to update himself so he can connect with his family and peers.
I am a little sad for this man that the opening sequence was a dream. As off-putting as he is, I do think he genuinely cares for his family.
Mm, ruined it immediately by being rude to Moe.
Oh, Okita. You can't walk it back right away like that. You're going to kill the trust of your team. You just said that people have a right to their breaks.
Oof, that was painful. Growth is not easy and not a straight line.
Wow, finally a show captures the constant pressure heteronormativity places on you when you don't fit in with it. That was an excellent sequence when Kakeru hesitated at the door.
Genuinely, this show is doing really well so far. It's putting in a lot of empathetic work on a man whose position allows his bad behaviors to cause issues for other people. I like that the show doesn't demonize him, and shows that his actions come from a believable human place. I also like that they use the wise gay child to ask the big question: Do you want to connect with others, or have you given up on people altogether?
Bro, you really should not have opened her mail. Even if you were concerned you broke it, you should have just called her down. This is not cool.
I actually like this junior's explanation of why he wears a bra. I'm glad it wasn't a gender thing or even an expectedly queer thing. He just wanted to feel like he's supported and that's enough.
Okay, I'm very excited about Okita Makoto going to sell yaoi at a fan event. I hope he brings Igarashi Daichi with him.
This flashback for Moe was also so good. We all make flippant comments about things we don't like or understand all the time. We won't remember it, but the people around us might. In this case, Moe knows her father will never understand her passions and can't share them with him.
Yes, Daichi!!
Everything about this con is excellent so far. Makoto may be getting shock at everyone's outfits, but he picked up immediately at how determined everyone is and appreciates their discipline.
I love Apple.
Daichi doesn't know what a fujoshi actually is? There's something interesting here about a self-actualized gay not even participating in this part of fandom.
Okay, I'm alright with it. He has the right attitude.
"People who love something are strong." He's beginning to believe.
Yes, Daichi, go on your date!
I teared up when Moe got emotional about Makoto selling the books, and love them ending that moment with her scream about him looking inside the work as a way to check on Kakeru.
I'm glad Makoto only observed that moment between Daichi and that guy, and has to confront the practical reality that Daichi is gay, and not just some magical youth that helps him. Daichi has a life.
Ending on Makoto seeing Kakeru as he wants to be is an excellent way to end this, because he's forced to see that people find strength in passions outside of his experience and must apply it to the people in his life.
This show is so good. There are quite a few characters, and the way they're weaving them into the narrative of the episode is truly special. In this episode we had Kakeru struggling to leave the house because he can't feel safe being seen as he is, while Moe is fighting to get out of the house because she needs to be seen by her people. Makoto is trying, but he's still not ready to see everyone the way they are. This is so legible. I am rooting for everyone.
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marengogo · 5 months
if said content was from someone whose account name was related to thinking my best friend and i were romantically involved, i'd check out the account before reposting (even if the content i was planning on reposting didn't have anything to do with said shipping thoughts)
i don't blame th, but i do wish he checked the account 😞
TW: mention of triggering words/actions such as “rape” but not the actual action.
Hi Anon,I hope you can forgive me for using your post to address a topic I've been meaning to discuss. The following has absolutely nothing like for real 💜🙏🏾 against you, but it kinda sets the perfect scenario, so imma take advantage it. BUT imma offer you a jikook hug in exchange, hope you can accept this for your very honest and not blaming frustration 🥹🫰🏾💜
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So the topic is: SHIPPING.
Remember that chapter 2 blog which I promised, but NEVER delivered? 🤡🤡🤡 Yeah, so,shipping was going to be one of the many subsections of that blog, which to be honest with you, is sitting unfinished in my draft, and most likely will stay like that … BUT, luckily for me not sure for y’all 😬😬 today serves itself as a perfect day to actually give it an applicable context. Through today's familiar mayhem, I read a post which I think will give the perfect context to the topic of shipping. It is a post from @akookminsupporter, the following one:
I actually happen to agree with this 100%, because I do agree that we don’t want the people we stan to directly, or indirectly, endorse problematic situations, particularly those that are recognised as such universally. For example:
You get my point.
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Now when it comes to shipping, it is WITHOUT A DOUBT one of the greatest plights within our fandom in particular, but in reality it is an issue in kpop and other music genres as a whole. Yet, the reality is that shipping is indeed a traditional tool REALLY HATE CALLING IT THAT BUT … that is almost always used as a means to a common and popular end. So the questions are: 
Do fans within the kpop fandom consider it an issue? Yes and No. 
Do people outside the kpop fandom consider it an issue? … Do they even know about it, or about it being a serious issue, within its perimeter?
Do the idols consider it an issue? … Yes? and No?
In its entirety, as all the questions don’t actually have a universally unanimous answer, SHIPPING in general, as of 17 January 2024, can’t be considered a universally known and agreeable issue. BUT, in the case of kpop, the situation is much worse. To begin with, we are unable to definitively agree on whether, or not, shipping is actually an issue to begin with, or not; be it the idol or the shipper. Nobody, in their right mind, is out there making jokes about, for example, genocide. If they are, they will righteously face big ass consequences by almost ANYONE who stumbles upon said comment/s. Shipping, on the other hand, the only people who would care, are the people within said field/environment. But, as I am a very integral part of this fandom, I know that, for us, it has become quite a nerve wracking issue, so let’s go a bit deeper.
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Let’s go with the generally known concept within kpop that a debuting band is very likely to engage in fanservice and, consequently, form ships. The idols know, the fans know. Then, let’s give it 4 years? More or less many bands decided that “you know what? I don’t need to do this anymore” and as a consequence, some have tried to address this subject, and some just pretend to not know anymore. No matter the choice, the fact still remains that their related shippers were created, toxic or not, and 9 out of 10 cases; they ain’t going nowhere.
In the case of BTS, it is actually very funny because the only person who has allegedly tried to address this, is the one person who is constantly under fire for “feeding his shippers”. What is even funnier, to me at least, is that none of his 6 members actually came out to back him up, the day he challenged his viewers regarding shipping, at least not that I recall, if you know of any members that was actually supporting Tae, please let me know. So, if none of my bandmates seem to find it an imminent problem because let’s be honest, they had to deal with far bigger shit, apparently, and the company seems to not find it a panic-worth problem, apparently, then, if I were Tae, I’d be initially hella frustrated, but eventually I’d be like: FUCK IT. Which is the mentality I honestly think they all end up applying, in the kpop world.
So, what EXACTLY IS considered shipping? 
Repeatedly mentioning the name of a shipped/rival member? Posting pictures with a shipped/rival member? Touching a shipped/rival member? Spending time with shipped/rival member? Standing next to a shipped/rival member? Etc. Just so you know, If any, or all, of these qualify with shipping, then maknae line is UNIVERSALLY within our fandom FUCKED, and yes, only them, because, let’s be real, not many care about the shipping involving the hyung line, even though they do engage in the same type of behaviour … except for Yoongi, he is kinda in the middle, like some sort of collateral damage. 
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So then what should we do? Should we completely ban shipping? Should shipping be banned maybe 4 years after the debut of all groups? Or should shipping have regulations, some kind of universal judge that presides and guides shipping behaviour? Should shipping fanfictions be abolished? Should unit names be restricted to the sole use of members? Should members cut out time in their life to make sure that they are aware of shipping and their consequences? Soooooo many questions, and probably tooooooo many answers, but the one fact still remains that MOST LIKELY these are all issues for those consuming the provided “shipping content” but not for those providing said “shipping content”, because for example:
And here I will be applying the parent/guardian/teacher/authority figure test, as in , for the next set of examples would any of the aforementioned figures be alarmed? Following are my test results  on whose problem it is, between the fandom and its idol.
A JM fan-dedicated birthday party, being crashed by rival shippers: Shippers problems. JM’s mail being stolen: Park Jimin problem, because tbh it could have been anyone, not necessarily a shipper.
JK having to look at a poster saying that he is in love with Tae at the airport: Shippers problems. JK having an actual stalker: Jeon Jungkook problem, because tbh it could have been anyone, not necessarily a shipper.
Tae posting a picture with an shipped/rival member: Shippers problems. Tae finding a girl in his private lift with a marriage certificate: Kim Taehuing problem, because tbh it could have been anyone, not necessarily a shipper.
And don’t get me wrong: name dragging, defaming, lying,character bashing, graphic obscenity, etc, they are all very painful issues to witness, and endure, but it always mainly occurs within the kpop environment. When articles write about perhaps a lazy member, when other fandoms drag our favs to pieces, in the end, when the global announcements are made, none of those descriptive, obscene qualities follow. Grammy nominated BTS, is just Grammy nominated BTS, not paving crew Grammy nominated BTS, or “worst fandom” fuck y’all possessing Grammy nominated BTS. ‘Namean?
Furthermore, the truth probably is that, at the level of BTS, the artist DOESN’T HAVE TO SEE ANY OF THAT BULLSHIT, which is why it ultimately ends up being an “US” issue. Even when toxic shippers reach higher entities, like the company, government offices etc, the second these entities see that it is about a ship, after I am hoping due diligence, they are dismissed, pronto. And so, reiterating, we are left with the bulk of it all 🤡🤡🤡.
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So if, taking today as an example, Tae sees a post ABOUT HIMSELF not even his ship, just himself, by one of his shippers, we can assume that he has a pretty good idea about what might be on their page, which to be very honest, I won’t blame him for not wanting to check, but obviously, given all that we’ve been discussing, the idol themself is probably made to not have to think about it at all, as it is considered accepted, not acceptable, behaviour.  ALSO they would leave any related, and/or possible issues, to a designated team, which will assess if there is or not a real threat. Because historically, thus far at least, if there were any life-threatening hazards the company seems to take it VERY SERIOUSLY and any other threat is also dealt with accordingly. 
But what if, for example, by not checking the shipper’s page, Tae had allowed a human trafficking account to prolifer?! … let’s not 🧢:
TODAY, nobody was angry because of the fact that him not checking the page meant that he could have missed a potential infringement of human rights.
AND If they were a  human trafficking page, why is IG allowing them a platform and not quickly doing something about it?
In addition to the fact that, it is a real thing that, CURRENTLY, the accounts that are most likely to post about Tae aren't OT7s nor his biased fans (they may not be that fast or have the numbers) not even tae solos (for lack of numbers or different immediate priorities, such as streaming) but, you guessed it, taekook shippers. Hence, his algorithm will reflect accordingly. 
I mean, are we to tell JM to stop affectionately hug his members? Do we dare telling jk to stop liking shipping tiktoks or mention members' names? ….
All that just to say that @ejassy, in reality and effectively, by reposting said story, Tae wasn't actually endorsing shipping, because shipping in SK, differently from smoking or doing drugs, is generally not frowned upon. It is not an action or message that needs any kind of endorings, because within the kpop world, those who use it as a tool do not consider it a problem, hence, it is very openly accepted as a part of the culture they willingly, or not, help create. 
“But so-and-so gets dragged viciously, and disgustingly, everyday” I know. They probably know as well, but I’ve already discussed their responsible personnel. As for us, we know what to do, report report report! . I mean, I’m sure that they have a PR team that tells them about the good trends or good SM news, achievements, etc. “So what? .. we fans are stuck with toxic shippers and our favs not acknowledging or doing anything about it?” … 🤡🤡🤡
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I don’t know.
We mostly all know about shipping culture’s systematic past, we know about its problematic present. In all honesty, it feels a bit like a lost battle but recently Kpop fans were able to make it known that, for example, for good reasons, they are against Starbucks. And it very effectively got to their idols, because said fans were united and in agreement. But within the shipping world, they all hate the other shipper and at the same time they kinda don't want to stop their own shipping, because they are really not against it, in fact, perhaps, they’d like some boundaries set, but who is to decide said boundaries? OR should shipping be considered a universal issue? … I think shipping has actually become an issue, particularly when regarding the queer community, BUT, what do I know, right? So, what's the solution ....
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Y’all tell me.
Always respectfully yours,
PS - Once again, thank you Anon, now I'm off to bed 😴😴😴
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lokisasylum · 11 months
No 'cause this is SO TRUE
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Its facts, I remember from 2016 when EX* & its fandom (along with other fandoms) would drag & riot whenever BTS achieved any milestone.
ARMYs would drag the absolute SHIT out of them for having "paid achievements" (we even reported ex0-ls for that one time they admitted to PAYING for votes on a specific end of year award and then went LIVID when BTS still won "after they took their money and promised ex* a victory" ).
It hurt us whenever any kpop fandom would call BTS frauds, flops, "buying their way to the top", but at the same time we felt proud of our "Organic artists with a pen", we'd laugh knowing many of those kpop stans followed groups that didn't even write their own songs & recycled the same concepts.
We'd gloat at the artistry, the originality, the GENIUS MINDS behind every concept and storyline of each ERA.
Then B/P entered the scene and rose to fame and it started a whole new war. Armys accusing them & YG of mediaplay to promote them while using BTS' name and #s on youtube to get more traffic.
The first time b/p broke the 24hr record with "K*ll this love", Armys were quick with the hashtags of corruptions, YG again mediaplaying with PAID ADs, PAID #1s on charts, PAID awards, PAID fame. (Armys even took it further when they started dragging the girls individually stating that YG probably "passed them around" all the big executives to become famous in such a short time).
And each time the claims were the same: "They will never be BTS", "BTS are organic artists", "Atleast my faves can write their own songs.", "BTS BIGGER THAN KPOP", "Teamwork makes the dream work".
But what a lot in the fandom began to overlook is that little by little Armys went from being BTS' Shield & Protectors to "The most toxic fandom in Kpop". And when Solo era started this escalated to: The most toxic fandom → ARMY BULLIES
And NOW??? That everything we used to condemn; all those "cheating tactics", those tools of "corruption & greed" in the Industry are being used to raise ONE MEMBER only. One member ABOVE the others, who each worked so hard on their individual solo projects to put themselves out there, test the waters and see if they'd make it as soloist.
NOW, those same fandoms are laughing at US.
The Chart Manipulators.
The HYPOCRITES 'cause even during FACE's era those who wanted LC to be sent to radio got silenced and "reminded" that "BTS don't do payola", "payola is inorganic", "achievements through payola are frauds".
I don't know how some of ya'll are still celebrating this or feel proud of what's going on. Because clearly the ones who are benefiting $$ off of that one member's fame are not BTS, its the ones pulling the strings from the outside with Bang PD'$ help.
'Cause he clearly stopped caring about the group a long time ago when he himself started sellingout.
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inklore · 1 year
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✶ all playlists are on spotify.
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fic inspired.
wicked game (joel miller)
romantic getaway (scott lang)
virus of the heart (joel miller)
heavy metal love (eddie munson)
call me lover (andy barber)
the art of a storm (bestfriendsdad!steve rogers)
(her) interlude (yelena belova, band au)
sweetman (jake 'hangman' seresin)
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in love with a rich boy (ransom drysdale)
and he’s toxic (frank, endings beginings)
my beautiful beautiful makkari (eternals)
bruce wayne’s apple music account
in a toxic relationship with marc spector
summers with peter (tasm!peter parker)
a soft love with steven grant
getting high with peter (tasm!peter parker)
001’s favorite girl (henry creel)
sub!bruce wayne
songs eddie munson would [redacted] to
songs i’d drop it down to for joseph quinn
songs to gulp eddie’s fingers to (eddie munson)
a dream within a dream (morpheus)
my lucifer is lonely (lucifer, the sandman)
a party with desire (desire of the endless)
a god u party (gen v)
jordan li <3 (gen v)
tag team cocksplosion (jordan x marie)
i would eat your puke (sam x emma)
don’t be scared (jordan x marie)
#top4 (gen v)
little bad ass (emma meyer)
lost in saltburn (saltburn)
are you going to behave? (farleigh x oliver)
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fight scene vibes
is it lust or love (for writing filth)
like lovers do (when you need a fluff boost)
heartbreak hotel (angst ain't gonna write itself)
that reading ambience
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the female gaze
the culture
we saw you from across the bar
unhinged homely men
regency daydreams
suns out tits out
he’s a murderer!
unhinged hot girl era
sad girl autumn
girls do it better
i wanna be sedated
cool story bro
visceral rejection
hitch hiking in the desert
happy girl autumn
one of those moods
desolate estate
kpop girlie
bumpin dAt grind
baby it’s cold
pink sepia
boyband sundaes
poppin summah
feeling slutty on a tuesday
slasher summer
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discluded · 8 months
I know Mile and Apo fans are their main fanbase and bread and butter but they should have done the press tour very differently if BOC didn't want Mansuang to be viewed as a BL film. Apo and Bas should have been teamed up for the press tour along with Mile and Tong. All four should have gone abroad for the overseas premiers and even if not for one of the big magazines like vogue should have done more interviews and photoshoots together (all 4) for the movie. They should have played around with the pairing a lot more for the press tour. Bas and Tong had massive parts in the movie and according to critics did very well in the movie.They should have been promoted more in their own press tour for their film. The intention of Mansuang was a Mile Apo movie but that clearly isn't what the end product was and they should have promoted it as an ensemble film. This is not even taking into account the actual veteran actors and actresses in the film that got absolutely 0 press. Let the women and older actors in your film actually promote the film to their own fans and that demographic? People don't go to the movies just for young good looking men. They actually had a lot to work with and I think Mansuang would have done a lot better locally if they hadn't completely blown the marketing for this film in a rushed few weeks with overloaded content that followed the BL marketing handbook that they used for KP.
the lack of acknowledgement of the veteran actors on the posters and in the trailer was something @moerusai and I both noticed and talked about. I think we mainly kept quiet at the time because there was soooo much complaining, from the size of the characters on the poster to how often the specific posters rotated at what venues, it just would be piling on legitimate issues on top of petty complaints.
there were well known, well respected actors in the cast who would've been an audience draw. I have a handful of actors I'll go to see a film for, *knowing* they're playing a side character (thinking mainly of Tom Hardy and Ben Whishaw here, who shine as leads and support).
Mile and Apo both made jokes about how difficult it must have been for the artist who made the Man Suang posters to have worked with Pond. there's many fan accounts of Pond's perfectionism in running KPWT... he often seems myopic on perfectionism to the point of missing the main points (here, having a poster that pleased him over missing the overarching man suang marketing campaign...)
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I also miss actor mileapo... 😔
not to make riches out of others' misfortune but the WGA strike and the SAG strike did potentially help in getting them on the map prior to White Lotus scripting and casting. There was already some momentum in getting them into the show as guest actors. If that happened it would be a wonderful way for them to get into a series where they're not doing the heavy lifting end to end of fundraising / script development all the way through coming up with marketing. 🙃
the problem with the fandom and having inherited the attitude of entitled musician / kpop fandoms is the constant hunger for new content and getting to see them. film / series take a lot more time to develop. you can drop a single or music videos in preparation for the launch of an album or just as a stand alone single, and most fans just don't seem to recognize that discrepancy in the lift. there were toxic apc solos complaining in August about how the year is "almost over" and Apo had "nothing" as though he didn't spend the majority of the year working on the movie.
anyway the hunger for content makes product promo much more accessible and bite sized... people just aren't patient enough. so many people were mad and antsy when MA were shooting man suang and trying to limit spoilers by showing very little that they threw fits over there not being new content when MA were literally working on the content that is the main dish of the whole meal.
anyway. yeah I agree. fingers crossed the uni icon product will go through relatively quick production and white lotus will pick them 🤞
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burnourglories · 1 year
So about all this lucemond situation
At first I didn’t want to say anything because I’m no one in this fandom, I’m just a reader that leaves kudos and comments here and there. But omg, did I expect better for an adult fandom with adult fans. I’ve been in fandom spaces since I was 12 and I’m reaching my thirties now but I’ve never seen the level of toxicity and entitlement as bad as in this (small has heck) fandom and I used to be an exol back in 2014-2017 when the exo fandom was at full steam (and it’s kpop one -if not the most- toxic fandom ever). You guys know that curating your own spaces is the best thing to do to navigate fandom peacefully but I guess with how small this fandom is, something like this was kind of inevitable.
Some of you don’t have reading comprehension or you guys need to google the meaning of plagiarism because leaving those kinds accusations when people are just following tropes is just… well questionable, to say the least. In a fandom as small as this one, it’s common to find the same premises being written left and right, what an author does with them its what really sets apart each and any one of those fanfics. As a Spanish speaker, I have also read many fics in Spanish with those tropes and premises, whether they are modern au or a/b/o au. What I mean to say is that it’s not something exclusive to the English part of the fandom. Tropes are called tropes for a reason and they’re popular almost globally.
I can’t speak of the fanart part of the discussion but for what I’ve recalled, referencing classic art is not something unheard of. If I’m not mistaken (and if I am, please correct me) when something is on the public domain, it can be used by all (?).
In conclusion, stop being mean just for the sake of creating drama, there are people who got hurt and this fandom is shrinking day after day because of all the entitlement and drama some people have.
At the end of the day, I hope everyone that is involved in these situations is alright. Also, remember that taking a break or leaving an online space if you are not comfortable anymore is also ok.
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dearweirdme · 5 months
The mess I saw on twitter tl the last few days made me actually angry. Not bcs of jkkrs and the things they make up for ship wars but because of Kpop industry and HB. KPOP culture is nasty. It is made to drain the idols in every way. I mean international showbiz is screwed up too but at least western actors/singers are not made to do fan service in that extend or involve themselves in parasocial activities with their fans. Even Justin Bieber was free to openly date whoever he liked and even cheated lol and still his fans adore him.
The general Kpop secrecy and HB narratives have actually destroyed the biggest music fandom in the world. I was thinking that, if a western artist noticed his fans fighting or just having questions for something, they would most probably make a post about it or discuss it during a live or something. That simple.
What Im actually saying is that I would love for example to see jk or Tae talk about Atomix. Just mention if they were alone or OT7. And no I don't want them to "come out" for me but set things straight when they see simple things dividing the fandom. Obviously the atomix is just an example.
It's been already 10 years of exhausting ship wars and hate, what is the benefit out of this situation? Now solo area gave birth also to solos and it just gets worse and worse. A toxic mix.
Hi anon!
Yeah, I kinda get what you mean. I want them to be able to talk about whatever they want. To give their opinions, to tell them about their lives, to talk to us when something bothers them.. just whatever they feel like sharing.
There’s a lot of stuff Jk and Tae (and all members probably) don’t talk about. Most of their private lives for instance, a lot of company stuff, and probably things about fandom that bother them as well. I’m not sure how much of them holding back these days is company issued or something they themselves want, or something they are advised to. Contractually, they are probably unable to speak about company issues. I think in Jk and Tae’s case there’s probably also some sort of clause limiting the way they talk about their relationship (or at least something in place that ensures their image stays the way the company wants it to… straight).
I tend to think Tae and Jk want to be private. But, I also think they both have had plenty of moments at which they felt they wanted to set something straight.. maybe just even small things like the Atomix thing. I think they don’t because once they start doing that… where is the end of it? How far can they go? It’s easier to have clear boundaries for themselves than to just wing it.. I think.
But I can understand how you feel. It feels as though a part of fandom doesn’t really look at Jk, Tae and Jm as living breathing human beings anymore.. but rather as characters in a story.
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the way winwin carefully scheduled his year around the wayv comeback but sm suddenly switched the comeback dates up on him and he ended up not being able to participate ... and THEN he cant make it to the versache event cus he has to talk all of this out w the company.
yunquis r so strong... i would not be able to deal fr. how do u do it???
first of all thanks for your message 🙇🏻‍♀️💌
personally, i felt so upset and disappointed when the news broke :( it was bad enough it was gonna be an ot5 comeback, but when it was revealed it was because sm changed their pre planned schedule it made me angry. i understand that winwin has other important activities and if it was his own choice to sit this one out, i would have respected his decision and happily supported the other five members. but the fact that he went out of his way to ensure his schedule would align and they couldn’t even respect that.. it made me really sad. as far as we know, there is no reason this comeback had to me moved up. they just did it. and i’ve never seen anything like it, how can a company not respect their artist in this incredibly basic way? it’s heartbreaking.
i wish winwin stays in nct because i truly love him and i love his friendships in the group and his contributions etc etc but stuff like this makes me wish more and more than he only does what he needs to do for his career and happiness, regardless of how we feel. these transgressions are too serious in my opinion, to the point that when wayv were promoting on my youth during the last few months of 2023 as a proper group it almost felt like a fever dream. a full group promoting a comeback together should not be a rare occurrence. it’s so so so sad and wayv as a whole deserve so much better. the fact that i felt absolutely no excitement over this cb and haven’t even looked at concept pics or listened to any songs says so much. i will eventually, but it hurts right now :( i will need some time to get over this. not the fault of any of the members, of course!!! will always love and wish then the best.
moreover i hate that this feeds into the idea that winwin doesn’t care about his group. it’s such a common sentiment in the (toxic/misinformed/immature) parts of the fandom. if anything, winwin’s actions and deliberate desire to partake in the cb tells us the EXACT OPPOSITE. if he didn’t care, he clearly wouldn’t have gone through the trouble. like you’ve said, it’s causing more issues for him. so why would he do it if he didn’t care? i’m glad some clarifying posts went semi viral, and there was a decent amount of outrage. rightfully so.
as for how i do it….. my friend,, it’s not easy. to be honest, i have had periods where it wasn’t good for me (last summer, for example, i had so much free time to dedicate to kpop and it started affecting my mental health when i saw my fav neglected and disrespected all the time). thankfully i am better now and have been for a long time, it’s really embarrassing to admit kpop can mess one up like that lol but i hope people can be honest about how they feel since it’s very real in my experience. i try not too think about it too much and keep busy with other things, i took a huge step back from stan twitter and i only follow a few yunqi accs who post updates/positivity and don’t engage in fanwars and spread aggression across the internet. as for his company, it’s a bit more complicated. i feel as though his potential has never been fully realized, which is sad for a seasoned idol so many years into his career. but it also gives him so much space to grow, every now and then i am so surprised by his incredible work in other areas, because he was held back so much. i am so glad there are people who recognize his potential <3
i also try to remember that even though i love nct and its a huge part of my life, it’s just music and no matter what happens things will be alright. we will always have the good times and memories and that makes me feel better when i get upset. lastly, i learned to primarily focus on my own friends and my own thoughts. just last night, i told a friend i love winwin the most and she said she likes him and that he suits me as a bias. all my irl kpop stan friends have been nothing but supportive and sweet. and in my own head, winwin is the best, i dont have to think about his company and random people online to hold that opinion, and at the end of the day my thoughts are the only ones that really matter when it comes to this.
i’m sorry this is so long hahahha, but hopefully it explains a little about how i feel about all this!! once again thank you for your message 💖
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I think some PJMs are on a rampage today, though thinking this is a large-scale, planned deal is giving them too much credit, when it comes to deal with antis, strategic isn't a word that comes to mind. With this person's claim, while I haven't gone through your blog with a fine tooth comb, I've looked at a lot of your Jimin content and I have not seen any 'shady' comments ("shady" is just vague enough and I'm sure is partially based on 'vibes' that they can't provide real proof of these claims). Half the time when PJMs say stuff like this it isn't that you've been shady to Jimin, it's that you've been shady to PJMs, and, in their mind, that must mean you don't like anyone who supports him, thus, Jimin anti...(that's the best I can do getting into their thought process).
When the reality is there are plenty of antis they could be worried about, creating new ones helps no one.
Wow, if that's one possible explanation, then I'm amazed at the logic. Anon, I'm sort of done with being understanding and accepting because time and time again I'm being proven that it's impossible to reason with radicalized people.
That big ass ot7 army was the damn blue print and every other fandom subsection is following the same pattern of cult radicalization. If I'm a fan of one member or two, I'm like 2 degress of separation of ending up in radicalized spaces. I tried that with Jimin biased people and pages on tumblr and all it's fine and next thing you know, they're reblogging the most insane conspiracy theory from their main thinkers. And I go back to my spot and give up. I'm not even trying with JJKs and never have because I'm not touching that group with a 10 feet pole when the majority of them are taekookers and/or really whinny and vile people just like KTHs. I'm not even gonna start about shipping spaces cause that's another mess.
Radicalized hardcore fans or solo stans are fanatics, ready to attack other people based on some imaginary wrong doing. Army and other solo stans have been continuously dehumanizing Jimin on a level that I didn't believe it was possible, but my posts about Jimin are a concern? I'm an anti that makes shady comments?
I don't give a fuck about fan groups, they can all rot. I'm not coming here to be concerned daily about idiots, I'm here to talk about an idol that I like, in this particular context. And I fucking hate how pjms are sometimes using Jimin and the way he's treated by the entire bts/kpop fandom as an excuse for them to be just as vile as any other solos. That is so fucking wrong. But if I criticize them, it means I hate people supporting Jimin and then by some logic twist, I am a Jimin anti. What's next for me because I'm saying this? Stoned in the public square and made an example of? Getting an avalanche of death threats? All stuff that I have received from army and the other solo stans and shippers. Nothing new under the sun.
I look through blogs (not just back alleys on twitter) with a big reach here and I have to run in the other direction because I see some of the most insane posts. And if I go and look through another solo member community, I see the same "arguments", only the names are different.
I can barely follow blogs here focused on someone I like. And I wish I could. But the landscape is fucking bleak because they take immense joy in perpetuating toxic narratives and being overall dicks. I'd rather have a one on one conversation through anon messages like this on my own blog because even if I might figure out what type of fan someone is, I only have to work with that one message and that's it. Easier to deal with.
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moonjxsung · 2 months
Stays are such an interesting fandom. I literally just watched a fight unfold between multiple Felix and Hyunjin accounts, and Lee know vs Felix stans. I even ran into a minsungjin fan shitting on Seungmin and calling him annoying and bothersome, saying his energy is too “heavy” and that he has a negative aura around him, calling him a bully. I also witnessed accounts saying that Felix was faking his personality for the company.
I will never understand the wars within its own fandoms, and I think personally Stray kids has it the worst. I feel so bad for Stray kids, and I know not every stay is like that, but it’s such a disheartening thing to see. Why can’t we just love everyone ot8?? Why do people have to go out of their way to separate each member and bring others down. It’s so sad to see, and it may not be that serious to some, but as someone who really cares about the kids it really breaks my heart.
it’s moments like this why I refuse to call myself a Stay. Not for negative reasons, but because I’d rather just associate myself with the group rather than the fandom. I’d rather just indulge in strictly stray kids content and not bother interacting with stay fan accounts/stay accounts I know aren’t toxic. Like I said, I know it’s not everyone, because I have made some great friends by associating myself as a Stay, but this fandom is getting worse and worse by the day.
Inevitably, stays are going to tear their own fandom and group apart, and if that side doesn’t stop, there will nothing left for us to enjoy.
That’s just how I feel about the situation, I really do love stray kids and will never separate from them whatsoever, but I’m just really sick of the fandom, the toxic stays. ):
-cutie anon
THIS IS SO REAL……. I saw an account on instagram shitting on Jisung the other day bc they said he was “always sleeping”, “lazy” and “not present enough” Like HUH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 how are you gonna get mad at someone for sleeping what does that even mean 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I agree about the toxicity being so much within the fandom sometimes, it really sucks to see people bring their own idols or fans of them down ☹️ like I would expect it from non-stays, but people IN the fandom who shit on them & the fans…… very strange behavior. It’s giving secret hater tbh
I totally understand people’s aversion to wanting to label themselves a “stay” because we have such a bad rep sometimes. There are so many good people in the fandom but unfortunately the toxic stans are LOUDDDD and wrong and they just make everything so annoying 🤕
People have such harsh expectations of skz and often project their own insecurities/frustrations onto them and it’s so unfortunate. Can’t we just all get along bro we all like their music and kpop at the end of the day it’s never this serious ☹️ it’s been happening so much within the shinee fandom too lately and I am sickkkk and tired of it omg I feel like I have to preface with “I’m a shawol…… but to be clear I like all of them, and I’m not one of those weird ones!” Like it’s so frustrating
(I hope you’re doing so good too ily 💞💕💘💝💖)
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