primalprotector · 3 years
“I am sorry, oh wise and all powerful one.”
No, I am sorry that I cannot provide you with what you seek, but the least I can offer is a few well wishes along your journey.
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primalprotector · 3 years
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((Things that change in three years? This is my only personality trait. Edith is queen of my apartment. She screamed at me for two hours today because she wanted to sit in a box and I didn’t puzzle it out until I opened my bedroom door and she found the box she so desperately desired.)) 
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primalprotector · 3 years
“I praise thee grand snd glorious Primus.” Sunstorm says, taking a bow infront of the creator (sunstorm-the-sycophant)
"It is not my place to set the path for a mortal," Primus remarked, turning one glowing optic towards the new arrival in his dreamscape, "... but I require no worship, nor have I ever."
The creator god shuttered his optic, and turned away. A rumbling echo, later revealed to be a thoughtful hmmm upon closer inspection, filled the empty space.
He added, a whisper as light as the brush of a butterfly's wing, "Especially this face of mine. It has served its purpose. To call upon it is akin to performing supplications before a hunk of rock. This face, ever so slowly, is dissipating. Even though I am denied the embrace of death, oblivion is not beyond my ken. If you truly desire to speak with a creator, seek out one of my other faces that still has purpose."
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primalprotector · 3 years
*gyrates a little faster*
Nope didn’t do it.
I find this situation difficult to parse. You are either telling me a deliberate fallacy in order to, quite literally, annoy me back into consciousness or...
Or you wish for a battle. Knowing what I do about you, I suspect the first, but the second is also probable.
I know you have heard this quite often, but you can be such a bothersome thorn.
[Intense glowing stare].
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primalprotector · 3 years
A few cycles is hardly noteworthy. I have had to resort to more extensive periods of dormancy in ages past. Besides, this facet of my self has long since served its purpose. Better to let my creations thrive in their newfound freedom without being weighed down by the memories of an ancient dreamer. Also, I suppose as long as you are not clearing out my universes, destruction remains part of the delicate beauty of life.... You didn't touch one of my universes, right? Is that why you are gyrating?
Priiiiimus!! *excited Lemon wiggling*
I find your strange gyrations unsettling. What are you up to?
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primalprotector · 3 years
I understand the logistics of performing a ‘sick kickflip,’ if that is what you are asking. Such entertainments were not common fare, though, when I was in my prime. I’m afraid if I attempted it now, they may be quite literally sick kickflips, right down to purging.
I suppose anything is possible in a dreamscape, but performing such an action here does not carry the same sense of satisfaction as it does in reality.
[Primus waits patiently as Smokescreen performs his trick, giving a quiet and soft smile as he finishes.]
It is good to see you learning and growing from other lifeforms. That, indeed, was quite a ‘sick’ show, and I do not mean that in the literal sense this time around.
PRIMUS, PRIMUS IT'S GOOD TO SEE YOU do you wanna see this cool kickflip trick I learned from the humans?
If it would please you to do so, I am happy to indulge you with a moment of my time.
I wonder what would happen if I were to do a 'cool kickflip'? As the core of Cybertron, I can only imagine.... Alas, none of my many faces is awake to test this.
Actually, I should probably know the answer to this being who I am, but I'm shocked to realize that in none of my many dimensions or lifetimes have I performed a 'cool kickflip' while in the center of Cybertron.
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primalprotector · 3 years
Priiiiimus!! *excited Lemon wiggling*
I find your strange gyrations unsettling. What are you up to?
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primalprotector · 3 years
PRIMUS, PRIMUS IT'S GOOD TO SEE YOU do you wanna see this cool kickflip trick I learned from the humans?
If it would please you to do so, I am happy to indulge you with a moment of my time.
I wonder what would happen if I were to do a 'cool kickflip'? As the core of Cybertron, I can only imagine.... Alas, none of my many faces is awake to test this.
Actually, I should probably know the answer to this being who I am, but I'm shocked to realize that in none of my many dimensions or lifetimes have I performed a 'cool kickflip' while in the center of Cybertron.
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primalprotector · 3 years
((When you get the passing urge to log in like four years after you were last online? HAHA, oh man, this account brings back memories. What a little shit I was back in the day, but then weren’t we all?.))
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primalprotector · 7 years
((Medication is so fucking weird. I just went and had pizza with my coworkers of my own volition, and sometimes I even kind of want to socialize??? I know that’s a normal thing, but for me that’s so WEIRD. Antidepressants really are wonders.))
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primalprotector · 7 years
if a cybertronian under your jurisdiction dates an alternate of you is that like dating their uncle or their dad
Neither. It is an entirely different situation altogether. Needless to say, I avoid such trysts as it usually not satisfying nor equitable to either partner, but it is not my place to define another’s connection.
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primalprotector · 7 years
i can comment on your top-ness without it being an active booty grab frankly it’s refreshing, the other one was more of a… power bottom? really, really weird subby switch it’s like, oil cake versus creamed energon - one’s solid, warm, sturdy, gives no fucks and the other is cold and wibbly and might not actually exist in the present state that you’re trying to lick it in …….. that metaphor went in weird places
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Bringing my brother into this is the worst possible thing you could have done.
This conversation is over.
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primalprotector · 7 years
Trolls them things that hide under bridges. Eat them goats.
I do not feel inclined to doing so. I am not my brother, who will consume anything without regard for the taste.
Besides, I have a goat as an alt form in the past. I admire many of their qualities.
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primalprotector · 7 years
fire-fxrged replied to your post: There is no light. Hisssss.
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I’m terrified.
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primalprotector · 7 years
Primus the trolling god. How awesome
I have a sense of humor at times, as surprising as that may seem.
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primalprotector · 7 years
Time passed. The screams faded. For a fleeting moment, Arcee was left in peace as if nothing had happened. Just like the vision, there was a quiet before the storm. It was only a matter of time before the call grew to a crescendo once more, however. Arcee’s days of ‘normalcy’ were quickly drawing to an end.
It started simply enough, an unidentified object showing up on radar. It could have been anything: an ally ship that had forgotten to comm ahead, a scrap of space junk, the start of an asteroid field. The readings were strange, hard to interpret, but the course of the object’s travel quickly made it clear it was unlikely to be anything natural. It’s path was erratic and twisting (like something being steered), the readings much at least a little similar to a vessel of some sort.
Aboard the strange ship, an organic paces the bridge. Thunk, thunk, thunk. Her movements are sharp and nervous, like someone about to face death itself. She snapped at the others aboard the ship, “I understand there was a malfunction, but I need to know where we are, and more importantly, when.”
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primalprotector · 7 years
There is no light.
There is no light for those who choose to accept a blindfold.
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