primarch · 4 years
“Uh… no, he’s been – he’s been doing okay, uh, not showing up…!”
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“… but, uhhh, we can… uh, we don’t need to worry about… having to escort him away or anything any more…?”
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“Ah, is that so? I see. He’s ceased being a problem, then? Or was it something else?” 
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primarch · 4 years
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“That’s true.” Maybe trying to be sarcastic with his boss hadn’t been the best idea. He can’t really read the mood for certain with that first line, so he’s just going to not joke around like that anymore. Better safe than sorry. “I wasn’t being too serious about this…and I’m quite content with things as they are now but, uh, come to think of it…I don’t really do much other than spend my time here or watching TV at home. Maybe it’s time I looked into other things to do.”
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very sorry akira that sandalphon isn't as clear about what he means as he should be. he could work on that, but... not too serious, okay. "I see. I must have misunderstood, then.. regardless of the length of my own stay here it seems that there is still plenty I have to adjust to... hm. But, yes, it may help with the.. boredom. I enjoy making coffee the most, so I've been content with where I am here. Was there something you liked to put time into before you arrived? I'm afraid I can't offer much help with different activities, but if there's a technique for brewing or a drink you'd like to learn, I can offer as such with those."
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primarch · 4 years
“Yes, I do.” 
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“Has he shown up again? I’ll see to it that he’s removed from the premise. If you’ll excuse me...”
          ( @mugen​. )
“… so this is a little awkward.”
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“Uh… remember the tiny guy with the dumb hat I told you about?”
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primarch · 4 years
afterhours feels meaningless, really. when he doesn't need to sleep, and being by himself provides no sort of solace. he could rest and follow into the next morning and pick it all up to start again, or he could stay up, and keep the shop open, too. the process of creating coffee is one of his more reliable comforts.
he's still adjusting to the dark, but thinks that providing different opportunities for different drinks could add.. something. there's seasonal, there could be day or night, as well. though he wouldn't turn down making coffee for anyone late at night, either. he's sure seeing in the dark will be no issue, when he could turn the shop chalkboard towards the light of the shop should he need to.
the chime of the bell, chalk in hand, and he, too, pauses.
sandalphon's not one to forget a face, but there's a brief moment where he almost wishes maybe other people could forget his. that'd be too easy, probably. unfortunate in a lot of other cases. he can't hide the look of displeasure on his face and a sigh follows after, so he turns to pick up the board instead.
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"I did, yes." he wipes away some of the previous scrawls of chalk, replacing it with different text to better fit the.. night theme? he's not entirely sure why he's even doing this, it feels kind of odd now that he's putting it into motion. flying into a tree is something he'd like to forget completely, too. he speaks up again before he finishes writing, "I do work here, as well. ...But, a moment ago, what was it that frightened you?" and sets the board back down when he does.
"..I suppose you don't have to answer that. Would you care for a drink? The shop being open this late is... new, but my ability to brew will not be affected."
Rui didn’t – normally go to this part of Cotes. He hadn’t had any reason to for… some time, and even now that he was… sort of sure that things would be safe and okay, instinctively, he still just… avoided it. Avoids it. Which makes it all kind of… funny, now? Though he’s not sure that’s the word he’d go for, he doesn’t know what else fits.
… essentially –
– well, essentially, Rui’s prone to getting lost in his thoughts. Prone to walking and trying to enjoy the night, and time to himself is rare, these days (not that that’s bad. he thinks he prefers Hanako’s company, ever-persistent at his side. it’s calming). It may have just been the unfamiliarity of being properly alone that makes him drift so far into his own head, and… and so, the next thing he knows…
It’s the jingle of the door that draws him out of his thoughts, actually. Rui hadn’t meant to walk past any shops, at least not any that would still be open. He doesn’t know where he’d been planning to go, but… ‘shops’ felt wrong. Feels wrong. Definitely is wrong. He turns his head at the sound, and everything falls into place into a rush. Hadn’t this been where –
Rui’s breath hitches in his throat.
Most people… see, the thing is, most people don’t pause in the middle of the street and stare in horror at the owner of a coffee shop leaving said coffee shop. Rui’s frozen, a deer in headlights, somehow still so genuinely convinced that Giyuu’s going to leave the shop too that he can’t move.
Or talk, for a moment, until something nags at the back of his mind so much that Rui remembers how to formulate sentences.
“… you. You flew into that tree.” The fear seems to wash away, at least for a moment.
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“You – work here?”
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primarch · 4 years
sandalphon's chance leading him outside was.. not planned, or at least he didn't plan to stay outside. with the window of the second floor cracked, the familiar shop cat he greets every morning found his way outside, climbing down the path outside. of course he'd realized this, and as he prefers him to be indoors, promptly went outside to gather him before he'd gotten too far.
kocchan meows in his arms, obscured otherwise, while sandalphon now stands outside of the unenterable shop looking.. rather perplexed. it's only when he's addressed that he pulls his attention away from how to get back inside.
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"Ah, Yusaku." he looks back towards the door, his prior expression once more crossing his features. "No, not today, it seems. I'll admit that it's... inconvenient, though I can carry around—" he raises the cat up a bit, since he was hidden otherwise, to which kocchan gives another grumbly meow. "—him just fine, I have matters to attend to inside still... crystal that resembles snow is... new. Though it clings to the buildings, it doesn't adhere to my clothing. I've yet to try the solutions I've considered to breaking the shop free of it, would you mind lending me your aid?"
What a mess…The whole island seemed to be in the same kind of mess. Hand in his pocket, cell phone warm and containing more life than anyone else might think, he walked toward his second job. Trying to figure out what was going on - and honestly not expecting work to be open - he was more curious than anything. His gloved hand held a small crystal in his hands, nothing big but useful.
He saw a familiar mop of brown hair in front of Kohimasu, hearing some broken crystals crunch under his boots. The front of the shop was…In a terrible state. Completely and utterly covered in a huge sheet of thick crystal. Suddenly the apartment looked ‘okay’ by comparison.
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“…I guess the cafe isn’t open today.” It wasn’t a question. Yusaku stood by the quiet man, looking at the shop and then back to him. Sandalphon was certainly not human, he was pretty sure, but he wasn’t sure what kind of non-human he was. They weren’t really the most social, but at work itself there was always a comfortable silence.
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primarch · 4 years
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“Yeah, don’t think any of us planned to be here at all.” Sarcasm. That’s sarcasm. Then again maybe he shouldn’t be acting so sarcastic with his boss of all people, but that doesn’t stop him. “At least one of us has something to be thankful for, then. Most people can’t find much to be happy about these days.”
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“How fortunate are we that looking on the bright side isn’t a requirement in a prolonged stay.” unclear if this is sarcasm. “I feel it makes things easier, at the very least. Though I only have the one thing I look forward the most to, it’s not something that I can guarantee will last. Death—as most put it—is already rather fickle. For now, enjoying the newfound time I have with them is more than I could ask. It’s not my place to tell you to find something that will make you happy, but if you find something that makes breathing here a little lighter, it... certainly helps. Have you any hobbies?” 
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primarch · 4 years
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“I never quite imagined that I would be here for yet another New Year’s. There’s many things that are inconvenient still, however..” he pauses, for a moment. “I suppose in another way, I may offer it my gratitude.”  
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primarch · 4 years
“I’ll probably eat it.” How can he explain his habits without looking like a weird loser? “Consider it an endurance challenge.”
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“Oh, so you’re missing your friends?” Ryuu picks up on that right away- because he shares in the same feeling. He might be able to adapt quickly, but he’s still a common victim to homesickness. “Making something personal to you is… Good. And you’ve come to the right place for getting specific ingredients. Say, want me to help you? I’m not from your world, but I’m at least good in the kitchen.”
an endurance challenge, huh...
"I see.. what method of endurance are you measuring..?" he's trying to come up with the reason on his own. unfortunately, sandalphon falls flat in a lot of different ways when it comes to - ..humans? non-primals rationalizations.
as far as missing his friends go—yeah, a bit. "I.. don't believe they'd share the sentiment of referring to me as their friend, but I do hold them in good regard." though he does have a few he would call friends, were he the type to out loud. but he pauses, blinking in surprise because the offer isn't.. bad?
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"Are you?" - he's joking. "..I would enjoy the company, so, yes. You may come along with me. I've procured a few ingredients already, but I am looking for what's referred to as the Basii Fruit. It resembles... ... .." he furrows his brow, he's not entirely sure how to describe it? he'd know it if he saw it; maybe he could just sketch a picture of it...? hm.
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primarch · 4 years
"Coffee milk." he answers, simply, because it is rather simple. "I created it so that anyone can enjoy the experience of coffee. The younger members of the crew were who I'd created it for originally, so I'm sure you will enjoy it as well."
at least... he was assuming she was a kid? she behaved in the manner of one, so there's no other kind of conclusion he can draw from it. ... it's possible he could just offend her with all of this, anyway, but he's not wary of being chastised for something so trivial.
it's easier for him to be.. friendly, than it used to be, but there's still some aspect of him that has difficulty meshing with people the way he thinks that he should. however small the steps were, at least he has time to get used to it eventually...? hm.
"If you do not enjoy it, then I will make you something else." there's.. something, different, about how people who aren't human act, no matter how closely to humans they may. it's probably the same kind of way he can tell someone's a primal beast. no sure marker for an identifier, but there's a deep feeling all the same.
still, he's not upset with her? so his best attempt at a smile doesn't fall flat, at the least. even if it’s obscured by his own cup. there's part of him that's actually concerned. he knows he doesn't get hungry really, but can the same be said of her?
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"...Are you hungry?"
floating listlessly, a knitted salmon in hand, sirin smiles. her voice is low, quiet, but if one listens closely, its obvious that she is offering cheers of encouragement to the cat, hard at work stretching his body to reach the toy.   ❝   you can do it, kocchan.  ’❞   
the cafe was empty. only sirin, her new friend and the unusual owner remained   —   a man who had continued to tolerate the girl ever since she had happened to meet him at the winter festivities. he wasn’t human   —   instinctively, it would appear, she could tell as much. no, this man instead gave off a strange energy, one that was similar to her own. not quite houkai radiation, but out of place all the same. simply put, he was a complete weirdo.
and as he was no herrscher, not a servant of her god whom she can trust without question, she frowns when he sets a mug and a plate on the table. the cat’s attention is diverted from the toy, drawn to the offering of fish freshly cooked. the drink, however, appears to be for her. 
she had tried coffee once. a drink for adults, she had decided, as unpleasant as they were. which is why the only redeeming thing about this store was the cat   (   the cakes too,  she supposes, but this man had yet to prove himself worthy of her praise, human or not   !   ).  
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❝  —   what’s this?   ❞   holding it carefully, sirin sniifs. how sweet. how odd. weren’t all the drinks this person made incredibly bitter? 
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primarch · 4 years
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saiyakuphon also said mun rights.
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primarch · 4 years
djeeta responds with a distracted, thoughtful hum mixed with an affirmative tone. small beady black eyes were locked on her (she assumes) and she stares right back into it. her grumbling stomach overtakes the soft apology she whispers to it as she places the one she’s holding down with the rest. 
“It’s too bad we don’t have a pot…or found one washed up somewhere,” she says and after a pause she giggles. “That would be too convenient and simple wouldn’t it?” or at least have someone more experienced with preparing crabs. there was a sharp rock she eyed earlier, which she planned to use as the first step before cleaning them. 
she takes a deep breath while grabbing the hind legs and making practice swings before taking the decisive blow on the sharp end of the rock. djeeta continues her task while sandalphon continues his own, glancing up once in a while. he may not need to eat, she’d like for him to join her though. food tastes better with good company, as they always say, and she enjoys his.
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“I think it’d be nice if we could have your coffee, too.” djeeta comments while cleaning the batch of crabs. the pairing would leave an odd taste on the tongue, but the experience would be one to remember. “Is there anything you want to do after we eat?”
sandalphon thinks he catches something — the apology, that is. however soft it is, and he smiles to himself. instead of pointing it out, however, he instead opts to respond to what she actually says to him. "Yes, it would be. If I could craft one for us, I.. would have also liked to. But it seems I’m only able to create weapons as of now... but no matter.” there’s little point getting hung up on it, even if it’d also be convenient.
and even if the captain seems preoccupied, he doesn’t feel like he’s being ignored. she never really made him feel like he didn’t have her undivided attention, even when she was doing some other task. and he wants to return the gesture in kind, so when she speaks to him again, he gives her just that.
he does have somewhat of an idea.
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“... It may not be the same, but once we’ve returned I’ll see about obtaining ... these, back at the shop. Though you may need to take over preparation there with the crabs, I can at least procure the coffee.” it feels like.. a solution, maybe enough of one that he thinks he’s satisfied with — but that entirely depends on whether she’d be interested in that to begin with.
after they eat, he’s not sure completely. outside of the obvious, “I’d like to find a way off of this island, but returning to the skydoms seems entirely outside of our grasp right now... so returning to the previous one may be more likely. It may be a good experience, in any case.” and... he does look to the ones she has prepared already, because that might be something worth knowing how to do, too?
“So in that same line of reasoning, Danchou, I have a request.” he reaches in to grab one of the live crabs, careful to avoid the pinchers, “Can you explain the process of what you’re doing?”
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primarch · 4 years
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“yes, it is. i made sure to try and buy the right ingredients earlier that were listed in this book.” as to whether it tastes good or not, well. lucifer did want to allow sandalphon to have the honour of the first taste. there isn’t a single hint of hesitation within lucifer. “if i can be a little honest … i missed being able to make things for you to try. i know i’m rather limited now, but i was glad to find that i can still do this much.” just as he would make coffee for sandalphon to try, it was something so mundane amidst everything else. lucifer is glad he can still have this privilege alone. 
“i figure, if you like it, i can try and cook for you. to try and ease one thing off you, since you do work a lot.” even though lucifer still frequents his café, he feels he’s found some sort of compromise here when it comes to doing something. lucifer decides to sit, then. “i’m sure you’re tired after work, so it’s the least i can do.”
there’s... something oddly calming about the thought of lucifer going out and buying ingredients to make something for sandalphon specifically? whether to show gratitude or not, he’s grateful that he can do something like this. to lead somewhat of a normal life, that’s — it’s what lucifer deserves, isn’t it? the chance to live.
“I’ve.. missed you making things for me.” if he’s also allowed honesty, ❪ he doesn’t feel like he’s not, ❫ and the amount of thought lucifer’s put in for sandalphon makes him feel.. warm. he’s certain that no matter how it is it tastes, he’ll enjoy it. 
so, he does finally take a forkful of a piece, and he’s not sure what he expects when he takes a bite but... it... tastes familiar. in the way only lucifer could create something, which means that it is good, at least to sandalphon. 
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“Thank you.” 
he smiles softly, but he doesn’t want to continue eating by himself, so he nods to lucifer. “I would greatly enjoy it if  you would continue to cook for me. That is—I do like it. You should try it, too.” being able to share something like this with him, too, feels more than he could ask for. he doesn’t really want to take it for granted; being presented with the opportunity. being able to see lucifer after he’s finished up with the day, too, and spend more time with him.
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primarch · 4 years
“Wait, really?”
He hadn’t expected this person to take that much interest in his dish, which would certainly taste like garbage. This little joke might have gone on a bit too long… Shit.
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“You…. Probably don’t want to do that. I mean, there’s no way this will taste good. It’s, like, I’m going out of my way to make it taste bad. Experimentation or whatever.”
Sure. That’ll do. He doesn’t want to subject this guy’s poor tastebuds to his strange sense of humor.
“Yeah yeah yeah! Only do what you wanna do, man. What are you trying to cook, anyways?”
okay, he’s.. completely lost, now. if there were an avenue of ‘you may be lost’ and ‘you are lost’ and ‘youre so lost you cant tell up from down’ he’d probably be the third. sandalphon’s not good with tones, it seems. understanding subtle jokes? sandalphon? sorry ryuu.
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“I..I see.” he doesn’t. he’s very far away from seeing the point of it. “Is that not a waste of resources..? Or are you still going to eat it?” 
but, as far as what sandalphon is trying to cook, he doesn’t do a lot in the whole.. experimenting, thing. “I’m.. attempting to recreate a dish from the skydoms. There’s many of them that the members of the crew I was—am in enjoyed. They may not all be here, but.. making the dishes helps.” helps him feel less homesick, rather. “Despite adapting to this place, I still wish I were back where I’m needed. It’s a bit of preparation, I suppose. Though I doubt I’ll be doing a lot of cooking whenever it is I am able to return.” 
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primarch · 4 years
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“i’m glad you feel you can share this progress with me.” honestly, there’s still some lingering guilt, but lucifer chooses to push it aside in favour for upholding to his word. since their last emotional talk, lucifer’s feels better trying to do the utmost he can. that, and he is quite proud of this pie ….. “oh, you want to share?” he is hungry. lucifer smiles, wiping at his hands. “alright. i’ll put it on the table here. i don’t mind if you’d want the bigger share, either.” his smile is transparent with what he thinks of this pie.
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sandalphon’s glad, too. there’s.. a lot of time he wants to make up for with lucifer. and he seems proud of this, so he of course wants to try it. even if it turns out to taste anything like when he’d first tried his coffee. he nods again, moving to obtain one of the knives he owns along with a pair of plates and forks, “The bigger piece, huh..” then he cuts it. “I am.. looking forward to trying this. Is it your first time baking, Lucifer-sama?” he would imagine it would be... but they’ve been here awhile. he doesn’t just want to assume. 
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primarch · 4 years
“What do you mean? Are you making some sort of thinly veiled jab at my carefully picked out ingredients? Nah…. You’d never do that.” He says with a short laugh. He considers himself a decent good when he’s actually trying, but there’s something funny about seeing people’s reactions to his strange creations. “Anyways, it’s all about trial and error. Nobody’s born bad at stuff. You’re just new. Like a little baby.”
He looks down at the bag, and back up at him.
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“Nope! I’m very open to new experiences.”
oh, wait, maybe that was kind of rude? sandalphon wouldn't know if it tastes any good, it doesn't sound like it would, but, he could be wrong?
"I... apologize, I'm not very experienced with.. these, kinds of matters. I don't cook often. I'm better equipped with coffee than baking or cooking — so, might I try it?" he'd like to see for himself, mostly. but it could be overstepping..
'new, like a little baby' is... definitely new. he knows the bare minimum about babies to begin with. he's not sure how he feels being compared to one. is he being compared to one...?
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"As far as I'm aware, that's a good trait to have..? ..Maybe. Though I'll experiment with things I'm comfortable with, I'm not as adventurous with those outside of that. You'd know what works better than I would."
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primarch · 4 years
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“Lucifer-sama...” he made him a pie..? sandalphon pensively tilts his head, before smiling and nodding once, “I hadn’t expected anything for that, but... thank you. I felt sharing this space with you would be good for the both of us.” it’s nice to see him, it always is, ❪ he always wants to, ❫ so of course it’d just be safe to say that living with him would be.. nice? “One moment, I’ll grab a knife so we may both try it together.”
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“ah, sandalphon.” lucifer looks quite pleased with himself. “i made something for you, as a thank you for welcoming me into your home. i managed to find a cook book… i have found they are super informative. this is a pie, for you, if you’ll accept it.”
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primarch · 4 years
   “Yeah, pretty much! You get a pumpkin spice latte in the fall, and you feel nice and warm and autumn-y, and people like themed things. It’s the same with Nativity and Hallow’s Eve things, like red hats or bat decorations – you can have them any time you want, but there’s something about keeping those things around just for the occasion, right?”
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“Same with drinks! It’s the theme. If something isn’t year-round, it’ll be popular. …Well, usually.”
“... I see, okay... Indulging in things that follow the theme of the holidays, in other words, puts others into the holiday spirit. I think I understand.”
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“Thank you. I’ll see to it that we stock up on more items for this season. Is there anything in particular you would prefer? ... But, er, in addition to that, may I request your assistance for finding appropriate drinks to serve? Pumpkin..pumpkin spice latte is one, it sounds like.” 
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