primarch-blog · 5 years
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Tacua speciosa is a very large Southeast Asian species of cicada. It is native to Malaysia, Indonesia, Borneo, Sumatra. 
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primarch-blog · 5 years
Chapter Two: Redemption
Despair -- Verdammt floated above the city of Johannesburg. Right next to the Prawns ship. Human Helicopters where flying towards the ship, everyone was on the edge of their seat all around the world, as news helicopters and news vans recorded the historical event. The Ships hangar doors opened as three Thunderhawks dropped as their engines could be heard. Military Jets flew around the large Ship, some flying up the side, they were tiny compared to it. The Military General stared at the incoming thunderhawks...the city had evacuated as there was only Military watching. The Prawns stared at the incoming ships, they were still behind the gates, as they spoke to each other in hushed tones.. The Primarch stared at the area, right behind the pilots. Her gloved hands on their seats as she'd tilted her head. The Humans in this era are backwater. she'd glanced towards the aliens that where behind a barbed wire, how they were hated, she could tell they where hated, and it reminded her of the Holocaust. She'd speak through the headset, pointing towards an opening as the pilots nodded their heads. The Thunderhawks flew over the Military, the large Thrusters hiccuping as only one landed as the other two stayed afloat. The engines turned off, as the door opened. General Khayone was the Military General for the Border of South Africa. He was here for when the Prawns arrived, and how they hurdled the aliens to live in District 9. He was ruthless, He was tactical, and he gave the Yes To the City Resources and Military to start experimenting on the Prawns. When he saw what came out of the Flying Vehicle, he breathed a sigh of relief. A human..but he couldn't be out of the woods yet. He needed to know what she wanted. The Primarch stepped foot on the ground, as she'd looked around. Her eyes staring at everyone, their weapons lowered. She'd  walked forward. Khayone stiffened slightly. Her right side of her face was Daemon looking. She had tattoos of things he had never seen. She was tall too. 8 Foot. He glanced at the flying vehicles, it didn't sit well with him they hadn't stopped their vehicles. Primarch Void walked through the crowd of Soldiers as she'd stand in front of Khayone. They stared at each other. She looked down at him. Tilting her head Void raised an eyebrow. Movement caught her eye as she'd see what the aliens were doing. She'd walked past the Human Male, when Khayone saw where she was going, his Gloved hand grasped her arm, and in turned Stiffened. Void stared ahead, as she'd speak. "My...you backwater humans are Brave.." The Two Thunderhawks unlined their weapons and pointed at the General. The general released her before speaking. "You are human as well. Yet you come from Space in a ship bigger than a city...what are you? what do you want?" Void stared ahead as she'd continue to walk, The general right behind her. "What's your name?" His soldiers stood at attention as he'd walked through them, following the taller female. Void watched as a Human none military was harassing a Prawn, betting he felt power doing that to a frightened animal.General Khayone stopped when he saw he wasn't getting through. Void stopped in front of the Barbed Wire as she'd looked around. She'd looked at the General as she'd speak. "Destroy this fence." The General straightened. "Are you with those aliens? you their protectors? you've come here to exterminate us?" Void tilted her head, her body stature one of Lazy as her hands slid from her back to her hips, as the wind slightly picked up, her straight brown hair moving as she'd speak. "I want this Fence...Torn Down." Her voice commanding. General Khayone growled, his gloved hands on his hips, as his eyes glared. "No." With a wave of her hand, The Thunderhawks Opened Fire upon the Barbed Fence, Dismantling it and destroying it fully. The Act of violence caused the Military Men to aim their weapons, the general taking out his Weapon and aiming at her. Void chuckled. She'd stare at the human. "Do you think that's wise?"Heavy Earth Shaking was felt as Space Marines fell from the ThunderHawks on the side, they Landed, as they'd walked forward, over towering the humans, their weapons aimed as they'd aim them directly at the humans. The Humans started to shake in fear, as they'd watch these massive Soldiers walk toward them. The female Primarch smiled..her eye glowing softly.."You are Brave Humans.." She'd turned around and walked toward the Gun aimed at her head..but as she'd walked forward since she was tall, the gun's muzzle landed on her chest. She'd leaned toward him as she'd grinned. "Let me show you my true colors Humans.."With a Quick Back Hand, she'd grasped his Muzzle, and then spun him around, gripping unto his Neck. The Large General stood at 6'5 feet tall, broad shoulders and muscle. A real Beef cake. But the Primarch was taller, Full of Muscle, and years and years of experiment. His weapon fell unto the ground as she'd pulled the Human closer to her face, his boots leaving the ground as she'd hissed into his ear. "I am here to help these Aliens....Not to befriend you humans.." Captain Magnus could hear this from her mic, he simply stood straight, as his arms where behind him.The Human general was grasping for air, and nodded. Void hummed as she'd slowly sway as she'd continue to speak. "Be a good little Human...and Stand down.." She'd gripped his Neck harder, hissing. "Or I will Wipe this Planet.." She'd grinned. He'd Nod rather quickly and was dropped as he'd coughed, his hand grasping his throat, as he'd glare. "Lower your weapons Soldiers.." The Military did as their told, as they'd watch as the Female walked toward the Prawns as Her Space Marines walked toward her, Pushing humans out of their way. The Human that was hurting a Prawn, went to Hit the alien, when a Hand grasped his wrist. He'd looked behind him, eyes widening when he saw a Space Marine Lift him up like nothing and toss him behind him. The female walked toward the Prawn who crawled backwards..Void smiled and crouched slightly, as her hand was extended. "Don't Despair...Help has come.." Her Nurgle tattoo slowly glowing as she'd smile...The Imperial's Mission was to exterminate all Xenos. Primarch's Void agenda cracked at that Mission. ---- With the Inquisitors.. The Cataclysm appeared in a flash of Light, and Kain was the first one to yell out. "What the fuck!? First we loose communication now we are transferred to some unknown?" The male behind the helmet growled as he'd shout to his Captain. "Get that Warp Ready. We need to get back to the fleet. " His Captain looked at him before speaking. "The Warp is currently offlined. We already have Engineers on it." Kain growled as he'd grip the rails. "How long till that thing is fixed? And where the hell is Scarlon?!" His ear piece was static before a deep voice was sounded. "Calm yer Tits..Kain." The male was known as Scarlon Brandt...the other Inquisitor.Upon the Hologram in front of the Captain, was Comminus Dar, Scarlon's Ship. They were close to each other. Kain sighed a silent Relief before frowning behind his helmet. "Is your Warp offlined as well?" The reply was a grunt. Kain knew his grunts and growls like the back of his hand. "Fixing the warp right now.." Scarlon mumbled as both ships floated in some place in space, unknown --- Back with the Primarch The female was helping a Prawn up as she'd speak. "Don't be afraid...Im here to help you. My name is Primarch..I am chief and Commander of the Hollowed Soldiers.." The Prawn she was helping was known as Christopher, as he'd stand up his full height. Same height as her. His eyes stared at her before speaking. She had a Alien communication in her ear so she understand fully. "You're human.." He'd speak with sadness. "Yes, I am human..but not from this Era.." She'd smile. "You understand me?" He'd blink, his antennas bouncing. "Yes. I understand you..now tell me, why these humans are treating you like dirt." Her eyes glaring as the prawn known as Christopher gulped. "I'll tell you." --- The Primarch was walking out of District 9, as she'd speak into her Mic. "Captain Magnus deploy Storm Troopers to District 9. I want them to Kill all and any Humans who are within the District." The Captain nodded as he'd bark out the orders. The female watched as a small Prawn walked up to her and handed her a can of cat food. She'd crouched and grabbed it. She'd inspect the tin can as she'd speak into the mic again, while rubbing the Prawn's head gently. "Also get some scouts to scout the city, any Cat Food they find, to bring it back to the District." She'd stand up as she'd walked toward the General who was being pushed around as soldiers moved back and fourth. The female showed the cat food to him as she'd speak. "Is this what they eat? Of coarse it is. Open all Fences around District 9 General." The Human was flabbergasted as he'd shout. "No Ma'am. I will not. These Aliens are not welcomed in the city." Void smiled as she'd walked up to him. "Either you open the fences or my ship will obliterate the City." She'd walked past him. "Your Choice."
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primarch-blog · 5 years
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primarch-blog · 5 years
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Rache (Pronouce: Ra-Que)
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primarch-blog · 5 years
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These Photos go with my Fanfiction to give you an Idea of the Story. 
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primarch-blog · 5 years
Fanfiction: Redemption
Chapter One: Mistake  --- Somewhere in Deep Space...  A Fleet of Ships was currently floating in space...the area they had taken to be their temporary Home was spread. The Fleet was currently having a Down Time as their Primarch was choosing another location to set up. Since there was no Home world for them to settle, different locations in space or at times, Planets they have Raided. The fleet included Seven Frigates that were separated a few Miles apart, So their men could do training with their Ships..In front of the Frigates was two Large Ships, known as Battle cruisers. They were side to side, and way up ahead was the Primarch's Ship, a Massive Ship known as the Verdammt,The Battle Barge was crafted towards the Primarch's likability. The front of the Ship had a Large Skull engraved upon it.. Symbols of the The Hollowed Soldiers was to the sides, the ships colors was Black and there was small Markings on Green...behind the ship, where the Thrusters would be, there was two Fenders shaped as Skeleton Hands. The Ship's Weapons were currently powered down, but there was always someone on radar in case of surprise attacks.Each frigate was designed to fit their chapter, and each frigate was sorted with heavy weaponry.Within the Verdammt A woman was walking through a Corridor, as her Boots clapped upon the cold metal surface. Behind her there was two Soldiers known as Storm Troopers, their weapons out and following the female. The female's eyes stared ahead as she'd made her way to the Fortress Monastery, a Large Section within her Ship dedicated to the chief Liberian's Work. She was a Soldier first and foremost but she wasn't stupid when it came to past history, she could use the Library as she used tactical Information. The inside of her ship held mostly the most elites, and the most toys. While those inside her halls knew of her secret, they were Forbidden to speak of her appearance to the other ships. There was no reason for them too, The Primarch was a fair and Just woman, hatred towards her, for them to speak, was just out of the Question. The Ship was Clean inside, Large and filled with Trophies or Medals. Soldiers walked back and fourth and went to do their usual Jobs. The Upper part of the Ship next to the Captain's Quarters was her Rooms and Tactical Comms. In the middle of the Ship was where the Room and Board was. Her Soldiers where important to her, so they were given the area with more Protection, and that was saying something, because the Verdammt was a shielded and well Guarded Ship. She held up to fifty thousand soldiers with fifty commanders. The Fortress of Monastery was in the back of the ship, upper back. Close to the thrusters but it was rather Large with floors and floors for the Chief Liberian. Bottom of the Ship is where most of the Vehicles and Training area's where Located at. The weapons could include from everything to Foot Soldiers weaponry to Heavy Duty, such as Tank Canons or Ship weaponry. Below the weaponry and Room and Board is the Animal Flooring. Where the Horses and other animals are kept for the Military. This area of the Ship is heavily Guarded with extra Thick Shielding and Walls. The Large Skull of the Ship is the Battle Ram, the Ship is needed can Ram into Ships with the Skull.While Verdammt is a German word for Dammed, do not take the ship Lightly. The Primarch has Custom made this Ship to become Death's Knocking. While the Ship is usually in the Back of the Fleet, she can be part of a fight,With Heavy dorsal-mounted bombardment cannons.Each cannon comprises a series of heavyweight batteries, huge turret-mounted linear accelerators that launch salvos of heavy magma bomb warheads.While the original weapons are meant to bombard Planet's Surfaces, The Verdammt are meant for Space Ship Battles and Orbit Bombardment. Under the Ship with the Tank Canons there is also Plasma Weaponry of double Canons that shoot scorching acid towards incoming ships. A hit from the Double Canons can eat through a Fighter Ship in seconds until they rip the Ship entirely.(Think Aliens saliva) Within the Weaponry Compartments, Verdammt does have Virus Bombs and Cyclonic Torpedoes. Another Weaponry that Verdammt has is she'd specifically Designed to use a custom Made Turrets above her. The Upper part of the Ship is lined with turrets to do incoming damage to any poor Sod who wants to get to close. The Middle of ship is Littered with Canons and Turrets making Verdammt one of the heaviest and deadliest Ships in the Fleet. Primarch Void also made sure she was shielded. The Verdammt has a total of 8 Shields. Each Shield comes online depending on the severity of the fight, or the Warp. The First Shield is always online, and blocks heavy arsenal damage, The other shields will automatically turn on when the Ship Detects There is more enemies. Upon the Verdammt, there is an Artificial Intelligence that help's run the Ship. The Captain Runs the Ship, The AI helps the process.A gift from the Adeptus Mechanics cult. Primarch Void does not discriminate upon making friends with those who wish to be Machinery. The AI is fully under control and no rebellion has been sought. His name is Rache. Another German Name. Meaning Vengeance.He takes the form of a Servo Skull when he isn't controlling the Ship. Rache (Pronouce: Ra-Que) Rache has a personality that intrigues the Primarch. He's Stubborn and Insulting. He'll talk to you depending on how you speak to him. He Mocks and Sighs a lot. While he may be a Disrespecting Artificial Intelligence, He does as he is ordered or he makes sure the Ship is never in true Danger.The Servo Skull can be at times floating around the chief Liberian, and or Primarch. He doesn't stay in one place to long, always floating around and inspecting.--The Primarch had finally arrived to the Fortress Monastery, Two Space Marines were Guarding the Large Doors, they'd salute to her and open the Doors as she'd walked in. Servo skulls where Flying around everywhere Holding Large Books, Scrolls. She'd looked behind her and simply nodded her head, her Storm Troopers nodding and leaving the area. She'd looked around the Library, her eyes searching the area. Within the Library it was Large, Light and busy. Servo Skulls whizzed by and down and right holding information, Some struggled with the Weight of the Literature Books. The female walked forward, as she'd glanced to the side to see a Large Figure walking towards her. The Chief Liberian, the only One currently Living within the Library. His name was Crudus. Wearing the Armor of the Liberian, he was currently holding a few large Books before stopping and seeing the female. "Ah, Primarch. What a Delight to see you here."   "I came because I am in need of some insight.." She'd rock on her heels as she'd watch him walk past her. The Skulls above his head watching her as he'd set the large Books on the table. He'd turned to her as he'd sit upon his Throne, as he'd opened a few scrolls. "What is it, I may Help you with?" The female cracked a grin as she'd leaned on the table. "What solar system shall we invade next? I need to get resources for the ships and we are currently in a Jam.." She'd mumbled. The male blinked before thinking. "I can search Planets that have little to no life forms on them."The female was playing with the gold chains on her Belt as she'd nod. "That sounds excellent..but do find some life forms...my men are itching for a fight.." She'd stand up as she'd start her walk back to the Tactical Com. Crudus tilted his head and spoke. "Is this all you wanted? Why not just order  through the coms?" She'd walked toward the opened doors as she'd spun around before shrugging. "Im bored! Plus nothing wrong with some Exercise." She'd chuckle as she'd walked out of the Library, her Storm Troopers following. Crudus face palmed. Within the Tactical Com  The officers of the Verdammt where currently keeping check on their Radar, when the radar started to glitch. Alarmed they Called upon their Captain, which was Named Magnus. He was Captain of the Verdammt and was rather Good friends with the Primarch. Magnus walked over and looked upon the Radar. Frowning the scarred Man, ordered for shields to be placed and All Weaponry to online. The Tactical Room filled with noise as Soldiers and officers got prepped. Communication officers com'd their comrades. The Chapter Master's Frigates had also gotten their Radar's to glitch. The Inquisitors were quiet, they couldn't get communication with the rest of the Fleet. Now most of the fleet was aware and on their Toes. Maybe it was just a Glitch and nothing more? Magnus knew better. He knew to trust his Gut. The Alarm went out as Primarch Void walked through the doors, she'd saw officers walking back and fourth and Magnus stood in the heat of it all. "What's wrong Magnus?" The male turned as he'd grunt. "Primarch, the Radar is glitching. We've lost communication with both the Inquisitors Ships, and the radar's are also malfunctioning with the frigates." Void raised an eyebrow as she'd walked to her Throne, the Tactical Com Room was a place for Both Primarch and Captain.. The female walked forward as she'd glanced to the radars. She'd kept her Mouth shut, and placed both her hands behind her back. Magnus walked across the platform and barked out orders. "How long has this been happening now?" An officer looked up at him. "Five Minutes Now Sir." Magnus frowned and ordered once again. "Keep Shields up." Another soldier replied with a "Yessir"While in the Inquisitors Ships, Both of them where out of the Loop. Their Communications were in Dissray and they didn't know why. They had their Ships on the Ready, and Soldiers were ready to be deployed. Then the unexpected happened. Both their Ships started to Glow. The Inquisitors were barking out orders confused, Before a White Flash appeared and they where Gone. Without missing a beat, the Verdammt also started to Glow, before a white Flash happened and they where Gone.The Seven frigates stared as their Leaders simply vanished, before they scrambled. -------- Verdammt like a click of a pen, reappeared in Space, but different era and area. The Ship was in alarm, as Primarch was currently on her ass, rubbing her head as Magnus released the rails before walking to her, and pulling her back on her feet. "I know what happened." Their Ship was currently in front of a Planet, Blue with water and what looked like cities. The Ship had reappeared above earth, and small little explosions could be heard as Satellites that floated around the planet would slowly smash into the exterior of the ship, doing no damage. Primarch stood up fully and leaned unto the Rail. "Where the hell are we?" Magnus barked out again this time to Rache. "Rache, where the hell are we!?"A servo skull appeared floating around before he'd float in front of the Captain. "We seem to be in the Solar System...which would explain Earth...But my data isn't receiving anything from our home world." Void leaned unto the Rail as her eyes stared at the planet. "I don't think that's our planet Captain." Magnus glanced at her, before crossing his arms. "The Planet doesn't have the Imperial Navy hovering around the planet, and a planet that's not guarded...I doubt where in the Era we are from.." Magnus huffed. "What universe then.." The female went back to her Throne and sat down as she'd crossed her legs..."Let's go find out." She'd glanced slightly to the right, seeing the Planet's Hologram. "There's Something big in this Region. Let's go see." Magnus nodded and barked again. "Bring the Ship upon this Region." --- The Planet they were currently arriving too was Earth...the Year for them was 1982 and they would be in for a surprise. Those in South Africa watched in Fear and Awe as the Shadow of a Large Ship Slowly entered Earth. The Satellites that crashed unto the exteriors of the ship had alerted NASA and other space programs of something large arriving.Other regions of Earth saw the Ship slowly Descending, but upon South Africa, the ones who where really in awe was an alien species who had stopped doing what they were doing, as they'd watch the Massive ship split the clouds apart and slowly lower.They didn't know of the Ship's Design and they knew it wasn't human. Human's hadn't gotten to the point of space travel. Could it be friends here to help, or worse...come to terminate. The entire South Region watched as they'd lower towards their Own Space Ship that was stationed over the city. The Ship Massive compared to their own Ship.Humans military had started to immobilize towards the ship. Where they friendly? Where they here to terrorize? Now humans had to deal with something other than the Prawns.The Verdammt kept on lowering, as the female inside the tactical center watched as they'd get closer to the other Ship floating in mid air. It was rather small compared to hers..Half of her ship was still in the clouds.. She'd stand up as she'd walked to the ships hologram in front of her, as she'd watched the cameras. Humans. Humans lived here, as they stared upon her ship, but another species lived here as well. Her cameras capturing close ups as she'd watched these aliens watch Verdammt. She took note of their living conditions and how they coward in fear.Finally after a few minutes Verdammt settled in and Hovered to the side of the other Ship. Here humans and Prawns watched in awe at the Massive Ship. The Military taking notice of the weaponry. Primarch Void clapped her hands as she'd walked down the steps as she'd smiled, clapping Magnus on the shoulder. "While you figure out what warped us here, and how to get us back, I am going to go explore this new land." She'd grin, her eyes glowing softly. Magnus stared ahead and nodded. "As you wish Primarch." Void turned away and started her walk as she'd speak to Rache who floated behind her. "Get the Death Korps ready, I want a Thunder-hawk ready once I arrive." Rache answered with a affirmative, before his voice sounded through the ship.In the city of Johannesburg of South Africa Military was immobilizing.. Helicopters and Tanks were preparing..Humans ran around the city trying to get to safety. Void was currently making her way to the Hangar, as Marching Boots could be heard in the Distance, as Death Korps of Krieg were preparing.  "Lets see what we have here.."
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primarch-blog · 5 years
Notes TO Self...
The Fleet of The Hollowed Soldiers Consists of One Battle Barge Ship, being the Primarch's. Two Battle Cruisers belonging to the Two Inquisitors. Seven Frigates for each Individual Chapter Master.Each Ship is Symbolized with Two Markers. The Hollowed Soldiers Logo and Their Own chapter Logo.Except for the Battle Barge, That will have the THS Logo.Warp Tech is allowed.The Battle Barge will be called VerdammtCrudus will be on the Verdammt with the Primarch.Death Corps of Krieg will be in the Verdammt. They will be on Foot with the Primarch. They are Her Private Military. Upon the Verdammt there will be Four Knights Hollowed Knights are what they are called. They're are Four of them Upon The VerDammt. Colored Dark Green with Neon fire Eyes. They Shoot Green Plasma. Only Inquisitors and Chief Liberian Know's of the Primarch's Corruption. As well as those from Her Ship Only. Rest of Legion only see's her in Her Armor for Public Openings.Upon the Death Corps that the Primarch Has, She has as follows. Tunnel Rats. Engineers Riders Quartermasters aka Medics The Death Korps of krieg is strictly Under  Primarch's rule. They Know about her Corruption. Chief Liberian, Will serve upon the Verdammt. He will have his Section of the Ship to be only Library. Close Advisor as well.Play's an important Role in the Fanfiction, For Primarch and Him will be Placed in a Old Age Universe, where she will need his Help.Inquisitors will be Separated as well from the Fleet, Upon Arriving to each Location their Warp Travel will be destroyed, they will need to fix it.Chapter Masters will be Scrambled upon noticing that their Leaders have been Split apart, That's when enemy attacks,the fight starts.
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primarch-blog · 5 years
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Edit version of Primarch’s Ship. VerDammt. 
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primarch-blog · 5 years
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Edit version is Green, Original Is above. Just something I’m doing for a Fanfiction Cross Over.
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primarch-blog · 5 years
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primarch-blog · 5 years
What is Clinically Depressed?
Clinically Depressed means there’s no running from it...it means that no matter how many times you tell yourself that your happy, in the back of your mind, something will trigger.  It’s when you try to do something positive, only to feel like you’re useless.  It’s when someone compliments you, and instead you start to cry.  It’s when a small fight, turns into a big one.. It’s when the thought of suicide appears in your mind.  It’s when crying doesn’t even help.  It’s feeling weak for things that doesn’t require strength. I could be happy for an hour, and then a song, a word, a slang, turns my world into a Nightmare. And no matter how many times I try to tell myself I am okay, in the back of my mind, there’s that shadow of self Doubt.. She’s not pretty, Her voice is ugly. Her life is miserable. Get a Job. Your always Sick. You PESTER to Much. You are WORTHLESS.  you would make everyone happier if you died. Being Clinically Depressed doesn’t mean your extra Special, that you have a worse Depression than the other person. It just means, that while others can over come their Depression, you CAN never overcome yours. 
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primarch-blog · 5 years
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primarch-blog · 5 years
She’d shake her head. “I am usually...not out of my ship..” She’d put her hand back behind her.  “Just not use to communication outside of my comfort zone.” She’d chuckled nervously. 
*little Heart*
“uh ma’am, is there something I can help you with?”
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primarch-blog · 5 years
She’d stop before leaving as she’d turn slightly. Blinking; smiling she’d pressed her gloved palm against his own and shook his hand.  “That’s something I guess..” Her eyes on his own. 
*little Heart*
“uh ma’am, is there something I can help you with?”
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primarch-blog · 5 years
She’d sigh as she’d shrug her shoulders. “I suppose a Hug but that would be...awkward..”  Looking at her boots she’d walked off...”Just saying Hello, yes?” 
*little Heart*
“uh ma’am, is there something I can help you with?”
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primarch-blog · 5 years
She’d smile rather warmly to him, she’d poked her head from his right as she’d tilted her head, her hair pooling below her.  “Hello Tempestor Sharaf.How are you?” She’d chuckled. 
*little Heart*
“uh ma’am, is there something I can help you with?”
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primarch-blog · 5 years
Role Play?
I am a 28 Year old female who is currently Learning about 40k  I’ve made an OC based on the Rank on my Clan. My Clan is Descendants of the Legion of the Damned. I do Semi Para and Paragraphed For serious Role Play, My Lore is Non cannon. All Fanfiction I do is based on research. I don’t mind Reblog Posts or Private Messaging for RP. If you prefer Discord, That’s Cool too. I don’t mind Romance, but there has to be a Build Up.  What my Muse Likes in Romance  Height: Gotta be taller than my Muse.  Personality: Anger Issues? Ohhh...Please do.  That’s her two favorite Things.  I also do Transformers RP.  For information on that please DM. 
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