primeravera1990457 · 9 months
A Yunjae Analysis, Part 1
Hello everyone,
I'm new here, so, I don't really no the functioning of Tumblr.
To introduce myself, I'll say that I discover a few month ago the DBSK group, Alias TVXQ! And after, I discover the mytic couple of the group "Yunjae", or JAEHO, that was their first appelation. I don't know why, but I became a real fan of this couple.
Maybe because both Yunho and Jaejoong were the cutest people in the world?  honestly, when I see these photos again at the time of TVXQ5, I don’t think exaggerate so much by saying that they were the cutest in the world!
Look at this adorable face that Jaejoong had: (look here, here , here and here, here). Yeah guys, you're not dreaming! He was real! I think that in the "cute" genre, we can’t do better!  And Yunho, do we talk about him? Wasn’t he too cuuuuute there and there, there, there, there, and here , here, and here ?
It’s certain, their beauty is no stranger to the fact that I was really into this couple, more than the others couple of kpop. More ever, I find Yunjae was more real than the other couple of Kpop.  
Besides the beauty of this couple, it was also their demonstration of love that moved me. Watching the old DBSK videos and watching Yunjae, I felt even more transported than watching a romantic drama. These two really made me dream.
In this post, I would like to talk about the relationship between Jaejoong and Yunho just before the group DBSK split. In previous years, there have long been debates about whether Yunjae was «real» or «not real». What does it mean? «Real» means that they were in a couple, or at least, in love. For me, it is obvious that they were at least in love. But I also believe they were a couple.
After browsing hundreds of videos of Yunjae, I don't think I am wrong in saying that they were really in a relationship, and not only in love (at least, during the period before the separation of the group, so until 2009).
So, what made me think they were in love, and not just friends? If I had to go from the most obvious to the least obvious, I would say that what betrayed the love they had for each other the most were first, the gestures of lovers (back hug, holding hand). All this is more like a couple of lovers than a couple of friends. Just looking at these images, it should be enough to say that they were in love. There were many others clues on the net that shows us they were in love, but i’m too lazy to show all the proofs.
Of course, before they were a couple, they were first in love. When did it start? Cassopia said it was probably after Yunho was poisoned, so maybe in 2006. But personaly, I think that it was earlier when their feelings began to be born. Here, here, and here, we can see Yunho hugging Jaejoong and here, you can see how yunho’s hugs affect Jaejoong. He says Yunho’s hug trouble him (it gives him butterflies in the stomach!) I think in that moment, they have feelings for each other, but neither of them dared make the first step to confess their feelings. Considering the colors of Jaejoong hair, I think it was in 2004 or 2005
During the making of Dangerous love (in 2005), Jaejoong still showed how troubled he was when Yunho touched him. You can see that here. He said : " I fell like i'm actually this person (his character) I think I becoming a woman" "When Yunho touch me...Might I say it ?" Jaejoong don't finish his sentence, but we can guess what he was going to say. He said he feels like a girl, because at that time, he thought that only girl may be physically troubled by a man, because a man shouldn't have this kind of feeling for another man.
After, when he said "When Yunho touch me...Might I say it ?" He doesn't finish his sentence, but if he did, he would say : "When Yunho touch me, my heart is pounding right now", or something like this...
I find him so cute here ! he looks like a teenager discovering his sexuality. He seems so confused about it. And there is many others moments in this video when you can see Jaejoong troubled by Yunho.
After filming, Yunho said in a show that after dangerous love, they "don’t speak to each other for 4 days because they blushed every time they saw each other". That confirm to me that they have feelings for each other at this time.
I think It was shortly after that Yunho confess his feelings to Jaejoong. What makes me think it’s Yunho that confessed his feelings, and not Jaejoong ? It’ s this video. Look also the attitude of Changmin and Junsu…so yeah, for me, it was Yunho who had make the first step, and between us, it shouldn’t have been very complicated, considering how Jaejoong was smitten with Yunho. You don’t believe me ? So, look at this. He clearly drools on him.
I think I showed that Yunjae were more than friends : around 2005, they were probably in love with each other.
Because I didn’t want to be too long, I would post next time the second part showing how Yunjae was may be also a real couple.
in the meantime, if you have any questions, or if you want discuss about them, ask me.
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